Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
Hirini Reedy: Become an ‘Inner’ Peacemaker by Creating Sanctuaries and Cultivating Your Heartland
12/10/2016 Duração: 59minHirini Reedy has moved to a state of being that he lives and moves lightly – whilst living at present in Aotearoa New Zealand - he likens himself as a ‘modern day navigator, or Bedouin’ – having no fixed address - having the sky as his roof the earth being the floor and ‘many’ spaces that he needs to be in. In this ‘field’ he can contribute to the awakening that is happening as of this time. He sees that our planet is dissolving old patterns and evolving to something new. He sees how families have come into being and the family tree has spread to become now the canopy of our planet - that we have to look at families beyond our physical blood lineage, our cultural face – and look at the family of life itself. The family tree. This necessitates the need to return to the fundamentals to seeing ourselves as one huge family of many faces, many colours and many languages. Being able to commune with all our extended whanau - ‘family’ so that we are having the spiritual recognition as well - as coming home to the p
Zahra Lightway & Laurence Boomert: Coaching People in Social Innovation and Transforming Our World
06/10/2016 Duração: 59minThe new paradigm that we are designing, languaging and shaping is one of collaboration – working in greater unison with group dynamics, bringing community initiatives into being by drawing on innovation, inspiration and goodwill. We have been expectant of what is to come next in the unfoldment of a new way of life – a new way of being – one that is a total upgrade from the top down pyramid model that has been - patriarchal, extractive and exploitive that has ended up denaturing and dehumanising our world. This model is now falling away. Unique Geographical Area Laurence & Zahra are domiciled in the Northern South Island in the area covering Nelson, Motueka, Takaka & Golden Bay. This whole area is a wellspring of change agents devoted to pioneering ways that people can live, be, do, work and thrive in communities and other ways of life. From the renown Riverside community the very well known conscientious objector movement of the 2nd World War – now going for over 70 years - who were prepared to stand
Ted Howard - Peace and Community Activist, Permaculture design and teaching, growing edible landscapes,-An ecological visionary.
29/09/2016 Duração: 58minTed is a peace and community activist, Permaculture designer and teacher that loves to grow 'edible landscapes' - He is truly an ecological visionary. Ted is also ex-military (12 years in NZ Army Territorials) becoming a peace activist, especially campaigning against depleted uranium, where NZ troops were deployed. NZ Defence personnel today will be suffering health problems because of this. He has also completed a master’s paper in remote sensing (aerial and satellite photo mapping) to compliment his Degree in Geology and Geography. Ted co-founded Transition Towns Nelson, but with the change of government from Labour to National, they lost their funding for employing a co-ordinator, and with the collapse of the price of oil, lost their impetus, and most members drifted away. The one thing that survives is the Permaculture in Nelson Group (PNG), that he still co-hosts. Hosting the Nelson Peace Group during after hours - he also lead a book discussion group based on the books by Daniel Quinn: 'Ishmael', 'My Is
Guy Hatchard: Why are natural health products again under threat from regulation?
22/09/2016 Duração: 58minIn this interview Dr Guy Hatchard addresses this and explains how plants animals and humans have evolved together and how our gut is made to digest natural products better than synthetic ones. He is an absolute mine of information around this, the Gaia principle and quantum physics. Dr Guy Hatchard was formerly the Natural Health Products director at Genetic ID, a global food testing company. He now runs the Natural Food Commission to inform the public about the benefits of traditional natural medicine and the dangers of food regulation. Working with industry and natural health practitioners, he has organised a campaign to oppose the Natural Health Products Bill which is in the queue for its final reading in parliament. Alliance against this BillAn alliance of Natural Products companies, doctors, and affected individuals are mounting a legal challenge to the provisions of the Natural Health Products bill. The government is planning to present the Natural Health Products Bill for its final reading shortly with
Jodie Bruning warns us of the discoveries she made while researching 'clean food and standards'
15/09/2016 Duração: 58minJodie grew up to lose both parents due to cancer and she herself, developed hyperthyroidism and had to take medication that left her lacking in energy. She didn’t really get her brain and life back until when she saw a herbalist – then her mind started to clear and she started looking at nutrition – which lead to cleaning up her diet. It was a slow process because she was still fatigued and tired with two young children though getting better all the time. Having a Degree in Agribusiness she has had a keen interest in food production. But realised that industrial factory farming was denaturing food. That wheat may have two fungicide treatments and insecticide treatments, plus it will have a coating before it sprouts into a plant (see neonicotinoids) but there is no scientific research on all of this. Supermarket foods today are problematic as
Roger Fowler on NZ's Humanitarian Convoys to Gaza: Standing For Peace and Justice For Palestinians
08/09/2016 Duração: 59minIn this interview, Roger Fowler, leader of two Kiwi humanitarian convoys to Gaza, encourages us to stand for peace and justice for the Palestinians. The issue of Israel and Palestine is the world’s largest festering sore that is affecting other countries and by implication - wars. Placing displaced people where other people were already living is a massive international failure, and one that must never be repeated. The result of this failure is shown in the three Israeli military operations over six years, in addition to nine years of economic blockade, that have ravaged the already debilitated infrastructure of Gaza. The United Nations has said that the Gaza Strip could become unlivable by 2020 without critical access to reconstruction and humanitarian supplies. The U.N. issued similar warnings four years ago, even before the 50-day war, which left more than 2,200 Palestinians dead and countless others injured or wounded, most of them civilians. Among many things, the report cited the degradation of basic wa
Richard Evatt, Organic BeeKeeper: Can Organic Bees Survive Beyond Climate Change, Chemicals & Industrial Farming?
01/09/2016 Duração: 59minKnowing the matriarch, the queen bee is the sexual organ of the hive - it is she who lays the foundation for the whole colony - but there are many challenges in a rapidly changing world of the varroa mite and colony collapse. That commercial operations use insecticides to control the varroa disease are likely to cause problems because queens do not survive as long today as in pre-varroa times. Today, nearly every element within the biosphere,is under pressure and yet honey, is still seen as an elixir especially recently, as NZ manuka honey becomes a premium for its antibacterial qualities especially with the increase of dis-ease and other ailments - so how is it possible to be a pure honey advocate and producer in our world today? Nine years ago Richard took time off working as an interior designer to take care of his kids instead - and became a hobby bee keeper that has grown into a robust little organic business. Starting from 2 hives to 4 to 8 now he has 120 hives and a thriving little business. Living o
Dr George Armstrong, New Zealand renegade priest, human rights and nuclear protester, trendsetting humanitarian
25/08/2016 Duração: 58minToday here on Earth there is a ‘Civil War of the Spirit’ underway. Racial divides, religious intolerance, material avarice, martial control, and intellectual arrogance all challenge us to love and to heal our great separation from oneness and unity consciousness. So, what is it that drives ‘a man of the cloth’ to see that the Vietnam war was wrong, that Maori of Aotearoa New Zealand were dispossessed of their land, that the South African rugby tour of NZ was racially selected, and that nuclear power and weapons brought into a country that threatened no other country, was and is morally indefensible? Do we think to any depth of wisdom these days? Have we cast values and virtues out the window as we embrace the shallow distraction of material comforts and indulgences? This is a question that we need to engage and think deeply about. For it is obvious that George Armstrong, ably supported by his wife Jocelyn, has dwelt on many of the underlying causes that separate us all from participating and being globa
Phyllis Tichinin - Is Glyphosate slowly killing all that it comes into contact with, including humans?
18/08/2016 Duração: 58minI have just come away from a devastatingly powerful interview by a very clear, communicator - Phyllis Tichinin. This being a ‘two tiered discourse’ - one that validated what I thought was happening in relation to glyphosate, but shocked me to the core all the same. The other confirmed that there is a fast growing healthy, non chemical, biological revolution of farming and horticulture happening across the rural face of NZ and beyond. If this interview was played over Radio New Zealand’s nationwide network it would have mothers of babies and children in uproar. First: Is Glyphosate ‘slowly’ killing everything it comes into contact with, including humans? The statistics are saying yes! The research being collated from all around our planet is confirming a coming nightmare. It is looking grim for most biota. That means you and your family, animals and vegetation including the elements of air, soil and water. Regrettably, it looks like the unbridled avarice and corruption of the biotech corporations especially M
Tricia Best: Why Montessori Education May Be The Best Education For Our Children's Future
11/08/2016 Duração: 58minWhat do you want for your children? Do you want dynamic, well resourced, impeccably balanced, super-conscious children who are adept at survival at all levels? What do you think is the best system available today for educating and teaching children? I really enjoyed listening to Tricia as she divulged the latest advances in early childhood development in America. As a secondary school science teacher with an understanding of much of the makeup of our world Tricia was always interested in alternatives … One day she visited a school and upon entering – it changed her whole focus. Because, the classroom was literally a quiet hum of activity - where children were totally focussed on their learning experiences. It was the Montessori Method that made her realise that there most definitely is another way to enhance a child’s existence, where they are fully integrated into life. Maria Montessori Maria Montessori, born in Italy in 1870 was a physician and an educator - a pioneer for women’s rights as she was an act
Christopher Le Breton. On NZ's Peace Foundation taking Peace to all schools locally, then globally?
04/08/2016 Duração: 01h01sCan an upsurge in world peace be gained by The Peace Foundation in schools in NZ & around the world? I just interviewed Christopher Le Breton who as the co-manager of The Peace Foundation, I wanted to know if peace is actually possible, especially with the background din of horror, pain and loss in so many countries and expanding. What he told me below shows that a small country like Nuclear Free New Zealand could be pivotal in world events. This may be one of NZ’s greatest social and mindful exports of the 21st century. That Nuclear Free NZ could again become the moral compass for a planet of peace and a totally new paradigm. “The Peace Foundation” was established in Auckland NZ 1975, with the vision of building peaceful local, national and global communities. That in 1987, it helped bring about ‘Nuclear Free New Zealand’ in partnership with citizen groups around NZ all coming together. This awoke NZ and then the world woke up to NZ. That in 2008, it managed to initiate a ‘chair’ of Peace Studies at O
Valerie Morse: Why Is Nuclear-Free New Zealand Hosting A Weapons Conference and Inviting Warships?
28/07/2016 Duração: 01h01sPeace activist Valerie Morse talks with Lisa Er on the upcoming weapons conference, warship visits and why this is bad for New Zealand and the rest of the world. This November, coinciding with the New Zealand Navy’s 75th birthday celebrations, is the annual NZ Defence Industry Conference and Arms Expo, that includes approximately 500 international weapons companies. The Navy "celebration" is a stage-managed marketing event to secure public support for future ties with the US, sanctioning wars, with ever-increasing budgets, and the recruitment of young men and women who are asked to fight and die. This is proposed for 16th and 17th November 2016 in Auckland, sponsored by the world’s largest weapons manufacturer and maker of nuclear weapons, Lockheed Martin. Also sponsoring are Thales, Babcock, ThyssenKrupp, and Cubic Defence (all in the top 100 list of international arms companies), along with the NZ Defence Industry Association, itself an industry trade promotion group consisting of another approximately 6
Dr Niki Harre on The Infinite Game vs The Finite Game, Conscious Choices and Strategies
21/07/2016 Duração: 58minI have just finished a grassroots interview with Niki Harre, a leading academic at Auckland University - involved in psychology and sustainable ecological solutions. During this interview, we talked about how she enjoys her immersion into evolving positive change with her local community at the Point Chevalier Transition Towns group, where she finds an active group of localised participators intent on walking their talk. Because, she sees that there is a movement happening - one without a capital ‘m’ but, it’s a fundamental movement all the same. For example, they have the following active sub-groups up and running: The Old Homestead Community Garden with the Dignan Street Community Garden Hub, and the Bulk Purchasing Group. Then there is our Resource Pool for community members who would like to borrow mulchers, hoes, juicers etc. They also have set up recycling for soft plastics at Pt Chevalier Primary School, Te Ra Road - to avoid this going into landfill - as well as a social calendar, that includes local
Makuini Ruth Tai - Decodes REO - Maori Language in Esoteric Terms - An Illuminating Disclosure!
14/07/2016 Duração: 59minOur guest today is Makuini Ruth Tai. I first met her as Ruth Tai. She is happy to be called either Makuini or Ruth, because she knows and honours the source of both her birth names. Some two hundred years ago, the word Maori was not used as an identity term, It was only when the European landed on the shores of Aotearoa that a shift happened. When Ruth was young - she identified more with her whanau (immediate and extended family) and her hapu (sub-tribe or clan). The use of Maori as an identity label is fairly recent. Ruth asserts that Maori was not just an oral language, it was also recorded. However, the European translators did not recognise the graphics as a written language. REO means language and voice. Every design, every pattern is the voice recorded/written in graphic form. Ruth is committed to decoding REO through the Rich Earth Oratory of the old time Maori, who understood the power of the voice and its varying tones. They didn't just 'talk', they also intoned or chanted and sang and were
Dr Robin Kelly - From Empathy, Compassion and Nurturing to Betrayal, Sociopathy and Psychopathy
07/07/2016 Duração: 59minListen to a medical doctor who also specialises in Eastern Medicine & Acupuncture talk about the challenges we face today. Today I learn that doctors are having to deal with many variants of mental disturbances. That the art of listening is extremely important so as to gain trust and be sensitive to the many needs of a society that is becoming increasingly stressful. From empathy, compassion and nurturing, to the challenges of abandonment, abuse and separation, to betrayal, sociopathy and psychopathy. In identifying the darker side of the human character we learn that there is a certain percentage of people who show no signs of connection, compassion or empathy, but instead climb the ladder of the proverbial power structures to embed themselves at the top, or at a critical nodal point or as a gatekeeper. Yet, the challenge for all of us is to become whole - whilst living in a society that has many dysfunctionalities and fragmentations. That people wanting to become more fulfilled, but lack a moral or ethi
Penny Bright - Anti-corruption Campaigner and Auckland Mayoral Candidate says “Open The Books!”
30/06/2016“Open the books,” is Mayoral candidate Penny Bright’s catch phrase, She hasn’t paid her rates for 9 years, and won’t until Auckland Council tells us how our rate payers money is being spent. Auckland Mayoral Candidate and public watchdog Penny Bright talks with Lisa Er. 'Activists get things done'! “It's time to stop the commercialisation and privatisation of Council services and regulatory functions, and return to the genuine 'public service' model” says Penny. “It's time for we the people to take back control of our region, our assets and our resources!” This October, voting Penny Bright for Mayor will not be just a 'protest' vote - but a vote for real change that will serve the public and the public interest - not corporate interests. “I'm fiercely and genuinely politically independent and work on an 'issue by issue' basis. My proven track record is 20 years experience in local government, defending the public & the public interest, as a self-funded anti-privatisation & anti-corruption 'Public Watc
David Icke - British Researcher Shattering the Hypnotic Program that Psychologically Allows Apathy
23/06/2016 Duração: 01h01minThis week I interviewed David Icke the British researcher - on shattering the hypnotic program that has psychologically allowed us to sleep-walk our way into George Orwell’s 1984 and conversely, succumbing to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World - by default. David has a very interesting take of what’s happening today and even though we have been warned to participate more fully in our democracy, we have let our politicians essentially, run away with their own agenda. For instance, increasing their own pay packets regularly, and on many levels, basically dispensing with their commitment to being ‘our servants’ to act for the public good. Note that, when we visit the book - 1984, we read that a totalitarian regime reigns by fear, using mass surveillance and the media to impose its authority on the populace. Those who step out of line risk having their existences erased. Rebellion is quelled by force. Then we compare it to Brave New World, mass surveillance is unnecessary - rather, people are controlled by their des
How Does A Human Being Live On A Planet? Personal Reflections & Life Lessons with Tim Lynch
16/06/2016 Duração: 59minJoin Tim on a journey into greater understanding as he reflects on the lifetime drivers that have pulled the threads of and together. For any budding All Black or athlete we were conditioned as children in NZ, that we really could achieve success, especially in the realm of sport and take on the world. This was favourably looked on throughout our schooling and this is where we could excel up to international level. It was basically how we played the game. Born on a dairy farm in a well-off region near Matamata, yet among financially challenged Maori, I saw both sides of our so called bi-cultural society, and then in my early 20’s when traveling overseas it all hit me that there was so much inequity - and inequality - especially in Africa and at different levels throughout the Iron Curtain countries. That when hitchhiking and travelling back to NZ from the UK - overland, through the Middle East to India down to Singapore, I witnessed so many poor and struggling - when there wa
Carole Gordon, Social Gerentologist - studying social, psychological, cognitive, & biological aspects of ageing
09/06/2016 Duração: 01h01sFor the first time in human history the phenomenon of the global population ageing and its impact on social cohesion and economic sustainability is increasing - and needs to be addressed. The political word for elders is gerantocracy … When soon, older people will be in the majority and we will have to rethink, what democracy is … This interview is about re-languaging, leadership, acknowledgement and the impacting of more people ageing and how we factor them into the full healthy happy lives. Covering New Zealand, to China and Japan as well as Europe - now known as super-ageing countries and NZ too, is getting close to becoming a super-ageing country. Whereas, Europe has been discussing this issue for 20 years NZ has not. The OECD has been warning us as well. For example - In Tauranga a NZ city of 130,000, ageing people are going to be 1 in 3 in ten years time - it is moving faster that we recognise. An engaging interview that everyone in society needs to became aware of - the surge in numbers of people agein
Issac Oron and Charles Pierard - A Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a Catalyst for Global Change
02/06/2016 Duração: 01h01sIssac Oron and Charles Pierard chats with Lisa Er about the Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a Catalyst for Global Change. Have you bought into the Puritan work ethic? Do you think everyone should have a job? What happens as more work is outsourced to underdeveloped ‘cheap’ countries, and in the West increasingly robots do the work? Why not have a “basic income” paid to every individual to cover their basic needs. The governments would pay the same amount of money to each person, regardless of whether they work. A Universal (or Unconditional) Basic Income acknowledges that every individual has the same unconditional right to a basic income, sufficient for them to live in dignity. Switzerland will vote on whether to introduce the model on June 5, 2016. This has come about by a petition which has been circulating, and enough signatures were collected to insist on a binding referendum. Supporters of the initiative have suggested that each adult would receive 2,500 francs (a whopping $3755.18 New Zealand dolla