The James Swanwick Show teaches you the four pillars of living your best life, which are health, wealth, love, and happiness. Former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN, James Swanwick, brings you world-class mentors including millionaires, sexologists, relationship experts, retirement experts, financial planners, celebrity personal trainers, New York Times best-selling authors and nutritionists.
275: How to Perfect the Art of Health Hacking with TJ Anderson
29/03/2017 Duração: 50minShow Notes: Have you ever wanted to become your own health coach? Wondered how you can possibly hack your health by yourself? Do you constantly find yourself wanting to lose some weight, gain energy, and gain self-confidence? Did you know you can possibly reduce your chance of diabetes and cancer by integrating this? On this episode of the James Swanwick show, retired Miami model turned clinical health coach, TJ Anderson, talks about how he changed his life when he started focusing on his personal health more. TJ Anderson joins James Swanwick to discuss his new book, “The Art of Health Hacking,” a self help book that teaches you how to both understand your health and become the healthiest version of yourself. TJ details his own personal health experience, and how he had to eliminate things like alcohol in order to become the best version of himself that he could be. During this episode he discusses a few small tips that will bring about giant changes in your life if implemented properly.
274: Harnessing your Neuro-linguistic programming with Tony Wrighton
27/03/2017 Duração: 43minShow notes: When you heard the phrase, “Neuro-linguistic Programing,” what first comes to mind? Do you picture mind control tactics? Does a scene from your favorite sci-fi movie come to mind? Often times there is a negative connotation surrounding NLP, and the terminology. In reality, it simply is a form of communication, invented in the 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, that focuses on personal development and psychotherapy. NLP is a practice that is used to increase motivation, increase energy vitality, and optimize communication. On this episode of the James Swanwick show, the topic of Neuro-linguistic Programing is explored, as Tony Wrighton, a British Sky Sports presenter, joins James. Tony is also an author and the host of the “Zestology,” podcast. Zestology is all about health, motivation, and biohacking. Today, he will tell us about how he rewired his brain to create a more improved self awareness. He will also discuss the tropical virus he picked up while exploring the
273: It’s Time for a Change; Where Should I Move?
24/03/2017 Duração: 14minShow notes: Is there a place where you have always dreamed of moving to, just haven't made the decision to do so yet? If so, why haven’t you moved there? What is holding you back from acting on these feelings? Recently I have been tossing around the idea of moving to a new place. I have lived in LA for a while now, and am craving something new and exciting. I would love to live in a place where the entrepreneurial scene is flourishing. A place with a strong sense of community, preferably not a huge city. I want to move to a place where I can connect to the local community, make friends with the locals, and learn about the culture. Do you live in a place that sounds like the above? Or have you visited a place that reminds you of this?On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James details his desire to move, and asks for suggestions on where to move to. Key Points Where is the one place that you've visited that made you want to go back and live there permanently one day? I am wondering w
272: How to Create a Better You with Luke Storey
22/03/2017 Duração: 01h04minShow notes: Do you know that you need to change your life? Do you feel like you live an average life? Do you feel capable of so much more but don’t know what to do? Everyone feels this way at some point in life. We need to figure out the tools to fix this feeling of mediocrity, or depression. In this episode, James is joined by Luke Storey to explore these tools. Luke Storey went from being a deadbeat musician in LA to becoming a successful entrepreneur and health and wellness expert. He currently runs the Lifestylist podcast, a podcast that deals with everything from natural health to positive lifestyles even to sex. In this episode of the James Swanwick show Key Points Everyone has baggage. Everyone feels negative emotions. It is learning how to deal with these negative emotions that is crucial to every individual's life. Things from your childhood are oppressive on your current state! Learn what is holding you back, and try to fix it. James was a womanizer in his twenties, finally re
271: Learn Your Insecurities So You Can Avoid Being A Douche
20/03/2017 Duração: 14minShow notes: This past week I was at the Traffic and Conversion Conference. I spent the week catching up with friends, and meeting new ones. I was surrounded by internet marketers, entrepreneurs, and a plethora of innovators. One day, during the conference, I was talking to a few new people I had not previously met. While in conversation, I found myself starting to brag about my latest ventures with my company. Furthermore, I found myself throwing out monetary numbers in regards to the growth of my business. I dislike it immensely when people name drop, or quote their yearly salary, yet there I was, doing the exact same thing. What I realized really quickly was that I was dropping numbers to make up for the insecurities I was feeling while at this conference. I was surrounded by people making ten times more than I was, yet I felt the need to broadcast my success. Do you ever feel like you are trying to big-note yourself to gain the respect from others? Do you try to undermine your abilit
270: How Attending A Conference Earned Me An Extra $150,000 A Year
17/03/2017 Duração: 26minShow notes: Do you find yourself often saying “no,” to invitations? When a colleague asks you to attend a seminar, do you shudder at the mention? When your spouse asks you to attend an informational seminar, do you quickly think of a reason not to attend? Conferences are good for a plethora of reasons, especially if you are truly wanting to learn more about the topic of the conference. Often times people skip out on conferences, or seminars because they do not have the time for the event. If you skip out on these conferences you can miss out on the many ways that you can grow as a person, in turn, growing your business. In this episode of the James Swanwick show, James details how attending a conference can change your life, and your mentality with things. Not only did this conference increase James intelligence, but it also increased his earnings within his company. Learn how much you can benefit from simply attending a conference or seminar like event, in this episode of the James Swan
269: Past Pain And Present Energy; How Do You Resolve This? With Cindy Mazzaferro
15/03/2017 Duração: 55minShow notes: Do you have past pain? Does past negative energy hold you back from feeling truly happy? Is something in your past weighing you down? Does it bring about an on-going feeling of mediocrity? We all have felt these negative emotions at one time or another. On this show I interview Cindy Mazzaferro, a motivational speaker, and energy and vibrational healer who details different steps to resolve past pain and present energy. She teachers others how to transform their mental understanding, by taking action steps forward in the opposite direction from what is holding them back. Do you often times find yourself falling down a negative downward spiral? Or having trouble with positive energy? Find out how you can resolve your problems with negative energy and negative emotions on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways Cindy explains how past energy, and emotions, can trickle into your everyday energy, and often times can affect your mood in a negative way. It is common
268: Double-Down On What Makes You Happy
14/03/2017 Duração: 27minShow notes: Everyone has one thing that they love with great emotion. Something that lights up their face with a smile when mentioned in passing. Whether that is a sport, a person, an object, or an action, we all have that one thing that holds importance inside of us. For me, I find great pleasure in watching my favorite band perform. It all began in 1987, when at the age of 12, I fell in love with Bon Jovi. I was growing up in Brisbane, Australia, when I was invited to my first concert, unaware of how hard I would fall in love with this band. The concert brought great energy and fireworks of emotion. I was hooked. By 1989, the walls of my bedroom were covered in posters, and I was frequently referred to as “James who loves Bon Jovi.” I developed a great passion for their music over the years, and still see them in concert routinely. Usually, I would spend a moderate amount to see them perform, because I never found the more expensive tickets worth it. That was until recently, when I spe
267: How to Stay in Touch With Friends Near & Far
10/03/2017 Duração: 16minShow Notes: People love to be thought of. Whether it’s a quick Snapchat, or a letter in the mail, the thought that others care enough to reach out has an immense impact on a person. If you can learn simple practices to stay in touch with others, then your relationships will grow, and studies show- you will be happier. On today’s episode I am going to discuss the simplicity and accessibility that technology brings to keeping up with friendships. We are lucky. It has never been easier to stay in touch with a friend than it is now. The technology that we have allows us to communicate with people that are thousands of miles away, or just a mere block away. It can take seconds to simply send a quick text message, record a quick audio, or even send a video to remind someone that you are thinking about them. People love to be thought of. Who, in your life, can you just pick up the phone and give a quick call to? Learn the importance of seconds of intentionality with conversation on this episode
266: Lessons Learned from Building Businesses with Sophia Parsa
08/03/2017 Duração: 01h24minShow Notes: Today I’m taking a walk around Hollywood and having a conversation with entrepreneur Sophia Parsa about her journey to building businesses that are successful, that do good, and create positive cashflow. Along the way, we talk about how to start new relationships, why passion is an essential ingredient to your business idea, the importance of mentorship, and why too many people are worried about others stealing their amazing idea, when the only thing that really matter is execution! If you’ve ever wanted to start a business, or maybe have one going already, this episode is going to bring you advice to up your entrepreneur game and see success! Key Takeaways: Start new relationships with the question: How can I help this person? Strike up friendly conversations with no agenda Unless you have passion and an amazing idea, it’s probably foolish to jump into starting a business Instead, go find someone to learn from Put emphasis on building the right team. The people you work wit
265: Things I Did Wrong Last Week
06/03/2017 Duração: 46minShow Notes: When things go wrong, it’s extremely important to learn from whatever happened. Otherwise, a mistake is a complete waste! If you carefully learn from your (or other people’s) mistakes, they can actually be a very good thing and an opportunity to learn! On today’s episode, I am going over some of the major mistakes I made last week, so that you don’t have to make them! When you have conflict in your life, you have two options: You can either let the conflict sit there and simmer just below the surface, or you can confront it head on. If you let it simmer, you will find that it takes up a large amount of mental energy, keeps you from focusing on what you have to focus on, and essentially eats at you as long as it’s there! Instead, the proper response is to confront it head on! It might be painful, but ripping off the bandaid quickly is far better than trying to go slow and gentle. Don’t let conflicts take up your mental energy, confront them! Learn from my mistakes to live your
264: How to Transition Away From a Job You Hate
03/03/2017 Duração: 39minShow Notes: A huge amount of the world gets up every day, goes to work, and spends most of their day working at a job they don’t like, or even hate! If you think about this, this is a serious problem, and extremely sad. Most people will spend the majority of their lives at work, and if you hate your work, then you spend the majority of your life doing something you don’t like! However, there is a growing trend and opportunity for people to transition out of the job they hate and into something they love! And the benefits of making this change are difficult to accurately put into words. They are tremendous! To move away from spending most of your life not happy at work, to spending that times fulfilled and doing something you love is a huge win! But how do you do it? This is the tricky part, and it’s the part a lot of people mess up. You need to be aware of specific strategies for making the move, understand yourself well enough to know what strategy is best for you, and then execute. Lea
263: Take the One Kindness Challenge with John Wang
01/03/2017 Duração: 55minShow Notes: Did you know that when you do an act of kindness for someone, without the idea of any reciprocation but simply to help someone else out, you are probably getting even more benefit out of it than the person you are helping? My guest today is John Wang, and he’s talking about why performing an act of kindness is actually, believe it or not, a selfish act! A good selfish act, that everyone should do more of everyday, but a selfish nonetheless because of the tremendous benefit that you will receive from performing the act! John Wang founded the “One Kindness Challenge,” which is a challenge to perform one act of selfless (but actually selfish) act of kindness everyday! Are you ready to take the challenge? Key Takeaways: What we do every single day will have tremendous impact, whether negative or positive, whether to ourselves or the world An act of kindness can in fact be a selfish act, because of the tremendous value it brings you! When you help someone, endorphins are released
262: Why I Felt Depressed and How I Got out of it
27/02/2017 Duração: 40minShow notes: We all have those days, right? Those days when it just feels like everything is going wrong. When nothing comes easy, and each time you try to accomplish a new task, you find yourself blocked by some unforeseen problem. Roadblocks to your productivity pop up out of nowhere, and things that would normally be a breeze to get done are practically impossible. Sometimes, those momentary setbacks and problems in life can put you in a funk. They put you in this kind of attitude where it seems like everything in your life is going wrong, like you don’t have anything to be thankful for, and like you’re in the worst situation possible. Whenever this happens, if you look at the actual circumstances, you will almost certainly find that you are definitely NOT in the worst situation, but that doesn’t change how these times can make you feel. Today, I’m talking about what I do when I find myself in these moods of depression and anxiety, how I deal with it, and how I eventually recover and g
261: How To Permanently Beat Procrastination and FINALLY Accomplish What You Want To
24/02/2017 Duração: 33minShow Notes: Procrastination plagues almost everyone who dreams about doing great things. Humans are inherently lazy, which means that making progress on anything you want to do is going to be a struggle. But you have a very simple choice: The short term pain of getting off your ass and taking the first step, or the long term, immensely greater pain of regretting not reaching your full potential. This is the incredible danger of procrastination: It can easily cause you to wake up 10 years, 25 years, or 50 years later, and feel like it passed in an instant without accomplishing what we truly wanted to. If you find yourself held back from taking the first steps in your goals and dreams, consider the very real danger and fear of waking up in 10 years and still being right where you are now. That fear should spur you to action TODAY! This episode is my call to you to stop being lazy, to stop letting fear hold you back, and to finally beat procrastination and start doing the things you want to
260: Aaron Marino of Alpha Male on Fashion, Overnight Success, and Business
22/02/2017 Duração: 01h02minShow Notes: A lot of you will already know my guest today. Aaron Marino of Alpha M is an expert in fashion, self-discovery, confidence, and business. Today we’re talking about fashion, swag, and success for the modern man. In the current age, an alpha male is a much different thing than it has been throughout history. In previous ages, dressing well was almost considered feminine, and not often conflated with the idea of the alpha male. But all of that has changed, and that is what I’m speaking with Aaron Marino about today. We also dig into the idea of the overnight success (spoiler alert: it doesn’t exist), the single most important aspect to look at in clothing, and why each failure leads you one step closer to success. All that and more, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: In the modern age, the idea of an alpha-male is less one-dimensional than it used to be Start helping people. Be self-less to start discovering yourself and gain confidence Overnight success
259: How do You Make New Friends Fast?
20/02/2017 Duração: 46minShow Notes: Whether you’ve moved to a new place, decided to level-up the kind of friends you hang around, or just want to broaden your social circle, learning how to make new friends quickly is an essential skill for the human existence. From our earliest ages and through the rest of life, the ability to make new friends plays a large role in your ability to be successful and happy in your life. This episode is about how to make new friends quickly. Having moved around a lot, I’ve found myself in the position of needing to make new friends quickly several times, and have found out what works well, and what brings the right kind of people into your life. That’s what I’m sharing on this episode, so take notes and learn how to make new friends fast on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: Commit to hosting a social event. Be the host When you are an active connector of people, you make a very good impression on both people Consider joining a sports time, if that’s your th
258: When Should You Pay for Coaching vs. Getting It For Free?
17/02/2017 Duração: 33minShow Notes: These days, it’s possible to find almost anything online. Not only that, if you’re a little tech-savvy, you can even find pirated versions of a lot of content, and effectively “cheat” your way into thousands of dollars worth of content! But the question is: Should you? What I have learned through trying both ways is that financial investment is essential to get you to really take massive action on what you want to learn. If you don’t invest, and won’t have “skin in the game,” you will continue to procrastinate, and the education will be worth far, far less to you. That’s why my phone says “pay to get rich.” It’s a bit counterintuitive, isn’t it? But it’s a fundamental truth, and once you learn it and start investing in yourself, you will see your results dramatically improve, and your learning and education will become so much more valuable. Key Takeaways: You will find that when you pay for coaching, you take it more seriously Skin in the game is what you gain from purchasi
257: Limitless: Nootropics, Smart Drugs and Brain Hacking with Daniel Schmachtenberger
16/02/2017 Duração: 01h05sShow Notes: Do you remember the movie “Limitless” with Bradley Cooper? In the movie, Cooper plays a character who gains access to a pill that will give his brain limitless functional capability, and completely turns his life around. But is something like this possible in the real world? My guest today is Daniel Schmachtenberger, founder of NeuroHacker, a company working to develop nootropics, a kind “brain pill” that increases brain function, alertness, and productivity. In addition, we’re talking about the kind of diet and lifestyle that results in optimal brain function, so listen to this episode to take your intelligence and brain functionality to the next level! Key Takeaways: Modern diets tend to be low in the nutrients the brain needs to perform at optimum levels Modern habits also contribute toward sub-optimal brain power Go local and organic for foods that won’t hamper brain functionality For optimal ergonomics, look just slightly up at the screen, with the keyboard low It’s imp
256: Should You Be Picky About Your Friends?
13/02/2017 Duração: 34minShow notes: There is a saying that goes, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” If this is true, there’s almost nothing as important to your ultimate success in life as who you choose to be your friends. That is why I would argue emphatically that YES, you should be picky about your friend group. If there is an area of your life that you definitely should purposefully be picky about, it is your group of friends. However, it can often be tricky to make smart decisions without hurting people. How can you be diplomatic about the decisions you are making? How do you deal with family? I’m answering all of that and more on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: Audit your friend group, and ask yourself: Are they pulling you in the right direction, or the wrong? Some people need to break up with several of their friends Understand that you will change, and your friend group might need to change as well When everything is competing for your attentio