Authentic Living

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 465:31:55
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Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. Thats right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous giftsbut you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. Youll learn how to see your true self in the midst of lifes twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Mindful Mending

    27/01/2010 Duração: 53min

    The process of self-healing must, at its most effective, include mindfulness. Our guest for this week is Sue PattonThoele, author of the book The Mindful Woman, along with several others, is here to talk with us about what it means to be mindful. The process of mindfulness is exactly that, a process. And its most important feature is the ability to look within without judgment. This means we don’t label our thoughts, feelings, beliefs or even our life events and our responses to them as either good or bad, wrong or right. We simply see them and even learn to sit with them. Sue’s work is mostly for women, but the same process applies to all genders. Would you like to learn more about how you can apply this peaceful process to your life? Don’t miss this show.

  • Money, Money, Money, Moneheh

    20/01/2010 Duração: 56min

    The root of all evil? The elusive dream? The pragmatic principle of food on the table and a roof over your head? Let’s talk about money. What is it really? What does it represent? How and why should we make more of it? How does the law of attraction apply to money? Are you aware of all of the archetypal drags on your consciousness related to money? If not, you may need to tune into this show in which we will uncover this weighty unconscious material that keep us from experiencing both material and immaterial life to its fullest measure. Come on, let’s be brave and talk about the scariest subject on planet earth.

  • The Peaceful Warrior

    13/01/2010 Duração: 54min

    The pathway of the authentic Self is the way of the peaceful warrior. Dan Millman, our guest today, has come to tell us some real life stories of the way of the peaceful warrior a way that bridges the gap between worlds. Most well known for his bestselling books, including “Way of the Peaceful Warrior,” “The Laws of Spirit,” and “The Life You Were Born to Live;” Dan was first known as a world trampoline champion and hall of fame gymnast. His books have inspired millions of people in more than twenty languages. And as most of us know, his book “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” has been turned into a movie, “Peaceful Warrior”—a breakthrough film that doesn’t just inform the audience of a change in the lead character, but allows members of the audience to leave changed or reminded of some deeper aspect of Self. The man has simply combined more than one lifetime into this one! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear, and if you choose, talk to one of the world’s foremost spiritual leaders!

  • Purpose in love and in life

    06/01/2010 Duração: 55min

    Ever wonder why it is that we seem to be drawn to primary relationships? Ever wonder about your own life’s purpose? This whole idea of purpose is one that can either drive us insane or motivate us toward meaning. Our guest this week will help us to learn about purpose as it applies to both our relationships and our lives in general. Dorothy Ratusny is a Canadian Psychotherapist specializing in Cognitive Therapy, who combines that effort with knowledge of Eastern philosophy, Christian Theology, Mysticism and Metaphysics to offer her clients tools of self-discovery toward personal empowerment and authentic living. She is the author of “The Purpose of Love” and “Live Your Life’s Purpose,” a consultant for numerous corporations, a frequent guest of various radio shows and, recently, the co-host of the radio show Womyn’s Word. Don’t miss this opportunity to start the New Year by exploring your purpose!

  • The Life You Deserve

    30/12/2009 Duração: 55min

    Typically when we think of the life we deserve we start tallying up all of our mistakes and character flaws and deciding that perhaps we deserve a lot worse. But our guest today sees it a bit differently. Dr. Shelley Kaehr is the author of twenty books, her latest and the topic of our discussion today is “The Life You Deserve: Step by Step to Passion, Purpose and Profits.” Dr. Shelley, as she is affectionately called, is known throughout the world as a leading authority in the human potential movement. A former sales trainer, she spent her early career traveling throughout North America as a top representative for internationally renowned sales trainer, Tom Hopkins and motivational speaker Jim Rohn. But for the past decade, she has worked as a life coach, helping thousands to reach their highest potential. Wonder if you’ve got it in you? Come find out. Don’t miss this show!

  • Peace on Earth?

    23/12/2009 Duração: 55min

    When pigs fly, right? The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.

  • You don’t need a middle-man!

    16/12/2009 Duração: 57min

    Our guest today previously worked as a features journalist, and is an award-winning musician who, with her band Martyrs of Sound, has released 3 CDs. But Sara Wiseman also reports that she received her own intuitive awakening in 2004 and in 2008 unexpectedly received channeled information from a spirit guide, which she calls The 33 Lessons. These lessons are big portion of her newly released book, “Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth and Healing.” Since her awakening Sara has been providing individual consultations and teaching workshops to tell people that you don’t need a middle-man, that you can have direct access to the Divine, one-on-one. Her next book, “Divine Child” will be released in 2010. Would you like to experience a direct flow of information coming to you from the Divine? Don’t miss this show!

  • How to get out of your own way!

    09/12/2009 Duração: 55min

    Are you frustrated because you can’t quite get yourself to do, think, say, be the things that you desire to do, think, say and be? What or who is standing in your way? We hear lots and lots of talk about the law of attraction and yet here we are in this recession waiting for the other shoe to fall. We have so many dreams that are yet to manifest and we are trying—oh, we are trying so hard—so why hasn’t it happened yet? What we tend to do with questions like this is turn them into an opportunity for self-flagellation, as in “What’s wrong with me?” We interpret a lot of life that way, don’t we? Well, this week we are going to do away with self-flagellation and mindfully removing the blocks to your authentic life. Don’t miss this show!

  • Be Your SELF!

    02/12/2009 Duração: 55min

    Mike Robbins is the author of “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of Authenticity” and our guest today as we explore what it really means to be yourself, because, trust me, it means much more than wearing blue jeans to work because you want to. A sought after speaker who has empowered and inspired tens of thousands through his speaking, workshops, coaching and writing, Mike is also the author of “Focus on the Good Stuff: The Power of Appreciation,” and is a contributing author to “Chicken Soup for the Single Parent’s Soul” and “Thirty Things to Do When You Turn Thirty.” Mike had a professional baseball career until his arm injuries ended it. But then he began to study various disciplines for personal and professional development and began to teach us how. He has offered training to some of America’s top organizations and has been featured on ABC News, the Oprah and Friends Radio Network and several national magazines.

  • The Journey Within

    25/11/2009 Duração: 55min

    There are so many self-help books, seminars and conferences out there which provide us with a technique, or two or three, meant to be used to heal us, and bring us happiness. But the real keys to healing and happiness are found right here inside of us. Through her own inner journey of healing, Trish Bishop has come to understand this concept and present it to others through her new book, “The Question Journey,” in a way that allows them, not to come to the experts for answers, but to find their own answers. We do seem to resist this—we really do want others to be held accountable for our lives. But the truth is that no one is accountable but us, because no one can take the journey but us. Further, there is no journey outward, for only the one inward is real. Trish’s new mission, after serving as an IT consultant for Fortune 500 companies, is to educate and inspire others to wake up and choose to live consciously. Don’t miss this opportunity to begin or enhance your inner journey.

  • Dreamwork: Coming to know your Self

    18/11/2009 Duração: 55min

    Our guests this week are the founders and directors of an organization called North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork located in Vermont. Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster are our guests today and they bring with them a broad base of experience in a depth understanding of dreamwork. They have co-authored a series of three books entitled “The Deep Well Tapes” and Marc has also authored “Hubris of the Heavens: Archetypal Dreamwork and Rudyharian Astrology,” as well as “Gravity.” Both of them are archetypal dreamwork therapists and together they bring a broad base of experience to North of Eden, which was founded in order to offer personal and dreamwork retreats to individuals and other therapists. Their expertise in the area of dreamwork may assist you in coming to know yourself and your world through the eyes of your dreams. Don’t miss this show.

  • The Infinite Power of I AM

    11/11/2009 Duração: 56min

    Ever wondered how powerful you really are? Today we are going to be talking to Nanice Ellis, NLP practitioner, radio show host, speaker and author of five books, including: The Infinite Power of You; Even Gandhi Got Hungry and Buddha Got Mad; 30-Day Gratitude Journal; I AM: A Book of Awakening; Lip Prints: How to Be the Change You Want to See in the World; as well as the inspirational photo album, What If. Nanice has come to understand that only in the face of fear do we find courage, and only when we feel truly lost, can we find our way home. And it is this truth that has created her mission, to create an environment in which persons can look deep within themselves and discover their own truths while tapping into unlimited potential. If you are wondering how you’ll cope, what you’ll do or where you’ll land, don’t miss this show!

  • Pave it Forward

    04/11/2009 Duração: 55min

    The news these days is filled with the doom and gloom of the current economy. And while we are beginning to see just how we paved the road to that downturn by our lack of attention, now it may be time to pave a new road. And with us this week, international speaker, owner of Canadian wellness success story RnR Wellness, and author of the new book Paving it Forward, Elisabeth Fayt may be able to help us begin that process. She believes that people can change the road they are on through a process she calls pre-paving. Through her seminars, workshops, retreats, speaking engagements and new bestselling book, Paving it Forward, Elisabeth Fayt teaches others how to use their thoughts and intentions to pre-pave a new road to the best possible day and life. She believes that given the whirlwind of negativity regarding our current economy, it is more important than ever to pay close attention to the road we are paving. Don’t miss this show!

  • Embracing the True Self

    28/10/2009 Duração: 57min

    In this day in which we are all but forced to embrace so much that feels difficult and hard to love, we are going to be talking about the True Self the most loving and lovable aspect of Being. Our guest today is Paul Ferrini, author of forty inspirational books on love, healing and forgiveness, including the two we’ll be discussing today, “Embracing Your True Self” and “Real Happiness.” Those two books could be one, for embracing the true Self leads to real and lasting happiness. Paul is an ordained minister and a sought after speaker whose unique blend of spirituality and psychology draws from both eastern and western wisdom traditions. He has shared his insights on healing and spiritual growth worldwide and has been enthusiastically endorsed by many of the luminaries of our time—some of whom have been on this very show. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your true Self.

  • What’s Your Dosha, Baby?

    21/10/2009 Duração: 56min

    Our guest this week is Lissa Coffey, lifestyle and relationship expert, Psychotherapist, Sociologist, and the host of, as well as the author of the relationship book “What’s your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love.” Relationship is one of the most rewarding and confounding of life’s mysteries, and something that we are only now beginning to truly understand. So, if you have questions or concerns about relationships, this show is for you! Media’s go-to person regarding dating and relationship, guest of the Today Show among others, and host of her own CoffeyTalk TV, Lissa has much to offer. But add to that her depth understanding of several different ancient philosophies and you get a very unique understanding of relationship that applies ancient wisdom to contemporary issues. Don’t miss this show!

  • Enlightening your Mind, Opening your Heart

    14/10/2009 Duração: 56min

    The Western Lama, as he is affectionately called by the Dalai Lama, Surya Das is a sought-after speaker and teacher. We are honored to have the opportunity to talk to him this week as he assists us in the awakening process. A published poet, translator and chantmaster, with over 35 years of study in Zen, vipassana, yoga and Tibetan Buddhism with the great masters of Asia, including the Dalai Lama’s own teachers, the authorized Lama has also authored several books, his most recent: “The Mind is Mightier Than the Sword: Enlightening the Mind, Opening The Heart.” Founder of many Buddhist and spiritual organizations that help to increase our global awareness, his list of accomplishments is simply too great to mention here but suffice it to say that you are going to get the chance to hear from him directly as we discuss the essential meaning of life and the process of waking up. Do NOT miss this show.

  • Radical Revelations

    07/10/2009 Duração: 56min

    No matter what anyone says, the biggest deal is finding your own way. We can get so confused by the external voices yammering for affirmation within us. But, here’s the thing: Unless you can affirm it internally—it’s not true for you. So this week, we are going to explore how you can come to terms with your own radical revelations, while maintaining your sanity. Such explorations involve learning how to walk safely into the hazardous terrain of the unconscious to find that deep, melding internal bliss of uniting the opposites. But in order to do that one has to be grounded in the solid, earthiness of life right here on planet earth. Spirituality is a “both/and” kind of perspective, one that doesn’t live in the nether regions of some ether realm, particularly one plotted out for you by someone else. Rather it plants itself firmly on earth, while reaching inward for heaven. We are going to learn how to do both, simultaneously. Don’t miss this show!

  • The Emerging Global Consciousness

    30/09/2009 Duração: 56min

    There is definitely a shift taking place on a global level, a shift in which people are beginning to look inward for the answers to life’s basic and profound questions. Our guest today, Beverly Lanzetta, PhD, will help us all understand this emerging consciousness. Author of six books, including, “Emerging Heart: Global Spirituality and the Sacred” and “Radical Wisdom: A Feminist Mystical Theology” she has a unique and beautiful understanding of this global consciousness. Professor of Religious Studies at several liberal arts colleges, and ordained Interfaith Minister and monastic, Beverly has spent the last 30 years guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds and spiritual orientations in the contemplative live. Her own contemplative journey has led her to a deep understanding from which we will all today benefit. We are all together experiencing this shift in consciousness. If you’d like to understand what’s happening to you in this regard, don’t miss this show!

  • Fate or Destiny: Your Choice

    23/09/2009 Duração: 56min

    Robert Ohotto is an Intuitive Life Strategist and an Intuitive Astrologer who can help us decide whether it will be fate or destiny. Author of “Transforming Fate into Destiny,” and host of the Hay House radio show “Dialogue with Destiny,” Robert is a highly sought-after speaker and a pioneering voice in the field of New Thought and multisensory development. Among other things, he helps individuals to find what he calls “soul agreements” with fate, and to transform them into destiny. And he does that by helping them to find the Authentic Self. So, what’s it going to be, fate or destiny? Tune in to make an informed decision.

  • The Heroic Journey through Sexual Trauma

    16/09/2009 Duração: 55min

    It’s a difficult topic but one which millions of people all over the world are contending with right this minute. It’s a secret most of the time, but the most important task is not in exposing the secret, but in healing, and not just healing but in learning to thrive. Our guest today, Melissa Bradley, is an expert on sexual trauma with twenty-seven years experience in both clinical and investigative work in the field of sexual trauma. She’s taught more than 50,000 professionals in America, Canada and Central America in her two self-developed programs, “The Psychology of Resilience: A Multi-modal Approach to Thriving Using the Heroic Journey” and “Three Stages of Healing: Counseling Victims of Sexual Trauma.” Instead of living a lifetime filled with fear and reenactment, she teaches that survivors of sexual trauma can become thrivers whose lives are rich, peaceful and meaningful. If you are a survivor or know someone else who is, don’t miss this show!

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