Primal Blueprint Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 599:41:21
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The Primal Blueprint Podcast - On how to be healthy, strong, fit, happy and productive with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice as possible. With Mark Sisson and guests.


  • Better Than a Marathon: The 1 Mile Challenge

    29/10/2014 Duração: 09min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!We all like to test ourselves, and running a mile might be the simplest, best indicator of overall cardiovascular fitness. Here's why and how to do it.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • G’Day, Australia – The Primal Hotbed

    29/10/2014 Duração: 11min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!What makes Australia such a hotbed for the Primal lifestyle? Several national characteristics converge to explain its unique and special relationship with ancestral health.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Episode #40: Interview with Ben Greenfield, Author of Beyond Training

    28/10/2014 Duração: 39min

    In this podcast, host Brad Kearns talks with Ben Greenfield, a leading endurance athlete, trainer, and fitness author. They discuss Ben's book, Beyond Training, which focuses on supporting and maintaining good health while training for high intensity endurance activities like triathlons. The two talk about the importance of balancing older, low tech training methods with newer, high tech ones. This leads into a discussion about heart rate variability and its implications for maximizing training efforts.                         Finally, they discuss the intersection between Ben's book and the Primal Blueprint principles, which includes many examples of how less can often be more when it comes to endurance training and reaching athletic potential.

  • The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fat

    24/10/2014 Duração: 20min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!It all started with the infamous Ancel Keys and his Seven Countries Study, which tracked the fat consumption and heart disease levels of various nations. It was named for the seven countries that saw an increase in heart disease cases correspond with increased fat consumption, but it should have been named the Twenty Two Countries Study for all the data he omitted. Data, I should mention, that demolished his hypothesis of fat intake causing heart disease.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Episode 39: Interview with Vinnie Tortorich, America's Angriest Trainer

    23/10/2014 Duração: 27min

    Host Brad Kearns talks to Vinnie Tortorich, "America's Angriest Trainer!" Vinnie is a popular Hollywood trainer known for helping celebs drop weight quickly with his simple, no-nonsense NSNG strategy (No Sugar, No Grains). Vinnie describes getting his foothold in Hollywood by helping an obese employee of Playboy Enterprises lose a couple hundred pounds. Consequently, he caught the attention of the organization and was soon enrolled to help keep centerfolds in top shape after they received their windfall and started indulging in food accordingly. Vinnie is the author of Fitness Confidential and hosts the popular Angriest Trainer Podcast. He has hosted a very impressive assortment of guests in his 300+ shows, including many leading endurance athletes and primal/paleo authors. In this show, Vinnie describes that he is not an angry person, but he's angry on your behalf for the flaws in the conventional wisdom approach to fitness that result in struggling, suffering, and failed weight loss efforts. He blames train

  • How to Accept Your Imperfections

    23/10/2014 Duração: 11min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! I’ve known a lot of people who have been truly solid individuals – amazing men and women, fantastic parents and partners, confident professionals, genuine friends – who confess that certain things about their physique bother them. They don’t obsess over them, but the feelings exist as background static they notice on occasion. Yes, you could say they have it “all,” but there’s still that nagging source of vulnerability. What can be done to overcome those deep seeded insecurities? (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Are Elite Athletes Inadvertently Training Like Grok?

    22/10/2014 Duração: 10min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! Modern elite athletes have different goals than our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Their training loads are higher and their physical activity is contrived and somewhat artificial. But for the most part, elite athletes are working with the same metabolic and neuromuscular machinery as Grok. The activities and movement patterns that benefited and shaped the evolution and performance of our hunter-gatherer ancestors should thus prove useful for contemporary humans seeking optimal physical performance. (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Are Video Games Good or Bad for Us?

    21/10/2014 Duração: 15min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! There’s a huge body of research examining the potentially negative effects of video games. There’s also a huge body of research examining the potentially positive cognitive effects of video games. I’ll examine the former, followed by the latter. Then I’ll give my take on everything. (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • The Definitive Guide to Fats

    21/10/2014 Duração: 12min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! As you know, I’ve always been a friend to many fats. But the fact remains, ladies and gentlemen, that not all fats are created equal.A few fats, including but not limited to trans fats, deserve every bit of disparagement they get and then some. However, we feel for those other little guys in the group. Many of them are, assuredly, a good lot, and we’d like to put in a good word for them. (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • How Your Primal Connection to Water Runs Deeper Than Thirst

    16/10/2014 Duração: 08min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! When was the last time you spent a period of time next to (or in) water? Maybe it was a week, or maybe it was ten minutes. Chances are, no matter how little time it was, it changed you somehow. It shifted your mood. It relaxed your thoughts. It softened the edges of your day, and you left at least somewhat revived. (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Episode #38: Ask the Primal Doctor – Q&A with Dr. Cate Shanahan

    15/10/2014 Duração: 29min

    Dr. Cate Shanahan hits the Q&A hard, offering interesting commentary on a variety of topics, especially those relating to hormones and longevity markers. Cate explains how one's level of elastin is a major predictor of lifespan. Elastin is typically considered an important component of healthy skin. Losing elastin and collagen (a form of elastin that is also a major element of healthy skin) cause wrinkles, an obvious sign of aging. Elastin, however, is present in other cells such as those in joints and arteries. Losing elastin accelerates aging (arteries become stiffer and less resilient; joints become creakier and less fluid) and hastens demise. Across species, the typical half-life of elastin is a lifespan predictor. For example, the half-life of elastin in a dog is 10 years whereas it’s 75 years in humans. One develops a lifetime supply of elastin by age 20, which makes childhood and teen years critical for obtaining the optimal nutrition to fully realize elastin production potential. Pro-inflammatory

  • Why These Nine Famous Thinkers Walked So Much

    15/10/2014 Duração: 11min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!Many of the most accomplished and creative people throughout history have also found walking to be an integral part of their daily routines and key to their success as artists, creators, writers, musicians, thinkers, and human beings.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • How to Increase Your Heart Rate Variability

    14/10/2014 Duração: 13min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! Increasing your heart rate variability can improve your fitness, cardiovascular health, and ability to handle stress. Here's how to do it. (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Mark's Daily Apple Best of 2014, Vol. 6: Gluten

    14/10/2014 Duração: 22min

    Welcome to Mark's Daily Apple Best of 2014, Vol. 6: Gluten:Does Gluten Have Any Effect on Non-Celiacs?The “Dangers” of Going Gluten-Free(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • The Definitive Guide to Grains

    13/10/2014 Duração: 14min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! Grains. Every day we’re bombarded with them and their myriad of associations in American (and much of Western) culture: Wilford Brimley, Uncle Ben, the Sunbeam girl, the latest Wheaties athlete, a pastrami on rye, spaghetti dinners, buns for barbeque, corn on the cob, donuts, birthday cake, apple pie, amber waves of grain…. Gee, am I missing anything? Of course. So much, in fact, that it could – and usually does – take up the majority of supermarket square footage. (Not to mention those government farm subsidies, but that’s another post.) Yes, grains are solidly etched into our modern Western psyche – just not so much into our physiology.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)  

  • The Power of Words: How We Talk about Food

    09/10/2014 Duração: 07min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! Consider the common phrasing we’re all exposed to every day, such as the snack attack, cheat day or guilty pleasure? What about treating yourself? What about “king” size? On a branded note, what about Happy Meal or Weight Watchers? (Am I the only one who looks at this name and is bothered by the seeming identification with unrelenting vigilance?) Let alone “part of a well-balanced diet”… What phrases am I missing here?While we may over time disown those phrases from our own vocabulary, do they ever wholly lose their influence? What lingers longer than we’d care to admit? (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • How to Outsource Your Physical Activity

    08/10/2014 Duração: 12min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!As humans living in the Information age, we're winning. We've got nature on the ropes. But until the robot butlers, maids, and personal assistants have arrived, the threat of physical activity looms and we have the responsibility and duty to outsource it as much as possible...(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Episode #37: Listener Questions and Answers with Mark Sisson

    07/10/2014 Duração: 33min

      Mark Sisson is back in the Malibu studios for a free-form conversation with Brad Kearns about Mark’s latest fitness pursuits, recent developments and new products in the Primal Blueprint business, and the importance of balancing stress and rest when exercising.Mark mentions that there is likely a holistic fix for virtually any overuse injury. He talks about how he has modified his gym weight lifting regimen and offers some stretching techniques to improve compromised joints. Mark also discusses how to modify exercise patterns based on sub par immune function and not being in the right headspace for an intense effort. He mentions a new comprehensive online multimedia educational program called Don’t Just Sit There, where he works together with Katy Bowman, MS, author of Move Your DNA, to help combat the problem of excessive stillness and lack of variation in the modern workplace. Mark also mentions the general trend of Primal Blueprint Publishing transitioning away from chopping down trees to print hard copy

  • Have You Checked Your Heart Rate Variability Lately?

    07/10/2014 Duração: 14min

    Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! People are always looking for that one biomarker to rule them all, the number on a paper that absolutely determines your health, longevity, fitness level, sex appeal, happiness, and productivity. Throughout the years, it’s bounced around as researchers think they’ve found “IT” – from cholesterol to LDL to BMI to small dense LDL to CRP to blood pressure to pulse rate and back again – but we always come up wanting. The “one biomarker” never pans out because biology is complex and irreducible to a single number. (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

  • Mark's Daily Apple Best of 2014, Vol. 5: Getting Unstuck

    06/10/2014 Duração: 37min

    Welcome to Mark's Daily Apple Best of 2014, Vol. 5: Getting Unstuck, featuring:How to Get “Unstuck” Do You Really Believe You Can Change? How to Overcome the “I’ll Do It Tomorrow” Instinct(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)

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