Good Life Project || Inspiration | Motivation | Happiness | Meaning | Success

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 955:03:01
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Inspiring People, Stories, Interviews and Insights


  • The Curse of Success and How to Avoid It

    10/09/2014 Duração: 05min

    The odd thing about success. It often breeds failure.An interesting thing happens when you start with nothing, work like crazy, take big creative risks that pay off and then end up on top of the world. You discover that the fall from the top of the world hurts a whole lot more than the fall from the street-corner. And you don't want to take that fall.You had nothing to lose in the beginning, but now you do. So, you stop doing the very thing that got you where you are. You operate from a place of loss-avoidance and negative-creativity.This is what we're talking about on today's GLP Jam Session. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Jesse Kornbluth: Curating Culture And Creating A Life

    04/09/2014 Duração: 40min

    Jesse Kornbluth is a force. Engaging, smart and deeply-invested in exploring life, ideas, people and art. Not just the art you hang on the wall, but the art of living. Full contact. Totally engaged. Life.If you ask him what he does, he may tell you he founded But that's really just a label that makes starting a conversation easier.In truth, he devours existence, curates conversations, experiences and media, filters them through the lens of his intellect and emotion, then shares them with the world. The form his creative output takes spans nearly every medium and has landed him on nearly every media channel over a career defined by ruthless honestly, relentless service and pursuit of something bigger than "just" a paycheck.In this wide-ranging, provocative conversation, Jesse and I dive into his fascinating life (I was about to use the word "journey," but in the episode, you'll see why I may never use that word again, lol). We explore creativity, greatness, community, scaling, fascination, writ

  • Little Moments That Awaken Your Humanity

    27/08/2014 Duração: 03min

    A few years back, sitting down with Brene Brown, I asked what living a good life meant to her. Her answer was that it was about acknowledging and exalting the little moments that so many of us steamroll over in the mad rush to get to the bigger moments.I know what she means. I've experienced so many small moments of grace that have added up to bigger moments of awakening.One happened a number of years back. It took only seconds but left a huge imprint on me. And the way I look at others.I share that story in today's short and sweet episode of our August Summer Jam Sessions series. Enjoy See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Embrace The Thrash

    21/08/2014 Duração: 05min

    Every long-term creative endeavor requires you to cycle into "The Thrash."That window where everything you thought you knew gets thrown into the wind, everything certain becomes uncertain and the way you contribute to your art, business, career and life are all up for grabs.It's not about floundering or wallowing, it's about owning the fact that you've been going sideways for a while and it's time to step into that space that sets you up for the next big evolutionary step. Even if it scares the daylights out of you.The other side of The Thrash is possibility, growth and power. But, all too often, you can't see that until you're through it.How you handle this cyclic creative rite of passage determines whether you get to the next level, what it looks like and how much ease you experience along the way.That's what we're talking about in the third episode in our August Summer Jam Series. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Can You Feel a Maker’s Heart Through Their Art?

    13/08/2014 Duração: 03min

    Have you ever picked up, looked at or listened to something so beautiful, it left you in a state of awe? And then thought… I wonder what the person who made it is like? Is what I’m looking at just an extension of their heart and soul? And, if that soul is dark, will you […]The post Can You Feel a Maker’s Heart Through Their Art? appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Less Show, More Soul.

    07/08/2014 Duração: 04min

    So, we're having a bit of fun in August, calling it the "GLP Summer Jam."Instead of our longer interviews this month, we're doing a full month of short and sweet visual essay jam sessions. It's a great way to get you thinking about bigger questions as you shift your energy down a bit, slow down and take some time to explore the bigger ideas that'll let you set up the second half of the year with a sense of greater purpose and alignment.Plus this 2 to 5-minute format is perfect for viewing on vacation or on the go!First up is a visual essay version of something I wrote a while back entitled "Less Show, More Soul." It'll take you on a quick journey to the Mexican Riviera and a big lesson I learned in a very public way. One that I still explore on a regular basis. It's about coming from a place of integrity and service, rather than posturing and theater.Big takeaway...An audience stays as long as you perform. A community stays as long as you serve. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Be Your Own Guru

    30/07/2014 Duração: 05min

    What if the person you were looking for, the one with all the answers, the one who could help you feel better and give you direction spend so much of life looking for someone to give us permission to live. To tell us what the right path is or verify that we're on it. Someone to give us permission to be ourselves and take action aligned with our essence.We just want someone to tell us it's all going to be okay. A teacher. A guru.Teachers, guides, mentors, they've all got value, but what about you?That's what we're talking about in today's GLP Jam Session. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Eve Branson: The Adventurous Life

    24/07/2014 Duração: 33min

    You may recognize the last name of today's guest.Yes, Eve Branson is the mom of legendary entrepreneur, Virgin founder and adventurer, Richard Branson. But she's also very much a force of nature in her own right. In fact, it's easy to see where Richard got his legendary sense of possibility and adventure from.Eve is a multi-time entrepreneur, former ballet dancer, military gliding instructor for the Women's Royal Naval Services or WRENS during World War II, flight-attendant, mom of three kids, philanthropist and founder of the Eve Branson Foundation and now author of a new book called Mum's the Word: The High-Flying Adventures of Eve Branson.I recently had a chance to sit down with Eve to explore her remarkable journey. The conversation ranged from how both her and Richard turned dyslexia into a "different way" of working in the world and even an asset to how she became involved in improving the lives of women and children in Morocco. Common to nearly everything she's accomplished is an indomitable spiri

  • How One Doc “Biohacked” Her Hormones and Reclaimed Her Life

    09/07/2014 Duração: 55min

    What if you weren't just a statistic?What if you were a single human being, with unique genes, biology, chemistry and needs? And what if the "generic" approach to "fixing" what ailed you didn't work?Over the last 10 years, there has been a groundswell around an idea known as biohacking. It's about rejecting the notion that your best possible state is exactly the same as everyone else's, owning the fact that you are one person with highly unique needs and optimizing everything from your health to your performance around what works best for you. Regardless of whether anyone else responds to something different.Generic, broad-based, minimally-effective solutions are out. Running individual experiments that yield individual solutions and extraordinary outcomes is in.Enter this week's guest, physician-biohacker and author of The Hormone Cure, Sara Gottfried. Watching her health, mindset, sex-drive and relationships spiral downhill, she sought the advice of other doctors, but became incredibly frustrated by the gen

  • Medicine 3.0: What Got Us Here Ain’t Gonna Get Us There

    03/07/2014 Duração: 01h05min

    If the body is a whole, connected system, why does modern medicine so often treat it as a calamity of isolated causes, effects and symptoms?A blend of hippie herbalist, science prodigy, bestselling author and Yale-trained physician , functional medicine doc, Aviva Romm, MD, sees medicine differently. She looks at each patient as a person, rather than a bundle of symptoms. A fully-integrated system where everything affects everything and the true remedies for pain, disease and unease often need to unfold as less of a tactical strike and more of a system-wide reset.Romm is fast becoming a leading voice in a radically different approach to medicine. One that, by the way, is making tremendous strides in treating a growing list of "diseases" and symptoms that mainstream medicine and traditional drug-based therapies struggle mightily with.In this weeks' episode, we dive deep into the frontier of medicine, covering everything from the microbiome (critters in your gut) to epigenetics and how the choice

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