The James Swanwick Show teaches you the four pillars of living your best life, which are health, wealth, love, and happiness. Former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN, James Swanwick, brings you world-class mentors including millionaires, sexologists, relationship experts, retirement experts, financial planners, celebrity personal trainers, New York Times best-selling authors and nutritionists.
Are you still stuck?
07/04/2015 Duração: 19minAre you still stuck? Do you feel you’re in a rut that you can never get out of? Maybe you want to quit you’re job, or get out of that relationship…. but you don’t know how too? In reality, this is one of the most common questions I get asked. ”James, how can I get unstuck?” Well today I want to walk you through an exercise to show you exactly how you can get unstuck. It’s great to write down what you want to create in you’re life, but some people have a tough time with this. That’s why I recommend figuring out what you “do not” want to create in you’re life. This is a powerful exercise that can really shed more light on what you’re looking for. Enjoy the show! Also, if you’re interested in attending Tai Lopez’s in person seminar on April 26th, you can click on the link below. It’s going to be an amazing event, all about moving from you’re current situation into a life and business you love. And if you would like more information on this event, you can schedule a free call with me by clicking the lin
Owen Cook teaches pickup on Sunset Blvd
06/04/2015 Duração: 26minDo you struggle keeping conversations going with women? Maybe you’re impeccable at opening conversations, but then you lose momentum and the energy falls flat…Don’t worry, it’s a very common problem among men nowadays. But today you’re in luck, as I’m with my good friend Owen cook of Real Social Dynamics. Owen is going to give a first hand lesson on how to approach women. And more importantly, how you can keep the interaction escalating with a couple great tips. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on instagram and twitter @jamesswanwick
How to put on 5lbs of muscle
02/04/2015 Duração: 13minDo you have trouble putting on muscle mass? Are you putting in all the hard hours at the gym, but just not seeing the results? Today my good friend and longtime listener, Mark Dhamma is back on the show with us. Mark is a former UK men’s fitness model, high performance coach, celebrity trainer, positive psychologist, and just an awesome dude. Today he is going to lay the groundwork for adding that elusive muscle and weight, and getting the body you desire. Mark is actually going through a bulking phase himself at the moment, so his is fully practicing what he’s preaching…One of main reason’s people have trouble putting on mass is simply because their not eating enough calories throughout the day. But this can be a slippery slope if you’re not careful and conscious about the process. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think in twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick
Why you should go someplace new every week
31/03/2015 Duração: 05minWhen was the last time you traveled somewhere new? Today I’m joining you from The Ronald Regan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, which is about 45 minutes north of LA. And I want to talk about the importance of getting out of your normal environment and your comfort zone. Going somewhere new is a great way to see different lands and also a perfect time to do some “deep thinking.” It’s not often we can take time out of our busy days and just be still for 30 minutes. But when you’re able to do this, good things happen…. new business ideas come up, valuable insight arises, and you become very present by noticing the subtleties of life. How different would your life be if you thought deeply everyday? Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick If you want to see the beautiful view of the Simi Valley, you can watch the video here:
LA Run - running with listeners
25/03/2015 Duração: 21minToday I’m recording live from Tai Lopez’s retreat in West Hollywood. And right now there’s a group of 6 of us running down through Runyon Canyon, getting a great workout in. Running with us is Dr. Jeff Donatello, who has dedicated his practice to helping people with chronic conditions through the use of functional medicine and nutrition. In regards to genetics he believes that your parents give you the “gun” and you are responsible for putting the “bullets” in it. So your overall state health is mostly dependent on the lifestyle choices that you make. A small percentage does come from your parent’s genes, but the majority is up to you. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick
Tai Lopez - Do not follow your passion
24/03/2015 Duração: 10minDon’t follow your passion? Yes, you might be scratching your head reading this one…. But today I’m speaking with my mentor Tai Lopez on why this has some truth. In any successful business or venture that you do in life, there has to be some element of passion. But what we are talking about today is the cliché…that you must have a career in something you absolutely love. But what you like and what you are most passionate about, doesn’t always translate into excellence or business success. Today Tai explains that the only real way to make an impact in the world is to become an “expert.” Then once you become an expert you must be able to capture that value. For example, you could be the best musician in the world, but if you’re unable to sell albums and capture that monetarily, then is that success? Listen is as Tai explains how to create massive impact and discover your Eulerian destiny! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick If you want to schedule a free
Speak to me this Saturday
23/03/2015 Duração: 15minWelcome back to another episode of the James Swanwick Show! Would you like to speak with me on the phone for 15 minutes this upcoming Saturday, March 28th? This is a great opportunity to ask me about my coaching options, including Tai Lopez’s 67 steps program, the People Skills Reboot program, the 30 Day No Alcohol challenge, and my accountability-coaching group. And I’m going to allow time for up to 12 people to call in…so if you’re interested, sign up with the link below before the spots disappear. The link will take you directly to my calendar, then you can choose a time that works best for you. OK, lets get into the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick Schedule your 15-min call with James here:
We are 1-year old today
17/03/2015 Duração: 34minThe James Swanwick show is 1 year old today. On March 17th, 2014 I launched the first podcast episode, if you can believe it. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening…If you’re a long term listener all the way back to when the show was called “Alpha Male Club,” a special thank you for sticking with the show. It’s been an incredible journey to say the least, and I look forward to bringing you more interviews, stories, and insight in the year to come. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick
Owen Cook of RSD - Do you need alcohol to pick up?
16/03/2015 Duração: 09minDo you need alcohol to give you that extra courage when approaching the opposite sex? Well today I’m here with Owen Cook of Real Social Dynamics. He’s been on the show a few times, but if you’re not familiar with Owen, he teaches people social skills and the art of attraction. He coaches men how to be better with women and vice versa. And today we are talking specifically about alcohol and attraction. So often the two go hand in hand, but do we really need the substance to attract the opposite sex? Listen in and enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick
Friday Q&A-March 13th
13/03/2015 Duração: 19minWelcome to another episode of Friday Q&A, where you ask the questions and I give you my honest feedback and opinion. And a big thanks to everyone who has written in over the past month, I appreciate it! Also if you have not written in yet, I encourage you to do so. I would love to give you some insight and a different perspective on the areas you might be struggling with. Listen in and enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on instagram and twitter @jamesswanwick
Why I quit drinking 5 years ago today
12/03/2015 Duração: 01h07minWelcome to a special episode of the James Swanwick show. Today marks 5 years to the date, since I quit alcohol. It’s my 5 year no drinking anniversary. And I still get asked this question quite often, “How and why did you stop drinking? Did you have a problem and an addiction beforehand?” The truth is, I wasn’t an alcoholic back then and I really didn’t have a problem. But I was drinking on the weekends, and I generally felt sluggish and run down. So I decided to embark on a 30-day break from beer and alcohol, and see how I felt as a result of the experiment. After the 30 days, I loved how I felt…I lost weight, saved money, gained confidence, and was more energized throughout the day. Now I don’t want to walk you through my entire story here, but today I want to share something that I’ve created called “The 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge.” Yes-It’s 30 days without a single drop of alcohol! Would you be up for the challenge, or would you cave in? If you want to check it out, you can go to “30 day no alcohol c
An Uber ride to remember
09/03/2015 Duração: 33minWelcome to another episode of the James Swanwick show! This past weekend a few friends and I attended the Wonder Woman Tech Conference, close by in Santa Monica. And today I’m going to play some of the audio from our fascinating Uber ride we had along the way. The Uber conversation topics ranged from the grass vs. corn fed cattle debate, the damage that artificial light can cause you, what the second smartest animal on the planet is(behind the human being of course), and much more. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick
James's Apartment Warming Party
05/03/2015 Duração: 43minWelcome to another episode of the James Swanwick show. It’s a Tuesday night here, and I’m having my apartment warming party at my new place in West Hollywood. Just to set the scene, I have about 22 people in my apartment where we’re all gathered. It’s a potluck party so everyone’s brought a different dish. And the food everyone brought was amazing…. you can actually check out the spread on my Instagram and see all the delicious dishes. In this episode I will be playing some of the sounds from the night, as I mingled with everyone and interviewed some of the fascinating guests here at my place. And I encourage you to plan your own potluck too! It’s a great way to catch up with old friends ,while not have to worry about traveling all over town just to connect. All you have to do is invite 12 or so friends and tell them to bring 1 friend each. That way you can meet up with old friends and have the opportunity to connect with new ones too. I will usually host them midweek, on a Tuesday or Wednesday night, sin
Why feeling connected to people will make you more money
02/03/2015 Duração: 09minWhy is having friends so important? Why is being social so important? How can being social affect your physical, mental, and financial health? Well today I’m doing a review of an incredible book called “Social: Why our Brains are Wired to Connect” by Mathew Lieberman. He is a social psychologist who’s extensively studied and researched the human brain, and why we have an instinctive need to connect with other people. Lieberman argues that our need to reach out and to connect with others is a primary driver behind our behavior. In fact his research shows that our brains react to social pain and pleasure in much the same way as they do to physical pain and pleasure. And that the social pain can often times be worse….For example, if you were bullied as a child or had your heart broken, that pain can be more intense and more damaging to you than the physical pain of a broken bone or torn muscle. Listen in and learn more about this fascinating topic! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwi
Ask James-Friday Q&A
27/02/2015 Duração: 34minWelcome to another episode of Friday Q&A, where you ask the questions and I give you my honest feedback and opinion. And a big thanks to everyone who has written in over the past month, I appreciate it! Also if you have not written in yet, I encourage you to do so. I would love to give you some insight and a different perspective on the areas you might be struggling with. A few of today’s questions are; how and where to connect with better quality women without going to bars, how to have deep and meaningful conversations with people after a short amount of time, and how to make friends later in life rather than in your 20’s? Listen in and enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on instagram and twitter @jamesswanwick
Why you should "kiss the frog"
24/02/2015 Duração: 22minWhat are you putting off that can get done today? Do you save your hardest and most important task until the end of the day? Well, today I want to talk to you about “kissing the frog.” It’s a term that popular self-help author and speaker, Brian Tracy coined a while back. The theory behind it is, that when you wake up in the morning you do your hardest and most important tasks first. The thing you’re least looking forward to. By doing this, you are essentially “kissing the frog.” And by getting that one task out of the way, you’re able to progress through the rest of your day with relative ease. Listen in, and lean how to kiss the frog! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick
Friday Q&A-James Swanwick
20/02/2015 Duração: 30minWelcome to this week’s Q&A Friday, where you ask the questions, and I give my honest feedback and opinion. And a big thanks to all those who wrote in this week, I really appreciate it. A few of today’s questions are, how to be more confident and outgoing when meeting new people, how to stay focused on one task when distractions are everywhere, and what an 87 year old listener Mary, thinks of the show. Listen in and enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick
Why change is good
16/02/2015 Duração: 17minDo you welcome change with open arms? Or do you fight change as often as possible? Well, Today I’m talking about why change is good and why you should embrace it. While we are often resistant to change, we don’t realize that life itself is always changing. Nothing is constant really…Change is inevitable, so you might as well embrace it. Also, as we change and grow, we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world and how we see others. Moreover we are forced to step out side of our comfort zone, and that is usually where all the magic happens. So listen in, and ask yourself “what are some areas in my life that could benefit from change?” Let me know what you think on instagram and twitter @jamesswanwick
Want James to mentor you?
12/02/2015 Duração: 23minAre you currently looking for a mentor? Have you ever experienced the power of having a mentor in your corner? Well, if you’ve been listening to the show, you know that I’m a huge proponent of a mentorship. The mistakes we make in our everyday lives can set us back years and even decades, from where we want to be. Unless you know the perfect formula to go through life, you can repeat the vicious cycle of making the same mistakes over and over again. This is why it’s so important to invest in coaches and mentors. You want to tap into minds of people who have been there, made the mistakes, and can show you the path to success and happiness. Listen in! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick
How to make exercise a habit
11/02/2015 Duração: 07minAre you frequently skipping your workouts? Well, to be honest I’ve been a little bit slack with my exercise regimen lately. The excuse I’m giving is that I’ve been moving into a new apartment and have been very busy at the moment. If you remember I left to Australia back in November, and because of that I suspended my gym membership. And I’ve only just now renewed my gym membership, here in February. It’s really amazing how much your fitness and exercise practice can change when you get out of the “normal routine.” When you break the habit it’s very easy to stray further and further. Listen in as I explain how I got back on track, and how you can too. Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick