Authentic Living

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 465:31:55
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Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. Thats right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous giftsbut you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. Youll learn how to see your true self in the midst of lifes twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Is Religion Still Valid?

    15/04/2009 Duração: 55min

    Rabbi Rami Shapiro, or Rabbi Rami, as he is affectionately known, is an award winning story teller, author, poet and essayist as well as the Director of the Simply Jewish Foundation. He is the author of several spiritual nonfiction books, including “Open Secrets,” “The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness,” “The Divine Feminine,” “Recovery, The Sacred Art,” and out in the fall “The Angelic Way.” We are in a period of spiritual transition that involves every soul. But in that process we have to ask and answer some of the hard questions about our individual and cultural history with regard to its spiritual components. That means questioning religion. But Rabbi Rami returns to Authentic Living to tell us that this doesn’t mean junking the old, but rather resurrecting the soul of religion. If you are wondering where you stand with regard to religion in general or your religion in particular, don’t miss this show. You may find some answers to your questions.

  • Prosperity and the Authentic Self

    08/04/2009 Duração: 56min

    There’s a lot of talk going around these days about what a spiritual person can expect from life with regard to prosperity. Some of us believe that talk and have put our affirmations up on the mirrors and refrigerators of our lives, but some of us think that talk is way too materialistic. On this show, we are going to try to find the fine line between those two opposite polarities, because the question isn’t can I have what I want. The question is: Who is the “I” that wants it? Chaney Wiener, our guest for today is going to talk about some of his answers with regard to prosperity consciousness. Chaney is an inspirational, transformational speaker and co-founder of the Law of Attraction Network for Women and the Wealth Mastery Success Program. Andrea is going to ask Chaney some of your hard questions with regard to prosperity and your Authentic Self, so don’t miss this show.

  • Drunk with Wonder

    01/04/2009 Duração: 53min

    Recovering addict, author of three poetry books and founder of his own publishing company, Steve Ryals understands the depths of depravation and false highs as well as the heights of wonder. Author of Drunk With Wonder: Awakening to the God Within, Steve offers us a unique vision of science, spirituality, intentionality and the importance of transformative practices in creating the world of our dreams. Not only does his book give us actual practices that we can use to awaken, but it offers wisdom gained from the shadow side as well. One day Steve just started talking to that quiet voice within, and the rest is a book. This kind of dialogue is essential to the process of waking up to who we really are. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your own highest wisdom.

  • Lighten up!

    25/03/2009 Duração: 54min

    Need a laugh? The witty and irreverent Loretta LaRoche is all about it. Bestselling author and international stress management and humor consultant, Loretta has spent the past 30 years raising the laugh potential in all of us. She’s on the Mass General advisory council for anxiety and depression and was recently awarded the National Humor Treasure Award. And she writes a weekly newspaper column called “Get a Life.” See, the deal is, we need to laugh. A lot. Yet the big joke among mental health practitioners is the homework assignment to work on having more fun. But this won’t be work. Tune in this week to de-stress, get a life and re-energize. Don’t miss this show!

  • Authentic Living Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    18/03/2009 Duração: 56min
  • Me and My Shadow

    11/03/2009 Duração: 56min

    You know we hear the word “shadow” bandied about quite often these days, and because most of us have this idea that the shadow is the “dark side” of us, we don’t really understand it very well. But it is the shadow that has us doing all kinds of things that we don’t even understand, both things that we consider bad and things we consider good. Why do we fall in love, for example, with Mr./Ms. Wrong over and over again? Why do we spend money we don’t have? Why did I say that? What was I thinking? These are some of the questions that result from our resistance to becoming intimately acquainted with the unconscious. And yet, many of our leading experts are telling us that if we could get in touch with and learn to walk with the shadow, we would become more authentic; we would have richer, more peaceful lives. Come listen to today’s show, and learn how to look in the mirror to see and learn to dance to your own music with your own shadow.

  • Who Are You Really?

    04/03/2009 Duração: 53min

    Albert Clayton Gaulden, transpersonal psychologist and founding director of the Sedona Intensive is our guest for today. And he is here to tell us that we are not who we think we are. His third book: “You’re Not Who You Think You Are: A Breakthrough Guide to Discovering the Authentic You” guides us to a place within, a place of discovery in which we can uncover the obstacles that hinder our fulfillment and learn who we really are. Gaulden uses astrology to provide insights into character and teaches how to convert the ego into a powerful and positive force. Don’t miss this insightful show on how to unmask the authentic Self, and awaken to the life that is truly yours.

  • Entering the Castle of the Soul

    25/02/2009 Duração: 56min

    Are you looking for more joy, more passion, more depth? Caroline Myss, a practicing mystic and our guest for today, offers an open door to the Castle that is your own soul. Caroline started her career as a nurse through which service she slowly came to accept her innate ability as a medical intuitive. And through her practice as a medical intuitive she began to write bestselling books, including but definitely not limited to: “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can,” “Anatomy of the Spirit,” “Sacred Contracts,” and the topic of discussion today, “Entering the Castle.” The mystical experience we have when entering our own souls is the beginning of real life. Based on St. Teresa of Ávila’s metaphor of the interior castle, Entering the Castle helps us to explore the seven mansions of that Castle and each room in each mansion, in order to become more attuned to our own souls, our inner Divine nature—our true Selves.

  • Learning to Love What Is

    18/02/2009 Duração: 56min

    If you were to ask me what is the single hardest thing for us to do, the answer would be learning to love what is. Byron Katie, our guest for today, has developed a very clear pathway to learning to love what is, a process that she calls “The Work.” After a ten-year fall into depression, anger and addiction, Byron Katie woke up one morning and realized that all suffering comes from believing our thoughts. By questioning every painful thought she had, she developed this amazing method of inquiry, The Work. Katie has been bringing this work to millions around the world for more than twenty years, through several different means from free events to a 28-day residential Turnaround program. She’s written four best-selling books including two we’ll be talking about today, “Loving What Is” and her latest book out just last year, “Who Would You Be Without Your Story?” Her twenty-two year old mission is to help people stop suffering. If you are suffering, don’t miss this show.

  • The Secret to Finding Your Soulmate

    11/02/2009 Duração: 55min

    ‘Tis the season of love, listeners, and it’s time to re-visit all of your dreams for finding that special soulmate. Arielle Ford, our guest for today, helped launch the careers of such giants as Deepak Chopra and Neale Donald Walsch, to name a few, and handled publicity for Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, and other notables, eleven of whom became #1 on the N.Y. Times Bestseller list. But until the age of 44, she was a self-described “failure” in the area of romantic relationships. Yet she did meet and marry her soulmate and has written the book “The Soulmate Secret” to answer your questions about how you can do the same. The book describes a series of processes that must be felt on a cellular level to create the outcome you desire. It is a practical guide that includes prayers and techniques to help clear out emotional baggage from the past and make room for true love to manifest. If you have been longing to find your own special soulmate, don’t miss this show.

  • Why is this happening to me?

    04/02/2009 Duração: 56min

    Have you ever wondered why “this” is happening to you? If you are human you probably have. Robin Norwood, our guest for today, has explored this question in depth in her book “Why Me, Why This, Why Now?”. Robin became known all over the world for her book “Women Who Love Too Much,” in which she explored the depth-aspects of relationship. But her perhaps a bit less well-known book “Why Me…” explores the dynamic relationship we have with the circumstances and experiences of our lives. Some of us have been taught to never ask the question why. But Robin does ask and seeks out brave answers—answers that make sense to those of us who are truly seeking. She reveals how a spiritually enlightened understanding of life’s suffering can lead to personal and planetary healing. If you’ve ever wondered why, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to find out.

  • Me and I AM

    28/01/2009 Duração: 56min

    Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and lecturer. He co-authored the ground-breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, which helped revolutionize psychiatry. He is the founder and cofounder of several mental health organizations and journals. But he is best known in the spiritual world for his authorship of the trilogy on the transition from the normal ego state of mind to consciousness of the Presence: Power versus Force, which won praise even from Mother Teresa; The Eye of the I; and I: Reality and Subjectivity. These books are but three in a seven book series that provide a clear and understandable pathway to spiritual enlightenment, also including: I: Reality and Subjectivity, Truth vs. Falsehood, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Discovering the Presence of God and Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man. If you hunger for the truth of authenticity do NOT miss this special show!

  • Spiritual Responsibility

    21/01/2009 Duração: 55min

    What does it mean to be spiritually responsible? Our guest for this show, Steven Morrison, has a lot to say about that, as he blogs, writes, speaks and offers workshops on the topic of spiritual responsibility. He is the creator of the “Spiritual Workout,” and author of the book “An Extra Year: Grief and Loss in the New Age.” The book is a personal memoir of his on-going relationship with his partner after his partner’s death as Steven fumbled his way through an initiatory understanding of clairsentience. If you are interested in living a spiritually responsible life, don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore your own thoughts and experiences through the lens of spiritual responsibility.

  • Alchemy and Presence

    14/01/2009 Duração: 55min

    With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.

  • Duality—What is it and how do we deal with it?

    07/01/2009 Duração: 55min

    We have all been taught to believe in a dualistic frame of reference. All of our lives have been built upon this premise--our religions, our families, our financial institutions, our healthcare, our work ethic and our very sense of ourselves. To take a different tack is to give enormous energy to thinking and living differently in a world that requires that we stay the same. Not only the same as we were, but the same as everyone and everything else. And yet this very desire for sameness is a kind of warped attempt at a deep and abiding connection that belies the duality upon which it is based. In the hypnotic dualistic frame of reference, we are separate from any form of Divinity and from each other. And yet we continue to seek connection. Why is this? Listen to today’s show and explore who you are both from the dualistic perspective and from its opposite—the perspective of Oneness. Don’t miss this important show.

  • Second Chances

    17/12/2008 Duração: 55min

    Joan Anderson is a journalist and the bestselling author of A Year by the Sea, An Unfinished Marriage, A Walk on the Beach, and A Weekend to Change Your Life. She lives with her husband in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and conducts weekend workshops for women around the country. And she made the decision to do just that, and only that, as a part of a second-chance return to the Self disclosed in her latest book, The Second Journey: The Road Back to Yourself. What she has to teach us is that even after finding the Self we can get off track, out of balance and that by taking that second journey we can find our way back. Through her poignant rendition of her own journey she becomes a personal mentor to all of her readers. Not only that, but her workshops for women facilitate the feminine energy of going within to go without, and finding the balance between the internal and external essential to authentic living. Don’t miss this moving show about your own journey.

  • Authenticity and Dream Interpretation

    10/12/2008 Duração: 56min

    Our guest today is Kevin Todeschi, the Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce organization, Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) and Atlantic University. He is the author of twenty books, many on Edgar Cayce’s work, including his most popular book, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, which has been translated into seven languages. Kevin is an expert on dream interpretation, having taught thousands of students the art of dream interpretation, and having authored two books on the subject: Dream Images and Symbols and Dream Interpretation (and More!) Made Easy. Kevin is known for his ability to explain complex subjects in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. And today, on the subject of dream interpretation, he’ll be doing just that. Have you a dream that confounds you? Listen to see if you can get some clues to its meaning. Or, if you are ready, call in and ask Kevin to help you interpret your dream. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.

  • Astrology and Your Authentic Self

    03/12/2008 Duração: 55min

    Demetra George, our guest for today was one of the first Astrologers to publish an astrology book that included the asteroids into the configuration of the natal chart. Demetra always loved the great myths of the Greek gods and goddess, told to her by her Greek grandparents as bedtime stories. As she started using the asteroids in people’s charts, she would tell them the myths of a particular asteroid significant in their charts and hear, “You just told me the story of my life!” Her book, “Asteroid Goddesses” offered a significant change in thinking with regard to astrology, moving the feminine into the forefront of any reading. Her latest book, just out in November, and our topic of discussion today, is “Astrology and the Authentic Self.” If you are even mildly interested in astrology, Demetra George’s work can help you learn to use it as a tool to find your own authenticity. Don’t miss this one!

  • Authentic Gratitude

    26/11/2008 Duração: 55min

    At this time of the year we typically turn our thoughts to the notion of gratitude. And for many of us it is just that: a notion, and not one with which we can easily relate. There just seems so much WRONG with this world, it’s hard to find a way to see the right. And so, we think, why should we be grateful? But if it is really true that all things work towards the truth and light of our own evolution, then gratitude is not only possible, but the only realistic response. Still, forcing it isn’t going to work. Our New Thought authors are telling us that gratitude is essential to abundance. Based on that information, many of us are trying to manipulate the universe to give us its abundance by forcing ourselves to be grateful when really, we aren’t. So, how can we develop an authentic attitude of gratitude? Tune in this week and find out.

  • Living a Soulful Life

    19/11/2008 Duração: 55min

    Regardless of its external realities, the soul is the poignant touchstone of life—i.e., we touch it to know we live. Thomas Moore, our guest for today, is an expert on the soul. With 16 books, five videos, 3 CDs and 7 audio books, including his original bestseller, “Care of the Soul,” and others such as “Dark Night of the Soul,” “The Soul of Sex,” “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life,” “Soul Mates” and “The Original Self,” Thomas Moore has enchanted us all. He urges us to consider the depth of existence, to be faithful to our original and unvarnished Selves, to love deeply and with care for the self. He teaches us that life is not meant to be survived, but lived to the nth degree, to the amazement of the soul. And yet, he does not paint us a pretty story of happy-ever-after proportions. Rather he teaches us to find the river of soulful energy flowing beneath every single moment, regardless of that moment’s emotional overtones. Come listen to Thomas and glimpse again your own soul.

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