-? Homeopathy World Community Creating Waves of Awareness. Promoting Homeopathy Around the World Through Education, Conversation and Discussion. -? Wednesday Debby Channels Dr Herbert Roberts MD on Practicing Homeopathic Medicine. The 2nd week of the month Christina Chambreau, DVM talks PET HEALTH-? Thursday at Noon: Vaccinations and Your Rights in the US with co-host Alan Phillips, JD and Greg Glaser, JD~?~?~?~> SCROLL TO THE END OF THIS PAGE AND CLICK EXTRAS FOR A VIDEO
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 19 August 2010
19/08/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §57 We are lagging behind. We are only up to aphorism §55 Look at previous study sessions. ~ ~ In order to carry into practice this antipathic method, the ordinary physician gives, for a single troublesome symptom from among the many other symptoms of the disease which he passes by unheeded, a medicine concerning which it is known that it produces the exact opposite of the morbid symptom sought to be subdued, from which he can expect the speediest (palliative) relief. He gives large doses of opium, for pains of all sorts, because this drug soon benumbs the sensibility, and administers the same remedy for diarrhoeas, because it speedily puts a stop to the peristaltic motion of the intestinal canal and makes it insensible; and also for sleeplessness, because opium rapidly produces a stupefied, comatose sleep; he gives purgatives when the patient has suffered long from constipation and costiveness; he causes the burnt hand to be plunged into cold water, which, from its low degree
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 18 August 2010
18/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §56 By means of this palliative (antipathic, enantipathic) method, introduced according to Galen's teaching "Contraria contrariis" for seventeen centuries, the physicians hitherto could hope to win confidence while they deluded with almost instantaneous amelioration. But how fundamentally unhelpful and hurtful this method of treatment is (in diseases not running a rapid course) we shall see in what follows. It is certainly the only one of the modes of treatment adopted by the allopaths that had any manifest relation to a portion of the sufferings caused by the natural disease; but what kind of relation? Of a truth the very one (the exact contrary of the right one) that ought carefully to be avoided if we would not delude and make a mockery of the patient affected with a chronic disease.(63) ~Show #74
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 17 August 2010
17/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §53 ~ §54 ~ §55 The true mild cures take place only according to the homeopathic method, which, as we have found (§ 7-25) by experience and deduction, is unquestionably the proper one by which through art the quickest, most certain and most permanent cures are obtained since this healing art rests upon an eternal infallible law of nature. The pure homeopathic healing art is the only correct method, the one possible to human art, the straightest way to cure, as certain as that there is but one straight line between two given points. ~Show #73
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 16 August 2010
16/08/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §51 This therapeutic law is rendered obvious to all intelligent minds by these facts, and they are amply sufficient for this end. But, on the other hand, see what advantages man has over crude Nature in her happy-go-lucky operations. How many thousands more of homeopathic morbific agents has not man at his disposal for the relief of his suffering fellow-creatures in the medicinal substances universally distributed throughout creation! In them he has producers of disease of all possible varieties of action, for all the innumerable, for all conceivable and inconceivable natural diseases, to which they can render homeopathic aid—morbific agents (medicinal substances), whose power, when their remedial employment is completed, being overcome by the vital force, disappears spontaneously without requiring a second course of treatment for its extirpation, like the itch— artificial morbific agents, which the physician can attenuate, subdivide and potentize almost to an infinite extent,
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 15 August 2010
15/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §49 We should have been able to meet with many more real, natural homeopathic cures of this kind if, on the one hand, the attention of observers had been more directed to them, and, on the other hand, if nature had not been so deficient in helpful homeopathic diseases. Organon aphorism §50 Mighty Nature herself has, as we see, at her command, as instruments for effecting homeopathic cures, little besides the miasmatic diseases of constant character (the itch), measles and smallpox, (58) morbific agents which, (59) as remedies, are either more dangerous to life and more to be dreaded than the disease they are to cure, or of such a kind (like the itch) that, after they have effected the cure, they themselves require curing, in order to be eradicated in their turn—both circumstances that make their employment, as homeopathic remedies, difficult, uncertain and dangerous. And how few diseases are there to which man is subject that find their similar remedy in smallpox, measles or
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 12 August 2010
12/08/2010 Duração: 28minHWC Group Organon aphorism §46 Many examples might be adduced of diseases which, in the course of nature, have been homeopathically cured by other diseases presenting similar symptoms, were it not necessary, as our object is to speak about something determinate and indubitable, to confine our attention solely to those (few) diseases which are invariably the same, arise from a fixed miasm, and hence merit a distinct name. Among these the smallpox, so dreaded on account of the great number of its serious symptoms, occupies a prominent position, and it has removed and cured a number of maladies with similar symptoms. How frequently does smallpox produce violent ophthalmia, sometimes even causing blindness! And see! by its inoculation Dezoteux(40) cured a chronic ophthalmia permanently, and Leroy(41) another. An amaurosis of two years' duration, consequent on suppressed scald-head, was perfectly cured by it, according to Klein. (42) How often does smallpox cause deafness and dyspnoea! And both these chronic
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 11 August 2010
11/08/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §27 Organon aphorism §43 Totally different, however, is the result when TWO SIMILAR diseases meet together in the organism, that is to say, when to the disease already present a stronger similar one is added. In such cases we see how a cure can be effected by the operations of nature, and we get a lesson as to how man ought to cure. Organon aphorism §44 Two SIMILAR diseases can neither (as is asserted of dissimilar diseases in I) REPEL one another, nor (as has been shown of dissimilar diseases in ii) SUSPEND one another, so that the old one shall return after the new one has run its course; and just as little can two SIMILAR diseases (as has been demonstrated in iii respecting dissimilar affections) EXIST BESIDE EACH OTHER in the same organism, or together form a DOUBLE complex disease. Organon aphorism §45 No! two diseases, differing, it is true, in kind, (Vide, SUPRA, (§ 26), note) but very similar in their phenomena and effects and in the sufferings and symptoms they seve
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 10 August 2010
10/08/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §40 iii. Or THE NEW DISEASE, after having long acted on the organism, at length JOINS THE OLD ONE THAT IS DISSIMILAR TO IT, and forms with it a COMPLEX disease, so that each of them occupies a particular locality in the organism, namely, the organs peculiarly adapted for it, and, as it were, only the place specially belonging to it, whilst it leaves the rest to the other disease that is dissimilar to it. Thus a syphilitic patient may become psoric, and VICE VERSA. AS TWO DISEASES DISSIMILAR TO EACH OTHER, THEY CANNOT REMOVE, CANNOT CURE ONE ANOTHER. At first the venereal symptoms are kept in abeyance and suspended when the psoric eruption begins to appear; in course of time, however (as the syphilis is at least as strong as the psora), the two join together,(32) that is, each involves those parts of the organism only which are most adapted for it, and the patient is thereby rendered more diseased and more difficult to cure. ~Show #68
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 09 August 2010
09/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §39 Now the adherents of the ordinary school of medicine saw all this for so many centuries; they saw that Nature herself cannot cure any disease by the accession of another, be it ever so strong, if the new disease be DISSIMILAR to that already present in the body. What shall we think of them, that they nevertheless went on treating chronic diseases with allopathic remedies, namely, with medicines and prescriptions capable of producing God knows what morbid state—almost invariably, however, one DISSIMILAR to the disease to be cured ? And even though physicians did not hitherto observe nature attentively, the miserable results of their treatment should have taught them that they were pursuing an inappropriate, a false path. ~Show #67
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 08 August 2010
08/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §37 So, also, UNDER ORDINARY MEDICAL TREATMENT, an old chronic disease remains uncured and unaltered if it is treated according to the common ALLOPATHIC method, that is to say, with medicines that are incapable of producing in healthy individuals a state of health similar to the disease, even though the treatment should last for years and is not of too violent character.(19) This is daily witnessed in practice, it is therefore unnecessary to give any illustrative examples. Organon aphorism §38 So, also, UNDER ORDINARY MEDICAL TREATMENT, an old chronic disease remains uncured and unaltered if it is treated according to the common ALLOPATHIC method, that is to say, with medicines that are incapable of producing in healthy individuals a state of health similar to the disease, even though the treatment should last for years and is not of too violent character. (19) This is daily witnessed in practice, it is therefore unnecessary to give any illustrative examples. ~Show #66
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 05 August 2010
05/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §34 & §35 The greater strength of the artificial diseases producible by medicines is, however, not the sole cause of their power to cure natural diseases. In order that they may effect a cure, it is before all things requisite that they should be capable of producing in the human body AN ARTIFICIAL DISEASE AS SIMILAR AS POSSIBLE to the disease to be cured, which, with somewhat increased power, transforms to a very similar morbid state the instinctive life principle, which in itself is incapable of any reflection or act of memory. It not only obscures, but extinguishes and thereby annihilates the derangement caused by the natural disease. This is so true, that no previously existing disease can be cured, even by Nature herself, by the accession of a new DISSIMILAR disease, be it ever so strong, and just as little can it be cured by medical treatment with drugs which are incapable of producing a SIMILAR morbid condition in the healthy body. Organon aphorism §35 In order
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 04 August 2010
04/08/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §32 -§33 But it is quite otherwise with the artificial morbific agents which we term medicines. Every real medicine, namely, acts at ALL times, under ALL circumstances, on EVERY living human being, and produces in him its peculiar symptoms (distinctly perceptible, if the dose be large enough), so that evidently every living human organism is liable to be affected, and, as it were, inoculated with the medicinal disease at all times, and absolutely (UNCONDITIONALLY), which, as before said, is by no means the case with the natural diseases. Organon aphorism §33 In accordance with this fact, it is undeniably shown by all experience(17) that the living human organism is much more disposed and has a greater liability to be acted on, and to have its health deranged by medicinal powers, than by morbific noxious agents and infectious miasms, or, in other words, THAT THE MORBIFIC NOXIOUS AGENTS POSSESS A POWER OF MORBIDLY DERANGING MAN'S HEALTH THAT IS SUBORDINATE AND CONDITIONAL, OFTEN
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 03 August 2010
03/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §31 ThThe inimical forces, partly psychical, partly physical, to which our terrestrial existence is exposed, which are termed morbific noxious agents, do not possess the power of morbidly deranging the health of man unconditionally; (16) but we are made ill by them only when our organism is sufficiently disposed and susceptible to the attack of the morbific cause that may be present, and to be altered in its health, deranged and made to undergo abnormal sensations and functions—hence they do not produce disease in every one nor at all times. [16] When I call disease a DERANGEMENT of man's state of health, I am far from wishing thereby to give a HYPERPHYSICAL explanation of the internal nature of diseases generally, or of any case of disease in particular. It is only intended by this expression to intimate, what it can be proved, diseases are NOT and CANNOT BE, that they are not mechanical or chemical alterations of the material substance of the body, and not dependent on a
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 02 August 2010
02/08/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §29 As every disease (not entirely surgical) consists only in a special, morbid, dynamic alteration of our vital energy (of the principle of life) manifested in sensation and motion, so in every homeopathic cure this principle of life dynamically altered by natural disease is seized through the administration of a medicinal potency selected exactly according to symptom-similarity by a somewhat stronger, similar artificial disease-manifestation. By this the feeling of the natural (weaker) dynamic disease-manifestation ceases and disappears. This disease-manifestation no longer exists for the principle of life which is now occupied and governed merely by the stronger, artificial disease-manifestation. This artificial disease-manifestation has soon spent its force and leaves the patient free from disease, cured. The dynamis, thus freed, can now continue to carry life on in health. This most highly probable process rests upon the following propositions. Organon aphorism §30 The hu
HWC-BTR Who's Reading the Organon? 01 August 2010
01/08/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §27 The curative power of medicines, therefore, depends on their symptoms, similar to the disease but superior to it in strength (§12-26), so that each individual case of disease is most surely, radically, rapidly and permanently annihilated and removed only by a medicine capable of producing (in the human system) in the most similar and complete manner the totality of its symptoms, which at the same time are stronger than the disease. Organon aphorism §28 As this natural law of cure manifests itself in every pure experiment and every true observation in the world, the fact is consequently established; it matters little what may be the scientific explanation of HOW IT TAKES PLACE; and I do not attach much importance to the attempts made to explain it. But the following view seems to commend itself as the most probable one, as it is founded on premises derived from experience. ~Show #61
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 29 July 2010
29/07/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §28 As this natural law of cure manifests itself in every pure experiment and every true observation in the world, the fact is consequently established; it matters little what may be the scientific explanation of HOW IT TAKES PLACE; and I do not attach much importance to the attempts made to explain it. But the following view seems to commend itself as the most probable one, as it is founded on premises derived from experience. Organon aphorism §29 As every disease (not entirely surgical) consists only in a special, morbid, dynamic alteration of our vital energy (of the principle of life) manifested in sensation and motion, so in every homeopathic cure this principle of life dynamically altered by natural disease is seized through the administration of a medicinal potency selected exactly according to symptom-similarity by a somewhat stronger, similar artificial disease-manifestation. By this the feeling of the natural (weaker) dynamic disease-manifestation ceases and disappear
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 28 July 2010
28/07/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §26 This depends on the following homeopathic law of nature which was sometimes, indeed, vaguely surmised but not hitherto fully recognized, and to which is due every real cure that has ever taken place: A WEAKER DYNAMIC AFFECTION IS PERMANENTLY EXTINGUISHED IN THE LIVING ORGANISM BY A STRONGER ONE, IF THE LATTER (WHILST DIFFERING IN KIND) IS VERY SIMILAR TO THE FORMER IN ITS MANIFESTATIONS.(14) Organon aphorism §26 footnt Thus are cured both physical affections and moral maladies. How is it that in the early dawn the brilliant Jupiter vanishes from the gaze of the beholder? By a stronger very similar power acting on his optic nerve, the brightness of approaching day!—In situations replete with foetid odors, wherewith is it usual to soothe effectually the offended olfactory nerves? With snuff, that affects the sense of smell in a similar but stronger manner! No music, no sugared cake, which act on the nerves of other senses, can cure this olfactory disgust. How does the soldier
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 27 July 2010
27/07/2010 Duração: 23minHWC Group Organon aphorism §24 - see previous day description. We did not get to §25 today Now, however, in all careful trials, pure experience,(13) the sole and infallible oracle of the healing art, teaches us that actually that medicine which, in its action on the healthy human body, has demonstrated its power of producing the greatest number of symptoms SIMILAR to those observable in the case of disease under treatment, does also, in doses of suitable potency and attenuation, rapidly, radically and permanently remove the totality of the symptoms of this morbid state, that is to say (§6-16), the whole disease present, and change it into health; and that all medicines cure, without exception, those diseases whose symptoms most nearly resemble their own, and leave none of them uncured. Organon aphorism §25 footnote I do not mean that sort of experience of which the ordinary practitioners of the old school boast, after they have for years worked away with a lot of complex prescriptions on a number of dise
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 26 July 2010
26/07/2010 Duração: 31minHWC Group Organon aphorism §23 & §24 All pure experience, however, and all accurate research convince us that persistent symptoms of disease are far from being removed and annihilated by OPPOSITE symptoms of medicines (as in the ANTIPATHIC, ENANTIOPATHIC or PALLIATIVE method), that, on the contrary, after transient, apparent alleviation, they break forth again, only with increased intensity, and become manifestly aggravated (revisit §58-62 and §69). Organon aphorism §24 There remains, therefore, no other mode of employing medicines in diseases that promises to be of service besides the homeopathic, by means of which we seek, for the totality of the symptoms of the case of disease, a medicine which among all medicines (whose pathogenetic effects are known from having been tested in healthy individuals) has the power and the tendency to produce an artificial morbid state most similar to that of the case of disease in question. ~Show #57
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 25 July 2010
25/07/2010 Duração: 30minHWC Group Organon aphorism §21 - §22 Now, as it is undeniable that the curative principle in medicines is not in itself perceptible, and as in pure experiments with medicines conducted by the most accurate observers, nothing can be observed that can constitute them medicines or remedies except that power of causing distinct alterations in the state of health of the human body, and particularly in that of the HEALTHY INDIVIDUAL, and of exciting in him various definite morbid symptoms; so it follows that when medicines act as remedies, they can only bring their curative property into play by means of this their power of altering man's state of health by the production of peculiar symptoms; and that, therefore, we have only to rely on the morbid phenomena which the medicines produce in the healthy body as the sole possible revelation of their in-dwelling curative power, in order to learn what disease-producing power, and at the same time what disease-curing power, each individual medicine possesses. Organo