The James Swanwick Show teaches you the four pillars of living your best life, which are health, wealth, love, and happiness. Former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN, James Swanwick, brings you world-class mentors including millionaires, sexologists, relationship experts, retirement experts, financial planners, celebrity personal trainers, New York Times best-selling authors and nutritionists.
316: Postcard from San Francisco
23/08/2017 Duração: 48minShow notes: James joins us live again from the road. This time he’s recording from the San Francisco airport, and annoying the people around him just to bring us this episode. Recently James has been doing a lot of traveling, and being recognized all along the way. He seems to be well known in the city of Austin, even being recognized while enjoying dinner with friends. This episode James reflects on his travels, where is company will go, and looks forward to the future of the Swanny Sleep business. Download this episode of the James Swanwick show to hear more about James’ adventures and see how it can equate to your life and where you want to be. Key Points James was recognized a lot more in Austin than in most place. Austin is less spread out than LA, so it’s more likely he would be noticed. Eating at healthier restaurants also increased the chances that he would be noticed by a fan. Proximity is power. Force yourself to be around the kind of people you want to be. James was recently
315: Postcard from Austin, Texas
10/08/2017 Duração: 54minShow notes: When you’re traveling, it’s easy to be taken advantage of and ripped off. People spot a tourist and know ways to get an extra buck out of them. For example, James was in Las Vegas and a local taxi could tell he wasn’t from around there and took him the “long way”. A $15 taxi ride quickly turned into $35, and James was unaware until the next day. The good news is that traveling can also be amazing! James has been continuing his adventure as he travels and grows his company: Swannies. He went from a networking event in Tampa to a mattress convention in Las Vegas. It’s amazing how learning about something new can go from interesting to tedious in a couple of days, but the good news is you may soon be able to get a new mattress from Swannies that will help you sleep better each night! James continued his journey to Austin, where we find him in this episode. He’s been sharing great times with his friends, and planning where his journey will take him next. Download this episode of
314: Postcard from Tampa, Florida
02/08/2017 Duração: 56minShow notes: There’s an old expression: “It takes money to make money.” It’s absolutely true. Over the last few weeks James has been traveling to various conventions and networking events in order to make progress in his Swannies business. James has spent thousands upon thousands of dollars to attend these events - and it’s paid off. In this time James has gotten amazing advice from some of the biggest people in the industry. He’s had feedback the most successful marketers and biggest resale companies in the world. It wouldn’t have happened if James hadn’t done two things. 1) Invest in himself Most people would look at spending thousands of dollars just to hear people talk and meet a few strangers as a waste. If James hadn’t spent the money on airlines, hotels, and tickets to events he wouldn’t have had face to face conversations with people from companies like Bed Bath & Beyond and CVS. Making one sale with these companies would easily pay for all of his expenses, and grow the compan
313: You Don’t Know As Much As You Think You Do
24/07/2017 Duração: 45minShow notes: It’s important to continue learning - constantly. You can’t stop, or else you will be left behind. There will always be someone who knows more than you, new trends and technology coming into play, and you can quickly be left behind. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Jobs, and the Dalai Llama are all people from different walks of life who know/knew the importance of continual growth. The world will leave you behind, and it can’t be stressed enough that you need to keep educating yourself. Recently James attended a seminar where he was a guest speaker. He was talked up by the people running the event, told what a success and great business man he is, and left the entire audience with the impression that he is some kind of business super hero. At one point in the seminar, the crowd was asked to share any problems they may be facing in their business. Most people in James’ position would play a big shot and keep their mouth shut. James knows the importance of being humble and t
Cole Hatter: Use Your Powers for Good
12/07/2017 Duração: 50minShow notes: So many times people make their dreams come true and then they feel lost. It’s something we see a lot with astronauts, who spend their whole life training and working toward their goals of making it to space. When they make it they are left asking themselves, “Now what?” Believe it or not, this is a problem that many entrepreneurs have to deal with. We can spend all over our energy trying to get that mansion, the sports car, and the million dollars in the bank. Then what? The key to ongoing emotional success in your business is to make sure business has purpose and gives back to the world. That way your life and business always has purpose, and a reason to keep building. There are a few ways you can do this. The first is to give away product to a charity that aligns with your brand. A perfect example of this is the company Toms, which is known for giving away a shoe every time a shoe is purchased. If you can’t afford to give away an entire product, you can raise your price a
311: How to Work with the People of Your Dreams
05/07/2017 Duração: 56minShow notes: Are there people in this world you’re dying to meet? People you really admire, and want to be a part of their team? The key to making these connections isn’t telling them how great they are, or what you want from them. Chances are they are surrounded by people who do that every day. You really need to stand out from the crowd, and it’s easier than you think. To get the attention of people you respect, you need to show them how you can add value to them. That doesn’t mean brag about the things you done, it means show them what you can do to help them. Notice I said show, not tell. You’d be amazed at how much attention you can get by taking a little extra time out of your day and use your skills to provide a sample of what you can do for them. It may seem like a waste of time to do something for free, and there’s always a chance nothing will come of it. If you think sacrificing a little bit of your time to prove your value is a waste, that mentality if only going to keep you fr
310: Brad De Comarmond: Do you suffer from decision fatigue?
26/06/2017 Duração: 38minShow notes: Do you ever feel drained because you don’t know what to do? Are there too many decisions to make? It’s not always a lot of decisions about one thing, sometimes it can a bunch of things that only have a couple of choices. Decisions use up glucose in the brain, and too many can leave you exhausted. That’s why people like Mark Zuckerberg wear the same color shirt every day, to minimize this problem. On this episode James interviews Brad De Comarmond about the phenomenon known as decision fatigue, what it’s really like living in LA, and the importance of interacting with others without having expectations of anything in return. Download this episode of the James Swanwick show to hear what you can do to overcome this problem and where you can find help. Key Points No matter what decisions we make we will mess up somewhere. It’s possible to have too many options, it can drain you. Some people are more content with a simpler, straightforward, life. Whenever you meet someone enjoy t
309: Doc Parsley: Sleep is Making You Fat, Stressed, and Ruining Your Sex Life
23/06/2017 Duração: 34minShow notes: Do you stay up late at night to get more work done, then get up early to get your day started? Are you trying to get the most out of your life by sleeping less and taking full advantage of the day? In reality, you’re doing a lot more harm than good by not getting a good night’s rest. Studies have shown that being sleep deprived has the same effects on a person as drinking alcohol. You wouldn’t be drunk at work, would you? Then why would you go to work sleep deprived? Chances are you’re saying you can work just fine without sleep. Have you ever noticed that’s the same thing someone says when they’ve had too many drinks? They don’t notice how bad the impact is, and neither do you. On this episode of the James Swanwick show, the incredibly knowledgeable Doc Parsley gives his insights on the show. You may be surprised to find that even if you think you’re getting enough sleep, you may not be. Those sleeping pills may be making it worse by knocking you out, and not putting you in
308: Eli Wilhide: Why Pay for What You Can Get for Free?
21/06/2017 Duração: 36minShow notes: Do you wonder why people spend hundred, thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars on information they can get for free or from a book? Sometimes it seems crazy to think someone would spend that much when they don’t really have to. The reason is because you will get better results if you invest in yourself. Years ago I would read every book and website I could find about being an entrepreneur and starting my own business. Nothing happened. Not until one day I went to a talk Tai Lopez was giving and decided to invest $25,000 into his program. That wasn’t in investment just in Tai’s program, but also into myself. How much harder are you going to work if you have a $20 book on the line versus $25,000 in hard cash? One this episode of the James Swanwick show, I interview long time friend Eli Wilde about his work with the famous Tony Robbin and the importance of investing in yourself. Sometimes it’s not about the money, but about the push you need to finally get the success y
307: Less Talk and More Action
19/06/2017 Duração: 20minShow notes: Have you made goals you that just sit in the back of your mind? Ever say you wanted to lose weight, move to a new city, or finally start that business? Your dreams will never come true if they just sit on a to do list. You need to move them from a list and put them on your calendar so you have a deadline to finally take action. You need to talk less and talk more action. It’s easy for any of us to learn something new, think we have a solid plan for making something happen, then sit around and do nothing. What you need to do is apply the knowledge you have and get the ball rolling on your goals. Nothing great has ever come from someone sitting on the couch thinking about what they want to do in life. Download this episode of the James Swanwick show to hear more insight on how you can finally start your endeavors. Key Points Most people talk a good game but never take action. It’s always impressive when someone says they will do something and six months later have achieved t
306: Michael Trainer: Enhance Your Cognitive Ability Through Diet and Lifestyle
16/06/2017 Duração: 50minShow notes: We all have had a loved one we have seen slip away. As dementia and Alzheimer’s disease kicks in their brain deteriorates and they lose their identity. That doesn’t have to be your future. You can do simple things to change your lifestyle and diet to prevent these degenerative diseases. On this episode of the James Swanwick show we are joined by Michael trained who teamed up with the Dalai Lama to create Peak Mind. He discusses ways you can keep your brain healthy and keep your mind from slipping away. There’s no reason you can’t have the same sharp memory when you’re 80 as you did when you were 20. Download this episode of the James Swanwick to learn how you can protect your way of life. Key Points Our brains are our identity, and we need to protect it. We are surrounded by toxins and foods that can degrade our brains. You can increase your cognitive abilities through diet and exercise. Dementia and diabetes are becoming a global epidemic. A deep quality REM sleep is imp
305: Connor Beaton: Communication Strategies for Romantic Relationships
14/06/2017 Duração: 52minShow notes: Do you feel like you have a hard time in your relationships? Are you in a relationship now but things just aren’t quite working right, even though you love each other? There are a lot of areas where a relationship may break down and chances are you’re both at fault. Having a love life isn’t easy, and we often times treat personal lives different than any other aspect of our lives. Some people bottle up their emotions, and don’t let their partner know how they feel. Other people may listen to their partner’s problems and try to fix them, when all the partner wants is a sympathetic ear. There’s lots of ways our communication may break down without us even realizing it. On this episode of the James Swanwick Show, James interviews relationship expert Connor Beaten. Connor will explore the many ways people lose control of their love life and ways you can start making changes now to ensure happy relationships. Download this episode of the James Swanwick Show to see how to put your
304: Evan Tardy: How to Grow a Business From Nothing to $100 Million in 7 Years
12/06/2017 Duração: 01h16minShow notes: Are you struggling with your business and don’t feel like you can get over a hump? Are you stuck making a certain amount of money but want to see growth? Ever business hits these bumps in the road, and one of the keys is not to give up. The second is to find motivated people to help you. No one can do everything, and if we try we won’t be very good at any of it. You need to get your skills up to a 3 or 4 out of ten in an area, like advertising, then find someone who is a 9 or a 10 at it to join your team. You’ll be amazed at just how fast your business will grow when you find quality self motivated people to help your company. Evan Tardy, the man with Entrepreneurship coursing through his veins, joins us on this episode of the James Swanwick show. Evan tells us how he helped the nutrition company go from an idea to a hundred million dollar company in only seven short years. Download this episode of the James Swanwick show to get the inside information that will take your ente
303: Dr. Noah De Koyer: How and Why Should You Live Like a Caveman?
07/06/2017 Duração: 53minShownotes: We have lost touch with the world we used to live in. As a result people are unhealthier than ever. We are fatter, seeing a rise in diabetes, and chronic illnesses have gone through the roof. It’s time to stop doing what we’ve done for the last 50 to 100 years that has gotten us to this point. We need to look back on how our ancestors used to live, and what they were doing right. Aside from getting infections our ancestors would actually live long healthy lives, with a much better quality of life. Not that we have antibiotics, everyone should be living much longer and better lives. On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James interviews Dr. Noah De Koyer - host of Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Podcast. They discuss what people are doing wrong with their food choices and social choices that is causing our society to be unhappier and unhealthier than ever. Key Points What we’re doing today simply isn’t working. Chronic diseases cases are constantly increasing. We’re not honor
302: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Party and What I learned
05/06/2017 Duração: 24minShow notes: Have you ever seen someone in jeans an a tshirt and written them off just because they look like a normal person? You may be doing yourself a disservice, because you never know who can help you in life. It may be the person you least expect than can help you the most. On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James discusses a Hollywood party he attended hosted THE Arnold Schwarzenegger. James learned valuable lessons from the most successful in Los Angeles, and learned the important lesson not to judge a book by it’s cover. James was in attendance with Tai Lopez, and together learned the importance of taking a shot when you have the chance thanks to Sylvester Stallone. Had James and Tai hesitated even a second, they would have missed out on the story of a lifetime with one of the most famous action stars in film history. Download this episode of the James Swanwick show to hear the details and lessons that could have only been learned from his experience. Key Points It’
301: Thai Neave: Advertisers Don’t Want You to Be Happy
31/05/2017 Duração: 32minShow notes: Have you done a lot with your life but still feel in a rut? Do you feel unsatisfied with your accomplishments? That’s because you’re not finding your definition of success. You’re trying to fulfill society's definition of success. We are all individuals, with individual needs. There’s no one right answer and you shouldn’t think there is. We live in a consumer based society and as a result we are constantly being told we need products to make us happy. Getting a CEO position to buy that dream house or a sports car won’t make you happy if that’s not YOUR definition of happiness and success. On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James interviews Thai Neave to explore how someone can find what makes them happy and where they can find their definition of success. You won’t want to miss this episode and start getting you on track to what will fill your life with joy, not someone else’s. Key Points We keep putting band aids over holes inside of us to try and keep up appearanc
300: Darren Darnborough - How To Make Lifelong Friends.
29/05/2017 Duração: 37minShow notes: Do you put yourself out there to help others without expecting anything in return? Are you taking on project because of the perks and not because you are passionate about them? If you answered yes to either of those, you’re probably doing more harm than good when it comes to networking. If you really want to network with people, and more importantly make long-term friends, you need to be willing to put other people first. You should help people for the sake of helping them, and only take on projects you really care about. If you do things for any other reason, you’re just burning bridges. On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James broadcasts live from Darren Darnborough’s birthday party at the Mondrian Hotel in Hollywood. James interviews Darren on how he has made such an impact on lives all over the world, and has become the go to man for so many people. Download this episode to see what it really takes to be successful in this world. Key Points Reach out, be genuine
299: Jim Klopman: The importance of your daily balancing act.
26/05/2017 Duração: 42minShow notes: Do you find your body feeling weaker as you get older? Are sports harder to play than they used to be? The truth is, it’s not your age. The more you do something, the better you should get. You’re losing your balance skills, and it’s affecting your everyday life. In our modern society, we have taken out the natural world’s daily balancing act. We use concrete to flatten surfaces, we turn up toes in shoes, and we’re losing our peripheral vision to screens. As a result your daily activities are suffering, and even the most fine tuned athletes are losing this important skill. On this episode of the James Swanwick show James interviews Jim Klopman, author of the book Balance is Power. He gives incredible tips to help improve their health and life through simple tips and techniques you can use every day. Key Points Humans are the only true biped in this world. Society builds a flat world, which works against your balance. People are losing peripheral vision, which affects your b
298: Mark Dhamma & Tristan Swanwick - Happiness, Stress, Sibling Relationships
24/05/2017 Duração: 44minShow notes: Today’s episode is a conversation between myself, Mark Dhamma, and my brother Tristan. We cover a wide range of things, from the importance of relaxing and taking time off, especially for entrepreneurs to whom it does not usually come naturally, the value of changing your environment and habits to change your thought pattern, and why you need to experiment in everything you do to understand what works for you, and double down on that. We also get into personality tests, and why it’s important to learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and then focus on your strengths. Too many people don’t know, or they focus on their weaknesses, and this will not get you ahead, or give you the opportunity to be successful. Instead, focus on becoming the best at your strengths, and then surround yourself with people who will fill in the gaps left by your weaknesses. Key Points A lot of entrepreneurs are not good at relaxing, and taking time off You need to push yourself, and you need to r
297: Casey Cease: How to Start Writing Your Book TODAY
22/05/2017 Duração: 33minShow notes: Writing a book is a long-term goal for many people around the world. But it could be a lot closer to reality than you think! Today, I’m speaking with Casey Cease, founder of Lucid Publishing, about the process of outlining, drafting, writing, publishing, and promoting your book, so you can finally cross that off your bucket list! But, like almost everything in life, just getting started is the most difficult part. Humans have innate friction to getting started, and probably a lot of that comes from the realization that when you actually get started, you will realize where you really stand. Before you start, you can fool yourself into thinking about your unlimited potential. But when you start actually working on something, it all the sudden becomes so much more real. But this friction can be overcome, and as you start to work, the project will start to take shape, and that is one of the most incredible things to see happen! But then, you have to finish, publish (whether self-