Welcome to Help4HD Live! We are proud to broadcast credible information and education to the Huntington's disease community on a weekly basis. Help4HD Live! broadcasts every week providing vital information and inspiration to our Huntington's community. We have been blessed to interview many of our JHD/HD researchers, medical professionals, care providers and the pharmaceutical industry for six years. Join our Hosts, Katie Jackson each week for incredible programming and don’t forget to share this channel with your colleagues, family and friends. **Help 4 HD Live! is made possible through a generous communications grant from Teva Pharmaceuticals and the Griffin Foundation. Thanks for tuning in! Help 4 HD International Inc. **Please consult with you own physician for advice about any medical recommendation.
The HD View with Dr. Claudia Testa
17/06/2014 Duração: 01h00sTUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014 Our incredible special guest is Claudia Testa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurology, and Associate Director of Clinical Research and medical director of the new VCU Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Center. The Center aims to integrate research, clinical care, and education and outreach missions in an interdisciplinary collaborative approach to making a difference in movement disorders. Dr. Testa moved to VCU in 2011, where she is excited to lead a new Huntington disease program. We will be discuss her career of care and research. Read more... After completing her MD and PhD degrees, Dr. Testa returned to Boston for internship at Beth Israel Hospital, then neurology residency in the Partners program at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital, where she was a chief resident her final year. She moved to Emory University for a movement disorders fellowship and basic research with Dr. Timothy Greenamyre. The HDSA Center of Excellence for Huntington Disease a
Help 4 HD News Update with First-HD and ARC-HD
27/05/2014 Duração: 39minHappy Tuesday everyone! Tonight we are going to get an update on the HSG Clinical Trial for Huntington's disease called First-HD and ARC-HD. Our incredible special guests are: Samuel Frank, MD – First-HD and ARC-HD PI Claudia Testa, MD, PhD – First-HD and ARC-HD co-PI David Stamler, MD – CMO Auspex Pharmaceuticals Sarah Janicki, MD, MPH – Site Investigator, Columbia for First-HD We will be discussing the changes to the First-HD protocol with more sites added to help increase participation. We will also be talking with a site investigator, coordinator, and caregiver to get their perspective on how to make clinical trials a more positive experience for everyone.
The HD View with Dr. Vicki Wheelock PRE CELL
20/05/2014 Duração: 01h01minPreRecorded 2-11-2014 Our incredible special guest: Dr. Vicki Wheelock, UC Davis Department of Neurology: Clinical Professor, Director Neurology Residency Program, Director Huntington’s Disease Clinic, Site Investigator, Huntington Study Group and Co-director, Northern California Kaiser Pallidotomy Program. Vicki Wheelock is a neurologist with special interests in pallidotomy (neurosurgical procedure), Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Tonight we are going to be talking about PRE-CELL an observational study being conducted at UC Davis Neurology in Sacramento, CA.
The HD View with Dr. Pontow
13/05/2014 Duração: 53minTonight our incredible special guest is: Suzanne Pontow, PhD, is a cell biologist focusing her research on neonatal stem cells at the Institute for Regenerative Cures within the UC Davis Health System in Sacramento. Dr. Pontow received her BS in General Sciences from University of Iowa in 1985, and her PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology from Washington University School of Medicine in 1995. After 11 years studying how HIV infects cells, Dr. Pontow joined the laboratory of Jan Nolta, PhD, Director of the Institute for Regenerative Cures. The move to UC Davis allowed Dr. Pontow to pursue an interest in the remarkable stem cells that are routinely discarded with the placenta and umbilical cord following birth. In 2010, Dr. Pontow and Jon Walker, CLS were named Co-directors of the Umbilical Cord Blood Collection Program for the state of California, which is administered from the UC Davis Health System
The HD View Ask Dr. Goodman Show
06/05/2014 Duração: 58minTonight Dr. Goodman is back with us… we will be talking with her about the role we take as caregivers… the hazards and the rewards. Read her newest article “Caregiving: A Risky Profession?” posted on May 4th on Direct Link to The Article: In this article she talks about “Caregiving for a person with later stage Huntington's disease is a loving long-term commitment that can bring rewarding fulfillment but sometimes may be hazardous to your health... She writes on, “What are the health risks of caregiving? What can be done to give some relief for caregiver strain?” Inquiring minds want to know… especially me! Welcome back to your show Dr. Goodman… Let's get our questions ready...
The HD View with Regenerative Medicine Foundation & Kelly Milukas
29/04/2014 Duração: 01h04minTUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 3:30 PM PST Our incredible special guests today are: Joan F. Schanck, MPA William Hinman, CFRE, MBA Kelly Milukas, RMF Commissioned Artist Katie Jackson, VP, Help 4 HD International SUBJECT Tonight we have four amazing and incredible guests here to talk about Regenerative Medicine Foundations upcoming Conference and Gallery Opening event which will be held at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, CA (May 5-7). We have Joan Schank, MPA, Academic Research Program office at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Director of Education for the Regenerative Medicine Foundation. We have Bill Hinman, CFRE, MBA and Executive Director of the National Regenerative Medicine Foundation. Its mission is to encourage and promote unbiased efforts which accelerate the discovery and development of new regenerative medicine therapies for patients. Then we have Kelly Milukas, from Tiverton, RI, an amazing and talented award winning, multimedia, modern fine artist. She has been commissioned
The HD View with Emily Fisher MSc Medical Genetics
22/04/2014 Duração: 52minPRE-RECORDED TUESDAY, July 9, 2013 Tonight our incredible special guest is Emily Fisher, MSc Medical Genetics, Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics at the University of British Columbia. In 2012, Emily Fisher completed her Master's degree in science specializing in Medical Genetics at the University of British Columbia. Emily's thesis project focused on the epidemiology of HD. This is very important work and we are going to find out what that means to us. Her study was conducted in British Columbia, Canada, and provided much needed information required in order to inform community-specific service needs and to plan appropriately for clinical trials and distribution of upcoming therapies. Tune in for a very informative program.
The HD View with Matt Austin & Chris Furbee
15/04/2014 Duração: 54minChris Furbee and Matt Austin are here with us to talk about their recently finished independent films about their lives and perspectives living with Huntington's disease. Robert Rippberger produced and finished Matt Austin's film "Breaking the Cycle" and is now promoting both films as a double feature. Chris Furbee's film is titled "Huntington's Dance".
The HD View with Margaret D’Aiuto Martarano de Gallardo
08/04/2014 Duração: 01h02minTonight our incredible special guest is Margaret D’Aiuto Martarano de Gallardo. Born in California she becomes a nurse, meets and marries her husband Dr. Luis Gallardo Ayala, and moves to Mexico. She has seven children and at the age of 61, her husband is given the news that he might have HD and he passes in 1992. We are priviledged to interview this amazing woman of 90 years young about her trials and triumps over Huntington's disease and her life of love and commitment to help those who are suffering from HD. She is the Director of Asociación Mexicana de la Enfermedad de Huntington IAP in Mexico Hear her story on Help 4 HD Radio!
The HD View - Ask Dr. Goodman Show
01/04/2014 Duração: 52minTuesday, April 1, 2014 - It's time for the Ask Dr. Goodman Show! Tonight we will be discussing these articles with Dr. Goodman: What is Cysteine? And what does it have to do with Huntington's Disease? Posted March 27, 2014 by LaVonne Goodman, M.D. Raptor's Clinical Trial for Cysteamine in Huntington's: Cause for Optimism? Posted March 1, 2014 by LaVonne Goodman, M.D. Call into the show, ask Dr. Goodman your questions. Call in numbers 310-982-4227 or 877-497-4103 toll free!
The HD View with Dr. Albert Yu
26/03/2014 Duração: 32minWednesday, March 25, 2014 Tonight's incredible special guest is Dr. Albert Yu from Omeros here to talk about their Phase II clinical trial with OMS824 a PDE10 inhibitor for Huntington's disease. Phase II is for tolerability, safety and pharmacokinetics. Omeros is looking for 120 patients with Huntington's disease who will be randomized to receive placebo or one of three doses of OMS824 for the treatment of cognitive impairment. Tune in to an amazing show with Dr. Yu! Visit:
The HD View with CIRM's Dr. Ellen Feigal
11/03/2014 Duração: 43minTuesday, March 11, 2014 Our incredible special guest today is Dr. Ellen Feigal from CIRM. Tune in for an update from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
The HD View Ask Dr. Goodman
04/03/2014 Duração: 01h05minPre-recorded We are talking about body discomfort in Huntington's disease. Like my sweet Jimbo, many of our HD and JHD individuals suffer from body pain. We must study this in order to find treatments and therapies. Listen to Dr. Goodman speak about new studies concerning this horrific conditon in HD.
The HD View with Dr. Ben Deverman CalTech
25/02/2014 Duração: 55minPre-recorded Dr. Deverman from Cal Tech is offering our listeners a series of educational shows outlining gene therapy and what science is happening right now for Huntington's disease. Tune in for Part 1 of Gene Therapy 101...
The HD View with Dr. Mary Edmondson
17/02/2014 Duração: 01h08minMONDAY, February 17, 2014 Dr. Mary Edmondson is back! We love her wisdom and care of our Huntington's families in North Carolina. She is working on a model Family Education Program and we will get to hear all about that today. Tune in for some amazing information from our incredible special guest. Find Dr. Edmondson at:
The HD View - PRE-CELL with Dr. Vicki Wheelock
11/02/2014 Duração: 01h01minTUESDAY, February 11, 2014 Special incredible guests tonight are Dr. Vicki Wheelock and Teresa Tempkin RNC, MSN, ANP from UC Davis HD Clinic. Tonight's topic is PRE-CELL, an observational study and precurser to HD-CELL. For more information about PRE-CELL visit
The HD View Ask Dr. Goodman
04/02/2014 Duração: 59minIt's time for Ask Dr. Goodman! Get your questions ready... Tonight we will be talking about antipsychotic medications for individuals suffering from symptoms of Huntington's disease. Read her latest article:
The HD View with FARA
03/02/2014 Duração: 49minToday’s incredible special guests are Ron Bartek, Co-Founder and President and Jen Farmer Executive Director, coordinator, of FARA /, The Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance a national, public, 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to curing Friedreich’s ataxia (FA) through research. FARA grants and activities provide support for basic and translational FA research, pharmaceutical/ biotech drug development, clinical trials, and scientific conferences. FARA also serves as a catalyst, between the public and scientific community, to create worldwide exchanges of information that drive medical advances.
The HD View with Gene Veritas at World Stem Cell Summit
29/01/2014 Duração: 58minWEDNESDAY, January 29, 2014 - 1:30 pm PST/4:30 pm EST Gene Veritas aka Ken Serbin will be here to talk about the World Stem Cell Summit from December 2013.
The HD View with Brenda Vega en Espanol
25/01/2014 Duração: 59minSATURDAY, January 25, 2014 - 9:00 am PST/11:00 am Mexico City time Brenda Vega from Fundacion Huntington Mexico will be our incredible special guest. Co-Host Daniel Medina will be speaking to our Espanol compadres and translating en Ingles. Stay tuned...