The FitCast is a weekly fitness and nutrition oriented show hosted by Kevin Larrabee. Each episode Kevin interviews the best experts in the field.
Episode 268: Picking Apples with Brad Pilon
24/07/2013 Duração: 57minBrad Pilon returns to the show to discuss the latest research involving intermittent fasting, gender differences, metabolic damage, and the concept of picking an apple when it is ripe.
Episode 267: Late Night with Smitty
17/07/2013 Duração: 01h15sJames “Smitty” Smith joins me this week to talk about some of the cool new stuff he is playing around with in the gym, mistakes he has made in his career, programming, and more!
Episode 266: Magic with Joe Sansalone
02/07/2013 Duração: 39minJoe Sansalone comes on the show to talk about perfecting the KB swing, external coaching cues, and the magic of Original Strength
Episode 265: Way of the Warrior w/ Martin Rooney
18/06/2013 Duração: 35minMartin Rooney returns to the podcast to help others tap into what drives them, programming your conditioning and strength workouts, the tools he uses for conditioning, and much more!
Episode 264: Ride into Fenway with Mike Boyle
31/05/2013 Duração: 38minMike Boyle joins me to talk about breaking down what is keeping people from dropping body fat, developing explosive power, HRV and it’s impact on the industry, what to do when you are not getting results, and more!
Episode 263: Intervention with Dan John
24/05/2013 Duração: 51minDan John returns to the show to talk about the most important things you should be doing, what he is doing in the weight room, tracking your progress, how he filters new info, and more!
Episode 262 (Becoming a Supple Leopard w/ Kelly Starrett)
06/05/2013 Duração: 01h03minKelly Starrett comes on to talk about some of his awesome mobility stuff, his thoughts on assessment, some new concepts on massage, Voodoo bands, bracing, and more!
The FitCast: Episode 261 (Sane and Simple with Nia Shanks)
29/04/2013 Duração: 40minNia Shanks joins me this week to talk about disordered eating, maximum results with minimum workouts, training to be awesome, and much more!
The FitCast: Episode 260 (No Pants with Molly Galbraith)
23/04/2013 Duração: 52minMolly Galbraith comes back on the show to talk about a gluten free lifestyle, what people need to focus more on when training, isolation work, finding a balance between it all, and more!
The FitCast: Episode 259 (Engineering the Alpha)
15/04/2013 Duração: 01h07minJohn Romaniello and Adam Bornstein come on the show this week about naturally increasing testosterone levels, a call to action for all men, how to train as efficiently as possible, and the importance of hormones.
The FitCast: Episode 258 (Peak Performance with Joe Dowdell)
10/04/2013 Duração: 42minJoe Dowdell joins me this week to discuss programming for fat loss, working with celebrities, some awesome new HR monitor tech, and more!
The FitCast: Episode 257 (Maximum Thrust)
03/04/2013 Duração: 01h06minBret Contreras joins me to talk about programming to get the glutes of a figure competitor, power training, how he designs programs for his female clients, single leg training, and more!
The FitCast: Episode 256 (Powerful Figure with Julia Ladewski)
28/03/2013 Duração: 45minJulia Ladewski comes on the podcast to talk about the transition from training for power lifting to figure competitions, carb back loading, strength training tips, and more!
The FitCast: Episode 255 (Decade of the Booty with Molly Galbraith)
21/03/2013 Duração: 01h44minMolly Galbraith comes on to talk about figure model competition training, post figure training, getting stronger, programming an more! Also RogLaw joins my in Tokyo!
The FitCast: Episode 254 (On the Red Carpet with Val)
26/02/2013 Duração: 46minValerie Waters comes back on the show to talk about programming for the red carpet, listening to your clients and understanding what they want, client support, fitness trends in LA, and more!
The FitCast: Episode 253 (The Breathing Diet)
22/02/2013 Duração: 49minTravis Johnson joins Kevin to talk about the fitness world in Japan. From the current state of the industry, to the fat loss fads/products, current trends, what the population is looking for, and expanding TRX in Japan.
The FitCast: Episode 252 (Relearning with Berardi)
20/01/2013 Duração: 55minJohn Berardi comes back on to talk about his trials with intermittent fasting, organic food, the most important things he learned in 2012, and more!
The FitCast: Episode 251 (2012 in Review)
30/12/2012 Duração: 01h14minKevin and Jon talk about the most important things they learned in 2012 an how you can apply them.
The FitCast: Episode 250 (Supercharged with Alwyn and Lou)
26/12/2012 Duração: 54minAlwyn Cosgrove and Lou Schuler join Kevin for Episode 250 to talk about Alwyn’s latest ideas on metabolic training, in depth on programming, fat loss, a study that caused controversy and more!
The FitCast: Episode 249 (Nick Winkelman)
12/12/2012 Duração: 49minNick Winkelman comes on to talk about Athletes Performance's systems for success, speed training, working with the NFL combine athletes, education and more!