The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.
TMHS 239: Everyday Enlightenment And Getting Stronger Through Change - With Dan Millman
04/09/2017 Duração: 57minHow often do you read good fiction books? There was a stretch of maybe half a decade where I, although an avid reader, avoided reading any fiction because I believed that it was not productive. I read countless nutrition books, books on fitness, books on personal development, and more. They all contained a lot of facts and theories (which were great) but I was missing on something really special for my life. Luckily, a few years back after the poking and prodding of several people, I picked up a book called The Alchemist and it shined a bright light in a part of my mind that I had been neglecting. Little did I know that there was significant research touting the benefits of reading fiction. You can see marked changes in the brain, bolstered creativity, and so much more than the average person isn’t informed about. My rekindled love of fiction eventually led me to one of my favorite authors, Dan Millman, which is why I’m so excited to share this with you today! One of Dan’s books, that I read several years ago
TMHS 238: The Science Of Cravings: Serotonin, Dopamine, And Cheetos
29/08/2017 Duração: 01h27minThe word “craving” has a lot of meanings in our language. To sum it all up, it can range from a small internal whisper, to a deep, burning desire for something. We can crave achievement, love, drugs, food, and so much more. In fact, cravings are at an all-time high today. There are more things than ever to crave, more access to them, and more things designed to keep you coming back. Today we’re going to dissect what cravings actually are. You’re going to understand the science of cravings and be able to see them in a whole new way. You’re also going to find that cravings are not so black and white as many health experts have made them out to be. There can be 50 shades of grey for cravings (please don’t take that analogy too far like my mind just did) and this powerhouse episode is all about learning how to traverse them. Cravings will come and cravings will go, but there’s a special message inside of each of them. So, click play, take good notes, and enjoy! In this episode you'll discover: What cravings actu
TMHS 237: Emotional Intelligence And Developing Altered Traits - With Dr. Daniel Goleman
23/08/2017 Duração: 01h05minFor many of us, we believe that our past = our future. We often carry a subconscious belief that no matter what we do, things will always be just more of the same. Even as we grow older, there’s a tendency to replay just slightly different versions of the same year over and over again. But, as Robin Sharma said, we want to catch ourselves in the act of this craziness and, “don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” So, how do we actually break the mold and change the course and direction of our lives if we want to? How do we change our experience of life as a whole, and live a life of more health, happiness, and fulfillment? Well, as you’ll discover today, it all intrinsically happens when you alter what’s happening inside of you, not outside of you. When you learn how to alter your traits, you learn how to live an altered reality. You may have lived your life as a victim for some time. You might have felt weak and incapable in a life with so many burdens and obstacles. But by altering your traits
TMHS 236: UNDEFEATED: Strengthen Your Body, Mind, And Confidence - With Laila Ali
15/08/2017 Duração: 54minI love the quote from Marianne Williamson that says, “With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.” How much does confidence really play into our lives? Well, if we take a step back we can see that confidence plays a major role in ALL of the decisions we make. Humans don’t act without an underlying sense of confidence. We have confidence in simple things like our ability to walk out our front door and successfully make it to our job. And we have confidence in bigger things like telling someone you love them for the first time, choosing the right college to attend, or going after the dream career we really want. How much confidence we carry will decide how strongly we approach all these things, or even if we decide do them at all! Here’s the thing… confidence is a learned behavior. Sure, there are outliers that have a genetically higher tolerance for risk, but for the most part, the most confidence people on the planet built
TMHS 235: Epigenetics And The Biology Of Belief - With Dr. Bruce Lipton
09/08/2017 Duração: 01h24minI remember watching a lecture from Dr. Bruce Lipton along with my wife and mother-in-law many years ago. After it was over, I saw the tears rolling down my mother-in-laws face as she was overwhelmed with emotion. You see, she had been helping people from all walks of life to better themselves mind, body, and spirit for decades. I’d never meet anyone who was as loved and admired as her before, and I was always intrigued by the love that came from everyone’s mouth when they spoke of her. She endured so much that most people never saw… and all that she went through enabled her to give at a level most people never experienced until they meet her. And, during that lecture from Dr. Lipton, she realized that what she believed all along was true… If you can help people to heal their minds and beliefs, you can help them to heal their bodies. The solution was always inside. That’s how she was able to help herself, and that’s how she was able to help so many others (myself included). Dr. Lipton has a tendency to transfo
TMHS 234: Increase Your Sense Of Value And Stop Postponing Happiness - With Guest Lisa Nichols
06/08/2017 Duração: 01h34minScientist believe that approximately 50 percent of our happiness is genetically predetermined, while 10 percent is due to life circumstances, and 40 percent is the result of our own personal outlook. Whether or not you believe in genetic determinism, none of us can argue that our personal outlook (and in many ways our life circumstances) are within the power of our own hands to change. Why, then, is happiness at a deficit today? With so much connection and so much opportunity, why has happiness become the exception and not the rule? There’s a relatively new field of science focusing on positive psychology and the underpinnings of what creates happiness from us. But nothing compares to the education that we get from someone who’s cracked the code on happiness personally. It’s the stories of success that really speak to hearts, and it’s the real world tools that help us to put what we learn into action. Today you’re going to hear one of the most outstanding stories of how we can achieve happiness and success no
TMHS 233: If It Fits Your Macros & The Dangers Of Gluten-Free RELOADED
02/08/2017 Duração: 57minYou can gain just as much weight eating gluten-free cupcakes as you do eating gluten-filled cupcakes. We don’t want the latest marketing trend to be the demise of your health and fitness goals. Though many gluten-free efforts mean well, as with anything, marketers can really mess things up. They’ll take a good wholesome idea and you turn it into a tactic. Gluten-free options came into play to enable folks with gluten sensitivities to still enjoy some of their favorite comfort foods. Then more gluten-free options hit the market to meet the demand of people finding out the big potential downsides of eating gluten. The next thing you know there’s a gluten-free label slapped on everything from soups, to salads, to potato chips, and pizza. I think I even saw someone sipping a gluten-free bottle of water the other day. You’re about to get an in-depth look at the gluten-free phenomenon (and where our initial good intentions may have gotten off track). Plus, we’re covering some of the basics of the If It Fits Your Ma
TMHS 232: Brain Hacks For Faster Learning, Boosting Your Retention, And Eliminating Mental Fatigue - With Jim Kwik
26/07/2017 Duração: 01h02minYou’ve probably been hearing the news about WMDs from the media for many years. In fact, the media itself is often a WMD (Weapon of Mass Distraction). Today we are living in the time of the greatest distraction known to man. We’ve gained some prominence over acquiring food and water, most folks have a roof over their head, and meeting potential mates can be as easy as swiping right on your phone. But all of this newfound free time has opened up a blackhole of time to kill, and now we have an infinite amount of information to pour into it. Sure dating today is a lot more like Wheel of Fortune than real life (I was always intrigued by those people who guessed just $1 for the price of a washing machine… why not $2? Why not 2???). The problem isn’t the apps and services, or the guessing that we do when we get on our devices. The problem is the sheer amount of data we all have to process each and every day of our lives now. Because of this, most of us have simply outsourced a lot of our thinking to our smartphones
TMHS 231: Morning Routines That Supercharge Your Fat Loss, Health, And Productivity
19/07/2017 Duração: 01h16minWhy not start your body off each day in a fat-burning state? It’s as easy as drinking a glass of water… and here’s why. A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking just 17 ounces of water can increase your metabolic rate by up to 30%. Wait, what?! So, this whole drinking water to lose fat thing actually works? In short, yes. But the real gold is in the details. The researchers in the study found that the total thermogenic response of drinking the water was a burn off of about 24 Calories. Just to be clear, this does not mean that chug-a-lugging gallons of water each day will have you burning massive amounts of calories. There’s an upper limit to this that easily gets bypassed by overdoing it on the aqua. Just like everything else in life, too much of even a good thing can quickly turn into a bad thing (unless it’s watching Game of Thrones… according to my wife, there’s no such thing as too much). Yet, the upper limit is definitely not the issue for the
TMHS 230: Body Checks, Financial Fitness, And How To Be Age-Proof - With Dr. Michael Roizen
09/07/2017 Duração: 01h07minYou’ve probably heard the statement before that “health is wealth”. But what does that mean exactly? I believe that it’s a statement summarizing the fact that when you have your health, you have possibility. With good health you have the clarity, the vitality, and the energy to submit your will in life, and do the things that make your life worth living. Without good health, everything in life can seem exponentially harder. And I know this from firsthand experience. It’s so much harder to have clarity and direction, there’s a feeling that something is holding you back, and mustering up the energy to do even small things is an enormous task. Health is wealth because it moves you more gracefully out of limited thinking. As our health improves, so does our energy and optimism. You start to feel richer (or, at least, more capable of becoming richer!). Now, what if we flipped the statement around? Wealth is health? Would it still hold up as a fact? Well, our guest today will not only show exactly how our financial
TMHS 229: The Myth Of Fat-Burning Foods & Why Stress Makes Us Fat - With Dr. Jade Teta
05/07/2017 Duração: 58minYou’ve seen the headlines… Ads telling you to just “Eat these 5 fat burning foods” and you’ll be able to achieve miraculous things. You’ll drop 10 pounds in two weeks, lose several inches off your waist, and even get your own reality show on VH1. Ok, I added the last one in, but you get the picture. If eating certain fat-burning foods could cure our body fat problems, then why are we not seeing an epidemic of fit people flooding the streets? If there were fat-burning foods that really did as advertised, they would be in such high demand that people would stand in lines around the block just like they do when the new iPhones come out (but this time it’ll be called “The iPhat”). The reality is, fat-burning foods are a bit of a misnomer. Food (the good, the bad, and the ugly) doesn’t make you burn or store less fat based on the food alone. There are many complex things going on behind the scenes that only a few people can can give us the real skinny on. One of those people is Dr. Jade Teta. And he’s here today t
TMHS 228: How To Create An Environment That Supports Your Greatness
03/07/2017 Duração: 01h17minPeople, places, things, and ideas… This doesn’t just describe what a noun is… this also describes what your destiny will be. These are the things that make up your environment at any given time. And these are the things that inherently influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you want to adjust the thoughts you carry, the feelings you experience, or the actions you take, you must meticulously look to your environment. I love the quote that says, “You are a product of your environment, surround yourself with the best!” This statement affirms the fact that we are deeply influenced by our environment, but it also attests that we can change it. If you’ve decided that you want to have, be, and do the very best things possible for you, then creating an environment that supports your greatness is of the utmost importance right now. In this powerful episode, you’re going to learn the actual science behind why you are a product of your environment. Plus, you’ll be equipped with several life-changing tools an
TMHS 227: The Pros And Cons Of Coconut Oil + 20 Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Wellness
28/06/2017 Duração: 01h17minThe next Watergate… the next Covfefe… the next New World Order is… coconut oil? It’s remarkable how foods go in and out of fashion. A similar thing has happened with eggs. For centuries folks were eating whole eggs because, well, that’s how they come. Then saturated fat and cholesterol were villainized, and the egg yolks got the boot. Suddenly we were forced to endure the not-quite-right taste of egg white omelets. Then, years later, whole eggs are vindicated, and they are back on the menu again. Come to find out, cholesterol is an important part of building all of your sex hormones. It’s an important carrier molecule to ship critical nutrients from one place to another in your body. Plus, it helps the neurons in your brain to function properly and do things like form memories. So, yeah, it’s kind of important. Unless you don’t want to remember what you just read. The reality is, it’s not cholesterol, but the oxidation of cholesterol that is the culprit behind increased risk of health problems. This study pub
TMHS 226: The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue - With Dr. Alan Christianson
21/06/2017 Duração: 01h04minWhat does adrenal fatigue really mean? What causes it? And is there actually a cure? These are just some of the questions we’re answering today with the author of the New York Times bestselling book The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson. Dr. C knows about adrenal issues at a far deeper level than most. Being the accomplished endocrinologist that he is, that’s one thing. But being someone who’s overcome devastating health issues himself, puts him in a league of his own. You’re going to uncover piece-by-piece how your incredible endocrine system works to keep you fit, energized, and healthy. It’s these connective pieces that can bring you game-changing results in how you feel in just a matter of days. Adrenal fatigue is a hot illness right now, but it’s time that we kick it off the runway and let radiant health strut its stuff. Click play, take good notes, and enjoy! In this episode you'll discover: How struggles with severe childhood illnesses led Dr. Christianson into the field of medicine. What your
TMHS 225: Paying Off Sleep-Debt, The Truth About Naps, And Sleep Tips For Parents
13/06/2017 Duração: 01h06minWhen the going gets tough, the tough take a nap. That’s how it goes, right? More and more today, napping is being considered acceptable by societal standards. There was a time when being caught “sleeping on the job” was frowned upon. Now, today, innovative companies like Google actually encourage their employees to nap if they feel the desire to. The results?... Higher employee work output, higher levels of job satisfaction, and lower levels of stress. Can a good nap do all of that? Well, maybe. One thing for certain is that simply having the ability to catch a few z’s during the day is comforting. Life happens, and even the tough get sleepy. But, as you’ll discover in this episode, you don’t want to let the smooth nap fool you. There is a lot more to napping than meets the eye. Also, there is a growing amount of national sleep deficit that we are currently trying to find a way to pay off. The need for a nap might just be a symptom of a bigger issue… and all of that we’ll be rolling the covers back on today.
TMHS 224: Unconventional Exercise And Creating An Alpha Brain - With Aubrey Marcus
07/06/2017 Duração: 01h12minThere are many paths to our fitness goals. Some will get you there faster than others. And some will get you there so overly yolked that you look like crossfitting, keto eating Hulk Hogan. Having 24 inch pythons like Hulk Hogan probably isn’t the goal for everyone. But getting to our body composition and fitness goals injury-free is. We’ve become strangely trapped in our linear movements in exercise today. Press with both arms in one direction with equal weight (i.e. bench press), squat up and down with both legs with equal weight (i.e. barbell squats), pull yourself straight up with total symmetry (i.e. strict pull ups), and these are the basics of our exercise programs today. Don’t get me wrong, those movements are all valuable and popular for a reason. But, we may have gotten so set in those movements that they may have put us at a disadvantage when it comes to moving in the real world. In reality… in life, and in competition, very rarely are you facing resistance that’s perfectly balanced on both sides of
TMHS 223: Transform Your Body And Life From The Inside Out - With Carrie Wilkerson
05/06/2017 Duração: 56min“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” That’s how the timeless classic from Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities begins... and it couldn’t be any more accurate today. Right now we have instant information at our fingertips. The answers to almost any question you can ask (including important questions like “Why do they keep remaking Spider-man?”) are just seconds away. We have an abundance of food for billions of people (I have some issues with this, but let me not digress). We have the ability to travel anywhere on the planet within hours. We have safer communities, more wealth, more access to education, and the ability to bypass conventional gatekeepers and become a shining success through the power of social media. Sounds like a pretty cool world, right? Well, don’t sign up for this field trip quite yet. At the same time today, we have higher rates of disease and poor health than at any other time in documented human history. We have cyberbullying and endless criticism if you do decide to “p
TMHS 222: The History Of Sugar: Sex, Drugs, And Entertainment
30/05/2017 Duração: 01h30minPretty please with sugar on top. Who could resist a request like that? Sugar does, indeed, make everything sweeter. Whether it’s a cake, a cup of coffee, or a deal brokered by a 5-year old, when sugar is added to the mix, things can become irresistible. I’ve loved sugar as far back as I can remember. It’s been a staple in our lives… even when we didn’t have much money or food, we had sugar on the shelf. I can think back on the times that my younger siblings and I made butter and sugar sandwiches when the refrigerator was next to empty. Sugar was there for us, making life sweeter even then. So, how did things go so terribly wrong? To say that I was addicted to sugar would be an understatement. I easily ate over 100 pounds of sugar each year through the foods and beverages I consumed. You might think that a number like that is outlandish, or even unusual, but today it’s actually the norm. Our society puts so much sugar into our metaphorical gas tanks each year that you’d be hard-pressed to figure out how any of
TMHS 221: Real Solutions For ADHD And Staying Focused In A Hyper World - With Dr. John Gray
24/05/2017 Duração: 01h19minWhat if every child with ADHD is actually gifted? As a society, we’ve been struggling to support our kids who have ADHD. And, as it turns out, many of these children are not just hyper-active, but also hyper-intelligent. The great tragedy today is that many of these kid’s amazing gifts are, unfortunately, overlooked or suppressed. ADHD is typically a blanket diagnosis that covers hundreds of different variations in symptoms and experiences. Yet, millions of children are lumped together and given a cookie-cutter treatment, and the results of have been less than impressive. Some rarely discussed side effects of conventional treatment and/or neglect of ADHD are greater levels of depression and anxiety, higher incidences of drug abuse, and higher rates of suicide. Simply giving a child a drug to help them be more focused in grade school may seem appropriate in the short-term, but neglecting the underlying cause of the ADHD could have devastating consequences in the long-term. ADHD simply does not “wear off” when
TMHS 220: Lose Stubborn Fat And Heal Your Thyroid Function With The Hashimoto’s Protocol - With Dr. Izabella Wentz
17/05/2017 Duração: 01h10minWith the rapidly growing rates of Hashimoto’s disease, either you or someone you know will be stricken by this disease if we don’t do something about it. Hashimoto’s is hot right now. Not in a Zoolander hitting the runway kind of hot, but a full-fledged epidemic featuring the fastest spreading autoimmune disease in the nation. Dr. Izabella Wentz had Hashimoto’s for years and didn’t know it. It just about wrecked her entire life (as you’ll learn about today), but it was also an amazing gift in disguise. After years of struggle, she was able to successfully put the disease into full remission. Now she’s on a mission to share the life-changing strategies she discovered with the millions of people battling Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The rub is that many of the people with Hashimoto’s don’t know that they have it. It could be expressed in chronic fatigue, stubborn body fat, constipation, hair loss, memory lapses, or many other symptoms. It’s important to know the signs, but it’s also important to know the right test