Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
Tim Lynch: Awakening NZ Farmers & Ethical Doctors - Push back NZ Government - And Media Silence
29/07/2021 Duração: 59minNever has New Zealand been so divided as of now - not since the ‘racially selected’ white South African rugby tour of NZ of 1981. This was when thousands of very courageous New Zealanders, especially the young, in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s donned crash helmets, padded clothing and made wooden shields and went into battle for the black and coloured South African’s. Who could never vote or represent their country. These principled NZers went against the Conservative ‘National’ Government of the time and were prepared to blockade rugby stadiums around the country. This was a battle for justice and the right for self determination due to people being judged by the colour of one's skin. With this week’s show Tim started off with greeting all breathers out there across Auckland's greater region and further out within the teaming biosphere of our sacred planet - where he mentions that all animals, trees, plankton and humans - share the one breath - as of this moment. Stating that we are immersed in momentous times
Rob Wilson: Farmers across NZ Protest Government Regulations, Non Consulting, Water Rights, Land Grabs
22/07/2021 Duração: 59minNZ Farmers are pushing back against bureaucratic Government and Local Council regulators (especially land grabs) due to no open communication, or open meetings and sharing of information and genuine consultation. Rob sees the farming sector throughout rural NZ being challenged like never before. Yes, there is water pollution, chemicals on the land, (huge stocking numbers - Corporate farms) and health issues that need to be continually addressed. However, what farmers have been experiencing though is escalating Governmental regulations, plus local Council intrusions into their lives by a hive of unknown bureaucrat regulators pushing an agenda, that in many ways is - one size fits all. The United Nations Agenda21 and Agenda2030. This adds to the recent - interview of Heather Meri Pennycook - where we cover many of the same issues - but worded differently, especially the expanding nation wide push back that continues to grow, via Groundswell, but with a very defined focus. Yet, what’s gett
Joe Rifici: COVID Tyranny and 5G RADIATION Two Boots For Eight Billion Faces
15/07/2021 Duração: 59minNone of us would have thought that humanity - especially in the Western World would be cowered and on the back foot as we are today. Disunity across Nations. Particularly, Australia, Canada, the disunited Kingdom and the Un-united States and here in NZ as well. That has finally caused farmers to descend on our towns and cities. There is an underlying unrest and social/psychological turmoil. What we have found ourselves in - is a hybrid version of a non-physical civil war of the spirit - between those who question virtually everything - versus those who obey the Government narrative - parroted verbatim by subservient 'bought and paid for' - MSM - tools of the Globalists at the apex of the pyramid of power. Great Reset - World Economic Forum. The global elitist and their political puppets 'have made their move on humanity' and the method is based on the Great Reset out of Davos, the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. It will be a cashless society where everyone will be surveilled and with your name at
Ray Broomhall: Global Deployment of 100,000 5G Satellites Continues, What Are The Health Effects?
08/07/2021 Duração: 59minWhat people may not know is that the current roll out of the 5G telecommunications network, is a massive undertaking being coordinated around the world and pushed by the corporate elite. Engulfing the entire planet via 100 thousand satellites, millions of telecommunication towers, small cells and billions of 5G connected devices flooding the world with invisible electro smog pollution in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The 5G rollout will increase man-made electromagnetic radiation at unprecedented levels with little to no concern for the safety and wellbeing of the humans who will be exposed to it. In Australia concerned citizens have formed a political Party called the ‘NO 5G Party’ - that will be in every state across Australia. Ray is the president of it at the moment and they have a thousand members and at the next General Election they will be running candidates in every State, specifically on electro magnetic radiation issues. Also, its a Party to educate people that there has been a unpreceden
Heather Meri Pennycook: Are Councils Applying United Nations Agenda’s throughout New Zealand?
01/07/2021 Duração: 59minThis is a whopper of an interview, I can see why people in the rural sector of NZ are flocking to hear Heather Meri (and Rob Wilson) lay out the UN Agenda 21 and 2030. Plus, the planned addition of the ‘Great Reset’ that the World Economic Forum from Davos in Switzerland is going to superimpose over our planet and civilisation. This new economic model will cover every survival contingency regarding the well being of the 7.8 billion souls on this planet, including all biota within the biosphere. Heather Meri says that there is more legislation coming out of Parliament that is going to affect us. However she has addressed about 80 meetings around the country over the past 6 or 7 months - 37 in the North Island. Encouraging groups to form so has to assist in educating their community, but in particular, to do their own research. Some weeks ago she had about 250 people show up to a talk in the Nelson area of Moutere - because people are waking up to what is being planned for them. That there are SNA’s being ‘Sig
Antoinette James: Are NZ Kiwis Revolting? Food for Thought in an Unsavoury World
24/06/2021 Duração: 59minMother, Author, Researcher ‘What is happening behind the curtain?’ The UN Agendas, the World Economic Forum - Your Future? Giving a wider understanding of the issues facing us today, both in NZ and globally. Worth your while to listen to the whole interview. Author of ‘We are Revolting’ and her new book just out ‘Under the Shadow’, Antoinette lays the groundwork of her research as to what is happening on a global scale. She says she is a big picture person. The fact that over the years, our NZ Governments, both left and right have signed us on to the United Nations Agenda21 and Agenda23 that have slipped through without there being a public discourse or debate and education of ‘we the people’ as to what does this all translate into. Why the silence and why have our elected representatives not mentioned this to their constituents? Especially as this all started back in 1992. Then there is the question of what’s the game plan being acted out under cover of the Covid crisis? Where and where does the World Econo
Scott Macindoe: The Future of New Zealand fish. Numbers have fallen. What are we leaving our children?
17/06/2021 Duração: 59minNew Zealand with the fourth largest economic zone on earth is facing a major dilemma with its vast fisheries. Being now essentially run by a handful of fishing families. That as an industrial fishing machine it still controls the narrative regarding fishing in NZ waters. There is a dimension of Maoridom who are responsible for managing Treaty of Waitangi Settlement assets, but regrettably the NZ Government's Ministry of Primary Industries - 'is captured' due to their inability to manage for example red snapper in NZ. But the whole much lauded 'Quota Management system, is a major failure. Scott clearly states that for change to really happen - is that we need a crisis. This will then pull us all together to solve this huge out of control quota management system and all its attendant challenges. Quoting Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winner in Economics 1976 - who declared - "Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change." He said that though the recreational fishing lobby took the establishment to
Meg Osborn: The issue of 'Personal Sovereignty' when we find out all NZer's are Corporate subjects of the City of London
10/06/2021 Duração: 59minThis interview of Meg’s has in turn brought her into focusing on Constitutional Lawful Processes. That she says is the baby of the movement - in that we are just realising that we have been had. That this is all new to us. It’s like we have finally pulled back the curtain and found out that we have been manipulated for all this time. All of us - though the Establishment will never admit it, nor will the politicians that run this country They are just not aware that they too are a chattels of the City of London - this is what we are all finding out. As I said … we have been had and this is just another example of why the world is in such an inharmonious mess. Because at heart we can not understand why we the people, have virtually no say - whilst banks create money out of thin air by adding extra zeros whilst at the same time they and Wall St for example are riding high on the hog on bloated salaries, share offerings and socialised losses. This is why people from all walks of life are saying enough. 20,00
Lynda Wharton: Examining the spell of the false Covid narrative - especially Vaccines
28/05/2021 Duração: 59minThis excellent interview from a very adept communicator of the challenges facing we NZers due to obscuration of the truth about the make-up of the Pfizer vaccination. Lynda, a Naturopath, Acupuncturist and holistic healer for over 35 years is finding herself working up to 50 hours a week following the Covid vaccination narrative both locally and globally. What she is learning is shocking her daily. Day after day, week after week, month after month she is realising how 'unsettled' the science is. Statements made a couple of weeks ago that were seen as conspiracy - yet after a short time - these so called conspiracies become far more factual. She gives some hard data to reveal her point and all the way through this compelling interview - we hear time and again of major distortions coming from both the Government, the CDC and MSM 'mainstream media'. Echoing the 'storyline' that is being promulgated by Pfizer and all the other big vaccines corporations - all in ‘lockstep’ with Big Tech, and Governments - especia
Peter Daley: Japanese Government to Pour Over a Million Tons of Radioactive Water into the Pacific!
20/05/2021 Duração: 01h01sPeter Daley, a researcher from Australia, tells us of the shocking revelation that the North Pacific Ocean is having its ecosystems collapse due to the radiation that poured out of Fukushima in 2011. We are also having to deal with the blatant fact that the Tepco nuclear plant wants to release over a million tons of radiation water that has been collected and stored up until now - so as to not flow into the Pacific ocean. The storage tanks are poorly engineered and are already leaking. Now the Japanese Govt wants to release this tritium water into an ocean that is already becoming an environmental catastrophe. Meanwhile the MSM ‘mainstream media’ censor it all - along with all the marine biology departments of West Coast Universities on the other side of the Pacific as well as in Japan. This is a crime against humanity as well as all biological life in the Pacific basin.
Alia Bee: Voices for Freedom Challenging the Government and MSM Covid Narrative
13/05/2021 Duração: 59minAlia Bee, of Voices for Freedom here in NZ, is a volunteer group headed by three women and now a rapidly growing number of volunteers across the country. The reason for their concerns are escalating due to the incessant questionable media programing of the New Zealand population. Learn how they came about, to having around 10,000 members and growing - and would like to increase their membership ten fold and then some. They came about by wanting to set up groups across the country to assist those people who had felt lonely and left out when the lockdown across NZ happened. Because the feedback that they had received was that many people felt unsupported - especially not being able to have visitors and family come to them. To do this they used social media to build up a network of courageous volunteers and now there are 47 neighbourhoods and communities already. They are also running introductory meetings NZ wide so that people with concerns and also wanting to get to the truth as to what is 'really' happen
Heather Meri Pennycook & Rob Wilson: Why are Agenda21, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset not debated?
06/05/2021 Duração: - the Agriculture Action Group has been founded across New Zealand to push back and question Government intrusion, especially when it has not been announced in the Governments manifestos. This is all about the lack of consultation and enforced regulations and fees at a localised level - via NZ Councils on how we use our land. These requirements are now being foisted on an unsuspecting NZ public. This has all been arranged and 'agreed upon’ with the United Nations and is known as Agenda21 & Agenda 2030. In addition to the above is the inclusion from Davos in Switzerland, of the World Economic Forum’s 'Great Reset’ 'Where we are told 'that by 2030 we will own nothing and we'll all be happy!' That together these two models are going to be superimposed over all nations that will lead to the long planned for NEW WORLD ORDER. These words were uttered by US President George Herbert Bush when he first mentioned them back in September, 1990. Now, today, there is an urgent need to ask, why are th
Katherine Smith: NZ's newest magazine reveals the truth about Covid vaccines and treatments
29/04/2021 Duração: 01h00s(For example I, Tim - wanted to have this as the heading for this interview:) Katherine Smith: Covid - the truth about vaccines that Pfizer & the NZ Govt are deliberately hiding. However, in deferring to her as the founding Editor of The Real News - you can recognise her measured response to be a serious voice of reason - in the midst of the current moral malaise of the local and global Fourth Estate. The Interview: Listen This is critical information … New data coming out is that Covid19 is in some respects a vitamin D deficiency disease. However there has been startling alternative results that are being totally censored by MSM and Governments. (Same old - same old). MEDSAFE NZ has asked Pfizer 58 questions relating to the vaccine - especially what is in it - and Pfizer are falling back on confidentiality due to it being their intellectual property. So on one hand they say we are in a global crisis and on the other hand tell us to pay now - money up front. Corporations - we know what drives you. The
Janice Priest: COVID19, the Flu Blues and the Outrageous NZ Government Vaccine Claims
22/04/2021 Duração: 01h00sThey are calling out the lies emanating from our Government lock stepped with big PHARMA’s Agenda. Now, with the statement - “No jab - No job!” - in a democracy such as NZ’s, this for many - is a step too far. Janice Priest has been a natural clinician for over 50 years and has witnessed the continuous transition from a more personal and natural healing realm to that of ‘a chemical drug for all ailments’ regime as propagated by big Pharma. Which has in turn morphed alongside the WHO + to now a vaccination for every human. As a very experienced naturopath and clinician this interview leads with how to take care of our body naturally, by preventative measures that you can readily access from your garden or local grocer. From 15 minutes in though - Janice talks about the larger picture in dealing with the Covid narrative, the untruths of media with Government coordination and as in the heading - outrageous fear mongering by our elected representatives in an endeavour to control the vernacular of spin. We cov
Joe Rifici: With Middle Earth Under Covid Siege - Is NZ the ‘Ring Bearer’? Will We Scour Our Shire?
15/04/2021 Duração: 59minWhere it has been tried by the Romans, Attila the Hun to Hitler but they never achieved a truly global conquest. Well, today this is the latest ambition of globalists: the 0.001% and they have technologies that reach deep into peoples homes and by using psychological means are able to monitor all differing contingencies within the soul of all nations. Not only that, they have a level of centralisation of wealth and power - and corruption that has enabled an unprecedented attempt to destroy freedoms and rights - globally. The pretext for this 'has been in the works' for quite a long time - this has been a result of decades of 24/7 (well paid) think tanks and strategies and planning. (e.g. supercomputer scenarios). What we are seeing now is a culmination of the most ambitious tyrannical project to be conceived by human aspirants to totalitarianism. And the pretext for this is which is the perfect pretext - basically it’s so much better than the terrorism bogeyman or some nation as a bogeyman - it's a microbe -
Wendy Gray: Trees across Auckland & NZ’s chainsaw culture = exotics are bad and natives are good
08/04/2021 Duração: 59minEuropean trees are being targeted as a part of ‘cancel culture’ - whilst nature takes the hit. Meanwhile this is all being sidelined by our elected representatives both at a national level as well as locally. The fact that exotic trees are being cut down because they were introduced by early European settlers appears to be part of the ‘cancel-culture’ that can even be conceived as a cultural marxist agenda. That is, to take down the past and eradicate it. The fact that deep ecology is being ignored and that the flora and fauna are under attack, defies common sense - especially when there is an actual program in Auckland to plant 1 million additional trees goes against common wisdom. Main Points that Wendy Wishes to Convey Wendy Gray 'chainsaw politics' tree felling Western Springs & Across Auckland Tree blindness is being unable to notice trees in our environment or appreciate their importance for the biosphere and in human affairs. Tupuna – the ancestors. Our trees are considered to be our ancesto
Sue Grey: Our country and democracy have been hijacked, our freedoms and assets being rapidly eroded
01/04/2021 Duração: 01h01sIn this interview of Sue Grey, lawyer from Nelson who has also researched Health issues and has a degree in biochemistry, we learn that things are definitely not as they seem. She has been an activist on the battle front over the last decade endeavouring to bring transparency to so many of the issues that now are bearing down on us and now - totally surround us. She is also the Co leader of the OutDoors Party - - and sees clearly that humanity and the ecology of our entire biosphere is at the crossroads of either we come together as a ‘conscious’ caring humanity - and in essence a global family … or continue down the path of becoming victims to corporations in cahoots with captured Government - who themselves are caught up in their own self serving agenda to not truly engage and empower the community from the grass roots up. When did you hear them mention ‘empowering the grass roots?’ To relocalise and work cooperatively with NZ’s communities? I start by thanking Sue for her continuous
Roy Harlow & Tim Lynch: Humanity should join the Alliance to separate from the Deep State
25/03/2021 Duração: 01h00sNo sitting back - but being sovereign within one's own being and 'consciously' encouraging all actions and initiatives conducive of right livelihood, neighbourhood support and a fully active localised community as being imperative overarching acts to involve ourselves - 24/7. Then recognising that this is a planetary event. We the people have to ‘consciously’ take our whole planet back for the betterment of our children’s future and not Corporate dominance with Governments in lockstep towards totalitarian control over humanity. That Roy's assessment of the present situation was the heading of this weeks interview: Humanity should join the Alliance to separate from the Deep State We, as we read this, are in an undeclared state of war on the human species and all biota within the planetary biosphere. When we take in all the elements that make up the web of life that embraces our planet - we witness the decline of air quality, see the ‘global dimming’ video as in - as well as the chall
Roy Harlow & Tim Lynch: Connecting the dots… to an awakening humanity and a sacred sovereign planet
18/03/2021 Duração: 59minExercising our humanity and protecting the youth and our common future. There are layers of uncertainty warping across NZ today - people are time-constrained to get to the truth - the Government continues telling us that they are the only source of truth - but 10s of thousands of doctors in their droves have signed the Barrington Declaration for example - stating that the Covid 19 fiasco - has been completely overblown and that the truth is emerging that it is being used to enforce a lockdown strategy of the human race - that we need to be all vaccinated that in Roys words is a depopulation program. This is the first time in history when the world’s people have been quarantined - because it has always been that the sick people have been quarantined - so this is a reverse standard imposed on us by the governing bodies. Roy says that he does not know if it has worked - because there are a lot of knock-on contingencies that have appeared - that we are not aware of that have happened during the lockdown. Like how
Tim Lynch & Bill Watson: What's the Plan? Or what’s the Agenda? Becoming Aware & Taking Action!
11/03/2021 Duração: 59minKia Ora and good day to you all - I have been away from the radio for a while because of the need to rest and do the usual recharge - but also take in information to build my knowingness as well as rekindle the fire of my innermost interior - you know ... as in keeping my flame healthily glowing. As you very well know with Covid surrounding us - we now live in a tumultuous world we have found ourselves in. To us living here in Nuclear Free New Zealand - we have never experienced as a whole country such turmoil - though when the Christchurch earthquakes hit 10 years ago, our Christchurch kin - suffered thousands of after-shocks for years that were psychologically traumatising for the people of that city and local surroundings. Today we are nearing the anniversary of the first Covid lockdown on the 28th of March of last year and then just last week for those on the East Coast and the North of New Zealand - we experienced the real threat of a tsunami shake us out of bed - to rapidly move to higher ground - this