Want to live an Awesome Life? Tune into the UK's #1 rated podcast and top 10 in the world interviewing the worlds best guests in health, fitness and personal development, as well as Q&A shows. This is a full fat show on everything nutrition, food, mindset, exercise, human performance and generally being awesome on every level (hopefully containing a few laughs too). Ben Coomber is a nutritionist, coach, speaker, writer & former obese man sharing his journey. Day to day Ben coaches in his Fat Loss for Life coaching program and has Awesome Supplements & The BTN Academy. Ben loves coffee & food, plays rugby, hits the gym, and tries to be as awesome as possible through constant improvement. Visit Ben at: for more info.
#547 - Performance Anxiety, RPE & Gym Programming
16/07/2020 Duração: 40minSleep and stress have a far bigger impact on performance than you realise. In this show Tom and I discuss some recent research on sleep, stress and your gym strength, and how this can impact your recovery time. We were then planning to discuss sleep supplements, but we went down the rabbit hole of discussing how our routines and mindset can give us poor performance outcomes from letting anxiety slip in, RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion), gym programming, and how to be more targeted or more flexible for your goals - which is the key thing, YOUR goals. If you're into fitness, training and all things performance, you'll enjoy this show.Our nutrition Nutrition short course:
#546 - Body Types & The Food we Eat
13/07/2020 Duração: 08minShould you eat food to your body type? Aka Somatotyping. Are there clues in your body and its shape with the diet we as humans should be eating? Where did this theory come from, what shaped this train of thought? Co-host Tom goes down the body type rabbit hole....
#545 - Life as a Disabled Personal Trainer with Ben Clark
09/07/2020 Duração: 56minWhat's the mindset of someone that is disabled? Find out, as I interview the amazing Ben Clark, a disabled Personal Trainer who become disabled as an adult after a freak neck injury jumping into the sea. I chat to Ben about the goals of someone disabled and disability stigmas, how he exercises, how we went from needing a carer 25 hours a week to being 100% self-sufficient, what things he has to work on to keep him at his physical peak, how he developed such a positive mindset after being in such a dark place, and more. An amazing show, an amazing human. Follow Ben @AdaptToPerform on all social platforms.
#544 - Frustrated. Tired. Angry.
06/07/2020 Duração: 12minLast week I felt frustrated, tired, angry, and to top it off exercise felt like it was taking me 2-3 days to recover from. When I woke up in the morning if felt like lifting a lead weight out of bed, it was horrible, I felt horrible, it wasn't me at all. So a radical intervention was needed. What did I do to get myself back to feeling ME? Listen in.
#543 - Fergus Crawley on Success, Suicide & Recovery
02/07/2020 Duração: 58minFergus Crawley attempted to take his own life, but why? He's a successful guy, what could possibly be wrong? Once it all happened, how did he recover? What does a life of recovery look like now? How does he deal with the dark thoughts that linger? How did this all happen, is society to play in this? These days you'll see him on social media attempting mad charity challenges, like squatting for 24 hours, running inhuman feats, and swimming vast distances, but why, what's his mission, what is he setting out to do? A fascinating chat with an awesome human being. I give to you, Fergus Crawley. Follow him @ferguscrawley
#542 - Things I Regret in Life, Advice to my Younger self!
29/06/2020 Duração: 10minWhat do I regret in life? What would I say to my younger self? What would I change about my 33 year journey to date? What advice would I give to someone in their 20s right now? Find out...
#541 - Getting hit by a car changed my life with JP de Villiers
25/06/2020 Duração: 01h12minMajor life trauma can define you, positively, or negatively. After JP got hit by a car and was left in intensive care for weeks, and to this day still limps when he walks one year on, he see's it as a blessing. In this show we delve into JPs journey to discovering himself, what it means to live your truth, how our ego gets in the way and how to solve that, where people go wrong with meditation, the value of stillness, why he's lived his life so intensely and what he was running from, why he loves extreme challenges, and more. This podcast is a rabbit hole, come burrow with us. Follow him online 'Jean-Pierre De Villiers' or find his website here: Watch his crazy documentary here:
#540 - Skinny Jab: Science or Scandal?
22/06/2020 Duração: 12minSeen skinny jab on social media doing the rounds? Two 'celebrities' who have openly struggled with their weight are proponents of it (aka get paid to promote it at £250 a month to us) to encourage their followers to take it to aid weight loss. Is this a scandal, or is there some science to the compound found in Skinny Jab? co-host Tom Bainbridge, our Head of Education at The BTN Academy, delves into this topic. Enjoy.Link to the research:,weight%20loss%20compared%20with%20placebo
#539 - Dave Birtwistle on what it means to be a Modern Man
18/06/2020 Duração: 52minYou might have seen David Birtwistle on TVs 'Too hot to handle', but TV aside he's a super coach, has a refreshing perspective on fitness, nutrition and life, and is passionate about discussing what it means to be a modern man. On his own journey of self discovery David realised how he could improve, how he could optimise himself, how he could gain perspective on issues of the past, improving his relationship with himself, and others. Society has been good at telling us who to be, how to behave and what is the norm, is that correct, does that need to be challenged? We think so, and that's what we do on this show, enjoy. Follow David online @David.Birtwistle and check out: https://www.endeavourlife.comBooks we discuss on the show were '7 habits of highly successful people', 'The mask of masculinity', 'The Alter ego effect', 'Ego is the enemy', 'How to win friends and influence people'. The personality test we reference is:
#538 - Developing Courage & A vision for your Life
15/06/2020 Duração: 42minCourage is an important asset, if you had the courage and conviction to go out and fulfil the vision you have for you life, how much happiness would you have? So, how do you develop courage? When everyone else is pushing or going one way, how do you go another? I only re-share interviews I've done if they are unique, different, and can bring you insight and value, and today this is one of those shows. Ollie Jowett, The Health & Happiness show, invited me on to chat all things living an AWESOME life, which delved into the topic of courage and leading your life your way! Enjoy.
#537 – Martial Arts & Movies with actor Scott Adkins
11/06/2020 Duração: 30minThis podcast was SO much fun! I talk to movie star Scott Adkins... LEGEND. We talk about the fear he had growing up and becoming an actor, not becoming a butcher but instead a movie star despite his families wishes, what got him so interested in martial arts as a kid, his approach to nutrition for movies, what his goals are and how he’s set goals in the past, his fast chocolate biscuit grabbing hands, kung fu kicks, and more. PLUS, he does an excellent movie promo voice. Watch his new film 'Payback' available now on digital download and on DVD from 6th July. I had a ton of fun chatting to Scott. Follow him on social media @thescottadkins
#536 - The AWESOME Morning Challenge!
08/06/2020 Duração: 10minMy morning routine involves reading a list of statements, this list anchors who I am and what I want to live everyday. I want to live THE MOST AWESOME LIFE POSSIBLE. But to do this our environment must be just right to live the life we want to live. People, places, your bed, what's in your fridge, in your ears, on your phone, EVERYTHING contributes to how we feel and act daily. I hope you decide to create your own AWESOME morning list, please tag me in it when you post it on social media, if you do (feel free to keep it personal, but I want to inspire others to do the same). I think this will help improve your motivation and momentum daily.
#535 - CBD, Recovery & The Pyramid of Importance with Tom Bainbridge
04/06/2020 Duração: 50minWhen it comes to recovery, what are the most important building blocks to have in place? Does CBD fit into this picture, seeing as lots of athletes are claiming it benefits recovery? What can CBD help with, where is the research on it to date, as lots of claims are made? We also discuss adaptogens, melatonin, vitamins, minerals, sleeps impact on 1RM, and more. Enjoy. And for further reading visit: Supplements NOT to take: Supplements TO take:
#534 - What to do when you’re not reaching your goals
01/06/2020 Duração: 14minToday I'm having more reflections from therapy, at the age of 33, having been on a 15 year journey to date with my body, mind, relationships and career, I'm trying to reach the next level of me. Thus, my goals have changed, BUT, I'm not quite achieving them, why is that? What can I do? And what can you learn today from my deep reflections of self, my goals, and the process we take to achieve them. After all, we all get caught in a rut, its how we get out of it that's key...
#533 - Challenging Comfort Zones & Social Anxiety with Dave Cottrell
28/05/2020 Duração: 58minHow often do you challenge your comfort zone, and should you? Lockdown has spurred many interesting conversations, and today is one of those. As people have stayed at home for a long time now, how will that effect us mentally? Have our comfort zones now diminished? Are we aware of it? Are we stronger as a result of Lockdown, or has the fear weakened us? Are we anxious? The 2nd part of this show looks at compartmentalising different emotions so it doesn't take over your whole life, after all, should something like grief change you as a person, or just change part of you as a result of a life event? Dave and I also share our personal approach to managing lockdown so we stayed mentally strong. Join us as we go down a complex mindset rabbit hole, but one crucial to peoples future mental health. Check out Dave online @MindsetByDave
#532 - Improve your Problem Solving skills
25/05/2020 Duração: 12minMoving forwards in life means we have to problem solve, but are you using the right people, are you leaning on the right relationships with others to effectively solve those problems? Some people are more logical, some are more emotional, some are impulsive, the key is knowing how we usually behave and having that person that compliments how we think and feel and thus, over the course of a chat, leads us to a better outcome. Effective problem solving, essential for living an AWESOME life.
#531 - Are we Addicted to Social Media with Nir Eyal
21/05/2020 Duração: 44minSocial media usage is at an all time high, and people say its addictive, but is it? Or are we distracted by it for other reasons? And thus, is procrastination a real or imagined problem? As an expert in behavioural psychology and as someone who has helped tech companies develop such ‘addictive’ apps, I speak to Nir Eyal on the fascinating world of technology, a huge part of our modern lives. We discuss life traction vs distraction, procrastination, time blocking, life systems for better control, if a % of the population are pathologically out of control with such devices and technology, and more. I loved this chat, I know you're gonna love it too!! For advanced reading click here: is the schedule maker tool Nir mentioned: link to a cool distraction guide here: Habits vs routines article here: follow Nir @Neyal99
#530 - Are you being too hard on yourself?
18/05/2020 Duração: 13minThere are times we need to GO GO GO, to take ACTION. But also times we need to rest, recover and get our AWESOME back. This was me this weekend, but I struggled, I struggled due to not knowing the root cause of the problem and then trying to fix something that wasn't broken. Hopefully from todays short show it will help you know when to put your foot on the gas, know when to chill, and know when and why you need fluidity vs structure. Enjoy.
#529 - Alcohol, Friend or Foe? with Chris Williamson
14/05/2020 Duração: 01h15minAlcohol, a huge part of our culture, not just in modern times, but in past times too, what TV program doesn't show everyone enjoying their drink in their downtime even in bygone eras? But, is it serving us? Is it having a positive impact on our lives? Chris Williamson, todays guest after his first appearance on the show thinks it should be a class A drug, but why, how is it affecting us and does it allow us to live our truth? We drink it to relieve stress, to be more confident, to be sociable, and to escape, but, the big question, is this serving us? Time to go down a rabbit hole.... enjoy. Find Chris online on IG @chriswillx - find his podcast Modern Wisdom - and his sobriety course -
#528 - The Future of The Fitness Industry After Covid-19
11/05/2020 Duração: 01h03minThe future of fitness right now is looking bleak, gyms are still closed, coaches are doing the best they can training clients online, but there is a complete unknown what fitness will look like post lockdown. Especially as other countries like China have closed their gyms again in fear of a 2nd wave, and many countries in Europe lifting lockdown slowly have kept gyms closed. So what can we do, what might the future of fitness be? How do we as coaches keep our jobs? In this podcast I discuss the future, what trends I have observed and studied, what other countries are doing, what we as fitness professionals could do, what opportunities there will be, what future skills coaches might need, how roles might change, how gyms might change, and essentially how we need to adapt for the future, with us essentially having a Plan A, B, C and D. Enjoy, and I hope this gives some honest and realistic, but optimistic inspiration to the coaches out there in the fitness and health industry.