Tales from the front of responsible non-monogamy from a pansexual, kink-friendly point of view. For the full PW blog, visit
Poly Weekly #188: When polys get together
22/01/2009 Duração: 22minLive from Minx's San Francisco birthday party--this is what polys talk about when they get together! Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit
Poly Weekly #187: Is he not that into me?
17/01/2009 Duração: 26minIs he not all that into me? Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit the blog at
Poly Weekly #186: It would be easier if...
05/01/2009 Duração: 31minIt would be easier if... no, it wouldn't! Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit
Poly Weekly #185: Pimp My Boobs!
29/12/2008 Duração: 11minPimp My Boobs out holiday-style! Contestants and winners of the 2008 Pimp My Boobs competition. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit
Poly Weekly #184: Poly for the holidays
22/12/2008 Duração: 33minPoly for the holidays. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or leave a comment at the blog at
Poly Weekly #183: Three poly must-have books
13/12/2008 Duração: 24minBook suggestions and a happy poly moment! Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit
Poly Weekly #182: How to welcome a new metamour
05/12/2008 Duração: 16minWelcoming a new metamour into your poly family. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit
Poly Weekly #181: Your first poly munch
25/11/2008 Duração: 35minYour first poly munch--how to host one and how to attend one without being creepy. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit
Poly Weekly #180: Is a "happy ending" cheating?
17/11/2008 Duração: 17minIs a "happy ending" cheating--what is your definition? Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit the blog at
Poly Weekly #179: Listener Feedback Extravaganza!
09/11/2008 Duração: 32minListener feedback extravaganza! Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit the blog at
Poly Weekly #178: Five things to say on a date
02/11/2008 Duração: 24minFive things to say on a date; ten things not to say on a date. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit or the forums at
Poly Weekly #177: Poly and Proud, Part Deux
19/10/2008 Duração: 28minMore from NY Poly Pride: Birgitte Philippides, Reid and Marcia of Cuddle Parties and Pete Benson. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx, visit www.polyweekly.comor participate in the forums.
Poly Weekly #176: Poly and Proud!
13/10/2008 Duração: 38minPoly and proud! Interviews from New York Poly Pride last weekend. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or leave a comment at
Poly Weekly: #175 Kalosexual?
06/10/2008 Duração: 15minPolyweekly #175 Kalosexual?Creating a word for being turned on by sexual honesty. Email [email protected], call 206-202-poly, twitter cunningminx or visit
Poly Weekly #174: Fearless Communication
27/09/2008 Duração: 14minHow do I speak up?--fearless communication. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or
Poly Weekly #173: Jenny Block is "Open"
22/09/2008 Duração: 30minAn interview with Jennie Block: Open, Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx, visit the blog at or the forums at Or join the Poly Weekly Hooligans on Facebook.
Poly Weekly #172: How to Communicate; PolyCamp Toronto
16/09/2008 Duração: 36minHow to communicate with someone who is finding communication difficult; PolyCamp Toronto report. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or leave a comment at
Poly Weekly #171: But Cheating is in my Genes!
06/09/2008 Duração: 33minThe monogamy/cheating gene? Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx, visit the blog at or the forums at
Poly Weekly #170: Loving More with Robyn Trask
31/08/2008 Duração: 45minAn interview with Robyn Trask of Loving More.
Poly Weekly #169: Quit hurting my partner!
23/08/2008 Duração: 31minHow to deal with being angry with your metamours when they hurt your partner. Email [email protected], call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit the blog at