The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 1620:55:08
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Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.


  • 947 Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster and Become Limitless with Jim Kwik

    29/04/2020 Duração: 01h47min

    “Say no to good to say yes to great.”QUESTIONSHow do we learn with the dominant hand rather than the opposite hand? (6:30)What are the two questions you’ve asked yourself that have been dominant? (26:00)How important is acquiring new skills (41:00)What’s the process of mastering a new skill especially when it’s really challenging? (53:20)YOU WILL LEARNHow to learn anything faster (1:20)Why the idea of “knowledge is power” is a lie (12:00)Why questions are the answer to subscribing to either negativity and opportunity in your life (17:04)How to unlearn that we are limited (19:12)The three questions to turn knowledge to power (22:30)How sleep apnea has been a struggle in Jim’s life and how he overcame it (27:30)How to quit asking limiting questions and ask empowering questions (30:50)How genius leaves clues (43:00)How many times to try something new (48:30)What a lie is (59:00)The key to sustainable motivation (1:00:20)How the Zeigarnik Effect works (1:09:21)Why we backread and subvocalize (1:15:21)The 4 superv

  • 946 Sara Blakely and Jesse Itzler on Marriage, Money and Entrepreneur Mindset

    27/04/2020 Duração: 01h19min

    “Trust the seeds you’ve planted.”QUESTIONSWhat have you learned about each other during the quarantine? (1:21)How do you stay humble in success? (10:11)How do you manage energy? (16:12)What’s a new entrepreneurial skill you’ve learned in this time? (29:41)When was the moment Jesse knew that Sara was the right partner? (34:25)What’s the most important conversation to have before you get married? (43:21)How do you cultivate intimacy in an entrepreneurial lifestyle? (49:31)YOU WILL LEARNHow understanding the different styles of processing will help you create (3:10)Why focusing on success through different avenues will help you (14:31)How planning factors into good energy (19:31)How to stay connected in this time of separation (26:18)How people who invest in a message of comfort will win right now (29:10)How to be flexible in a marriage (37:39)How important humor is (41:41)How essential intimacy is (50:21)LINKS MENTIONEDRed Backpack FundBig Ass Calendar ClubIf you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at htt

  • 945 Become an Accidental Apprentice

    24/04/2020 Duração: 05min

    “Acknowledge the people around you right now and how you can get the most out of them.”Jeff Goins is a popular blogger and author. In our conversation, we cover the heart of the matter: what if we don’t have one purpose in this life? What if we’re built to do many things and it’s about the journey of discovering those talents that teaches us what we’re here to learn?In this clip for 5 Minute Friday, I am sharing Jeff's advice about being an accidental apprentice to the people in your life instead of waiting for the perfect mentor to show up.If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

  • 944 Matthew Hussey: Breakup, Healing, and Dating Advice During Isolation

    22/04/2020 Duração: 01h19min

    “Are you in love with a person's presence or absence?”QUESTIONSWhat is your energy around managing relationships during this difficult time? (2:42)What do you say to relationships going through trouble during this time? (12:41)How do you create music in a relationship if there’s no in between? (15:52)What is the thing you need to do to improve when you’re single and when you’re in a relationship? (46:16)YOU WILL LEARNHow being mindful and creating space can help in relationships (5:23)How important engineering space is to a relationship (17:12)How partners can provide time for each other (22:25)How to manage heartbreak (25:15)How to handle solitude and loneliness during this time (38:57)How active attention can help in improving emotional intelligence (49:36)How to create useful hours and active leisure during the pandemic (56:31)How to use care with creativity in dating (101:23)How to help your lovelife and love life (107:12)LINKS MENTIONEDHow to Get the Guy ProgramsIf you enjoyed this episode, show notes an

  • 943 Robert Kiyosaki: How to Become Wealthy in a Down Economy (The Rich Dad Poor Dad Guide)

    20/04/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    “Some people are looking for the challenge, some are looking for security.”QUESTIONSWhat were some wake moments for you as an entrepreneur? (1:25)Can one get rich without being bold? (11:28)What’s the next step to get through this pandemic market? (16:18)What does “define benefit” mean? (40:51)What’s your projection of real estate right now? (48:17)YOU WILL LEARNWhat Robert learned from his first big success and failure (6:42)How young people have a lot of opportunity due to the pandemic (14:21)The three types of people in this world (18:15)The difference between peacetime and wartime leaders (24:13)Robert’s feelings about the stock market (28:10)What the pandemic is doing to the economy (36:18)LINKS MENTIONEDWho Stole My Pension?Rich Dad Poor DadCashflow Classic GamePatrick Bet-DavidGeorge GammonThe Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward GriffinInvestment Biker by Jim RogersDave RamseyAntifragile by Nasium TalebIf you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at

  • 942 Work Like An Elite Athlete

    17/04/2020 Duração: 06min

    “Done is better than perfect.”Than has taught me so much over the years about how to build a successful business and I’ve watched him scale his from 30 employees to over 300 in just a few years.I wanted to bring him on the podcast because I know scaling your business can be one of the most challenging obstacles entrepreneurs face.However, when I asked Than for his best advice on this, we ended up talking about how to hire the right team and empower them to make decisions for you.This whole conversation is a gold mine for anyone in business. For this 5 Minute Friday clip, I am sharing his thoughts on leading by example, taking care of yourself so you can perform well, and managing your time wisely.If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

  • 941 Wim Hof Talks CORONAVIRUS & How To NEVER Get Sick Again

    15/04/2020 Duração: 59min

    “When you cleanse from the outside, you automatically cleanse from the inside.”QUESTIONSHow was the experience of being with all the athletes and business partners in Poland for a week? (2:41)How have you been responding to the quarantine time during all this stress? (8:23)What are three things we can do on a daily basis to have more control on our own mind? (12:21)When was the last time you got the flu or got sick? (18:31)What should people do everyday to help increase their immune system? (22:41)How does breathing affect your immune system? (24:09)Is there too much stress we can put on ourselves? (32:10)What's the best way to overcome self doubt? (35:21)How important is it to be playful in the quarantine? (37:48)What do you learn from your 2 year old? (40:23)YOU WILL LEARNHow Wim is treating inflammation and stress (0:42)Why what you cannot control is the most important (5:50)How to release stress through cold showers and deep breathing (13:41)Why Wim submitted his blood to universities for study (21:10)How

  • 940 Love, INTIMACY and Relationships During Isolation with DeVon Franklin

    13/04/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    “In a relationship, we expect one season to always be the season.”QUESTIONSHow do we stay connected and loving without hurting each other in these times of isolation? (1:42)What do you think is a good portion of time away from your partner? (5:21)What are the lessons you have learned within your relationship? (9:31)How do we implement peace over panic during these times? (19:28)How can we cultivate intimacy without sex? (39:17)What do you do for your family to make things better in your partnership everyday? (45:13)YOU WILL LEARNWhy setting expectations for each day is important for the relationship (4:36)Why the model relationship has to be imperfect (9:41)How having a genuine commitment to your partner is essential (13:48)How understanding control will give you peace (22:21)Whether communication or sex helps a relationship become better (28:21)Why focusing on how this isolation will help us is important (38:12)How helping your partner find success will help your relationship (48:12)How praise and gratitude

  • 939 Become Friends with Fear

    10/04/2020 Duração: 06min

    We’ve talked about the upside of dark emotions, how to turn stress into serenity, and now today’s guest, Dr. Lissa Rankin, is coming back on the show to share how we can heal ourselves (physically and emotionally) when we understand fear.Lissa is an incredible example of this in her own life, but for her new book on fear, she actually traveled the world and talked to many different people in varied cultures to better understand our concept of fear in the West.In our conversation she pulls the covers back on how fear affects our physical health, how our society perpetuates a sick relationship with fear, and how we truly have the power to heal ourselves when we understand what is behind our fear. For this 5 Minute Friday, I wanted to share a clip from a past episode where Lissa explains how we can become friends with our fear by learning to trust our intuition.If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at Get more from Lewis! Pre-or

  • 938 Dave Ramsey: Master Your Money In a Time Of Uncertainty

    08/04/2020 Duração: 47min

    “You don’t die from fear.”QUESTIONSWhy is right now in these financially hard times the best time to make money? (1:20)What lessons have you learned from the recessions you have endured? (6:30)What do you tell people that have not been financially responsible? (13:21)What’s the worst investment and best investment someone could be making right now? (21:29)What was the greatest lesson that your father taught you? (31:41)What’s the wisdom you’ve learned from your partner? (33:40)YOU WILL LEARNWhy losing your job is an opportunity (2:00)What a recession is (4:11)How many jobs are being lost per case of coronavirus (5:12)Why now is the time to invest (9:42)What pressure is good for (17:01)How desperation and greed can poorly affect your investment (21:10)The purpose of repentance (28:21)How listening to your partner can help (36:18)If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money Easy

  • 937 Create Your Side Hustle and Take Control of Your Money with Chris Guillebeau

    06/04/2020 Duração: 44min

    “You don’t need permission to do big things.”QUESTIONSHow do we do something in our own backyard that will make us money? (1:00)Why are there not high paying jobs out there for people just graduating? (4:45)What can you do to learn how to earn? (6:21)Why did you start World Domination Summit and why are you ending it? (18:30)What will it take to stand out as an individual or brand to breakthrough? (24:31)How does one find the right mentor? (28:12)YOU WILL LEARNWhy it doesn’t pay off to be cynical (6:00)How curiosity and hard work pay off (9:23)What kind of people impact you the most (22:20)The greatest skill you can have (25:31)Why finding your own way is essential (31:30)LINKS MENTIONEDThe Money Tree: A Story About Finding Fortune In Your Own BackyardMoneytreebook.comTeach for AmericaSide Hustle SchoolWorld Domination SummitIf you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet

  • 936 Special 5-Minute Friday Q&A with Our Listeners

    03/04/2020 Duração: 56min

    “You’re going to learn the most about yourself now, in this moment, for the next few months.”QUESTIONSQuestion from Kathy: What is some positivity to reach out to in moments of need? (4:32)Question from Franco: How do I choose where to focus my energy with so many priorities? (9:26)Question from Erika: How can I help my partner switch from negativity to positivity during self-isolation? (18:25)Question from Andrew: How do you bring focus and intention to what matters most in your work? (34:54)Question from Mariana: What is the best way to build my business as a coach while helping people in need during a crisis? (49:58)YOU WILL LEARNThe top 3 ways to increase your happiness a little bit (5:00)How to create a clear mission statement for your life (36:01)The process of grieving parts of our lives that we are all feeling the loss of (42:31)LINKS MENTIONEDDr. Laurie SantosChris LeeEsther PerelJohn Krasinski good news showIf you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow

  • 935 Dr. Steven Gundry: The “Healthy” Foods You Should NEVER EAT, Boosting Your Immune System and COVID-19

    01/04/2020 Duração: 01h28min

    “A leaky gut is the cause of all disease.”QUESTIONSWhat are specific ways to heal your heart without surgery? (7:20)What’s the difference between a good virus and a bad virus? (18:03)What are the foods that heal leaky gut and defend against viruses? (28:50)Why is peanut butter such a bad thing? (37:25)What boosts the immune system? (59:43)Is it possible to have such a strong immune system that you can reject any virus? (1:06:40)How important are probiotics right now? (1:09:35)YOU WILL LEARNWhy fixing the heart medically can only help your health so much (1:06)Why we need germs and bacteria to stay healthy (13:45)The benefits of time-restricted feeding (20:25)What causes aging (23:17)How mental illness comes from the gut (43:30)Why food labels can’t be trusted (49:20)The importance of human connection for your heart during a time of social distancing (1:12:55)How bacteria choose who you are attracted to (1:15:01)LINKS MENTIONEDThe Plant ParadoxDr. Gundry PodcastDavid KesslerTerry WahlsThe Longevity ParadoxDr.

  • 934 The Power of Your Voice and How It Can Change the World with IN-Q

    30/03/2020 Duração: 01h30min

    “Nothing in the world can open up your heart like giving it to someone else.”QUESTIONSWhat do you really want in life? (1:03)How has love, loss, forgiveness and transformation impacted you in your life? (19:32)Do you feel you love yourself more now than ever before? (30:30)How has being in love helped you in your art? (37:00)Why do you think poetry is getting its comeback? (42:25)Who have you had to forgive the most? (47:40)Where do you think you would be if your dad was loving and supportive? (48:56)Where do you think poetry is going in the next ten years? (49:56)Why does it seem in life that we need something drastic to happen to change? (56:43)YOU WILL LEARNHow to accept who you are (6:22)Why being positive in the bad times is essential in intimacy (14:32)In-Q shares some of his best poems (21:30-30:15)What happens when we first start dating (34:12)Why wanting love and validation is an important part of dating (37:40)The difference between codependent love and unconditional love (40:50)What happens when p

  • 933 Dr. Joe Dispenza: How To Hack Your Mind (And Heart) to Change Your Life

    27/03/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    “We are all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”QUESTIONSHow quickly can we heal trauma that’s been inside of us for decades? (4:33)Is the information trauma we are taking in more damaging than physical trauma? (6:56)What are ways to support our inner environment on a daily basis? (25:14)How do we brainwash ourselves in times of stress to believe in calm and peace? (29:43)What can someone who is in a very dark place begin to do to get relief? (34:26)How do we learn how to heal the heart when it’s not information taught by the world? (51:52)YOU WILL LEARNHow to change your health by changing your mind (2:15)How strengthening your inner environment will strengthen your immune system (14:00)The massive power of telling yourself a positive story about your future (21:03)Dr. Joe’s advice to anyone who is super stressed about coronavirus (44:53)Dr. Joe’s 60 second daily process to boost his internal environment (48:45)LINKS MENTIONEDBecoming SupernaturalBreaking the Habit

  • 932 Dr. Nicole LePera on Relationships, Boundaries, and Childhood Trauma

    25/03/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    “Consciousness is where we are granted choice.”QUESTIONSHow are you growing faster than other therapist brands? (1:28)How do we change a feeling of powerlessness? (7:25)What’s the greatest trauma people face? (17:24)What’s the level a child or the parent traumatizes the other? (19:23)How do we come to a place of worthiness? (29:00)What is the best practice on observing self thoughts? (37:13)What’s your biggest trigger? (39:13)How do we forgive our parents, even if they were doing the best they can? (43:20)How do we say no without apologizing? (49:30)How do you speak to a child that has a chaotic reality and has not observed their own thoughts? (1:01:30)What’s your biggest fear as a therapist? (1:07:32)YOU WILL LEARNThe issue with always thinking about what to do next (5:30)How to develop a consistency in practice in consciousness of action (9:45)The top tools for your healing journey (16:25)Why meditation is key to tuning in to our internal world (24:30)What to do when we get stuck in our familiarized comfort

  • 931 No Limbs, No Limits, No Excuses with Nick Vujicic

    23/03/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    “You don’t need a miracle to be one.”QUESTIONSHow did your parents instill courage in you? (4:16)How do you unchain your fears? (12:30)How do we truly let go of hurt, pain and resentment? (24:05)How do we build self belief amidst so much self doubt? (45:20)What is the biggest lesson your wife has taught you? (56:45)YOU WILL LEARNHow to prepare ourselves for the world (7:35)How attitude affects encouragement and discouragement (9:30)How to unchain your fears (13:04)How to navigate through the ups and downs of life (19:10)A powerful way to let go of things that don’t serve you (25:31)The best ways to help someone in need (29:25)Why we must not hold on to resentment (32:52)Where our value comes from (42:20)How to understand your relationship to your dreams (46:02)How to define your own goals (50:30)The key to finding value in each day (1:11:54)LINKS MENTIONEDThe Nick Vujicic podcastMoney Secrets of the Rich by John R. BurleyLife Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good LifeBe the Hands and Feet: Livin

  • 930 3 Ways to Keep Anxiety from Going Viral with Dr. Jud Brewer

    20/03/2020 Duração: 38min

    “It is our duty to spread calm and mental connection rather than infection.”QUESTIONSWhat is more contagious: a physical virus or an anxiety virus? (5:43)How can we keep good mental hygiene right now? (7:40)What has been your honest reaction to the coronavirus escalating so fast? (18:39)YOU WILL LEARNHow our minds actually work with anxiety and fear (2:21)How to build mental resilience in a time of scarcity and anxiety (21:20)Ways to cleanse your mind from the anxiety of coronavirus (30:07)SOCIAL LINKSWebsiteInstagramTwitterFacebookYouTubeLINKS MENTIONEDUnwinding Anxiety appIf you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

  • 929 Esther Perel: The Quality of Your Relationships Determines the Quality of Your Life

    18/03/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    “You learn to love yourself in the context of relationships with others.”QUESTIONSCan we choose to be in suffering or not? (0:30)Can you learn to suffer less over time? (4:24)When was the last time you suffered the deepest? (5:32)Why are relationships seemingly the most hard for people when they are what we need most? (8:32)How many relationships are thriving after decades of existing? (17:47)How many values do you need to have in common with your life partner? (27:35)YOU WILL LEARNWhat helps us in times of suffering (14:30)The 3 ways to make your relationship successful (22:18)What to focus on if you are single and looking to be in a relationship (24:40)What determines the success of a relationship day to day (36:01)Why it’s important to acknowledge the good in your co-workers (41:46)Why you must deal with your own past in order to deal with your relationship problems at work (50:10)If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at Get mo

  • 928 Daymond John on How to Close any Deal and Achieve Any Outcome

    16/03/2020 Duração: 49min

    “You’re the only one that has a blueprint for yourself.”QUESTIONSHow do we negotiate with our mind to achieve something? (5:16)Where do you think you’d be if you weren’t a father? (10:06)Do you think it’s better to focus on one thing or diversify? (12:05)Who has taught you the most in the last 11 years of Shark Tank? (17:35)Who is someone you’ve been a shark with that impressed you over time? (20:00)Why do you need another book? (24:31)What’s the best negotiation where both parties won the most? (32:06)What was the thing that was the hardest thing to forgive in your life? (39:41)YOU WILL LEARNThe mindset shift Daymond had when he got cancer (3:15)The main reason Daymond chose to be on Shark Tank (14:35)What a powershift is (16:25)How staying scrappy helps your business (19:21)How much we are already negotiating in day to day life (26:00)How Daymond built FUBU as a massive brand (29:23)The ratio of profit to keep to yourself when starting a business (33:36)Why constantly keeping educated is so important (38:00

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