The James Swanwick Show teaches you the four pillars of living your best life, which are health, wealth, love, and happiness. Former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN, James Swanwick, brings you world-class mentors including millionaires, sexologists, relationship experts, retirement experts, financial planners, celebrity personal trainers, New York Times best-selling authors and nutritionists.
Do you waste time? Get more done quicker
21/04/2014 Duração: 45minNeed to get more stuff done in less time? Productivity expert Maneesh Sethi, who once hired a woman to slap him if he checked facebook while working, is the founder of He will teach you how to create a system that helps you weed out distractions, focus on your specific goals and develop a positive mindset so you can get more done.
Live like a King overseas on little money
20/04/2014 Duração: 45minOne American dollar does not go far in the US. But it goes a long way in some other countries. Evan Matthew has traveled to more than 90 countries, living like a King on the cheap. In this interview, Evan reveals how you can live in mansions overseas, get jobs, take free flights - all for less than what you might be currently spending on rent.
Barbecue & grilling tips for summer
17/04/2014 Duração: 12minSummer is approaching. That means outdoor BBQ. You want to know how to cook the perfect BBQ? My mate, Zach Werner, has been BBQing for me for years. He revealed his secrets in this poolside interview at the Coachella Music Festival, near Palm Springs, CA, last week.
Juicing vs. Blending - which is better for you?
16/04/2014 Duração: 08minWhich is better: juicing or blending? Does one offer more health benefits than the other? Juices and smoothies both play important roles in getting you the body you want. But how are they different? FINALLY, the answer in this episode.
How to get friends, mentors and contacts
15/04/2014 Duração: 44minWant to get friends, mentors and acquaintaces. It's a skill. New York Times best-selling author Keith Ferrazzi, is the author of "Never Eat Alone". He teaches you how to create a lifelong community.
Why her hormones make her crazy - Dr. Sara Gottfried
14/04/2014 Duração: 55minAt least once a month, women can act a little nuts. But why? Why do they act this way? Well of course, it all has to do with their hormones. So if you have no clue as to what’s going on with your partner’s hormones, then do not despair because Dr. Sara Gottfried is one of the world’s top natural hormone experts. And in this episode, she reveals why your missus acts crazy and what you can do to help her through it.
Erectile dysfunction - prevent and cure
13/04/2014 Duração: 43minA sensitive topic amongst us men – we’re talking about erectile dysfunction – otherwise known as ED. A lot of us out there ARE suffering from some kind of erectile dysfunction. And not just guys in their 40s, 50s and 60s, I’m talking guys in their 20s and 30s, too. This can happen to all ages. Let’s get rid of the shame, the embarrassment: this is a safe place for us men to talk about this issue today. Maybe you can’t get it up in the bedroom, maybe you can’t last very long, maybe you like to watch a lot of porn online and prefer it to actual sex with a real-life partner…maybe you’re super stressed out about it. If you’re in a relationship, maybe it’s putting stress on your marriage or your girlfriend isn’t happy. We men equate our manliness and our masculinity to how well we perform in the bedroom. And if we’re not firing there, we feel lousy about ourselves. If that sounds like you, do not despair. Because in this episode, we’re going to figure it out, ok. Dr. David Josephson, a eurologist at Tower Uerol
5 ways to get rich - Mr. Money
10/04/2014 Duração: 36minMr. Money teaches you 5 ways to get rich. The end.
2 Aussie mates talk America - Brad Blanks
09/04/2014 Duração: 01h15minBrad Blanks and AMC host James Swanwick are two Australian mates who have been living in the US for more than a decade. In this episode, listen to their views on America and their stories of celebrities, women, Super Bowls, Sundance Film Festivals, embarrasing moments, high-points, low-points, wives, kids - and Paris Hilton?! Listen in to two friends talking about life.
Approach anxiety with women? The solution
08/04/2014 Duração: 47minDo you see a pretty woman in the street or in a bar, want to go talk to her, but freeze at the final moment and do nothing? Is there a colleague you really want to ask out? Is there one person you've been thinking about but don't know how to approach? Don't worry. You're not alone. But dating coach, Tripp, is going to teach you how to overcome your approach anxiety in 5 easy steps.
Travel the world for $50 a day - Matt Kepnes
07/04/2014 Duração: 31minYes, you CAN travel the world for $50 a day - IF you know the tips. Matt Kepnes. aka "Nomadic Matt", has the tips. And he's going to reveal them to you. From saving money on alcohol, flights, accommodation and MUST listen to this interview so you can become an international traveling expert.
Telling little white lies? Stop & live free - Mike Hrostoski
04/04/2014 Duração: 44minDo you tell little white lies and think they don't mean anything? What about BIG lies? Are you lying to yourself and you don't even realize it? What is a lie? Men's coach Mike Hrostoski teaches you how to stop lying, tell the truth, and live a stress-free life of freedom.
Why you're still single - Jordan Gray
03/04/2014 Duração: 38minDo you often wonder why you’re single? Do you sometimes find yourself thinking, “Is there something wrong with me” or “What am I doing wrong?” Maybe you LOVE being single and it’s a choice! If so, awesome! Hats off to you. But for those of us who often wonder, “Why am I still single”, today relationships coach Jordan Gray is going to give you some possible answers AND 5 ways to break any barriers to intimacy that you may have.
Bulletproof your mind and body - Dave Asprey
02/04/2014 Duração: 53minBe better at everything with some simple lifestyle amendments. Today's guest, Dave Asprey, is one of the world’s most renowned bio-hackers. In this episode, Dave's going to show you the SIMPLEST things you can do to be better at everything – to BULLETPROOF YOUR LIFE.
Not giving your best? Here's how - Todd Herman
01/04/2014 Duração: 46minWould you like to elevant your performance so you give yourself every opportunity to succeed and reach your goals? Todd Herman is a peak performance coach. He coaches Olympic athletes the mental side of their game. In this episode, Todd teaches you how to extract your best performance every day.
John Lee Dumas - Get insane amounts of stuff done
31/03/2014 Duração: 52minWant to get more stuff done? Don't know how? You're about to learn the tricks. The podcast King, John Lee Dumas, reveals how he gets more stuff done before 9am than the rest of the world does in an entire day. John, who is the host of the #1 podcast on iTunes, Entrepreneur on Fire, reveals how his time in the US Army trained him to be a productivity machine.
Get into the Playboy Mansion - Ms. August 2008 Kayla Collins
28/03/2014 Duração: 57minDo you dream of getting into the Playboy Mansion one day? James has been 3 times and has some tips. In this interview, he speaks to Ms. August 2008 Playmate, Kayla Collins. Kayla teaches you how to date a Playmate and what REALLY goes on in the infamous grotto.
Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks - take risks, crush fear
26/03/2014 Duração: 33minHollywood action star Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks about how to crush your fear and take risks. The former Governor of California teaches the life lessons that enabled him to take risks and achieve all of his dreams. Be inspired as we dissect the life of Arnold.
Get ripped with science - Ben Greenfield
25/03/2014 Duração: 01h08minDo you want to get lean and strong? One of America's top personal trainers will show you how - using science. James speaks with Ben Greenfield about cutting edge ways to get in shape. Including cold thermogenesis, grounding, electrostimulation units and much more. PLUS...what soaps and deoderants are killing your fitness efforts without you even knowing.
Date a "10". What women want - Marni Battista
24/03/2014 Duração: 54minDo you dream of being in a relationship with your "Perfect 10" woman? In this episode, you will learn how to finally meet and seduce her. James speaks with dating and relationship coach, Marni Battista, who reveals 10 secrets to get a "10" to fall for you fast and what women want you to do.