The James Swanwick Show teaches you the four pillars of living your best life, which are health, wealth, love, and happiness. Former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN, James Swanwick, brings you world-class mentors including millionaires, sexologists, relationship experts, retirement experts, financial planners, celebrity personal trainers, New York Times best-selling authors and nutritionists.
Your Feedback Is In - Listen In!
18/12/2015 Duração: 29minWelcome to a special episode of Q&A Friday. Today I’m coming to you from Sydney, Australia as I’m in the beautiful Bondi Beach. A few weeks ago I asked for your feedback on the podcast, and where it’s headed in 2016. And whether it was praise or constructive criticism, the messages have poured in. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported the podcast up to this point, and I hope to be bringing you great content into the New Year. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
Ilan Ferdman - How To Use Fear To Guide Your Life
14/12/2015 Duração: 44minHow can you use fear as the guide to the life of your dreams? We all have fears…everyone goes through phases in life where fear presents itself. Some of us have fears of approaching women, some have fears of success, and some have fear of jumping into unknown. So how can we harness this fear and really achieve the success that we want? Joining us on the show today is Ilan Ferdman, a successful personal development coach and founder of the SatoriPrime Academy. Enjoy the show. Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
Anna David - How To Overcome Addiction
09/12/2015 Duração: 34minHow do you recover from an addiction? Are alcohol, food, and drug addictions all treated the same? Today we’re talking about how to overcome addiction for good, with our guest Anna David. Anna has been 15 years sober, written 6 books including the New York Times- bestselling book “Party Girl,” and runs one of the top websites on addiction named AfterParty. Listen in as Anna shares her own story of struggle and triumph, and how you can overcome addiction in any situation. Enjoy the show. Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick and
Wei-Shin Lai - How To Improve Your Sleep
07/12/2015 Duração: 32minHow can you improve your sleep quality? How do you fall asleep quicker at night? Deep sleep is not just another term for sleeping well; it's a scientifically measurable state that's required for survival. Though all too often, our fast-paced modern life interferes with obtaining deep sleep. Today we are going to dive deep into the world of sleep as Dr. Wei-Shin Lai joins us on the show. She is a family physician and founder of Acoustic Sheep, which make pajama like headphones for sleeping. Dr. Wei-Shin Lai spent numerous years taking phone calls at 3am as a family doctor, but found it difficult to get back to sleep. Her husband suggested she listen to relaxing music to fall back into sleep – but there were no headphones on the market comfortable enough to sleep in. So they put their skills to work and designed the first SleepPhones for the soul purpose of a better nights sleep. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on Instagram and twitter @jamesswanwick and
Help - Your Feedback Required
04/12/2015 Duração: 44minWhat should I rename the podcast? What needs to change on the show? I’ve decided that in 2016 I’m going to give the “James Swanwick Show” a makeover. It’s time to spruce things up a bit. But before I do, I would love your input first…I want to make sure the content I’m sending out is valuable and relevant to all of you. Would you like to learn more about health? Should I make it an entrepreneurship/business only podcast? I would love your feedback! Send me a message on speakpipe at or shoot me an email at [email protected] Enjoy the show!
Can't Sleep? You're Probably Fat And Addicted
02/12/2015 Duração: 30minWhy can't I sleep? Do you ever ask yourself this question? My younger brother Tristan is joining me on the show today, as we cover 4 ways to improve your sleep. Over the past 12 months, we dove deep into studying sleep by researching and interviewing the best experts in the field. Because sleep is something almost everyone can control…And when you sleep well you feel better, lose weight, think clearer, and are more productive. That’s why we have developed the #Swannies blue blocking glasses, which help you sleep by filtering harmful artificial light that throws off you’re circadian rhythm and disrupts melatonin production. For more information about the glasses you can head to Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick and
Max Lugavere - Optimize Your Brain To Kick More Ass
30/11/2015 Duração: 54minHow do you optimize your brain to kick more butt? Do you ever struggle with brain fog, memory, or simple cognitive function? Today we are going to tackle this increasingly prevalent problem head on. And to help us optimize our brain function, I’ve brought Max Lugavere onto the show. Max is a filmmaker and media personality, and a leading voice in health. He is the writer, director, and producer of an upcoming documentary titled BREAD HEAD, the first millennial-focused film exploring the impact of diet and lifestyle on brain health. His Kickstarter for the film was a viral sensation raising 2x its goal and was featured by Upworthy, Huffington Post, Fast Company, WELL+GOOD, Yahoo Health, and more. Enjoy the show. Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
Friday Q&A - My Latest Workout
27/11/2015 Duração: 25minWelcome to another episode of Q&A Friday, where I shed light on your most sought after questions. Today I’m talking about exercise routines, intermittent fasting, and my mountain biking journey along Bolivia’s most deadly road. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick and
How And Why to Buy Investment Property – Jason Hartman
23/11/2015 Duração: 48minHow do you buy and sell investment properties? Have you always wanted to own real estate and make a great cash flow on the side? Maybe you have money stored away, but have no idea how to get started with everything… I’ve owned a few properties over the years, but it hasn’t been a walk in the park to say the least. To help us dive into the world of investment properties, I’ve brought Jason Hartman onto the show. Jason has been involved in several thousand real estate transactions and has owned income properties in 11 states. His company, Platinum Properties Investor Network, Inc. helps people achieve The American Dream of financial freedom by purchasing income property in markets nationwide. He truly believes investment properties are the path to wealth. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
Friday Q&A - Acting Out of Courage
20/11/2015 Duração: 13minWelcome to another episode of Q&A Friday, where I shed light on your most sought after questions. Today I’m talking on how to act out of courage, eliminating fear, and taking the leap of faith into the unknown. Listen in! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
How To Get James A Wife - Suzie Parkus
18/11/2015 Duração: 41minHow can I get a wife? I’m single, 40 years old, and I don’t have a significant other. Why has this been eluding me and how can I figure it out? Well, Today I’m going to do just that, as dating coach Suzie Parkus joins me on the show. Suzie hails from the UK where she runs “Meet Your Match,” which helps others in their dating journey to finding the one they deserve. With a background in dating, coaching, matchmaking, and running a singles events business, Suzie has years of experience working with and helping busy people just like to you, to meet and connect with other like-minded individuals. She believes once you commit to opening up and bringing love in to your life, you will see a transformation in everything around you. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
How Alcohol Effects Human Performance – Ben Coomber
16/11/2015 Duração: 43minHow much alcohol is perfectly ok? If you’ve been following the show, you’ll know that I have not been drinking since 2010. And honestly, I feel like a million bucks. But people always ask me, how much alcohol is ok? Can I have drinks on the weekend, and still be in great health? Today we are going to look at alcohol from a physical and nutritional point of view, and see how drinking actually affects the human body. Joining us today is Ben Coomber, a perforce nutritionist and educator, who regularly gives talks all over the world, and is the host of Ben Coomber radio in ITunes. Listen in and enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on instagram and twitter @jamesswanwick and
Daniel Dipiazza - How To Get Your Book Published
12/11/2015 Duração: 11minDo you want to write a book? Are you unsure how to land a book deal? My good friend, Daniel Dipiazza is joining us today, and he’s going to share what it takes to get a book published in today’s world. Daniel is the creator of “Rich20Somthing” where he shares all his best advice on starting/growing businesses and living a better life, and has recently published his very own book. Daniel believes you don’t have to know a lot of people, just the right people. Do you have the right people in your life? Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
3 Essential Ways to Connect with Your Kids - Create Positive Lasting Memories
04/11/2015 Duração: 36minHow can you become a better father? And if you’re not yet a father, how can you prepare to be a great one? Today we are talking about 3 ways to becoming a better father. And joining us on the show today is Larry Hagner, a father of three and host of the podcast “The good Dad Project.” Larry is also the author of the bestselling book “The Dad’s Edge - 9 Simple Ways To Have Unlimited Patience, Improved Relationships and Connection, and Positive Lasting Memories.” But before all of this, Larry actually grew up in a fatherless environment, and did not meet his real father until the age of 30. It was his own childhood struggles that pushed him and guided him toward his passion for being an amazing dad. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick and
James' Body Fat Percentage Revealed: Shocking!
02/11/2015 Duração: 13minI’m here at the Bulletproof Conference in Pasadena, where I’ll be speaking on the importance of reducing or quitting alcohol. And I’ve just had a body spec test, and discovered my overall body fat composition. The scan broke down fat tissue, lean tissue, and bone, which makes up my total mass. They say the elite athletes always test between 10-15%, depending on their particular sport. Listen in and find out where I stand, and the importance of getting yourself tested. Let me know what you think on Instagram and twitter @jamesswanwick and
A New Approach to Spirituality – Todd Savvas
30/10/2015 Duração: 45minToday we are talking about spirituality. In today’s society spirituality can have many different meanings. It could be attending church on Sunday’s, having a personal yoga practice, or even studying astrology. But what is spirituality when we boil it all down, and how can it help us in our everyday lives? Todd Savvas is joining us on the show today, and he’s going to teach us how spirituality can help with our relationships, health, stress levels, and overall wellbeing. In essence Todd believes spirituality is what you do to feel connected to a grater purpose and power. And feelings of depression and anxiety begin to show themselves, only when someone is disconnected from the world. Enjoy the show. Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick and
Yoga For Men- Dean Pohlman
28/10/2015 Duração: 37minShould men be practicing yoga? Many guys tend to equate yoga as a more feminine practice, and would rather be pumping iron in the gym or competing in CrossFit. Joining us on the show today is, Dean Pohlman, the creator and CEO of Man Flow Yoga. Dean is going to help reveal the masculine side of yoga, uncover the many hidden benefits, and help men break through the mental barriers of yoga. His original intention was to create a practice for men, athletes, and people who wanted an effective full body workout…without having to change their lifestyle, find their chi, or get overly spiritual. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick and
Always be Moving Forward
26/10/2015 Duração: 03minAre you currently moving forward in your life? It’s ok if you’re not making huge strides, but just as long as you’re not moving backwards. You want to keep the momentum alive! I’m here in London, and I’ve been reminiscing about when I was living here back in the year 2000. A lot has changed since then…And it’s fun to look back and see how far I’ve come and how I have changed over the years. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and
How to Start Your Dream Business, and Get Unstuck- My Interview With Brian Rose
23/10/2015 Duração: 09minHow do you create something out of nothing? Is it possible to create a business from your passion and hobby? I’m here in England with Brian Rose, the founder and host of London Real. It’s a video talk show that introduces you to the most fascinating and successful people in the world. Brian has an amazing story as well. He originally started London Real as a hobby, while working as full time Investment Banker. He was tired of being spoon-fed from the mainstream media, and wanted to offer a fresh, unscripted and unedited look into the world of real people. From activists to scientists, authors to fighters, politicians to drug smugglers - He present’s their real stories, uncensored and uncut. When it comes to creating your own vision, Brian believes you just have to DO IT. It’ not going to be perfect overnight, but just getting stated is more than half the battle. You must stare fear in the face and do it anyways. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and Instagram @jamesswanwick and www.james
How to Run a Marathon With Zero Training: Always Be Ready
22/10/2015 Duração: 04minI’m running a half marathon here in Oslo, and I’ve done zero training for it. Yesterday I was walking through the city and checking out the sights, when I saw there was a sign up for a marathon and half marathon. And truthfully I haven’t run for more than an hour in the past two years, but I knew I wanted to run it. I’m 40 years old, and the fact I’m able to run a half marathon on a moments notice is good news… But it’s been a culmination of my exercise regimen for the past 5 years, my lifestyle/nutrition habits, and that I no longer drink alcohol. All those play a huge part in my overall fitness level, and allow me to be spontaneous. What can you say yes to today? Is your current lifestyle preparing you for the things you want to accomplish? Enjoy the show. Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and