Fuel Your Brain With the Latest in Neuroscience
#190: Sulforaphane with Dr. Jed Fahey
21/07/2017 Duração: 43minYou know broccoli is good for you. The phytochemical Sulforaphane is a key reason -- and it may deserve to be called not just "health food," but an actual medicine. The post #190: Sulforaphane with Dr. Jed Fahey appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
#189: Head in the Game with Dr. John Sullivan
14/07/2017 Duração: 46minPeak physical performance requires peak mental performance. This is obvious, but also easy to forget. Dr. John Sullivan explains how to make the brain and body perfect teammates. The post #189: Head in the Game with Dr. John Sullivan appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
#188: The Pleasure of Novelty
07/07/2017 Duração: 45minWe have pleasure-inducing chemical systems in our neural pathways dedicated to vision. What gives? The post #188: The Pleasure of Novelty appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
#187: “Structured Water” with Dr. Gerald Pollack
01/07/2017 Duração: 40minSteam, Water, Ice: The three classic phases of water are almost as familiar as water itself. So is it conceivable that the substance we know so well has secrets not only hiding in plain sight, but also hiding inside every cell in our body? The post #187: “Structured Water” with Dr. Gerald Pollack appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
#186: The Replication Crisis with Dr. Rolf Zwaan
24/06/2017 Duração: 39minIf scientific findings can't be replicated, what have we really found? That question is at the root of the "Replication Crisis" dividing the halls of science. Researcher and reform advocate Dr. Rolf Zwaan explains. The post #186: The Replication Crisis with Dr. Rolf Zwaan appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Brains in Orbit with Dr. Rachael Seidler
16/06/2017 Duração: 47minBeing able to understand the impact that space has on our brains and bodies brings space travel closer. The post #185: Brains in Orbit with Dr. Rachael Seidler appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Overdose Edition: Acquired Savant Syndrome
15/06/2017 Duração: 32minYou'd think there's nothing to be said in defense of brain damage. You'd almost be right. But in a few rare cases, "Acquired Savant Syndrome" gives brain-injured people cognitive abilities they never had before. The post Overdose Edition #6: Acquired Savant Syndrome appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Theacrine with Dr. Richard Bloomer
09/06/2017 Duração: 30minA caffeine - theacrine stack is often recommended as a “starter stack” for nootropics noobies. Here's what you need to know about theacrine. The post #184: Theacrine with Dr. Richard Bloomer appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Evolving Human Performance
02/06/2017 Duração: 40minThe Halo Sport is a health and wellness device which uses transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) to achieve physical benefits. The post #183: Evolving Human Performance appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
The Importance of Memory
26/05/2017 Duração: 43minMemory is not just a curiosity. Memory is central to our existence -- and our ability to predict the future. The post #182: The Importance of Memory appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
The Future of Education
19/05/2017 Duração: 49minThrough the large-scale institutionalization of schooling, we’ve had a collective massive impact on our brains. The post #181: The Future of Education appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
The Ongoing Opiate Crisis
13/05/2017 Duração: 53minAs the number of people addicted to opiates in the US continues to rise, we look at the physical cause of opiate addiction and what we can do to reverse the trend. The post #180: The Ongoing Opiate Crisis appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Tongkat Ali: Stress Relief for the Modern World
05/05/2017 Duração: 37minBoost your mental energy, libido, and focus with this traditional Malaysian medicine that also treats chronic stress. The post #179: Tongkat Ali: Stress Relief for the Modern World appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Virtual Reality Psychotherapy Gets Real
28/04/2017 Duração: 51minCan we get more out of virtual reality than just games? And what's happening in our brains during a virtual experience? The post #178: The Potential of Virtual Reality appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Know Your Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine
21/04/2017 Duração: 40minIt’s high time we covered acetylcholine — the most plentiful neurotransmitter in the body. And our Know Your Neurotransmitters series continues with the best guest possible to talk to us about acetylcholine. The post #177: Know Your Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Breaking the Psychedelic Research Logjam with Dr. David Nichols
14/04/2017 Duração: 53minPsychedelics are endlessly fascinating: the preliminary research shows so many therapeutic benefits -- yet there’s so much we still don’t know. The post #176: Breaking the Psychedelic Research Logjam with Dr. David Nichols appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Sleep, Light, and Your Brain
08/04/2017 Duração: 57minWe know about the detrimental effects of light on our sleep -- but how we can harness light in a positive way, for alertness, mood, and our Circadian rhythms? The post #175: Sleep, Light, and Your Brain appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
There’s Something About Sarcasm…
31/03/2017 Duração: 39minSarcasm can the foundation of misunderstanding but maybe there’s something about sarcasm that can connect us to the power of creativity. The post #174: There’s Something About Sarcasm… appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
Reading and Rose-Colored Glasses: The Irlen Syndrome
31/03/2017 Duração: 33minBad vision isn't all in the eye of the beholder: Sometimes it's in the brain. In this Overdose Edition, Helen Irlen describes the Meares-Irlen Syndrome, a neurological disorder she says makes visual processing unnecessarily difficult for millions of people. The post Overdose Edition #5: Reading and Rose-Colored Glasses: The Irlen Syndrome appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.
When Fish Oil Goes Bad…
24/03/2017 Duração: 33minThere's long been a misconception that you can "fish oil" a bad diet away. Not only is that idea wrong -- according to Chris Kresser, it can lead to dangerous and unanticipated oxidative stress. The post #173: When Fish Oil Goes Bad… appeared first on Smart Drug Smarts.