The Primal Blueprint Podcast - On how to be healthy, strong, fit, happy and productive with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice as possible. With Mark Sisson and guests.
What It Means to Be Thankful for Your Health
02/12/2014 Duração: 08minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!What does it mean to be thankful for your health? A lot, I think. At its most basic level it can be a “There but by the grace of God go I” feeling we get when someone we know dies of a heart attack or gets cancer. The news jolts us into awareness of our mortality, health being what keeps us on the other side.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
The Definitive Guide to Insulin, Blood Sugar and Type II Diabetes
02/12/2014 Duração: 14minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!We all know by now that type 2 diabetes is an epidemic. We’re seeing words like crisis and runaway all over the news and in the journals. Heart disease rates have been cut in half since the staggering margarine days of the 1980s, but diabetes has swiftly risen to fill that gaping void and meet the challenge of Completely Unnecessary Disease Epidemic.Here’s my ultra-simple explanation of the entire insulin/blood sugar/type 2 diabetes mess.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
The Many Wheys Whey Protein Can Improve Your Health
27/11/2014 Duração: 10minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! Whey protein isn't just for bodybuilders. It also protects against diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and promotes a strong immune system.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Episode #44: Interview with Mark Allen - Triathlon Legend, Author, and Coach
26/11/2014 Duração: 43minHost Brad Kearns catches up with Mark Allen, the greatest triathlete in history, who has a record six victories at the Hawaii Ironman and ten victories at the Nice, France World Long Course Championship. Today, he is a popular triathlon coach at, TV commentator, corporate speaker, author, and presenter of “Fit Soul, Fit Body” retreats with Brant Secunda, a Huichol shaman and healer.First, Mark talks about the importance of releasing attachment to outcomes and being committed to the enjoyment and appreciation of the process. He discusses how, after a series of unfortunate setbacks, Mark’s first victory in 1989 precipitated five Ironman attempts before he retired at the top of his game at age 39.Mark talks about balancing the pursuit of extreme endurance goals with maintaining health and how research on Heart Rate Variability has been a great breakthrough in monitoring stress and planning training.Mark and Brad discuss the importance of sleep when training and Mark elaborates on how he was
Primal Blueprint Podcasts – Lend Us An Ear!
25/11/2014 Duração: 28minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure! Today episode is all about the podcast. Are you digging it? I want to hear your feedback! (These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
The Definitive Guide to Stress, Cortisol, and the Adrenals: When ‘Fight or Flight’ Meets the Modern World
24/11/2014 Duração: 10minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!Stress can make you gain weight, and it contributes to premature aging. Understanding how stress is related to your overall health and potentially even longevity is essential to achieving your health goals. But do not, repeat, do not go and buy yourself a bottle of Cortislim – just listen to this quick summary and you’ll know all you need to know.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Change Coming to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
20/11/2014 Duração: 13minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!The Healthy Nation Coalition, whose director is Adele Hite, talented purveyor of the brilliant Eathropology blog, has produced a scathing letter detailing the specific shortcomings, failings, and falsehoods found in the past and likely future Dietary Guidelines. Though it’s addressed to Tom Vilsack of the Department of Agriculture and Sylvia Burwell of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Healthy Nation Coalition’s true target audience is “broad-based and includes scientists, health care practitioners, ranchers & farmers, health advocacy groups,” and people like you guys. You can read it here.So, what’s their beef with the Guidelines? The Coalition’s letter submits five points of contention. I’ll go through each one of them in turn.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
How to Support Healthy Skin Bacteria
19/11/2014 Duração: 09minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!Last week, I introduced the concept of the skin biome: the vast communities of microbes living on and in our skin. For some, it was unsettling. Gut microbes are out of sight, out of mind. But skin microbes are on us. They’re crawling, reproducing, digesting, and secreting various fluids and lipids all over the surface of our bodies. In people who’ve been conditioned to use soap and water to remove every last trace of bacteria from our hands and skin, the idea that our hands, faces, arms, and torsos are teeming with microbes – and that it’s probably unwise to remove them all – is hard to swallow. We might even recoil at the thought. I mean, viruses and mites living on us? Really?(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Episode #43: Interview with Jonathan Bailor, Author and Founder of Sane Solution
19/11/2014 Duração: 44minBrad and Mark sit down with New York Times Best Selling author, and creator of the website, Jonathan Bailor: a nutrition and exercise expert who uses modern science and technology to simplify health.First, they discuss how Jonathan came to do what he does. He discusses his early days as a trainer who recommended eating less, and working out more—a philosophy that just made people sick and sad.Second, they discuss the flaws of the calories-in vs. calories-out philosophy and why it usually does more harm than good when it comes to achieving and maintaining weight loss.Next, they talk about the importance of avoiding the bad things in our diet and lifestyle, rather than looking for a panacea to good health. This leads into a discussion about the influence of genetic predispositions and how that constrains our control over our health.Finally, they talk about how mental health affects physical health, why drastic dieting can be counter-intuitive, and the importance of maintaining movement througho
8 Strategies for Cultivating a Vitality Mindset
18/11/2014 Duração: 14minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!Health, too often, is used as some relative term more descriptive of an absence of obvious ill symptoms than the kind of well-being I’m after. It smacks of problem-solving rather than growth. Vitality, on the other hand, ups the ante considerably. It suggests living from a different, more energetic, more fulfilling place.Allow yourself to define your own vision of vitality, but commit to revisiting that vision periodically – accepting and anticipating more for yourself as you grow into the process.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Just Walk It Off: How Walking Can Improve Your Emotional Well-Being
17/11/2014 Duração: 09minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!We’re made to walk – obligated to, in fact. We can bask in the evolutionary continuum, quantify the health advantages or feel inspired by those whose daily strolls fueled their creativity and vision. On a more personal note, however, I wonder how much we turn to walking for more than exercise, more than utility. How much of our walking is emotionally-driven? How much of our walking, you could say, is about the desire to walk “away” from something?(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Episode #42: Ask the Primal Doctor – Q&A with Dr. Cate Shanahan
13/11/2014 Duração: 40minPrimal Blueprint Podcast welcomes Dr. Cate Shanahan, who will join the podcast to answer questions on a monthly rotation. In this show, we learn some fascinating insights about Cate's unique approach to optimal eating–a Primal-friendly philosophy that's based on her unique "4 Pillars of World Cuisine" philosophy, which examines the dietary habits of traditional cultures for similar health-promoting themes. Cate suggests that a collective downfall in diet occurred around 1950, when the post-war momentum drove us toward chemically-altered, heavily-processed foods that inflicted deep harm on a genetic level.She discusses how her interest in the genetic effects of food first took shape when she was a frequently injured collegiate runner, and later when she noticed the exceptional health of her patients in rural Kauai who ate a nutritious native islander diet.As a longtime primary care practitioner, Cate then discusses the conflict between her dietary philosophy and the traditional medical care system, especially
What’s Living on Your Skin?
12/11/2014 Duração: 08minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!Although research is young, we are learning that the critters living on our skin, who number in the billions per centimeter of skin, are supposed to be there. And even though we don’t know exactly all they’re doing, we know this…(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Expert Certification Adds Accreditation and Advisory Board
12/11/2014 Duração: 13minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!While we are pleased to deliver a successful product to an eager audience, I’m also enthusiastic about the bigger picture of having the primal/paleo/ancestral health movement represented in a general sense when it comes to advanced professional education in the areas of diet, exercise, and health science.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Are You the Working Out Type?
07/11/2014 Duração: 08minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!While the research might suggest that certain traits make exercise overall a more appealing choice for some people, I think it’s important to not run too far with the idea that certain personalities tend to embrace fitness more or might (in some studies) perform better along given physical measures.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
The 10 Rules of Successful Exercise
06/11/2014 Duração: 16minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!These ten items have helped me get fitter, healthier, and happier than I ever was as a professional athlete, and I think they’ll help you out, too.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Episode #41: Listener Questions and Answers with Mark Sisson
05/11/2014 Duração: 44minFirst up, Mark details his revised stance on alcohol for the Primal Blueprint. Previously listed as a “sensible indulgence,” he discusses how alcohol’s less obvious health drawbacks have come to light, which spurred a reevaluation of the subject. Second, Mark mentions why The Primal Blueprint advocates the consumption of fatty meats, instead of the often mentioned refrain to consume “lean meats” that has been connected with the Paleo movement. Next, Mark answers some questions about how the Primal approach to eating can help repair unhealthy emotional and psychological attachments to food. Then, he addresses the multiple health benefits of becoming a “fat burning beast,” which allows the body to require fewer calories to sustain energy and metabolic function. Finally, Mark talks about how to deal with confirmation bias in his research and writing, i.e., how to fight against the urge to automatically have what you read agree with what you already believe.
Why I Don’t Trust the Acceptable Daily Intake Levels for Pesticides
05/11/2014 Duração: 11minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!When it comes to assessing the risk of pesticide consumption on human health, the experts have missed a few important factors.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
The Definitive Guide to Cholesterol
04/11/2014 Duração: 17minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!The message these days seems to be that no number is too low when it comes to cholesterol (except HDL but we’ll get to that). I’d like to offer a deeper look into the issue, user-friendly enough but more complex and contentious than you’ll get from the commercial sound bytes telling you to talk to your doctor about blah, blah, blah. Consider it one of MDA’s definitive guides that we’re happy to serve up for our gregarious and always thoughtful community.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)
Are You Sacrificing Your Health?
30/10/2014 Duração: 09minMark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!So what are the reasons we can’t seem to follow through? Despite health being arguably the most important and fundamental thing in our lives, for what are we willing to sacrifice it every day? Consider the excuses and defenses you have offered as justification in not showing up for your health each day.If we truly value our health, I’d brazenly propose that our health actually be a concrete consideration for our decision making.(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)