Authentic Living

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 465:31:55
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Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. Thats right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous giftsbut you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. Youll learn how to see your true self in the midst of lifes twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Sweet Success

    09/09/2009 Duração: 55min

    What is success to you? Kenneth Foster, our guest today, will be challenging us to answer that question. He is a well-known expert on the issues of success, including vision, purpose, balance, communication and wealth building, as well as the author of the book “Ask and You Will Succeed.” Founder of premier Coaching, Shared Vision International and The Institute for Authentic Communication, Ken has produced hundreds of Seminars and TeleSeminars on success. Often called “America’s Lifestyle Coach” Ken’s clients include doctors, lawyers, PhDs, entrepreneurs, entertainers, authors, speakers, retired millionaires and executives from many well-known companies. Ken asks the touch questions in order to help his clients delve deeply into the heart of their greatest fears, bring forth the power to overcome and realize latent potential. If you are longing for your own authentic form of success, don’t miss this show!

  • It’s Not the End of the World!

    02/09/2009 Duração: 55min

    Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show, “Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan.

  • Creating Authentic Power

    26/08/2009 Duração: 56min

    Today we are so honored to have Gary Zukav and Linda Francis here to talk to us about how we can create our own authentic power. For years now, Gary Zukav has helped us all to see the most complex insights through his use of a language we can all understand. Author of four consecutive NY Times Bestsellers, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, as well as The Heart of the Soul and The Mind of the Soul, co-authored by our guest Linda Francis, both of which also became NY Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda’s spiritual partnership has been on-going for sixteen years and they have, through that partnership, impacted the lives of millions of people, through several means including their many workshops and conferences, his many appearances on the Oprah show and the co-founding of the Seat of the Soul Institute, dedicated to assisting people in aligning the personality with the soul, which is the creation of authentic power. Don’t even think about missing this show!

  • De-stressing your Life

    19/08/2009 Duração: 56min

    Wouldn’t we all like to have a stress-free life? Don Goewey, has found a way. After a job loss, the diagnosis of a brain tumor and the loss of his marriage—all occurring within a ten-day period—Don experienced a defining moment that left him free of stress and its complications. After that he took a keen interest in the brain’s ability to overcome stress. His career in human potential spans more than three decades and includes collaborations with Carl Rogers, Ph.D., the founder of humanistic psychology, and Gerald Jampolsky, MD, founder of attitudinal healing. He is the author of “Mystic Cool,” a book that combines the latest research in neuroscience and psychology with practical spiritual insights on how to reduce stress and unlock creative potential. Over the years he has worked with patients, war-refugees, and many from high-stressed jobs, and he is the founder of ProAttitude, a firm dedicated to ending stress in the workplace. Stressed? Don’t miss this show.

  • Medium John Holland

    12/08/2009 Duração: 56min

    John Holland, one of the most sought after mediums in the country, is our guest today. Internationally renowned as a medium and spiritual teacher, he is the author of the best sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, and his latest release The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck. He wants to help us all clear up the distinctions between a psychic—who reads the aura of a person for current and future events—and a medium—who acts as a conduit between the spirit and the physical worlds. Holland was originally profiled on CBS “Unsolved Mysteries,” and has since starred in a 2-hour A & E special called “Mediums: We See Dead People,” and featured on the History Channel in a one-hour special called “Psychic History.” Described as compassionate, insightful, humorous, tender, captivating and mesmerizing, Holland’s charismatic personality and his powerful skills delight and fascinate audiences everywhere. Call in to today’s show to talk to John Holland, and your loved one.

  • The Art of Listening Within

    29/07/2009 Duração: 55min

    Very often we do not know how to listen to others—even those about whom we care a great deal. How much harder is it then for us to learn to listen to what is going on inside of ourselves! Listening to others requires a certain lack of defensiveness that allows us to move beyond hearing only the first two words and spending the rest of the time they are talking planning our next statement. Listening to ourselves requires the same kind of defenselessness. But more than that, we need to learn how begin to traverse the inner terrain of the Self, for without such knowledge we don’t even know that the Self is speaking to us. Basically our society has taught us that going within and listening is an arcane task that only the gurus of the world would even want to try. But without the ability to listen to ourselves we are like ships without a rudder. Tune in and learn how to listen, really listen, to your wise Self.

  • Nameless Grace

    22/07/2009 Duração: 56min

    How do you talk about the silence that moves you and is simply unsayable, but by its synchronistic moirai, its seemingly miraculous events, its moments in which the veil lifts and we see clearly? Sitting in the quietude of such a moment while holding its power, as if one were holding in hand the wave of a tsunami, can only be described as sacred. But the most amazing thing about these moments is that we all too quickly dismiss them by doubting what just happened to us or calling them coincidence. Worse yet, we dare not tell others about them for fear they will ridicule us. And so we find no room in our lives for these wonders, except through questioned memories that create a deep sense of longing. But today, we are going to talk about them. For once, for an hour, we are going to open up to these experiences recognizing them as inroads to the truths of our existence. Don’t miss this show!

  • Premonition—Fact or Fiction?

    15/07/2009 Duração: 55min

    Dr. Larry Dossey, our guest for today, is known around the world for his keen ability to bring scientific understanding to spirituality and for his advocacy for the role of spirituality in healthcare and wellness. He is the author of eleven books, including the New York Times Bestseller “Healing Words,” and, the topic of today’s discussion, “The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future can Shape our Lives.” During his distinguished career as a practitioner of integrative medicine, he helped establish the Dallas Diagnostic Association, served as Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, and served on Hillary Clinton’s Task Force on Health Care Reform in 1993. Today we are going to learn how the mind out of time affects our lives. Want to know more about your capacity for premonition? Don’t miss this show.

  • Exploring the Sacred

    08/07/2009 Duração: 55min

    What is sacred to one of us may not be to another, but there is a sense of the sacred in all of us. But how does one explore the sacred without necessarily exploring the prototypes and doctrines of religion per se? Sometimes we may look to the sacred to help us to connect to the religion, but that does not always work in reverse order. Our guest for today has studied many diverse religions and spiritual pathways and can guide us in our search for the sacred. Jonathan Ellerby, PhD, is the author of “Return to the Sacred: Ancient Pathways to Spiritual Awakening.” He has been around the world to study under spiritual teachers from more than 40 different cultures, including a Lakota Sioux Native American healer for fifteen years and a Venda African healer for seven. He spends his time now helping others to awaken to a deeper spiritual path. If you are yearning to connect with the sacred, don’t miss this show.

  • Authenticity, the Mother of Your Complaints

    01/07/2009 Duração: 55min

    Ever accuse yourself of whining? Then kick yourself back into gear and get back into the same old rut, only to end up whining again later? Our parents all taught us not to whine. And, frankly, nobody else wants to hear it. But underneath that whine may be the voice of your authenticity, trying to inform you of your soul’s longings. So, instead of kicking yourself back into gear, maybe it’s time to stop and listen awhile. But how does one begin to listen? And how does one listen without falling into a puddle of pitiful? Typically we think that the terms authenticity and complaint are oxymorons. But every emotion is informative. Feel like whining? Tune in to Authentic Living this week. Maybe you’ll find out what you are trying to tell yourself.

  • The Steel Trap Called Bargaining

    24/06/2009 Duração: 57min

    One of the stages of grief is bargaining. It’s when, for example, someone is dying and s/he makes a bargain with God to live longer. It’s natural, in that sense, to want to get what we want through bargaining. But like all the other stages of grief, bargaining is also a stage of acceptance—a stage in which many of us get stuck for entire lifetimes. Bargains look like this: IF I THEN you’ll…. Or, IF you, THEN I’ll…. IF/THEN. That’s a bargain. But often these are bargains with the devil in which we sell our souls for a magic trick. IF I stay and become very loving, THEN he won’t hit me again. IF I hang into this heinous job for ten more years THEN I can retire and finally get to do what I want. IF I say the right magical word or do the righ magical deed, THEN she will stop drinking. And these are just examples of the more obvious. Are you bargaining? Come learn how to stop bargaining and start LIVING!

  • Talking—And Listening—to Your Teen

    17/06/2009 Duração: 56min

    Having trouble talking, even listening to your teen? Do discussions turn into eruptions? Today’s expert in teen-parent relations can offer you some real help. Linda Wolf is the founder and executive director of Teen Talk Circles, a not-for-profit organization that provides local groups for teenage boys and girls, and national training for adults who interact with teens. She is the co-author of “Speaking and Listening From the Heart,” “Daughters of the Moon, Sisters of the Sun: Young Women and Mentors on the Transition to Womanhood” and “Global Uprising: Confronting the Tyrannies of the 21st Century; Stories form a New Generation of Activists.” Linda offers a unique blend of deep listening, authentic speaking and real communication to the effort between parents and teenagers. Don’t miss this opportunity to come to terms with the beauty of communicating with your teen.

  • Guidance Anytime, Anywhere

    10/06/2009 Duração: 55min

    One of the basic problems with receiving guidance is that we don’t believe we can tap into the right channel when we most need it. Then our fear gets in the way and we are left to fly by the seat of our proverbials. Christel Nani, a medical intuitive, has some information that might be helpful to you in that regard, for she has written the book on guidance, entitled “Guidance 24/7.” Christel’s medical intuitive readings are known for their pinpoint accuracy, a fact that has ignited her international reputation as “the real thing.” Author of “Diary of a Medical Intuitive,” “Sacred Choices,” and of the CDs “Healing Your First Three Chakras” and “Transforming Your Archetypes,” Christel has much to say about how living authentically is the healing answer. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to learn to self-heal.

  • You Are Not Going Crazy, Just Waking Up!

    03/06/2009 Duração: 52min

    Why is it that at times the challenges in our lives make us feel as if we are going crazy? Though he had to cancel on his last attempt to do this show, Michael Mirdad will be here today to help you answer that question. Bestselling author of “The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path” and “Sacred Sexuality: A Manual for Living Bliss,” Michael is also a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer and counselor, who has taught throughout the world on mastery, spirituality, relationships and healing, and is known as the “teacher’s teacher” and the “healer’s healer.” Michael’s most recent book “You’re Not Going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up!” is subtitled: “The Five Stages of Soul Transformation” because of its clear explanation of the transformational process of awakening. From Michael, you can expect to learn all about how to move from dark nights of the soul to a new life. Don’t miss this powerful show!

  • The Mandate to Fear

    27/05/2009 Duração: 55min

    Most of us are not even fully aware of the number of times a day when we operate out of fear. It compels our beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions and our actions like an underground river moves and shifts the earth. We don’t just protect ourselves, which is our right; we overprotect ourselves, and in so doing we create so many security blankets that our authenticity has to break through as a crisis in order to be heard! All the while, we are euphemistically changing its terms to anxiety and stress. But it’s really just fear, folks; fear that is so familiar that we don’t realize its daily influence. In fact, in our world, to not be afraid is to betray social mores, social constructs that mandate us all to stay in the same mindset. But fear is produced by duality—the belief that we are here alone on this planet with no one to tend us but random luck, or worse yet, we are left to our own devices. Are you afraid? Tune in—you may be surprised at the remedy to fear.

  • Crisis—the Mother of Authenticity

    20/05/2009 Duração: 56min

    Now, I know we don’t want to think of it this way. We want to think of crises as the enemy. But really a crisis is an opportunity to expand awareness, to resolve issues that have been hanging around for a long time waiting for resolution and finally, to come to know and accept your authenticity at a whole new level. Crises usually create pain of some type, physical, mental, spiritual and/or emotional pain. And a true crisis usually cannot be solved by using the same old methods we’ve used before—methods that typically only forestall a resolution and even may mire us deeper in the problem. So, crises challenge us to be creative. They push us to go down into deeper parts of ourselves to find new answers, new meaning, even new paths. Are you having a crisis? Tune in to find out how you can make this crisis into a new creative endeavor to build the life you want from the roots up.

  • Activating Your Vision

    13/05/2009 Duração: 56min

    This is a troubled time for our world. Some of you have been seriously affected by the economic changes that have occurred. We are going to talk about these issues today and try to assist you in developing a spiritual strategy for your life and your world. Caroline Casey is a Visionary Activist Astrologer, and the author of “Making the Gods Work for You: The Astrological Language of the Psyche,” and the audio series, “Visionary Activist Astrology.” She believes that the cultivation of imagination and a capacity for story-telling is the key strategy for personal and collective change. Caroline has her own radio show called “The Visionary Activist Show” on Pacifica Radio Network. She believes in what she calls pragmatic mysticism through which we can shift from a culture of dominance to a collaborative reverent ingenuity. If you are wondering what in the world you can do about it, don’t miss this show!

  • Seeking Guidance

    06/05/2009 Duração: 55min

    Some people go to their therapist, some to their pastor, some to their friends, lovers, and spouses; some just don’t know what to do and don’t know where to go to find out. Linda West goes to the angels and she wants to talk to you about how you can find guidance. Linda is a psychic, endorsed by Allison Dubois, that famous psychic, whose life is portrayed on the TV series “Medium.” But then, we are all psychic in some way, aren’t we? If that’s true, then there has to be some way for us to seek guidance for our lives. Are you seeking? Then don’t miss this show.

  • Divining the Path

    29/04/2009 Duração: 56min

    We Plan, God Laughs: 10 Steps to Finding Your Divine Path When Life Is Not Turning Out Like You Wanted. That’s the title of Rabbi Sherre Hirsch’s book and the topic of our discussion with her today. Rabbi Hirsch was the first woman rabbi at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, the largest Conservative synagogue in the western U.S., where she served for eight years. A student of eastern philosophy as well as Jewish Theology, she has spent her time after her tenure at Sinai sharing her unique blend of the spiritual and the everyday with a larger audience, by appearing “The Today Show,” “ABC News”, “Inside Edition”, “Faith Matters Now” and others. Her book, “We Plan, God Laughs” reflects both a theme in her own life as well as guidance for the reader through a spiritual and introspective journey toward fulfilling divine potential. Life not turning out like you want? Tune in and find out how do find your divine path now.

  • The Body as a Path to the Soul

    22/04/2009 Duração: 56min

    Down through the centuries the body has been considered to be both the instigator of all evil and irrelevant to the spiritual yearnings of the soul. But we’ve reached a level of consciousness now in which we are beginning to wonder if perhaps splitting the body off from the spirit or soul is keeping us stuck in the same old unconscious patterns. Our guest today, Elissa Cobb is going to help us consider the body as part of the internal messaging system that informs us of our soul. Elissa is the author of “Your Forgotten Body: A Way of Knowing and Understanding Self” and the Co-Director of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. Educated in Embodiment Studies, she is a Certified Advanced Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner, Teacher and Group Facilitator. She is an active speaker at mind/body conferences teaching, not treatment, but awareness and presence. Remember your body—don’t miss this show!

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