Hillary offers you in this live/recorded Yoga Podcast 30 min, 1hr beg-adv yoga classes along with interviews with students of yoga who share about the practice.
Podcast #34 - Special Interview of Me and Lara of Yoga Peeps
17/06/2007 Duração: 58minToday is my actual birthday, June 16th and the celebration began thurs night and continues with more events this week... I am so blessed to be doing what I love every day and see how I have grown myself using the gift of yoga. Well with all this fun happening around my special day there was pretty much no time for me to record a class and my friend Lara of Yoga Peeps was cool enough to allow me to offer you this interview for this episode. The life I have created is unfolding with endless blessings and gifts which you are part of - thank you. Enjoy this podcast and share your story with me. My teachers are listed in my blogroll pls check them out Also for the books I mention check out my Amazon Store for great YOGA in NYC check out Elena Brower enjoy her interview . NEWS and a GIFT just for YOU! I have a workshop on YOGA of Health and Healing Sunday June 24th at City Yoga - its FREE!!! Please come if you are in the area I did say its FREE right...
Podcast #33 - You Make A Difference In The World Level 1
11/06/2007 Duração: 01h05minFor the past week I have been paying attention to see where I can make a difference in the world I live in by paying attention to where I can be of service. Even with teaching as a service for me I seek other ways to uplift others especially when I am in public places. The other day I saw a woman in Kinko's began a conversation that led to yoga and that night she came to class - very cool as shared that she had a loss in her family. This reminded me that we can make a big difference for others without really knowing the imprint we leave. My teachers all have reminded me of this and today I offer this to you - each day we can see how we are part of the tapestry of life. Your feedback, YOU and your practice make a difference in this world.... I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity to make a difference in your life. Sally Kempton - Check out the 3 Week Breakthrough Meditation Sally's book on meditation is in my Amazon Store a must buy for anyone wanting to learn or deepen their practice. Sequence:
Podcast #32 - Yoga is Growing Yourself - Strong Levl 2/3 Class
03/06/2007 Duração: 01h11minNow coming up on my 11th year of practicing yoga I see that am deeply into my commitment on and more off the mat along with how I interact with myself and the world - I feel blessed. When I look back on the 5 years in LA and the journey to become a teacher, a wife, a writer a person I see I have grown exponentially through experience and to the many people who offered me a place to feel safe to reveal myself. Yes I have grown in a major ways and what was the most important to me is the soil in which I planted my seeds then the food and nourishment that followed. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank my teachers they have said the many things which allow me to see who I am today and get a glimpse of who I am becoming. Yoga as my teacher Dr. Douglas Brooks says so beautifully is Growing Yourself - how sweet and wonderful to know so we can all see that we are becoming different flowers worth picking. Take a moment before sitting on your mat and check in to see how much you have grown and see the so
Podcast #31 - Tapping into Potential and Exploring Possibilities Lvl 2-3
27/05/2007 Duração: 01h13minAfter sitting nearby one of my sweet teachers Naime Jezzeny (he helped me to see both my potential and the possibilities to be the person I am today) last weekend in his workshop which focused on the Upanishads (means to sit nearby) I was inspired to share with you these teachings inspired from our teacher Dr. Douglas Brooks . When we sit among others and share, listen and realize we all have amazing potential that is in nature. Amidst this diversity you may find a moment of feeling connected to the source (potential) and through this awareness you may discover a new way to express yourself (possibilities). I know now that I always had the potential within myself to be a yoga teacher but until it was time for me to find teachers who would show me that it was possible then I was able to connect to my own heart and could actually believe it for myself - this was huge for my growth as a person and only 5 years ago. My love for yoga took me to go deeper into Philosophy and realize that I can study seeing that I
Podcast #30 - Enjoy the Gift of Embodiment - Lvl 2
20/05/2007 Duração: 01h15minThese past few days I have being feeling a bit down, sad and not wanting to feel these feelings while they we coming to the surface of my heart. My tendency is to ignore and not let myself feel sad which in turn denies the very gift of embodiment - diversity of experience. With being in the body there is an extraordinary opportunity to connect and feel the feelings we have so why deny oneself? When we don't allow the flow to happen we deny the very gift we have been given. I first heard this from one of my teachers Dr. Douglas Brooks and it woke me up to see that yes, life (every bit of it) is a gift. When we embrace and see all of our potential even with the bad feelings or circumstances then we can better align in every way and go directly to the ocean of the heart. Some yoga's teach liberation from the body and Anusara teaches it in the body - this one gels with me. I invite you to see all that you have experienced as a gift, your life as a gift, and that you are a gift allow each one to be a portal to g
Podcast #29 - Creativity & Resourcefulness - Lvl 2-3 Class
13/05/2007 Duração: 01h22minThis week was sizzlin hot in LA (even though its still spring) and in the heat I was doing some spring cleaning creating more space in my closet and filing papers. As I was putting order to my stuff I found myself cutting some pants to make capri's to teach in (the heat drove me to do it), while in the process of cutting the pants I rediscovered my love for altering my clothing and that it is ok to love clothes. Little did I know that Mala my puppy was going to get some new digs out of my creative moment (my being resourceful)... yes I did make two shirts for her and she looked quite cute in her pima cotton 80's sweat shirts... What I love about the yoga is it's everywhere always taking us deeper into what we value and if we tune into the flow of our heart we can find the joy that resides inside and have an even brighter more beautiful expression. Being creative, resourceful and finding what I value allowed me to do yoga without even rolling out my mat totally cool- all in all enjoying the lila tandava
Podcast #28 - A Conversation with Anna Rose Hopkins
07/05/2007 Duração: 16minOne word for Anna is...well it's actually three words - Open to Change! A few months back Anna came to City Yoga looking for a yoga class and I suggested her to take class over at Earth's Power Yoga after she told me she did flow yoga in NYC. Glad she took my theraputics class and listened to her heart - now she comes about 6x a week (check City Yoga Teachers for Tony G.) finding a love for her practice as it deepens on and off her mat. One thing that I found pretty cool was that we both practiced over at Go Yoga in Brooklyn but never knew one another - I did leave NYC in 2002 so not sure if she was there yet.
Podcast #27 - Spring Cleaning with Twists - All Levels
30/04/2007 Duração: 43minIn the past couple of months I've had the opportunity to travel to Vancouver to visit and was blessed with seeing the most amazing blossoms (in the midst of rainfall) - cherry and magnolia (see in pic). Please take in the fullness (Purna) and perfection these blossoms radiate knowing that this too can come from within you especially after churning and opening your body with twists. When spring comes around its a wonderful time to cleanse and create space for new opportunities as we transition into our fullest expression. With our busy lives we forget to look up to take in beauty around us or even look into ourselves to recognize it dwells there as well. When we are pulled in to many directions we tend to loose our footing if we are not grounded - this is like doing twists. From a steady base there is the opportunity to ground down, hug in then churn and move things around a bit to enjoy the unexpected on and off the mat. What I love about twists is that they are subtle and powerful, neutralizing and clean
Podcast #26 - A Conversation with Sarah Pullman
22/04/2007 Duração: 10minOne word for Sarah is Aware! Meeting her on a cold rainy day in Vancouver while she was handling a broken heater at her house over the phone. Sarah was a vision of calm as we met in the spa at the hotel before we sat for our conversation. She greeted me with a smile which brought the light to my heart in the midst of the darkness of the day. Her voice breathes honesty in this interview as she shares how she saw around her many teachers/studios and found that those who needed yoga were some of her friends who sit all day behind computers (she found her gift). This opened her up to create Yoga for Geeks offering yoga at lunch times and at conferences for geeks - she says that you can even wear jeans to class (very cool but not sure if they have stretch in them). Power YogaIyengar Yoga CITY YOGA CHECK IT OUT!!!! Come and play at my Workshop this Sunday: Demystifying Arm Balances 12:30-3:30 Sun April 29th Please check out my new vidcast where I share about how I came to teach and guide others to h
Podcast #25 - Taking Time to Remember 30 Min All Levels
16/04/2007 Duração: 40minBeing reminded to take time to connect to ourselves and tap into who we really are at our core is not as easy these days with so much stimulation in our lives.... When my dear friend Elsie (who I always talk about cause she rocks) sent me an email on Good Friday which inspired this class. Funny enough I didn't even know that is was a holiday she took me to the mat to sit and go within to remember. Along with that I am grateful for being able to teach yoga this weekend at the Spring Retreat for Agape and sit & meditate in the illuminating presence of Dr. Rev. Micheal Beckwith (featured in the Secret DVD) & Dr. Ricki Byers Beckwith which reminded me why I teach yoga and live a life of service. Before you do this practice see if you can find within yourself what you are passionate about, what is sacred to you and pour the meaning into each breath, action and intention. Please check out my new vidcast at (for the books I mention check out my Amazon Store) me & the rev. apres yoga at the A
Podcast #24 - A Conversation with Brian Mahan
07/04/2007 Duração: 13minOne word for Brian is Transformation! He has been on a journey from being on the top of a car in NYC having a pure Kali moment to a return trip to LA where a friend took him to his first yoga class. He plays the edges being present in all that he does taking his words deeper into meaning and experience. His work and path have merged to bring him to a place to help others from his own personal experience - service. I was inspired by this conversation and could of kept the interview going much longer as Brian share moe of his healing journey taking it back to the mat being able to be with himself, not in competition (with anyone including himself) and seeing that every moment is an opportunity to grow. Kundalini YogaPeter Levine - Somatic HealingAdvaita Vendanta Please check out his work and see the many services that Brian offers through the Enlightened Concierge . Please browse, become inspired and support my new online store (the mugs are my fav)..... If you didn't catch my interview on
Podcast #23 - Honor Your Process Lvl 2-3 30min
01/04/2007 Duração: 41minAs we step into spring and move forward transitioning from the darker days to the lighter days see if you can find some personal time to honor your process, your bod, your heart - basically your yoga. Notice what is coming to fruition and what still in a stage of evolution. My teachers have said to me in many ways that inside we all have potential that is like a bija (seed), which is filled with possibilities now take note of what the soil of your awareness is in which these seeds are being cultivated in. After going through my own process of teaching for 5 years and becoming a certified Anusara teacher, I have learned that there is not just one way to do anything that there are many ways honoring our way of unfolding that works for each of us. When we give ourselves permission to be, to nurture, to see where we are in the process we are able to find ease on and off the mat. Enjoy the beauty of spring and see in nature how each tree, bud and blade of grass expresses itself in its own way just as you do. C
Podcast #22 - A Conversation with Christine Price-Clark
24/03/2007 Duração: 13minOne word for Christine is Grateful! YES, and I am to her as she was able to open my eyes to see past the rain and take in with great appreciation the view from my hotel room. We connected immediately when we met and it was so wonderful to connect to the heart of someone who shares the same feeling about life. Her sharing of her transition from NYC to BC is inspiring and a great support for anyone who may wonder what their practice can offer off the mat and she says is with clarity and warmth. Christine found her teacher in her heart within herself and now had to look inside even more than she thought which I can totally relate to in my own life as we can always delve deeper. Enjoy this part this of her journey in this conversation and remember that each of us are our own teacher. Om Namah Sivaya Guruve - the first line to the Anusara Invocation translation: I offer myself to Lord Shiva, the Auspicious One, who is the True Teacher within and without please click the pic to be led to the store I am excite
Podcast #21- Asana - The Seat of Your Heart: 30 Min Yoga Podcast
19/03/2007 Duração: 38minTaking our seat is sacred and pivotal to set one's intention while staying in our expanded heart. Asana, means posture as well as the posture of your heart (hrdyam). How we interact with ourselves and others is yoga while you read these next questions go into your heartspace and check in to see how are you aligning and keeping connection to the bigger heart that holds all of us. Please allow yourself to see how you keep connected to your heart (and disconnect) throughout your day while you interact with your life in every way - this is a great practice to learn how you align with yourself, others and the world. PLEASE LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE TO YOGA PEEPS - ENJOY MY INTERVIEW WITH LARA HEDIN Pangea Organics The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Focal Point: Where energy is gathered, moves into and moves out of in every pose. There are 3 focal points: the upper palette, bottom of the heart, core of the pelvis. Each point is the metaphor for the heart as the focal point changes in each pose. Sequence : All Leve
Podcast #20 - A Conversation with Emily Chung
10/03/2007 Duração: 11minOne word for Emily is curious! She is also dedicated and has found yoga helpful for her active lifestyle with marathons, triathlons and in her life. Every time she is in class she gives her best and really wants to learn why we do what we do in yoga to find the results she desires in her body to perform better while running. I love that Emily has really brought the teachings of yoga into her life by being present and appreciating every breath, appreciating her family, friends and the gifts in her life. Yoga does help running - YEAH! She was 20 minutes better in her timing this marathon than her first one a year ago- way to go Emily. Her yoga practice has taught her to be in the moment as she is running seeing that every step is important which has enriched life for her in many ways appreciating how yoga supports her love of running. In her words - they go hand in hand. Emily will be doing a triatholon for The Lukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training - to raise money for this cause this June please c
Podcast #19 - Listen, Be and Pay Attention
05/03/2007 Duração: 01h13minWhen we choose to soften and listen in our life, we begin to open up to a deeper place within ourselves that is powerful on its own without pushing it in any direction by paying close attention we flow into be-ing. Giving ourselves permission to connect to our inner voice and surroundings takes passive action - it's softer, more sensitive. This may be scary for some of us to allow the world to come to us but actually it takes us into parts of ourselves that may not be readily attuned. We all have this ability but it takes practice to see and be who we are. We have the freedom to ignore everything but if we take he time to soften, light a candle, say a prayer creating a sacred place we will uncover this grand energy that is closer to you than your breath. Before you do you do your practice, I invite you to check in to see if you have the tendency to just push through and not listen to your body and perhaps you can deepen your awareness by creating a space to let the world come to you and receive. CHECK OUT:
Podcast #18 - A Conversation with Lisa Busbee
26/02/2007 Duração: 09minOne word for Lisa is - Commitment! 40 days ago Lisa came to my class at City Yoga - this was her first and that is when she decided to partake in the 40 day for $140 program there. Looking at her I thought she has been doing this for many years it must of been her flexible mind and openness of being a healer that kept her in great shape. She came to all of my classes and was working through life's challenges and eventually I could see she became lighter as she found her freedom to be Herself! A beauty for sure and what a lovely woman who has utilized her practice in such a productive way. You will definitely tap into her authenticity as she shares honestly from her heart. Congrats to her for sticking to 40 days and perhaps you will be inspired to take on such an awesome commitment for your personal growth. YEAH! In Sikh Traditions it is used I also found a book that the Author Ilene Segalove who wrote a book about it.Dr. Judith Orloff - she is a master of intuitionChai Tea Recipe from Dr. Lad PLEASE COME
Podcast #17 - Karma (Action) Level 1 Class
19/02/2007 Duração: 01h13minKarma (Action) is a word some of us refer to everyday to explain a boomerang of events that happen from what we do. We may even see it when we are getting a cup of coffee/tea in the morning on the counter a "Good Karma" cup inviting up to leave a tip. I have read that most philosophical schools say that karma is action and from what we do there is a response to our choices, ramifications or reactions. But when I delved deeper, I learned about the Wheel of Karma talking about life which says that being in the body means you have more work to do that you didnâ��t do in the last life - I did not like this at all in some way it says that life is a punishment. Today, I invite you to see how your life is a blessing and there is nothing to get out of but to go in and creatively step into your life, the world we want to live in by applying our intention with right action. I invite you to see that you did nothing wrong to be here but that the divine chose to be you and that you have the opportunity to enjoy being in
Podcast #16 - Conversation with Elena Brower
10/02/2007 Duração: 08minOne word for Elena is - Poetic! When I was in NYC I had time to take an inspiring yoga class at Vira Yoga with friend and teacher Elena Brower. Amazing how energy is different in NY and LA, in NY on foot moving with people, LA in cars seperate from others - what a different dance on the coasts which offers great diversity in life. In class we moved our bodies and went deep into our breath focusing on our back body. It is crucial to listen, slow down and receive, boy am I happy for that reminder. Happy 5th Birthday to Vira Yoga which is really exciting to be part of and auspicious to share my 5th year of teaching with. Now Elena is a wife, mother, teacher and business owner together we hear how yoga helps her to listen and how she experience's the world moving towards her. Yoga Zone, Ishta Yoga, Allen FingerCyndi Lee, Om Yoga Center John Friend, Anusara Yoga fun note: I had my camera but the battery was dead. Yeah! for technology and camera phones thanks to Boru for taking this sweet Tree Pose @ Vi
Podcast #15 - Effort, Surrender, Self-study
04/02/2007 Duração: 01h05minThe yoga of Patanjali offers us Yoga Sutras including the 8 limbs of yoga. Within these 8 limbs are the Yamas (social inter-action with others) and Niyamas (inter-action we have with ourselves). There are 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas making them kinda like the 10 commandments of Yoga. For this class I focused on 3 of the Niyamas - Tapas (effort), Svadhyaya (self-study) , and Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to the divine). In life we mostly do, effort and forget to feel the connection to something bigger - when we take time to reflect or study we can see where we are with both. In yoga effort is important to get to the mat keep your arms strong in down dog but to leave space to soften even surrender to this greater energy. Through self-study on and off the mat using scriptures or any books that take you deeper one can see there tendency and make a choice to see balance of these actions. Sanskrit: Chin mudra or Om mudra Sequence Level 2 : Downward facing dog with split and twist Straight leg lunge Down