Authentic Living

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 465:31:55
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Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. Thats right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous giftsbut you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. Youll learn how to see your true self in the midst of lifes twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • How to Let Go

    04/05/2016 Duração: 57min

    People say it all the time, right? You hear it almost every day: Let it go, man, just let it go. But what they forget to tell you is HOW to let it go. It’s easier said than done, right? If you are holding on to something, obsessed with it, ruminating over it, worried about it and generally upset over the whole thing, then letting go is going to seem like dropping from the top of the Grand Canyon. It ain’t gonna happen. We simply and profoundly will NOT let go of one thing unless we are holding on to something else. That’s why so many breakups are followed all too swiftly with another quick-start to a new relationship. We are just trying to hold on to something that makes us feel okay. We can tell ourselves we “should be okay” but we are just not. So. How to let go. That’s the topic of today’s show. Don’t miss it.

  • The Distillation Process of Love

    20/04/2016 Duração: 54min

    We go around all the time telling each other and ourselves that we should “be” more loving. Be more kind. Be more respectful. But how do we make these shoulds into reality. The truth is that anytime we put the word “should” in front of the word love, it ceases to be love and becomes instead a duty, an ought to, a have to. We think that we should be more loving, and we chastise ourselves when we are not. But we don’t understand the nature of love. This show is going to facilitate a greater understanding of the nature of love, and help us understand the very important transformative process of becoming love.

  • Spiritual Telepathy

    13/04/2016 Duração: 56min

    I remember watching Star Trek on TV as a teenager and wondering what it would be like to be able to read the minds of other people. Back then that’s what I thought telepathy was all about—sneaking into the thoughts of another person without their knowledge, so that you could outwit, or out-compete them. But our guest today, Colleen Mauro is here to talk to us about the kind of intuition that she calls “Spiritual Telepathy.” Owner and Editor of the magazine “Intuition: A Magazine for the Higher Potential of the Mind,” Mauro has spent years in the study of this, one of the finer capacities of the human mind. Her book, entitled “Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul” is the topic of our discussion today. She is going to inform us as to the use of this very normal human but powerful and life-altering capacity. Don’t miss this show.

  • Coming Alive

    30/03/2016 Duração: 56min

    We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.

  • What's divine about Self?

    02/03/2016 Duração: 57min

    In order to answer that question we first have to understand that Self is not the same as self. Indeed, what we consider to be self or personality is commonly made up identity. Identity is formed by introjecting the projections of those who were most significant to us in our early upbringing. It is not who we actually are. Rather it is a mask and costume we put on in order to feel that we belong in our families of origin and we have by now worn for so long and for so deep that we define ourselves by it, without even knowing that it is a mask and costume. Self is who we were (and are) before we introjected those projections. Self is who we came here to be. But what has that to do with the divine? Tune in to find out.

  • Surrender to the Divine Self

    24/02/2016 Duração: 58min

    There is not one single miracle, not one single answered prayer, not one single period of bliss or peace that does not involve at least a temporary state of surrender to divine Self. That said, however, that is not how we think. Not only is the whole idea of surrender a difficult one for us to consider, but the whole idea of Self as divine is all but intolerable to many. So on today’s show we are going to explore what it means to surrender and what it means to surrender to divine Self. Everyone out there who is considering the possibility of an answered prayer, who longs for bliss or peace, who is seeking a miracle should be here for today’s show. Til then.

  • Detachment

    10/02/2016 Duração: 57min

    If you know anything about the Buddhist philosophy, you know that one of its primary principles is detachment. We are not to attach ourselves to people, places, things, events, circumstances or situations. But how does one live one’s life without attaching to these things? Isn’t that what life is all about—really appreciating and enjoying and being part of these relationships to the accoutrements of living? If so, then what does it mean to detach? Would Western religious philosophies agree with the concept of detachment? Some say it is the key to living a happy life. So, this show might be a really important one. Tune in.

  • The Ancient YOU

    03/02/2016 Duração: 56min

    Have you found your deepest ancient roots? No. We're not talking about your genealogy, though that can certainly be a part of it. We’re talking about the deepest collective archetypal memories found in the corpuscles of your blood and the marrow of your bones. And of how your personal psychology connects to this. These two, can unite to create a primal essence, which is at least an aspect of the authentic Self if not its entirety. It speaks to us in our dreams, in the symbols with which we resonate and in the seemingly magical synchronistic events of our lives. Making contact with these symbols facilitates our awakening to who we are. Let’s talk about that together. Don’t miss it.

  • Oneness

    27/01/2016 Duração: 56min

    Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.

  • The Gift of Sorrow

    20/01/2016 Duração: 56min

    No one wants to feel sorrow. It is the emotion we most avoid, for it makes us vulnerable to the onslaughts of deep emotional and psychic shifts. We live in a world in which the social pressures and rigid schedules of life forbid our sorrow. Yet sorrow changes us, allows us into the closets where we have hidden the authentic Self. Our guest today is going to talk to us about sorrow and how we might facilitate a deeper soulful journey through sorrow. Author of “The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief,” Frances Weller is a Psychotherapist, writer and soul activist, who has founded “The Wisdom Bridge” to provide educational programs to bring together wisdom from indigenous cultures and the Western culture. His special gift is synthesizing and integrating psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, indigenous cultures and poetic traditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the gift of sorrow.

  • Gratitude and Presence

    09/12/2015 Duração: 57min

    There are many spiritual teachers teaching that we should practice gratitude as a daily, even hourly part of our routine—so that we will maintain a positive outlook, increase our mood, decrease our stress and make us generally nicer people. Two problems with that: 1) when we add “should” to gratitude it ceases to be gratitude and becomes a duty; 2) anytime we add a “so that” to our spiritual routines, they cease to be spiritual and become conflated, contrivances meant to manipulate the gods. Gratitude is actually a form of presence. And presence is a spiritual practice that has only to do with embracing life on life’s terms. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to live, rather than merely survive.

  • Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

    02/12/2015 Duração: 55min

    What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.

  • Whatever!

    11/11/2015 Duração: 56min

    What can you expect to happen next in your life? Will you get that job or relationship you want? Or not. What if it doesn’t happen? What will you do then? Better yet, what will you believe then? What do you imagine is supposed to happen in your life? What about what you deserve—what do you deserve to happen in your life? What if you don’t know? Are you doing something wrong? These questions and more are discussed and answered on today’s show. Don’t miss it.

  • Where is Your Peace

    21/10/2015 Duração: 56min

    If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.

  • Wicked Thoughts

    14/10/2015 Duração: 56min

    We still hear a lot about how it is that we should control our thoughts so that we can get what we want. There are memes on social media sites every day about this idea. We are constantly being advised to watch what we are thinking, because the Universe is listening and responding to our thoughts as if they were direct orders for the Universe to follow. But our wicked thoughts, called by most “negative thoughts” do not have the power to manipulate the Universe—surely we know that the Universe is way more intelligent than that! So what is true? What is the truth about our thoughts and their impact on the Universe? If you have been trying to get your thoughts to behave themselves and stop being so wicked, stop betraying you by making the Universe work against you, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.

  • Surrender as Personal Empowerment

    07/10/2015 Duração: 55min

    Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.

  • How to Thrive Through Life's Transitions

    30/09/2015 Duração: 54min

    We all have major life transitions, which come in many different forms. But these difficult times can be thresholds to a new adventure. How do we take the challenge to turn what appears to be a block or even a death, into a threshold? Rabbi Sherre Hirsch has come today to talk to us about her 2nd book, Thresholds: How to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions. Rabbi Hirsch is the first female Rabbi, who served for 8 years as the Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles. She has since left the more traditional pulpit to serve a larger, more diverse “congregation.” She is now a nationally recognized personality who speaks across the country and frequently appears in the national media. She also serves as Spiritual Consultant to Canyon Ranch properties. Rabbi Sherre blends ancient tradition and modern day application to empower individuals to be their own spiritual guides. You are not going to want to miss this show.

  • Mind Control of Original Thought?

    23/09/2015 Duração: 55min

    Have you ever looked back over your life and thought to yourself, “I’ve been had?” Well, don’t feel alone, many of us have experienced deliberate gotcha’s perpetrated by those who want to manipulate, abuse or control us. But there’s a bigger story—a more global story to this whole thing of manipulation, and Eldon Taylor is here today to tell us about it, and how we may avoid falling prey to it. His latest book, “Gotcha!” tells us all about the silent battle that has been raging for more than a century for the territory of our minds. The book explores the 24/7 bombardment of information designed to win the hearts and minds of the public, and exposes the arrival of the Orwellian age in full-blown technicolor. In revealing the game, he helps us know what we need to do to avoid allowing others to puppet our thoughts and to maintain original thinking. This is going to be a mind-blower today. Don’t miss it.

  • Special Encore Presentation: What are we going to do about guilt?

    16/09/2015 Duração: 54min

    Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.

  • How to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship

    09/09/2015 Duração: 56min

    We have arrived at adolescence in our understanding of relationship—in other words, we have a long way to go. But, well, what do we expect? Only 150 years ago, we were still often arranging marriages. We arranged for a good dowry, good property, money, inheritance, prestige, even good teeth and good hips. So this thing of marrying someone we love is new, and we have only begun the work of understanding how to do it. But you know what happens typically in adolescence: we fall in love and out of love very quickly. Unfortunately, that’s still where we are with this new understanding of marriage. But actually that process for the adolescent teaches him or her something about relationship—and so we are likewise learning. What are we learning? Tune in to find out how to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship.

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