The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.
TMHS 359: How To Find More Peace, Health, & Happiness - With Guest Jane Wambui Kaberere
02/07/2019 Duração: 01h18minTibetan teacher Mingyur Rinpoche said, “The only difference between meditation and ordinary social interaction is that the friend you’re gradually coming to know is yourself.” If you’ve ever practiced meditation, you’ll know this to be true. Conversely, if you’ve never tried meditation, you might be thinking it sounds too difficult or too abstract. I can relate to this, because the first time I tried meditation, I had to suspend disbelief. But this simple practice brought me awareness, consciousness, and ultimately led to my passion for helping others. And I owe it all to today’s guest, Jane Wambui Kaberere. Jane is the most requested guest on the Model Health Show, my biggest inspiration, and she also happens to be my mother-in-law. She is the epitome of overcoming obstacles in order to make a positive impact on others. Her story encompasses all levels of health and wellness, including nutrition, mindfulness, and self-care. Learning from Jane has truly been one of the biggest gifts in my life, and I’m so gr
TMHS 358: The Truth About Your Water Supply & How Water Controls Your Health
25/06/2019 Duração: 01h20minLeonardo da Vinci once said, “water is the driving force of all nature.” When you think about it, that’s incredibly profound. Especially in developed countries, we tend to overlook the importance and role of water. Having access to water is at the foundation of our health, well-being, and very existence. In the Water and Hydration Masterclass 2.0, you’re going to learn about the critical roles water plays in your body, from digestion to DNA function. Whether your goal is to lose fat or fight disease, adequate hydration is one of the best things you can do for your body. This episode will supply you will essential strategies to ensure you are being adequately hydrated, and the emerging science on how to provide yourself with the best possible quality of water. We’re going to cover exactly what water is, how it works, and why it’s so essential to all life. You’ll learn about water treatments, water filtration methods, and tips for consuming more high-quality water. So listen in, take good notes, and apply what
TMHS 357: Build Amazing Relationships, Set Bigger Goals, & Create An Extraordinary Mind - With Guest Vishen Lakhiani
18/06/2019 Duração: 01h03minWhere do your aspirations truly come from? Are your goals rooted in something deep inside of you, or are they a product of societal pressures? So many of us lose sight of our internal voice due to deeply ingrained ideas of what we should be like and what we should achieve. If you can truly get in touch with what is authentic to you, that’s where the magic happens. If you want to create a life that is in alignment with who you really are, you have to disconnect from all of the external voices and messages that have influenced you for your entire life. Today’s guest left behind a successful engineering track and a job at Microsoft in order to follow his calling. Vishen Lakhiani is a speaker, activist, New York Times Best Selling Author, and founder of the world-changing company Mindvalley. His story is a powerful testament to the power of overcoming fears and what can happen when you decide to step into your power. Please enjoy this interview with the one and only, Vishen Lakhiani! In this episode you’ll disc
TMHS 356: 10 Ways To Increase Your Mental Power & Get Smarter NOW!
11/06/2019 Duração: 01h04minWe can all agree that for the most part, your level of fitness is within your control. But for some reason, we tend to think of our brain power as a fixed skill set. For years, you’ve probably heard people say that it’s best to learn new skills like instruments and languages as a child. And while it’s true that a child’s brain is more plastic than an adult’s, that doesn’t mean we can’t grow and learn throughout our lives. The human brain is designed to be adaptable at its core. In fact, studies have shown that the more active we keep our brains, the less susceptible we are to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. We should make it a point to focus on our brain’s fitness just as much as we focus on our physical bodies. This episode is full of tips and strategies you can use to maximize your intelligence, improve your memory, conserve your mental energy, and optimize your thinking. You’re going to learn practical tools you can apply in order to tap into the power of your mind. We’re going to co
TMHS 355: Embrace Your Story & Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs
05/06/2019 Duração: 01h19minWhat holds you back from becoming your best self? What are the limitations and excuses that you see in your path? Chances are, those limits are self-imposed. Your potential is immeasurable, but for some reason, we tend to unconsciously self-sabotage. I know I am guilty of this, and you too have done it. We all have the habit of holding ourselves back with limiting beliefs. It’s simply in our nature. But if you want to reach your potential and become your best self, you have to start identifying and challenging those self-inflicted limits. Today I want to share my story of overcoming deeply ingrained beliefs from my childhood and taking authority over my own story. I’m also going to share three tips to help you break through your limiting beliefs. I hope this episode will inspire you to become the author of your story so that you can reach your goals and become your best self. In this episode you’ll discover: How self-imposed limits stop us from reaching our goals. The main two reasons why we struggle in
TMHS 354: Game-Changing Fitness Advice From 10 Of The World’s Top Experts
03/06/2019 Duração: 01h06minFitness is often wrongly attributed as the single solitary driver of your overall health and body composition. Movement and exercise are important, but your overall wellness isn’t so one-dimensional; it encompasses sleep, nutrition, stress management, and more. Your fitness routine shouldn’t be your entire life—it’s just one piece of being a passionate, multi-faceted human being. You don’t need to spend countless hours in the gym in order to create a fit, healthy body. What’s more important is that your exercise routine is effective, functional, and rooted in science. On this episode, we’re highlighting how to build an effective and comprehensive fitness routine. You’re going to hear ten powerful moments from past episodes on building strength, working smarter not harder, building a strong physical foundation, and more. So listen attentively, take notes, and apply the strategies that resonate with you! In this episode you’ll discover: The definition of eccentric training, and how to take advantage of its b
TMHS 353: Overcoming Our Secret Stressors & How To Stop Being Hangry - With Guests Sarah Fragoso & Dr. Brooke Kalanick
28/05/2019 Duração: 01h30minWhen it comes to managing your health and finding a nutrition approach that works best for your body, it’s important to remember that what’s common and what’s normal are two different things. Just because certain experiences and symptoms are prevalent in our culture doesn’t mean that they’re ideal. For instance, well-known commercials insinuate that hanger (being so hungry that you become angry) is a common, laughable state of being. While hanger is a real emotion, it’s not necessarily something you should be experiencing on a regular basis. Controlling your hanger starts with understanding what’s physiologically happening in your body. On this episode, I’m joined by not one, but two incredible guests! Sarah Fragoso and Dr. Brooke Kalanick are here to share the science behind being hangry. You’ll learn about the five simple steps to balance your hormones, some surprising factors that could secretly be stressing you out, and how to customize your own personal healthy lifestyle with food, exercise, and stress
TMHS 352: Self Assessment, Adjusting To Change, & Social Media Detox - With Guest Anne Stevenson
21/05/2019 Duração: 01h28minHenry David Thoreau made an insightful point when he wrote, “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” Whether you’re in a season of challenges, conflict, joy, or change, each season holds its unique ups and downs. But if we dismiss the hard seasons, there’s a lot of growth and beauty that we could miss. On this episode, the lovely Anne Stevenson is back to talk about navigating those seasons of life, including her experience moving to the United States from Kenya, and what it was like to transition into motherhood. You’re going to hear Anne’s insights on relationships, productivity, finding a balance with social media, and fine-tuning your focus so that you can put your energy into the things that really matter. Anne is also answering your questions on finding a workout that you love, how to maintain your family’s healthy lifestyle around the holidays, as well as how we balance working in our business while we work on o
TMHS 351: Nutrition Under the Sea: Beat Cancer, Boost Mood, & Fight Obesity
14/05/2019 Duração: 55minIt’s easy to get caught up in modern marketing, especially when it comes to nutrition. Here in the US, post World War II advertising led to increased consumption of processed food—including microwave dinners, canned food, and anything considered instant or convenient. And while you can still find many of these products on the grocery store shelves today, there is a huge movement around getting back to basics with our food. Something I’ve discovered throughout the years of fine-tuning my diet is that we can learn a lot by taking a comprehensive look at which foods our ancestors considered staples. Most coastal countries have been adding the superfood group of sea vegetables to their plates since ancient times. Seaweed and other underwater vegetables have long been known for their nutritional value, and today we’ve got the evidence to back up those claims. This powerhouse episode provides insights into the powerful health benefits of sea vegetables. You’re going to learn about nutrient density, preventative p
TMHS 350: The Secret Life Of Fat - With Guest Dr. Sylvia Tara
07/05/2019 Duração: 01h47sWhat comes to mind when you think about fat? If you’re like most people, you probably associate a negative connotation with that word. But like most things when it comes to health, it’s simply not that black and white. While it’s certainly important to have control over your body fat percentage, fat has been overly demonized in our society. Fat actually plays many critical roles within the body—it can affect the size of your brain, your hormone function, the efficacy of your immune system, and more. Because the function of fat is largely misunderstood, so many people fail when it comes to losing weight. In fact, there’s an entire industry dedicated to teas, pills, and diets that work against the body’s natural mechanisms. Today we’re going to dissect what fat actually is, and its complex role in the human body. And there’s no one better to approach this topic than Dr. Sylvia Tara. In her new book, The Secret Life of Fat, Dr. Tara explores the cutting-edge science behind fat as an organ, its role in the body,
TMHS 349: The Microbiome-Emotion Connection & The Truth About Antidepressants - With Guest Dr. Jillian Teta
06/05/2019 Duração: 01h01minEmerging science regarding the role of the human gut just keeps getting better and more complex. Until recently, most of us considered the digestive tract a simple means of processing food and eliminating waste. But the entirety of the digestive tract spans thirty feet long, and it turns out our amazing gut controls much more than digestion. The entire body is an integrated, interconnected whole, in which the gut plays a huge role. The gut has implications on many systems in the body—including hormones, the immune system, and even emotions. Today we’re joined by an expert on all things gut health, digestion, and integrative medicine. Dr. Jilian Teta is a naturopathic physician, author, and leader in the field of digestive health. She’s here to help us understand the holistic role the gut plays within our bodies and how to optimize its function. So click play, write down what resonates with you, and enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover: The link between the gut and emotions. What ENS means. The two di
TMHS 348: Diversify Your Mental Inputs And Step Into Your Purpose
01/05/2019 Duração: 01h14minTrue wellness is multi-faceted—it encompasses nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and so much more. Interesting research is emerging suggesting that we are healthier (and we live longer) when we have meaning and a sense of purpose in our lives. But what does it truly mean to have a purpose? This idea has become distorted in our culture. Words like passion and purpose are often overused and misconstrued. Uncovering your purpose is not always an enlightening epiphany. We are all passionate and purpose-driven, but sometimes stepping into that power is easier said than done. The truth is, no one is going to give you permission to live the life that you want. You are not going to be handed your purpose on a silver platter—it’s something for you to discover, and ultimately choose for yourself. On today’s show, you’ll learn three specific steps you can take to diversify your thinking and walk in your purpose. I hope you’ll listen intently, take good notes, and become inspired to fully and authentically s
TMHS 347: How To Change Your State & Age In Reverse - With Guest Natalie Jill
23/04/2019 Duração: 01h05minWhat holds you back from becoming your best self? Maybe you feel like it’s too late to find a career that you’re passionate about. Maybe you believe that you lack the motivation required to get started on your fitness goals, or maybe you simply doubt your worth and abilities. The problem with these limiting beliefs is that not only are they entirely false, but the more we repeat them, the more they take root into our mindset. The key to reaching any goal begins with your mentality, so finding the ability to reprogram negative thoughts can totally change your life. Once you hear Natalie Jill’s story, you’ll know this to be true. From getting started in the fitness industry in her late 30’s to totally transforming the way she thought about health and authenticity, Natalie has unmatchable experience in overcoming the mental barriers that can literally block success and health. Today you’re going to hear Natalie’s insights into overcoming your ego, reframing the way you think about aging, and so much more. Enjoy!
TMHS 346: Top 10 Healthy Travel Tips + Science-Based Reasons You Need To Travel More
16/04/2019 Duração: 01h01minHopefully, by now, you have a lot of powerful tools in your superhero utility belt—smart sleep habits, an exercise routine that you love, mindfulness, and a well-rounded diet that supports your goals. But have you ever thought about travel as a way to enrich your overall health and wellness? We know that vacations can be relaxing, but science shows us that traveling actually has many health-affirming benefits. Travel has been associated with lower rates of heart disease, better mental health, and a greater sense of connectedness. That being said, being away from home and out of your regular routine can take its toll on your body in the short-term. Traveling has been shown to negatively impact your immune system, digestion, sleep schedule, and skin. Today you’re going to learn how to be your best self while traveling. This episode is loaded with ten practical tips you can use to support your body while you’re on the road. You’re going to learn about establishing good sleep habits away from home, how to optimiz
TMHS 345: The Science Of Stem Cells & How To Eat To Beat Disease – With Guest Dr. William Li
09/04/2019 Duração: 01h09minThere’s a ton of conflicting information about which foods you should keep off your plate. You name a food, it’s probably been vilified on some corner of the internet. Everything from coconut oil to rice, even entire food groups and macronutrients have been metaphorically hunted with pitchforks and torches. This approach rarely serves anyone. You probably already know that food is medicine, and that what you choose to put on your plate can have incredible implications on your overall health. But instead of taking an extreme fear-based approach toward eliminating foods, what if we instead focused on abundance and expansion? Adding food to your plate that is scientifically proven to prevent disease is a much more logical and sustainable approach. That’s why I think you’re going to love this episode with Dr. William Li. His groundbreaking research has had a positive impact on diseases such as cancer, obesity, and heart disease. In his new book, Eat to Beat Disease, he highlights how what you eat can help aid you
TMHS 344: Real-World Motivation To Remind You Of Your Greatness
02/04/2019 Duração: 52minNo matter how dedicated you are to self-improvement, you’re bound to have a bad day every once in a while. We’re human, and that means sometimes we’re unmotivated, uninspired, or just plain cranky. It’s okay to have a bad moment or a hard day. But what truly matters is your ability to pivot and get back to your baseline of happiness and health. The reason I felt so compelled to share this message is because I’ve recently been in that dark place. No matter what strategies or tools you use to get out of a funk, there’s no denying that listening to inspirational stories can help you channel your motivation. This episode is a compilation of motivating and thought-provoking interviews that you can turn to when you need a mood boost. You’re going to hear eight incredible stories about improving your self-image, finding the lessons throughout hard times, and harnessing your power to create change. I hope you’ll listen intently, find the pieces that resonate with you and revisit them the next time you need to fill yo
TMHS 343: The Paradox Of Progress & The Life-Changing Laws Of Emotion - With Guest Mark Manson
01/04/2019 Duração: 01h15minHave you ever reached a goal, and then immediately felt unfulfilled or disappointed? Psychologically speaking, this is totally normal. Having big goals gives us a sense of purpose and a reason to look forward to the future. More importantly, striving toward those goals helps us feel connected and hopeful. After becoming a best-selling author and reaching all of his life’s goals at only 29, Mark Mason felt a deep sense of malaise and depression. While that might sound counterintuitive, science says it’s totally normal to feel apathetic and blue after reaching a huge goal. In his new book, Everything is F*cked, Mark dives into the psychology behind achievement, human happiness, and the importance of hope. Mark is on the show today to share his experience, along with the impressive science behind the human mind. You’re going to learn the powerful formula for perpetuating hope, how to hack your brain to create habits that stick, as well as how to truly measure happiness. In this episode you’ll discover: The surp
TMHS 342: Cross-Training Your Nutrition & Getting Honest About The Fitness Industry - With Guest Chalene Johnson
26/03/2019 Duração: 01h09minDiet culture is confusing. With modern marketing, social media, and endless diet books, is it any wonder that people are confused about what to eat? The reality is, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet. Different things work for different folks, and this can even vary throughout different seasons of life. If you’re paleo or vegetarian and that works for you right now, more power to you. But being true to your health means valuing your body more than that label and being open-minded enough to consider that your needs might change one day in the future. Personalizing your nutrition approach (and being flexible!) is key to optimal health. That’s why when I read 131 Method by Chalene Johnson, I knew I had to share it with you. The book doesn’t have a list of good and bad foods. Instead, it’s about honoring your own body, experimenting with your diet, and eating what makes you feel good. You are uniquely you, and your diet should be too. How powerful is that? On today’s show, Chalene ret
TMHS 341: 10 Daily Habits That Will Make You Smarter & More Successful
19/03/2019 Duração: 01h34minHave you ever heard the statistic that we only use 10% of our brains? That’s not exactly true. While there are certain areas of the brain that perform at a higher level than others, brain imaging has proven that we use the majority of our brains even doing simple tasks like walking and talking. This huge and pervasive myth goes to show that most of us know very little about how our brains actually work. Today, I want to talk about some tangible steps you can take to maximize your ability to learn and comprehend information. You can probably guess that diet and exercise play a role, but we’re also going to cover some interesting data on how things like social interaction and social media can affect your incredible brain. This episode is full of simple habit changes you can implement to maximize your brain’s abilities, as well as the science to back it up. You’re going to learn about how small changes can have a lasting effect. We’re going to cover ten different areas that can help you maximize your brain power
TMHS 340: Cognitive Enhancement Through Exercise & How Your Brain Actually Works - With Guest Dr. Wendy Suzuki
13/03/2019 Duração: 01h06minWhat do you do to maintain the health of your brain? You probably already know about the importance of mental stimulation and problem solving for the health of your brain. But the truth is, our brain is an incredibly complex system that can be affected by many internal and external factors. Protecting your health isn’t as simple as doing a word puzzle—it’s a culmination of all of your daily habits and rituals. Researchers are constantly uncovering new evidence about the interconnectedness of the human body, and the importance of creating healthy habits to protect all systems in the body, including the brain. Among the lifestyle choices you can implement to make a positive impact on your brain health, simple habits like exercise and meditation go a long way. Dr. Wendy Suzuki is an expert in all things neural science and brain plasticity. Her evolving work has spanned from the brain’s ability to retain memory, to how exercise and meditation can improve cognitive ability, and how everyday anxiety can be harnesse