Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, a recognized authority in bridging science & spirituality
09/04/2009Dr Bruce Lipton, (currently in New Zealand), is author of the popular book;Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles, was awarded 2006’s Best Science Book of the Year. The new sciences quantum physics and epigenetics are revolutionising our understanding of the link between mind and matter, challenging established scientific theories and prompting a complete re-evaluation of life as we have known it. The significance of this shift in belief is vast in that the original view led to the notion that we are victims of our biology. Whereas the ‘new’ sciences show that we are actually masters of our biology. Bruce has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter. He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from
Mantak Chia, best known for his books and teachings on Taoism and Qigong
02/04/2009Mantak Chia is an author, teacher and self-described healer. He is best known for his books and teachings on Taoism and qigong. Mantak Chia is a controversial figure in Taoism, alternately praised for public disclosure of long-held secrets and criticised for such a heavy focus on Taoist sexual practices. Mantak Chia claims to make esoteric Taoist practices more accessible to a modern Western audience. What is taught is a variety of qigong and neigong practices. Fusion of the Five Elements is a central neidan practice that are intended to balance qi or chi, a universal energy that all humans can access. The microcosmic orbit, or "waterwheel" exercise, is a central technique used to channel and circulate qi in many other exercises. The principal aim of most practices Chia advocates is the balancing of energy and the creation of spiritual alchemical "inner elixirs. In a world that is increasingly challenged by ecological, financial and intensifying social forces, the imperative is to function at our highest le
Pete Russell, initiator of “Out of Our Own Backyard”
26/03/2009Pete Russell is the "initiator of here on Waiheke Island, Auckland, that is rapidly spreading from the grass roots up, as a process of producing goods and products from your own back yard, especially gardens and then finding ways to share, barter or sell to other neighbours in the community. This is a New Zealand first, that pulls the strands of community together around your physical and virtual backyard using the internet as the medium of social networking. See how this grass roots system is rapidly spreading here and that it’s a direct interface with Transition Towns, which is another level up where people across the land and in other countries are mobilizing themselves and resources. They are finding new and innovative ways to survive and thrive healthily in these rapidly changing times of climate change, financial fallout, energy costs and fluctuations, and the resulting social dilemma and confusion. will inspire you to find new neighbours who care,
Dr Jan Wright, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
19/03/2009As an independent Officer of New Zealand’s Parliament, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment has wide-ranging powers to investigate environmental concerns. 'Independent' means independent of the government of the day, so the PCE reports not to a Government Minister but to Parliament through: the Speaker of the House the Officers of Parliament Committee. As an Officer of Parliament, the Commissioner's job is to hold the Government to account for its environmental policies and actions. The PCE is a policy reviewer standing outside the system of environmental management and reporting on it. The Commissioner has wide powers to investigate and report on any matter where, in her opinion, the environment may be, or has been, adversely affected. Parliament or any parliamentary select committee may also ask her to report on environmental matters.
Dave Breuer, Founding Director of Anew New Zealand
12/03/2009Dave arrived in New Zealand in 1981, became a naturalized citizen and married a New Zealander. In the United States he worked for 17 years in aerospace electronics for TRW Systems, acquired seven US patents and won awards from the United States government two years in a row for contributing to the most significant electronic achievement in the USA. Both of these had to do with designing and creating integrated micro-electronic circuits that could withstand atomic bomb blasts. In New Zealand he directed the 'Design For The Sun' passive solar energy programme for the NZ government for seven years and taught for five years at the University of Auckland. He developed and promoted 29 solar houses across the country and wrote the solar energy building design manual now used by architects and university students. He then became an organisational development consultant with a number of large NZ companies, providing a focus on leadership and organisational change. As Founding Director of Anew NZ, he is leading
Jon Eisen, publisher and editor of Uncensored Magazine
05/03/2009Jon Eisen publisher and editor of “Uncensored,” New Zealand’s only magazine that does not censor its readers. So what compels someone to go so far out on a limb to publish their version of reality and sets up a debate on what is real, what is the truth, and who are we to believe? With huge question marks around 911, what your Doctor will never tell you, media manipulation, the dumbing down of the populace, UFO’s, Obama, Israel, World Government, GE, suppressed everything, global warming and more. Why does "Uncensored" the magazine with attitude, shake people to their core and cause people to react? With the Western world now feeding from less and less independent news and media outlets, where and how is the populous going to obtain the information that will assist in finding one's moral compass to delve into the swamp of sameness to drag out what could be the truth? We are a humanity that have freewill, are we going to become responsible and grapple with the hard issues and as community, shape our own futu
Noeline Levinson, a Sound therapist using the Tomatis Method
26/02/2009Noeline Levinson is a Sound therapist recently from South Africa, who uses a technique called the Tomatis method and uses the music of Mozart at various frequencies to stimulate different parts of the ear and thereby stimulating different parts of the brain. Noeline has worked mostly with children who have learning and behavioural challenges and feels it is important to work with a team of practitioners. Depending on what is causing the child stress, different modalities are chosen to assist in the process. The focus looks at emotional and physical trauma, chemical toxicity (pollution), nutrition, immunization and dehydration. This sound therapy addresses any maturational delays and prepares the brain for learning. We all know that we respond to music, and through the ages music has been there to soothe us, invigorate us, motivate us and generally to enhance our emotional state. This method of sound therapy is very profound, it not only stimulates the brain, but every organ and cell in the body receives the
Caitlin & Sika, World Musicians from the South Island of New Zealand
19/02/2009Caitlin & Sika are international musicians from the South Island of New Zealand. Their music is an electrifying blend of indigenous and western music. They are truly unique performers and their spirit & energy appeals to audiences with a variety of musical tastes from world to folk to dance. Their music spans many cultures by using a wide range of instruments that reflect their travels around the world. Powerful chants sung in the ancient language of Sanskrit …..East meets West with a spark of spirit and dance. Caitlin & Sika live in the mountains above Golden Bay with their children on their horse ranch and are living a self-sufficient, eco-friendly lifestyle with organic gardens, passive solar, warming their house, sheeps wool to insulate the walls and a mini hydro system to power up the satellite dish to get broadband. Listen to how conscious entertainers use their skills to both educate and uplift the human spirit to initiate us into becoming aware of our inherent capabilities of being
Brendan Hoare, Executive Chair and founder of econation2020 Trust
12/02/2009With 26 years in sustainable systems, design, leadership and philosophy Brendan has also explored traditional food production spending much time in Asia learning this process. The urgency is to convert NZ to a new era in farming to horticulture, and the Asian model that supports large populations has many sustainable possibilities. In essence, a new Gaian (whole Geo systems) thinking needs to be enacted where we can turn crises into opportunity. Brendan has degrees in agricultural systems and horticulture … plus regional and urban landscaping and rural development. Executive Chair and founder of econation2020 Trust, he has just completed lecturing in Sustainable Horticulture and Resource Management Degree program at Unitec NZ.
Sue Kedgley, Green Party MP and author
05/02/2009 Duração: 57minSue Kedgley, is currently the Chairperson of the New Zealand Parliament Health Committee, a Green Member of Parliament for 9 years and her most recent book, is titled Eating Safely in a Toxic World. The interview covers, food labeling, irradiated food, poor quality food in hospitals, retirement villages and prisons, diet and sugar drinks, deteriorating teeth, education to what is a good diet and political party politics. Also, Codex and TGA effects from Australia where we get an insight to the state of affairs of Health across NZ and the way out, by growing our own vegetables in our own back yard. Sue tells us as it is, in the way food is processed and consumed in NZ and the huge challenge around changing food and eating habits. Particularly, ways that empower the individual and family to once again take charge of our choices on what we can do, to get closer to our food source and become a strong healthy nation once again.
Valli Waugh, facilitator of “The Work” of Byron Katie
29/01/2009Can it be said that if we have an inner landscape that is muddled and contaminated with dysfunctional and fragmented thoughts, that the outcome will be mirrored in the outside world that we experience on our planet today? If so, can we transform this state of mind - of being, and turn it all completely around into becoming a quintessential, peaceful, joyful soul at one with the world as family? Valli Waugh is Certified in the United States in “The Work” of Byron Katie. He is currently mentoring candidates from around the world in the Byron Katie International Certification program, and supporting new mentors in their mentoring of candidates. Our suffering comes from believing the stressful thoughts in our minds. That is how we pollute and poison our world. The Work of Byron Katie is a simple and very powerful way of identifying those thoughts and questioning them. When we question them with an open mind we find a world that isn't polluted by our stressful stories. We discover a life that is kinder and more
Jeffrey Masson, best known for his books on animals and animal rights
22/01/2009Jeffrey Masson is an American author, known for his revisionist conclusions about Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis. As Director of the Sigmund Freud Archives after his death and with full access to Freud's correspondence and other unpublished papers, his insights could be seen to be compelling. However, he is best known for his books on animals and animal rights. Listen to a staunch advocate for animals, especially farm animals, cows, pigs and poultry and the problems with factory farming, particularly overseas. With human separation from nature and the many unconscious practices that are predominant today, can we mitigate this by more animal rights and migrating to eating less meat to becoming a vegan? His books: Dogs Never Lie About Love: Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs. When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Life of Animals. (Translated into 20 languages) The Pig Who Sang to the Moon: The Emotional World of Farm Animals. The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats: A Journey Into the Feline Heart. The Cat W
Nicky Hager, author and investigative journalist
15/01/2009New Zealander Nicky Hager is an author and investigative journalist, who writes about issues involving intelligence networks, environmental issues and politics. He has degrees in physics and philosophy and has been described as "New Zealand's leading investigative journalist.Author of Secret Power: New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network, Secrets and Lies : The Anatomy of an Anti-Environmental PR Campaign, Seeds of Distrust: The Story of a GE Cover-up and The Hollow Men: A Study in the Politics of Deception, we find that all is not well in little clean green New Zealand. Listen to Nicky explain how he came into this realm, and how he sees what the challenges are, especially in relation to truth, goodwill and integrity. Particularly as to how people can be influenced by vested interests and unethical motivations.
Wayne Walker, Rodney Regional Councilor and Green Local Body Politician
08/01/2009Green entrepreneur and Councilor since 2001, Wayne has 30 years of ecological and environmental experience, as well as a university commerce degree in management, organisation and project management. His commercial background is in retail, manufacturing, product development and project management. Listen to one of the most coherent exponents of visionary sustainability in NZ local body politics today. As climate change awakens us from our lethargy, we find that there are people in the community who are making conscious decisions to bring about a future that will give the younger generation a sense of purpose and focus. Wayne's practical and sensible understanding of the current relationship of humanity to life in the biosphere is common sense and needs to be applauded. His ability to out-picture the limited understanding of the status quo, by applying far reaching blue prints towards our common future needs the support of a conscious electorate - both locally and globally.
Warwick Davies, from World’s Foremost Industrial Waste and Recycling Plant
01/01/2009Warwick, a New Zealander, has spent 20 years developing a world leading technology that under one umbrella eliminates industrial and household waste, turning it into a valuable resource for manufacturing many different products, but most important it recovers the energy from waste. This system is a global first and is so necessary for today, as one of the greatest attributes of this system is that it reduces CO2 and methane going into the atmosphere from landfills. By doing this he is able to eliminate all landfills. Warwick worked with scientists on floating Arctic ice ‘islands’ for two years, which have subsequently melted. He has first hand experience on declining polar ice due to warming of the world’s oceans, which are reaching a critical threshold. He sees the elimination of methane gas, a super potent greenhouse gas from landfills and atmosphere as a major step to remediation and sustainability. Watch the Global Olivine video
Don Tolman, Wholefood Advocate, Health Educator
25/12/2008What if 98% of Health Care could recede and go away, and knowledgeable self-care could replace it. What would we do with US$1.6 trillion in savings? - Mother Nature's strongest medicines are waiting for you (in exactly the right doses and without any side effects) - in whole foods. Don Tolman has had privileged access to private museums, rare books collections, and ancient manuscripts, and has rediscovered the secrets of health & vitality lost to humanity for millennia. Listen to Don Tolman and learn of the whole food wisdom of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Chinese, Native Americans, Incas and others who through time treated themselves to high vitality and longevity using plant whole foods.
Dr Shaun Holt, Author of Natural Remedies that Really Work
18/12/2008Dr Shaun Holt, Author of Natural Remedies That Really Work As seen on TV1 Breakfast every fortnight. A New Zealand Guide, is about what medical research actually says about natural health products and therapies that other sources recommend. In a world that's besieged by extravagant claims for an avalanche of natural remedies, who should we believe, and how can we get the information we need to make the right choices? Shaun draws on a data base of 200,000 patients. The answers to these and many more questions are in this book. A surprising number of natural remedies are the subject of high-quality clinical research, Natural Remedies that Really Work summarises and evaluates the most important and interesting research in a concise and user friendly format. A must for all New Zealand families looking for complementary natural health remedies.
John Stansfield of Waiheke Island
04/12/2008John Stansfield of Waiheke Island - Materialising the dream of an organic farm in community, to pioneering waste management and recycling. How do we build intentional community, what are the dynamics, the rules, if any? What are the common threads that bind people to each other, and how do we do co-operation and fun, that enables us as participators to both love and cry to evolve a successful venture? Listen to a delightful understanding of how an organic dream grew into an oasis of fulfillment as well as extending into a waste stream management and recycling system that in many ways is a world leader. With current global events pointing us towards community and cooperation, see how gardens, organics and neighbourhood support overlap with Transition Towns as Waiheke Islanders pioneer the shaping of an experiment of sustainability, goodwill and families.
James Samuel & Finn Mackesy on the urgency of Transition Towns
27/11/2008In the current ambiguous and dangerous financial climate the term Transition Towns is seen as a sensible, intelligent alternative to the status quo, which in many ways is observed as keeping ones head down, doing nothing, and hoping that things will somehow get better. The main cooperative pillars of the Transition Town movement include Permaculture organic gardens and Living Economies which are new community currencies such as green dollars and time banking. Intrinsic to this is sustainability, the key theme, bringing out local resilience and initiatives to create community gardens, and cooperative ways to educate and do business. With its introduction to NZ in 2007 it has rapidly grown to over 43 groups, being either small towns, boroughs, suburbs or neighbourhoods. Whilst around the globe, they are now established in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States to Italy and Chile. From Waiheke Island I have James Samuel of, who has been at the forefront of bringing
Udo Erasmus, author of Fats that Heal Fats that Kill
24/11/2008Udo Erasmus, Ph.D. Nutrition, MA Psychology, is one of North America's foremost authorities on the roles that fats and oils play in human health. He is often referred to as The Father of Organic, Unrefined Flax Oil. His work with essential fatty acids spans three decades and provided the groundwork for all the current public and industry awareness focused on the importance of Essential Fatty Acids or Omega- fats. Lack of essential fatty acids (EFAs) constitutes the most neglected aspect of a nutritional program for healthy, radiant skin. As always, avoid "white foods" and foods rendered toxic by processing or overheating! * "Low fat is healthier" * "Fatty foods clog your arteries" * "Use margarine instead of butter" * "Cut out oil to lose weight" This is incorrect says North America's leading expert on fats and oils. According to Udo Erasmus, author of "Fats that Heal Fats that Kill", these so-called "sensible dietary maxims" come not from the science of nutrition, but from the high-paid advertising execut