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93 Worksheet Series – Support System Management
19/09/2016 Duração: 18minThis month’s theme is Support System Management and you can get the worksheet at Follow along with your free Support System Worksheet as I answer the following questions Who's in your inner circle? Who's in your outer circle? Who's in your no longer circle? Who's in my never/never again circle? Mentioned in this episode: Three types of Soul Mates from Wellth by Jason Wachob of MindBodyGreen The one you aren’t meant to be with The one who allows you to be your true self and who stays with you forever The one who is a platonic friend with whom you are always connected to and feel you can share your innermost thoughts and emotions The sister episode to this one is Episode 89 Worksheet Series - Self-Care Management SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 235 When You've Set a Boundary Epi
92 Audio Blog – What to do When Self Care Seems Impossible
17/09/2016 Duração: 15minThis month's theme is Self-Care and you can get the worksheet at An injury, heavy work schedule, caring for an aging parent, overcommited... We've all found ourselves in seasons of burnout. Or times when self-care seems impossible. But it's not. The two takeaways from this episode are Own It: instead of "I have" to or "I gotta," say "I choose" Lowest Hanging: reach for the lowest hanging fruit of self-care The sister episode to this one is Episode 237 I am Loving and Showing for Myself SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 256 Affirmations for Self-Love Playlist Episode 103 I Will Love And Care for Myself Episode 101 I Approve of Myself LOOK WHO LOVES AFFIRMATION POD!!
91 Audio Blog – Self Care for Giveaholics and Helpaholics
16/09/2016 Duração: 13minThis month's theme is Self-Care and you can get the worksheet at I've shared before that I'm a recovering workaholic and perfectionist, but in this episode I share for the first time how I'm a recovering Giveaholic and Helpaholic and the impulses I still struggle with. I also give you a self-care strategy for recovering giveaholics and helpaholics to love and care for themselves again. The sister episode to this one is Episode 151 Setting Boundaries SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 156 Inner Critic and Inner BFF Episode 155 Self Respect Episode 103 I Will Love And Care for Myself REVIEWS
90 Guided Reflection – Permission, Priority and Persistence for Self Care
16/09/2016 Duração: 10minThis month's theme is Self-Care and you can get the worksheet at In this episode, I focus on the topic of PERMISSION as it relates to self-care and lead you through the following questions: Where have you already given yourself permission to take care of yourself? Where in your life do you need to give yourself permission to take care of yourself? Where in your life is self-care already a priority? Where in your life do want to make self-care a priority? Where in your life have you already been persistent and consistent with self-care? Where in your life do you want to become persistent and consistent with self-care? The sister episode to this one is Episode 256 Affirmations for Self-Love Playlist SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 151 Setting Boundaries Episode 146 Not Who I Used to Be E
89 Worksheet Series – Self-Care Management
15/09/2016 Duração: 11minThe Self-Care Management Worksheet This month's theme is Self-Care and you can get the worksheet at Follow along with your free Self-Care Worksheet I share my best self-care strategies that take less than 20 seconds less than 20 minutes less than an hour more than an hour Mentioned in this episode The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate Episode 56: Actionable Tip - Dance The sister episode to this one is Episode 93 Worksheet Series - Support System Management SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 159 Motivation for a New Beginning Episode 151 Setting Boundaries Episode 146 Not Who I Used to Be Episode 105 Managing Regret Mode LOOK WHO LOVES AFFIRMATION POD!!
88 Guided Visualization With Music – Stress Management
21/08/2016 Duração: 19minThis month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at Thanks for listening to Affirmation Pod! I've been listening to you too. Many of you love episode 85 which is the Guided Visualization for Stress Management BUT you would love it even more if it had music in the background. Well, here you go - this is an alternate version with music. Now let's transform our stress management strategies together! The sister episode to this one is Episode 216 Maintaining Self-Care During Stressful Times SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 276 Feeling Overworked Episode 195 Getting Out of a Bad Mood Episode 185 Patient with the Process Episode 153 Dealing With It LISTENER LOVE ❤️ "I feel so good this morning because I’m getting back to a routine. I found Affirmation Pod that I liste
87 Audio Blog – Stress Prevention and Reduction
08/08/2016 Duração: 20minThis month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at There've been times I've told myself "let's not wait until stress builds up and things go dramatically wrong before making a change." I don't need to remind us - or maybe I do? - that stress ages us, it puts us more prone to illness or disease. We don't sleep as well, we don't think as clearly. For me, it shows up in how I talk, my facial expressions, on my skin etc. So in this audio blog episode, I share how I've taken action by doing things to reduce and prevent stress in me and in my life. The ones I highlight are: Made bold decisions, a recent one is I quit my job Give myself wiggle room, I am really careful not to overschedule and overcommit myself Put money into stress reduction, I purchased food warmers for hosting and entertaining Betty Crocker BC-1586CY Buffet Server MaxiMatic EWM-9933 Elite Platinum 3-Tray 2-1/2-Quart Buffet Server, Stainless Please note: next month's worksheet is th
86 Affirmations When Stressed Out
07/08/2016 Duração: 11minThis month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at Since these are affirmations for when you're feeling stressed out, I got into them pretty quickly. Hey reaction, it’s time to stop Hey negative thoughts, I’m putting on the brakes Hey anger, I hear you, and you can sit down now The stressor ain’t going to change because I’m freaking out Hey nervous system, I am choosing calm over stressing out right now I don’t care what time of day it is, I am restarting my day It’s time to reset my nervous system... Affirmations by Josie Ong The sister episode to this one is Episode 216 Maintaining Self-Care During Stressful Times SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 276 Feeling Overworked Episode 195 Getting Out of a Bad Mood Episode 185 Patient with the Process Episode 153 D
85 Guided Visualization No Music – Stress Management Visualization
07/08/2016 Duração: 21minThis month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at Today's episode ties in the last two episodes: episode 83 on Stress Management Strategies and episode 84 on What are your Stressors? If you're looking for the vershion that has music, go to Please note: today's episode requires the mental and emotional resources to look at your stressors. I strongly recommend ensuring you are in a good time, place and space for this. This guided visualization walks you through applying your stress management strategies before, during and after experiencing a stressor in your life. 5 Tips for this episode Continue your deep breathing throughout the 20 minute episode Stop at anytime if you feel overwhelmed and practice an alternate form of self-care Pause at anytime if you're not quite ready for the next part Utilize this episode for empowering yourself Utilize this episode for disempowering the stressor Please note: next mo
84 Actionable Tip – What are your Stressors?
07/08/2016 Duração: 18minThis month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at This episode is NOT about Life Transitions and Significant Events - Resource mentioned Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale Anxiety and Panic - Resource mentioned The Anxiety Podcast The Productive kind of stress - Resource mentioned Trello This episode is about daily situational and relational stressors What stresses people out is different. For you, it may be when driving - drivers who cut you off, or don’t signal or simply being traffic can be a stressor. We just did a month on Money Management and the topic of personal finances may stress you out. What are the stressors in your life? If you're not clear on the stressors, think of what you tend to vent about. What are the stories you tell yourself? What stories or assumptions do you tell yourself? How do you fill in the blanks related to the stressor? What’s the root of my stress? When and where did you learn this response? Please note: next month's worksheet
83 Worksheet Series – Stress Management Worksheet
07/08/2016 Duração: 13minThis month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at Complete this sentence: When I feel stressed, I ______________. For me, I get b*tchy and cranky. That doesn't paint a nice picture of me but it's true. Like when I don't get enough sleep, I am at high risk of b*tchy city. Some clients have shared with me that when they feel stressed, they eat. Then it becomes a nasty cycle because they eat because they're unhappy and then they're unhappy because they overeat - ugh! This episode's worksheet gives you the chance to brainstorm and develop better ways to manage stress. By this I mean stuff that doesn't add to your stress or create more stress. Ready to fill out your Stress Management Worksheet? Please note: next month's worksheet is the Self-Care Worksheet. In your answers for the Stress Management Worksheet, think intervention meaning what to do when stress happens. Save your prevention strategies for the Self-Care Worksheet. The sister episode to this one is
82 Actionable Tip – Shiny Object Syndrome
07/08/2016 Duração: 15minThis month’s theme is Money Management and you can get the free worksheet at Let's break down some different types of Shiny Object Syndrome. There's Shiny Projects Shiny Vacations Shiny Books and Magazines Shiny Shoes and Purses Shiny Name Brands Shiny Jewellry Shiny Conferences Shiny Restaurants Shiny Cars and Watches Shiny Houses and Neighborhoods And even Shiny Spouses! What's "shiny" is different for everyone. My shiny object is high end kitchen appliances and supplies. For me, Williams-Sonoma is full of shiny objects! For you it might be a particular breed of dog or a specific mountain bike or a certain vacation home in a certain spot. Here's three things to remember next time you face a shiny object: Compare How does this shiny object compare to what I already have Is there anything wrong with what you have right now? Does it meet your needs? Have you given it enough time to run it's course? What makes the shiny object so intriguing? Count Count the cost of thi
81 Actionable Tip – Emotional Meaning of Money
06/08/2016 Duração: 12minThis month’s theme is Money Management and you can get the free worksheet at Stress Happiness Power Arguments Shopping Freedom Evil Car payment Security Retirement Ugh These are some of the answers to "What immediately comes to mind when you hear the word money?" when I've led workshops on the Emotional Meaning of Money. 1. What comes to mind for you? Your core beliefs translate into reality when it comes to money. It's definitely worth a look at what you believe about money for a financial health and wellness check. Some other reflection questions: 2. What were you taught about money? 3. Where do your beliefs around money come from? 4. What does your relationship with money look like? 5. How do you feel about your relationship with money? 6. What does a healthy relationship with money look like? Some clients have tapped into their emotions around spending and the awareness led to some shifts and changes which led to financial health and strong debt management skills. Last
80 Audio Blog – My Spending Style
05/08/2016 Duração: 14minThis month’s theme is Money Management and you can get the free worksheet at Here's an audio blog episode where I share stories and reflections on being a saver and financial management strategies my husband uses as a spender. I totally encourage you to think of ways you can tweak your spending system based on your values and goals! The sister episode to this one is Episode 75 Worksheet Series - Time Management Worksheet SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 269 I Really Am Enough Episode 208 I Choose Health and I am Worthy and Deserving of Health Episode 148 I Am Enough Episode 98 You are Worthy and Deserving LOOK WHO LOVES AFFIRMATION POD!!
79 Worksheet Series – Money Management Worksheet
05/08/2016 Duração: 12minThis month’s theme is Money Management and you can get the free worksheet at In this episode, I share the last 10 ways I spent money and what it says about me. These include how much my monthly smart phone bill is, where I buy my groceries from and whether or not I pay my credit cards in full. The sister episode to this one is Episode 75 Worksheet Series - Time Management Worksheet SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 159 Motivation for a New Beginning Episode 151 Setting Boundaries Episode 146 Not Who I Used to Be Episode 105 Managing Regret Mode LOOK WHO LOVES AFFIRMATION POD!!
[Rebroadcast] Affirmations – Money Management
04/08/2016 Duração: 03minYou can get the free worksheet at Affirmations for Money Management Money has many different meanings. Here are some of mine. Money doesn’t bind me. Money frees me. I exercise wisdom in every financial decision I make. I’m aware of how I’m spending, saving, investing and donating my money... Affirmations by Josie Ong The sister episode to this one is Episode 161 Getting Financially Organized SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 159 Motivation for a New Beginning Episode 151 Setting Boundaries Episode 146 Not Who I Used to Be Episode 105 Managing Regret Mode LISTENER LOVE ❤️ "I feel so good this morning because I’m getting back to a routine. I found Affirmation Pod that I listen to and it’s really relaxing." - Jen Stancill "Can’t get enough of Affirmation Pod. Thank you Jos
[Rebroadcast] Affirmations – Time Management
04/08/2016 Duração: 03minThis month’s theme is Time Management and you can get the free worksheet at Originally published in December 2013 when I was producing Affirmations for Healthy Living, these Affirmations for Time Management still stand true. Distractions be gone… I am my time manager. Every day is structured and organized for best productivity. I do not live pressured or behind. I live proactively and efficiently. I know when to be in the moment and I know when to look ahead and make preparations. I monitor my time. I am aware of the best investments of my time. I recognize the optimal ways to use my 24 hours per day, 168 hours per week... Affirmations by Josie Ong The sister episode to this one is Episode 77 Actionable Tip - Attention Management SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Check Out More Top Episodes! Episode 203 Affirmations for Su
78 Attention Management Affirmations
03/08/2016 Duração: 05minAttention Management Affirmations This month’s theme is Time Management and you can get the free worksheet at I create a time and space now to reflect on where I place my attention I tune in to my attention management skills, choices and behaviours Keeping in mind this isn’t a time to judge myself or beat myself up Knowing we all struggle with when to say yes and when to say no to ourselves Discipline, intention and clarity are all a work in progress for us I remember I can do more than one thing at a time but my brain can only focus on one thing at a time I place a high value on where my attention goes I pay attention to my attention... Affirmations by Josie Ong The sister episode to this one is Episode 77 Actionable Tip - Attention Management SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 23
77 Actionable Tip – Attention Management
02/05/2016 Duração: 14minThis month’s theme is Time Management and you can get the free worksheet at Three Tips for Attention Management 1. Pay attention to your attention 2. Invest your attention on things with the highest return for you 3. Be clear on the experiences you are looking for "My experience is what I agree to attend to." - William James The sister episode to this one is Episode 76 Actionable Tip - Time Savers SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 235 When You've Set a Boundary Episode 151 Setting Boundaries Episode 146 Not Who I Used to Be Episode 105 Managing Regret Mode HERE'S WHAT LISTENERS ARE SAYING
76 Actionable Tip – Time Savers
30/04/2016 Duração: 11minThis month’s theme is Time Management and you can get the free worksheet at What gets measured, gets managed. Before we apply ways to save time, it can totally help to first measure your time...cuz we often don't accurately recall how much time we spend on any given task. 3 ways I measure time 1. A short timer 2. A long timer 3. Rescue Time Now for my time savers! 1. Voice to text 2. Keyboard Shortcuts 3. Getting a Jumpstart The sister episode to this one is Episode 75 Worksheet Series - Time Management Worksheet SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at Want More Episodes Like this One? Episode 276 Feeling Overworked Episode 195 Getting Out of a Bad Mood Episode 185 Patient with the Process Episode 153 Dealing With It LOOK WHO LOVES AFFIRMATION POD!!