Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
Paul Levy: Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil - the psycho spiritual disease of the soul
18/06/2020 Duração: 01h00sWetiko is an insidious mind virus that has installed itself in us ... In this interview Paul articulates so vividly his profound experience - which has brought him into a knowingness that he fluently shares with us, to realise that there is a very dark side that can be surmounted. You have to listen ... Paul has a direct experience with wetiko - that also created so much suffering in him that it catalysed a spiritual awakening a few years later forcing him into a psychiatric system and he recognised that this dark energy was carried by his father as it is in one's psyche and this he said, nearly drove him totally crazy. So he spent years studying, going to therapy, doing art, connecting with his dreams, studying Carl Jung, Buddhist practice, shamanism, studying alchemy - anything and everything that he could find to help him deal with the overwhelming suffering that he was experiencing. He sees now that the trauma and the abuse and the wounding that he originally got from his father - that it was like rece
Jana Dixon: The 1080 Fiasco. The Problem is the Solution, with Restorative Ecology
10/06/2020 Duração: 01h00sCHEMICAL WEAPONS moved from the battlefield to the farm field after World War II. 1080 is a WMD-Weapon of Mass Destruction! SODIUM FLUOROACETATE: Sodium monofluoroacetate (or fluoroacetate), has the chemical formula FCH2COO-Na+, and is a highly toxic compound primarily used as a pesticide known commercially as Compound 1080. 1080 FLUOROACETATE IS EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS—1080 is classed by the World Health Organisation and the EPA as an extremely hazardous pesticide - CLASS 1A ECOTOXIN POISON. 1080 is a proven endocrine disrupter and impacts upon the body’s major organs. Just one teaspoon could kill 100 people. The only sane and effective method of balancing ecosystems is to use the components of the living system to manage itself! Because of its isolated location New Zealand is the ideal environment for a countrywide program of RESTORATIVE ECOLOGY to show the world that ecosystem management can ONLY be done by using nature's methods. The Permaculture Principle "The Problem IS the Solution!" points to the fact th
Glen Atkinson: A circular Periodic Table of Elements elicits new understandings of chemistry and circles
04/06/2020 Duração: 01h01sGlen’s groundbreaking way of looking at the Periodic Table is by shifting one’s 2 dimensional view point to that of a 3 dimensional viewpoint. By making it a round, circular method. This elegant shifting of perspectives, now enables a new way to begin to ‘unlock’ the secrets of matter. In the years ahead all chemists and physicists will marvel at the simplicity of what Glen has achieved and ask themselves - "why didn’t I think of that myself?" Around 330 BCE, the Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that everything is made up of a mixture of one or more roots, an idea that had originally been suggested by the Sicilian philosopher Empedocles. The four roots, which were later renamed as elements by Plato, were earth, water, air and fire. Similar ideas about these four elements also existed in other ancient traditions, such as Indian philosophy. So over time right up through the industrial revolution enquiring minds have endeavoured to map out the ‘cons
Dr Robin Kelly: The Covid Syndrome: from a Doctor at the Coalface, to the 4th Industrial AI Revolution
28/05/2020 Duração: 01h00sThe COVID lockdown has been on many levels a ‘planetary catharsis’ Greek katharsis, from kathairein ‘cleanse’, from katharos ‘pure’. As a GP working from his home clinic he was able to assess and help patients, but fortunately did not have any with COVID:19. NZ’ loss of life has fortunately been low at 22 deaths. Life is slowly opening up again. But, Robin is now dealing with the fall-out from the lock down. This interview starts quietly however it was not long before it ramped up and some very potent information was shared that reminds us that we are in many ways being overtaken by technology that far exceeds our knowingness. To the degree that those whom possess it and deploy it, lack the consciousness of what they are doing. Thus the world has changed radically. Those with existing anxieties and depression - have increased and are overwhelming. This situation has affected our physical health and immunity due to delayed treatment which also causes more anxiety. Younger people in general have not been affe
Tim Lynch: Breaking out of the local and global narrative of fear and entrapment
21/05/2020 Duração: 57minIn this post covid lockdown humanity is up for grabs. Whatever media can do to distract you and sew seeds of doubt and fear - you can be assured they want your attention and they want it all the time. The media are not here to empower us from an inner standpoint. Nor are they here to inspire us at a spiritual level - or that of soul. Reason being, is that we instead are being programmed to be walking desire bodies, to become consumers that will end up … consuming our life support systems. How can we break the spell …? Regarding: COVID 5G Governmental Laws Freeing up who we in essence - are. Kia Ora and greeting dear listeners, Tim from GreenplanetFM, here in Auckland in Nuclear Free New Zealand - Note that Nuclear Free was once a big deal. Yet, for some unknown reason it seems no longer? However, I am communicating and checking-in to see that you and your family are healthy, relaxed and well. That in particular you are well resourced both externally and internally and that your inner candle burns
Molly Ireland: Is NZ's high suicide rate exposing a loss of connection to a more compassionate world?
19/02/2020 Duração: 01h00sThis warm and caring interview of Molly who herself experienced the loss of her husband to suicide after just 6 months of living NZ, helps us understand the tragedy of males in particular - taking their own precious lives. Molly Ireland Facing the Dark A journey into suicide Molly originally came from Alaska where it is 24/7 dark in winter and where she lived out in the tundra that in winter dropped to extremely cold temperatures below zero. There is a lot of mental illness in dark winter latitudes. Be it in Scandinavia, Russia or Canada. Called Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Her husband Charlie was a talented movie editor - and after they got married moved to Los Angeles, where she realised that he had some health issues so they decided to come to NZ where life would be less hectic and because they wanted to come to ‘the land of milk and honey’. Unfortunately, after 6 months here he took his life leaving Molly and 4 daughters to survive the best way they could. This heart
Claire Edwards: What is the real 5G Agenda and why the frantic hurry to deploy it?
22/01/2020 Duração: 01h00sThere has always been a lingering question as to why is 5G being hyped up, as the panacea for all things with communications and especially the internet of things. That they must deploy NOW as soon as possible! Why the hurry? Claire Edwards has worked for 19 years in the UN in Austria as an editor on Drugs and Crime, anti Terrorism and especially worked on Space documents and the 'peaceful use of outer space' … which has a legal subcommittee and a scientific and technical sub committee and as a results she has a very good understanding of Space Law as well as some of the issues regarding space (which should be designated as part of the global commons). What brought her to an in-depth understanding of 5G and its effect on human health is that in December 2015 the UN installed all along the ceilings in what is called 'public access points' in the UN International Centre in Vienna in Austria. These areas were for public use. Radiation Exposure 'off the scale' So she decided to take her radiation meter for meas
Scott Macindoe: World leading NZ Quota Management System fails both our fisheries and our people
11/12/2019 Duração: 01h00s For decades he through his superb communication skills has brought together many local and seaside people across NZ to organise and come together - including Maori (mana whenua) - to advocate and campaign to ‘our' NZ government and the fishing industry for a more fairer deal for all people who love to fish. This has in many ways become a battle for the soul of New Zealand’s vast fisheries. The Supportive Players NZ Angling and Casting Association NZ Underwater Association Yachting NZPlus many other clubs that are not affiliated to the sport fishing council - likeThe Outboard Boating Club of Auckland. Since the time of Maori and over the last 250 years with the coming of the European the ability to catch fish off the seashore or in a small boat and bring home food for the family to eat and surplus for neighbours was just a standard neighbourly thing to do. But, Scott says that 'sharing of ones catch is a primary source of self esteem and self worth.' Saying that this has an important
Will Wilkinson: You can bring peace on earth, in one minute a day. Join the Noon Club.
04/12/2019 Duração: 59minThis easy going, insightful interview of Will, elicits a feeling of knowing that throughout his life experience he has covered, 'both the map and the territory' and having published his remarkable book 'Now or Never' reminds one of Buckminster Fuller - that Will is committed to being a ‘catalytic educator and membrane extender.’ So having evolved out of the flower power generation of the 1960's I ask Will about the town he lives in - Ashland in Oregon that has a general population of about 22,000 people. A Conscious Community Oriented City. The reason why Will ended up in Ashland was that 17 years ago he was sitting in a hot tub at the local YMCA and overheard a conversation between some others 'soaking up' that was expanding on quantum physics. He said he learnt so much about the nature of reality in that short 10 minutes he said to himself - this is the town for me. He says that there are so many people there who are immersed in the study of consciousness - and the network of 'conscious' people never cea
Why is modern day slavery rampant in the world today - and even here in New Zealand?
27/11/2019 Duração: 57minEstimates of the number of slaves today range from around 21 million to 46 million, depending on the method used to form the estimate and the definition of slavery being used. The amount of money comes to about $150b. For those living in North America they will not use the term slavery, especially as so many American blacks are descendants of slavery and they prefer to use the word ’trafficking’. As Kathleen is a Sister of Mercy here in NZ - when working for the 'Year of Mercy' which was 2015, she and other people from 42 countries embraced a ‘theological reflection process’ and out of that they focussed on two areas - the degradation of the earth and the displacement of peoples. She was then asked by her congregational leader to be the NZ liaison person - to collaborate with people within the umbrella group - internationally. Where they use the latest technology available, including Skype to all connect up, and share resources and strategies. Slavery has been present for Millenia As someone who has a back
Prof Dariusz Leszczynski: The 5G Technological Dive into the Great Unknown
20/11/2019 Duração: 58minHe says, “In my lectures I will present the current scientific knowledge as well as the current lack of scientific research on the biological and health effects of the 5G millimeter-waves. I will also present the evidence, and the reasoning, for the invocation of the Precautionary Principle and for the temporary moratorium on 5G deployment, while awaiting for the much needed scientific research on millimeter-waves.” Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD, DSc is Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, Division of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland. He says: “I am scientist with keen interest in molecular biology research, or work as an expert/consultant, or as journal/book editor. Thanks to my age and working in universities around the world, I have a very broad experience in scientific research, in science publishing and in dissemination of scientific information to expert and lay-person audiences.” Dr. Leszczynski, who researches non-ionizing radiation, emphasizes that, “there is a continuous
Jesse Page: A coherent 14 year old, articulates the challenges that teenagers of today experience
14/11/2019 Duração: 01h00sMany of the concerns of NZ youth in their 14 to 15th years is all to do with ‘image and likes’ – it all involves smartphones and messaging and being and staying relevant within their peer group. Notes from this important interview: This was a real insight for me as a person in their 70’s. Here is the gist. Just living for the present is essentially where they are at. Nature and whales for example - are not really an issue. He says that global warming is on the radar but not that big as yet – Greta Thunberg is not yet big - though some of the young girls have started to put out a ‘care’ on their smartphones as to sort of – look relevant - not so much with the boys – but some have … He also mentions that some will ‘put out’ that they care – but actually they will not take any action. So if there is a ‘viral concern’ this would be it. As for the future – that’s still a way off – it’s essentially having fun and it's girls, guys and partying - and then there is school and academic studies. Stating that when they h
Tadhg Stopford: On Hemp as a Wonder Plant of Food Fibre & Medicine, and the Politics Surrounding It
07/11/2019 Duração: 58minCannabidiol (CBD) is non intoxicating and is safe to use, yet it is heavily regulated, unnecessarily expensive, and there is much prejudice from lack of knowledge about this product. How it can become more easily accessible in New Zealand may be centred around whether it ends up becoming regulated as a food or as a medicine, and the results of the upcoming referendum. In this informative interview, Tadhg speaks in depth about this, the history of cannabis, the extensive uses of hemp, and medical cannabis. Tadhg asks: Are you concerned about the state of the world? I am. Lord Rutherford, (atom splitter), said that "we don't have money, so we have to think". It's time that we did that, because the status quo is failing. So, what do we need, and how do we get it? A wealthy society needs good food, fibre/chemical feedstock, and medicine. Imagine getting all of that from one plant, and it all being of the best quality. That's the kind of crop we need in a climate changing world, a sustainable competitor to the
Rex Weyler: Planned Obsolescence - Most of the stuff you buy is designed to break down
31/10/2019 Duração: 59minThe poor today are always working long hours in menial jobs to pay off something that is continuously breaking down. In many ways they are being punished for being poor. If you have a hot jug, fan heater, hairdryer, juicer, toaster, vacuum cleaner and other consumer white ware - with a bit of luck you may get two to three year’s life out of them - and then they are off to the landfill. This interview of Rex Weyler, is one of the original Greenpeace activists - when it was more a volunteer organisation - and they were true Rainbow Warriors - tells of the continuous battle on bringing humankind to become accountable and responsible for the wanton abuse and use of the earth’s critical resources. This below is Rex’s most recent article ‘Its a waste world’ that was printed in Greenpeace Magazine A popular bumper sticker in the United States – typically seen on large vehicles, with giant wheels and vibrating chrome muffler pipes – rea
Ayran von Dreger: Analyst of conspiracy theories, and their impact on global consciousness
24/10/2019 Duração: 59minProfessor Frederick von Dreger, (former Chairman, Dept of Political Science, UPEI, Canada) retired, dissects media 'deceptions' and 'hoaxes' - and tells us that governments, universities, and the media have been obscuring the truth from the public - for decades. As a Conspiracy Analyst. - he states that Google and its offshoot Youtube, plus Twitter, and Facebook are constantly using algorithms to censor what we see and access in the Western world. Yet, awash with data and all sorts of information that we network, we trust that our understanding is accurate and that the wording is in fact the truth of the matter. All of this having to do with our sovereignty and liberation as individuals and at the same time desiring to unify us as a humanity which collectively shares the same aspirations. We are already involved in World War Three Professor von Dreger says that at this moment we in the western world are now in effect experiencing a sort of "World War Three" - a massive conflict, not of direct physical
Sue Grey & Robin Kelly: NZers awakening to the implications of 5G, as Grandparents become involved
17/10/2019 Duração: 59minIt is becoming obvious that there is no recent ‘independent’ research coming out giving 5G technology - a clean bill of health. That undue health effects could arise from increased wireless frequencies have not been allayed. Meanwhile, having a little more time on their hands Grandparents across NZ are showing more interest in this recent technology and they are researching as to what 5G might portend. Why have there been no ‘independent’ health tests completed on 5G wireless technologies? That due to the NZ Government not requiring evidence of such tests, many of the NZ public are becoming concerned. Yet, highly qualified independent overseas scientists are saying that this new fifth generation technology ‘ups the frequencies’ markedly. So where is the research for its safety and veracity? In the meantime the elders, the older generation, who over their lifetime of experience and disappointment at the ethics or lack of them within both Government and industry are rallying for the future of their childr
Lisa Er & Tim Lynch: Choosing healthy options in a climate of despair and possibility
10/10/2019 Duração: 01h01sTim opens that he knows mothers who are not allowing their young infants and children to be in the room during TV news. As it’s too violent and overwhelming for young sensitive minds. In today’s world, there is a need for them to play, acquire communication skills and keep their innocence for a little while longer. However Lisa, as a mother of 3 boys, thinks that around 9 years of age they need to understand a little more about what is happening in their world. The question then comes up - Where do you source your news from? Especially international news? - (Russia Today) good for what is going on around our planet, but not necessary as to what is happening in Russia. CNN is not necessarily good anymore. Lisa, mentions El Jazeera - has some good things, but we realise it too has its weak points. The Guardian - used to be relatively balanced but having a leftish viewpoint - that now having gone into the USA - has become very anti Russian so as to build up it’s US viewership. Lisa said Guardian let J
Fiona Douglas: From an earth based scientist to reconnecting to the web of life via sound and music
02/10/2019 Duração: 01h01sThis interview quickly takes us on her journey of immersion into nature - one that has inspired her curiosity to want to embed the natural world in how she ‘felt’ - existence. She has a sense that ‘everything is connected.’ This has expanded greatly since coming to New Zealand, and learning how much the Maori language, embraces the natural world and that the word Kaitiakitanga - means guardianship and protection. Her first understanding came to her as a child, walking and observing the bush/nature near her home in Australia. Then as an adult making a difference to her community, she started to glean how ‘as in community - as in nature’. She saw that we can’t disregard any of our spheres or scapes, especially our soundscapes. To do so is to ignore a fundamental part of our connection with our nature. We need diversity for harmony and health. So as a scientist and an agronomist lecturing in biology and its interconnections, she immersed her deeper self into nature the natural order and the web of all life. He
Peter Vaughan: Numerologist or diligent Auckland Mayoral Candidate, his work comes from the heart
26/09/2019 Duração: 59minPeter can work out a person’s main character traits, tell if they will be re-elected, all from birth numbers that cannot be changed, and through using numbers associated with a name. Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals. Peter Vaughn is a numerologist and also a mayoral candidate for Auckland. He explains how numerology works and gives some examples about what one can find out through numbers. Numerology has its history way before the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Pythagoras taught that number was the essence of all things. He spoke of cycles and patterns and waves of energy that existed long before the dawn of humanity, and how our life paths reflect great and eternal laws, whose origins and purpose remain hidden within the mysteries of existence. Numerology can calculate life paths and highlight difficulties and good times. We discuss some of Peter’s interesting numerological discoveries
Alan Simmons: ‘The Outdoors Party’ - Reclaiming our country and nature back for all New Zealanders
05/09/2019 Duração: 59minAlan, a hunting and fishing guide has been an outdoorsman all of his life. However over the last 50 years he has witnessed such a vast change in both the NZ way of life as well as the rapid decline in our once relatively pristine ecology and environment, that he has had to act. That the only course of action to halt this decline was for him as an ‘out doors man’ - was to finally be impelled to start a political party to exact positive change. Hence the birth of the Please Note this interview mentions: DOC = the Department of Conservation - MPI = the Ministry of Primary Industries and - ‘Winston’ = the leader of the NZ Party, which in the last election - 'held the balance of power' and that he was able to forge an Alliance with the Labour Party and the Green Party which enabled Jacinda Ardern to become the Prime Minister of NZ. In this interview you will hear the timbre of Alan’s voice as he warmly articulates his love for our nation, our warm national character, our countryside and the