USING THE IDEA THAT FREQUENCIES CONTAINED IN THE VOICE ARE HOLOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS OF YOUR STATE OF HEALTH, THE FIELD OF HUMAN BIOACOUSTICS WAS PIONEERED. Each person possesses unique harmonics of frequency that can be expressed through the voice. However, when these complex frequencies of the body become unbalanced, the voice primarily reflects this altered state, and the body manifests it as dis-stress or dis-ease at the structural and biochemical levels. In reality, there are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it. Frequency, as vibrational medicine, is at the heart of the world of wellness as we know it. Nearly thirty years of development by Sharry Edwards has shown that every muscle, compound, process, and structure of the body has a Frequency Equivalent that can be mathematically calculated. The body is a predictable math matrix. This provides the foundation for the concept that the body's ability to heal itself can originate as frequency interactions between the molecular signals of the entire body. When these patterns become discordant, dis-ease is the result. Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling can be used to determine which nutrient frequencies are required by the body.Meet our co-host, Richard 'TalkToMeGuy' Olson. With over 30 years experience Richard Olson is a determined researcher and experienced alternative practitioner.He is a Master Herbalist and expert in a variety of other nutritional systems. Richard has extensive training in many body-energy modalities, including cranial sacral, Bowen Method, Swedish Esalen, and Imagicreation.Many energy healers have benefited from his background in Radio and sound technology; working with Richard in the development of effective use The Voice. His interesting mix of right brain intuition and left brain education guarantees a transformational and entertaining experience.
Autism:Guest/CoHost Chris Cordes
18/04/2010 Duração: 01h00sParents of Autistic children want options, answers and tools in support of their families. We have our very own Chris Cordes, a BioAcoustic Practitioner and parent who can offer a wealth of information he has gained through his experiences with his own two handsome, happy, talented boys. Chris’s special interest in sound healing led him to become a BioAcoustic Practitioner in 2008, and since then he has been researching the effects of frequency on Autism. The work he has done with his own kids using PreVac, a unique software program, is providing answers we couldn’t reach before. Every parent wants the best for their children. Find out more about this state of the art tool that is easy to learn, easy to use. Help us spread the word about this innovative, pioneering work that has the potential to change the face of health care. This is a continuation of our two part series on Autism for National Autism Month. Tune in to Sound Health Options on at 12pm this Sunday, April 18th and find out ho
Guest: Mary Tocco
11/04/2010 Duração: 01h00sWith the recent Health Reform bill posing increased threats against those standing against vaccinations, it is time for people living in the REAL world to come together to inform parents about their dangers. Mary Tocco, a leader in research on the link between vaccines and autism, will be appearing on Sound Health Options to talk with Sharry Edwards, whose innovative software shows the ability to screen for possible complications with vaccinations. Tocco and Edwards will be available to answer your questions regarding the FACTS about the dangerous, all too common practice of vaccination, and what you can do about it. Make sure you learn the facts about vaccines before making a decision for your children. Tune in to hear an announcement about Sound Health’s new pre-vaccination program. Don’t let the politicians in Washington make destructive decisions about YOUR children for you. Learn the facts from someone who lives in the REAL world where vaccinations induce autism.
All you ever wanted to know about NANO VOICE
28/03/2010 Duração: 01h00sDoes the Voice Hold Secrets to a Hidden Self? Are you living your intended Life? What are your strengths, weaknesses: in character, in body? Why are you really here on this planet at this time? What does your future hold? What is making you fat or thin? Would you like to know the root cause of being bipolar, depressed, manic or infertile using the harmonics of your Voice? FLASH! Your voice is a holographic representation of all that you are, right down to the depths of your soul’s intention. Are you curious to learn about the areas in your life in which you could excel; what you need to know to move ahead? These and other questions can be answered using the secret codes hidden within your voice. Just like a song, your voice contains notes that correspond to your mood, intention and health. We are going to explore the use of innovative nanoVoice software that we are providing as a public service to our listeners on Blog Talk Radio. You can use the software on your own computer to evaluate your voice and the vo
Guest: Annete Sym
21/03/2010 Duração: 01h00sThis Sunday, Sharry will be talking with Annette Sym as part of our ongoing quest to be healthy and happy. Last week you heard Sharry discuss her innovative Nutritional Consultant software, now hear a cooking expert combine good nutrition with “symply” good food. Her new book, “Symply Too Good To Be True” is a compendium of over 150 delicious, low-fat, healthy recipes. Her 28 day weight loss plan is inspiring! Sym created her unique method after years of trying fad diets and having no success in losing weight. She is now healthier than she has ever been and she is ready to share her secrets! With Sharry’s ability to discover your nutritional needs and Sym’s methods to manage your food and meals, you can expertly find your way to a new, healthier you! Don't forget to download your free copy of Nanovoice at!
Nutrition Uncovered
14/03/2010 Duração: 01h00s*All issues reported in terms of Frequency Equivalents. Sharry discusses one of her favorite BioAcoustic software programs, the Nutritional Consultant. Learn how this innovative frequency-based software and help you determine the ultimate nutritional balance for YOUR health and wellness. We will also share with you how you can have a nutritional assessment done using this software; and how you can watch us do it right over your computer. Learn how you can get a free copy of the Nutritional Consultant* so you can help monitor the nutritional needs of your family and those in your community who could use some help with their food and vitamin choices. This is a perfect companion for any health food store or for anyone selling nutrients. Bodies out of nutritional balance constantly desire fulfillment of the missing nutrient, but without the knowledge of the actual nutrient needed, we consume everything we THINK will fix the craving in an attempt to restore balance! Weight gain is usually the result. Let us help!
Guest: Terry Cole Whitaker
07/03/2010 Duração: 01h00sCan we really have it all in life? Bestselling author Terry Cole-Whittaker says yes! She has dedicated her life to asking the important questions about embracing our dreams and living a life that we love. Her first book, What You Think of Me Is None of My Business brought her much deserved recognition and was only the beginning of her career as a teacher and guide of spiritual seekers. In her newest book, Live Your Bliss, she discusses the principles by which she has lived her life so that she can pass this wisdom on to you! Sharry Edwards of Sound Health Options Radio invites you to begin your journey by downloading complimentary software that will allow you to reveal your authentic self. Download your copy from: before the show. Each of us has a perfect place in the world. We want to continue to bring you guests and software that will allow us to learn together how we can follow our hearts and find the keys to happiness in our lives.
Seeing with your voice
28/02/2010 Duração: 01h00sMacular degeneration, commonly referred to as age-related macular degeneration or AMD, is a condition in which the macula, the part of the retina responsible for detailed and central vision, deteriorates causing vision loss. It is most common among Americans—particularly white women over the age of 65. The conventional medical literature states that there is no cure for AMD. According to a study published in Archives of Ophthalmology in 2004, an estimated 1.75 million US residents endure this condition, and due to an increase in the elderly among the population, it is estimated that by the year 2020 that statistic will rise to almost 3 million. But there is hope! Pioneer of BioAcoustic Biology, Sharry Edwards, has discovered a way to assess the frequencies found within a voice sample to determine treatment for macular degeneration. Research indicates that a correlation is possible because the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which is attached to the larynx, allows the vocal cords a direct frequency conduit to th
Guest Gloria Burgess
21/02/2010 Duração: 01h00sAre you ready to wear your soul on the outside? Is self-power part of your future? Would know your Authentic Self if you met yourself on the street? Sharry Edwards invites you to join her on her weekly show as she speaks with Gloria Burgess in order to learn about what it takes to truly nurture the soul both personally and universally. Gloria Burgess is an international speaker, innovative corporate consultant, and executive coach. She is the founder and principal of Jazz, Inc., a professional consulting and coaching firm for corporations and individuals. Her newest book, Dare to Wear Your Soul on the Outside, focuses on personal exploration of one’s own character qualities, with the hope of achieving “legacy living.” Empower yourself and don’t miss Gloria’s debut on Sound Health Options on at 12pm this Sunday, February 21st!
Love Potion #9
14/02/2010 Duração: 01h00sCan you really entice someone to Love you using music, sound, chocolate? What are the biochemicals of Love, attractions and caring. Join us at our new time - 12 noon - for our new show - Sound Health Options. Check out the compatibility for you and your significant other. To be more prepared for the show, and to do what we do for yourself or your friends, please download the nanoVoice software from Our gift to you to celebrate what's REAL in relationships
Guest Bruce Lipton
07/02/2010 Duração: 01h00sDr. Bruce Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Lipton is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit. He has been a guest speaker on dozens of TV and radio shows, as well a representative of his field on a national level. He has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop presenter. He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from hundreds of former audience members who have improved their spiritual, physical and mental well being by applying the principles he discusses in his lectures. He is regarded as one of the leading voic
The Voice Knows
31/01/2010 Duração: 01h00sAwakening: The Voice Knows - Christopher Reeves didn't have to die! No x-ray machines in Haiti; we have a device that will set and help the body heal a broken bone. What pieces of chicken do you take? Man's world vs God's world - awakening - which world do you live in? How can we help the returning soldiers who are attempting suicide at the rate of 1-5. Is there any hope for our health care system? If we are all well, in a society where no one dies, where do we put all the people? Is Conan really as happy as his words would want us to believe? Rosie on Oprah - has she changed since her show was cancelled? What secrets do you and partner keep from each other? Get a preview of our Valentine Special
Health Tyranny-Tragedy or Opportunity?
24/01/2010 Duração: 01h00sUsing frequency as a healing modality is an ancient tool brought forward into the modern era by Human BioAcoustic pioneer, Sharry Edwards, MEd. The therapeutic potential of vocal profiling is the identification of pre-diagnostic biometrics which can be used to enhance or render inert, disease based biomarkers depending on the desired outcome. The research protocols have also provided information that can be used to develop a therapy phase using a set of designer frequencies which precisely targets a specific normalizing response. Join us to hear about the transition from esoteric talents to the scientific exploration of a new paradigm of medicine that will shake you at your core if you are serious about energy medicine, make you cry with joy if you "remember" how this method was used the "time before" and certainly change your world if you are curious about how we came to be. Join us for an intriguing show and if time permits a Q & A session with THE pioneer of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health.
Rob Schwartz
17/01/2010 Duração: 01h00sThe Time Before - Did you plan your lifetime here before your arrival on planet Earth? Would knowing your life purpose help you live this life more fully? Is there divine Order; a holy Purpose to Living a Life? Is everything preordained? Are we all, One? Rob Schwartz, author of Your Soul's Plan will be with us on January 17th to answer these questions about planning for our next lifetime. Join us on-line, on the phone. We will be taking listener calls. Vocal Impressions: this week we will be announcing information about the cause of Rush Limbaugh's collapse; plus add to the stir surrounding American Idol, we will reveal information about Simon and Ellen; and Simon and Paula. All is not what is seems, or is it?
Guest Jill Spiegel
10/01/2010 Duração: 01h00sEnergy is Contagious – Can our thoughts influence our energy and, in turn, our communication? You come home, tired from work. There waiting for you, is the crew from Publisher’s Clearing House with your million dollar check. Suddenly you are wildly energetic! Where did that energy come from? How can you use the energy you create to better your life and communication? Jill Spiegel, author of How to talk to Anyone about Anything will be with us to share her secrets of communicating with strangers, co-workers, party goers. Don’t be a wall-flower. Learn to be authentic and have people thinking you are a brilliant conversationalist.
Guest Rayelan Allan from Rumor Mill News
13/12/2009 Duração: 01h00sHoly Grail! - Are you part of the Templar Family? Rayelan Allen, host of Rumor Mill News Radio and Web Site will be returning to share her research and association with the Knights Templar. What does the secret information, kept guarded by the Templar order, have to do with your health, our government, the authority of the Church and your personal freedoms? Rayelan is a fascinating guest who is a fountain of "guarded information" about the underworld of supposed authority, attempted suppression of speech freedoms, the New World Order Bankers, who's really in charge and Who isn't? Be informed, stay informed and learn how to take dominion over your own life. We will be releasing more swine flu information plus how to get your free swine flu computer program. Join us on line at - Breaking the Sound Barriers of Disease call in # (347) 850-1407- regular phone or Skype Did you miss the awesome show we did last week with Dr. Andrew Moulden and the proof showing vaccinations cause STROKE
Neurological Proof that Vaccinations cause Mini-Strokes
06/12/2009 Duração: 01h00sGuest: Canadian Andrew Moulden, MD who also has a PhD in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Moulden’s research has proven, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, that vaccinations cause restricted blood flow to the brain. The result is mini-strokes which have caused the overwhelming rise in autism, learning difficulties, attention deficient disorders, sudden infant death, gulf war syndrome, dementia, seizure disorders and some cancers. Why is the US government withholding this information from the American public? Join us to learn the TRUTH about how vaccines are disrupting our genetic puddle.
Meet the Man Behind the Movie, Men Who Stare at Goats
29/11/2009 Duração: 01h00sExclusive interview with retired head of Army intelligence, General Bert Stubblebine - the man accused of being the power behind the US government's interest in Jedi powers psychic spying, subliminal sound weapsons and the potential to kill something by looking at it. The very popular current movie, Men Who Stare at Goats explores these ideas but are they true? Is/was there a covert psytech operation within our military? Here is your chance to ask the questions and find out the truth! Is The Men Who Stare at Goats, fiction or reality?
The Responsible Self - Releasing Swine Flu Frequencies
22/11/2009 Duração: 01h00sDuring our two-segment show we will announce the countervailing frequencies that have been associated with the current pneumonic flu threat by providing the Frequency Equivalents™ associated with the symptom producing proteins linked with the bacterium Yersinia pestis. The frequencies will be presented with Rife-like devices in mind. We don’t want to believe that a conspiracy exists that would attempt to eliminate a large part of the world’s population using vaccines disguised as bioweapons but we do believed in being prepared. We will be inviting the listening audience to join with us in an experiment to test these frequencies which have been used on a small population, with success, to assist in the reversal of symptoms associated with Tamiflu resistant, verified swine flu. Our data base is so small that no claims can, or will, be made. "After we reveal these frequencies it is likely that my life will be in danger. My imagination ranges from extermination to adulation." Learn to be YOUR own realit
Guest Rayelan Allan - host of Rumor Mill News
15/11/2009 Duração: 01h00sRumor Mill News Pioneer: Rayelan Allan - Generously presenting what the controlled media doesn’t want you to know! Rayelan Allan’s Rumor Mill News Web site received over 49 million hits last month. Why? Because she tells it like it is. People go to her site seeking the truth. She is a trusted source who is going to reveal how and why she birthed Rumor Mill News. She will expand on her own words: “It was 2AM. Rayelan pulled out of the radio station parking lot and eased her car onto Highway 280. Her mind was not on driving. She had just publicly charged the President of the United States with treason. She was scared and nervous and afraid of reprisals. She would never have gone public on her own. She did it to keep her husband from being murdered in prison. He was a Navy SEAL team commander with sensitive knowledge of government crimes. Someone had just tried to kill him. Publicity was the only way to keep him safe.” Rayelan will be revealing more about how it all happened and in addition she is
Is Frequency The New Medicine or An Ancient Mystery Revealed?
08/11/2009 Duração: 01h00sFinding your own voice takes on new meaning if you begin to consider the possibility that the sounds of your voice may be a holographic representation of all that you are. Esoteric literature claims that we each have a Signature Sound; a frequency representation of all that we are. Imagine a future in which our individual vocal frequency is our identification; where the use of frequency based biomarkers contained within our voice can be used to keep us healthy and emotionally balanced. From birth to death, we use sounds to express our needs and emotions, but there are additional layers of information hidden within our words. As man evolved, language became levels of intricate harmony nestled within structures of great elegance that carried meaning and allowed understanding of ourselves and others. Everything that happens to the body reaches the brain as biofrequencies that are then sorted, routed and assigned an interpretation, but it seems that in modern times we carry very little conscious awareness of