USING THE IDEA THAT FREQUENCIES CONTAINED IN THE VOICE ARE HOLOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS OF YOUR STATE OF HEALTH, THE FIELD OF HUMAN BIOACOUSTICS WAS PIONEERED. Each person possesses unique harmonics of frequency that can be expressed through the voice. However, when these complex frequencies of the body become unbalanced, the voice primarily reflects this altered state, and the body manifests it as dis-stress or dis-ease at the structural and biochemical levels. In reality, there are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it. Frequency, as vibrational medicine, is at the heart of the world of wellness as we know it. Nearly thirty years of development by Sharry Edwards has shown that every muscle, compound, process, and structure of the body has a Frequency Equivalent that can be mathematically calculated. The body is a predictable math matrix. This provides the foundation for the concept that the body's ability to heal itself can originate as frequency interactions between the molecular signals of the entire body. When these patterns become discordant, dis-ease is the result. Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling can be used to determine which nutrient frequencies are required by the body.Meet our co-host, Richard 'TalkToMeGuy' Olson. With over 30 years experience Richard Olson is a determined researcher and experienced alternative practitioner.He is a Master Herbalist and expert in a variety of other nutritional systems. Richard has extensive training in many body-energy modalities, including cranial sacral, Bowen Method, Swedish Esalen, and Imagicreation.Many energy healers have benefited from his background in Radio and sound technology; working with Richard in the development of effective use The Voice. His interesting mix of right brain intuition and left brain education guarantees a transformational and entertaining experience.
Performing Vocal Polygraphs; Software Tests Truth & Intentions
28/01/2014 Duração: 01h11minOn Tuesday, January 28, Obama will deliver what is being billed as his “jobs speech” at 7pm Eastern. At 6pm Eastern on that same day, there will be a special online Happy Hour broadcast that will attempt to teach our viewers how to use an online video to create a nanoVoice Personality Profile. We may be able to determine if Obama is trustworthy in what he is saying plus determine his actual intentions. This is to be considered a group experiment in preparation for presenting lively debates among ourselves and to provide the outside world with a reliable source for TRUTH. You may want to download the public nanoVoice software prior to joining the class –
Awaken Your Inner Self
26/01/2014 Duração: 01h02minDr. Fletcher awakens potential genius and creates optimal learning for all through her book, Wisdom from the Inner Teacher; Turning Aha!s into OWL Moments (Optimal Wisdom Learning). She integrates her vast educational experience with her spiritual passion, bringing a unique process which results in consistent OWL moments. Optimal Wisdom Learning, OWL, is a six step process to access genius through a balance of cognition and intuition. OWL shifts us to conscious, active and intentional learning by focusing on the learning moment and being open to wisdom. JOIN US as Dr. Fletcher discusses the six-step process, through neuroscience, biology, right-left brain research and philosophy that lead us to the magic of receiving wisdom.
Metabolic Mission
19/01/2014 Duração: 01h07minMetabolic Mission - A lifelong endeavor with which an individual is "supernaturally" commissioned in order to propagate and lead humanity to the science of "Metabolic Typing". "It is the unique science, that when applied, will rebuild ALL metabolic systems within the human organism". If you are concerned about immune suppression, diabetes, arthritis, high cholesterol, fatigue, cancer or any combinations of non-descriptive symptoms that are dragging you down, you need to join us for this very special show with Dr. Curtis Kuhn. We will talk with Dr. Curtis Kuhn about Metabolic Science. We will also be discussing Dr. Kuhns first book "Metabolic Metamorphosis", his upcoming book "Metabolic Mission", and his new show "Lecture Theater". Dr. Kuhn formed the Metabolic Institute, LLC, after 28 years of personal experience on Metabolic Therapy. The core of this nutritional protocol is the science commonly known as "Metabolic Typing". Dr. Kuhn is a Certified Metabolic Therapist, Ecological Lifestyle Advisor and
What Do They Have In Common?
14/01/2014 Duração: 01h05minIn the news this week there are many people being considered for the dishonor of being named the most untrustworthy person in America. Using vocal profiling, we are going to evaluate the truthfulness and intentions of; James Clapper, NSA eavesdropping Eric Holder, Fast & Furious Chris Christie, NJ bridge scandal Which of them is telling the TRUTH? Let's find out.Vocal Profiling has proven its worth again and again when our listeners wanted the TRUTH so they could make informed decisions. Join us now because YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW
The Truth About Environmental Genocides
12/01/2014 Duração: 01h06minSpecial guests, Pierre Coleman and Kent Adams will be joining us to to discuss heavy metals and environmental toxins in the human body and what the solutions are. Pierre Coleman has been a successful business owner, marketer, and entrepreneur. Mr Coleman was the co creator and creative genius behind the book "Invisible Killers, The Truth About Environmental Genocide." Kent Adams is the CEO of Life Health Science, LLC. Mr. Adams has a strong background in health care products, consumer package foods marketing and nutritional technologies. Mr. Adams is also one of the inventors of the Purell hand sanitizer.
Fukushima Update: Action Steps and Solutions
05/01/2014 Duração: 01h13minAn unprecedented threat will unfold over the next 18 months starting with November, 2013. This threat has all the makings of a perfect storm, potentially leading to catastrophic mayhem across the entire hemisphere. This threat concerns the precarious moving of vast amounts of damaged radioactive material from the nuclear power plant at Fukushima. Dr. John Apsley will be with us again to update us on the latest radiation exposure dangers and to reveal the secrecy rules to bar journalists from reporting the latest radiation threats coming from Fukushima. Dr. Apsley will outline the extent to which the Japanese Government is now foisting radioactive risk upon its citizens and the rest of the world by utilizing these secrecy laws. He also covers with newly released FOIA documents the egregious under-reporting of fallout which hit the west coast of North America shortly after the Fukushima earthquake of March 2011. John Apsley is a physician, researcher, author and publisher. He will be discussing his new ser
The Lessons of SuperTramp
29/12/2013 Duração: 01h08minThe lyrics of SuperTramps' The Logical Song by Roger Hodgson contains profound lyrics that attempt to convey what our conventional school system is doing to destroy the individuality and creativity of our children; which, in turn, contributes to a crumbling society. Conflicting information abounds concerning The Logical Song between SuperTramp and Roger Hodgson. Beyond the visionary song itself is the copyright controversial surrounding the owner/authorship of The Logical Song that prevents the public from thoroughly knowing about both SuperTramp and Roger Hodgson. Moving beyond this situation of "ownership" is the TV and movie phenomena, Star Trek, in which replicators provide for everyone; even the Ferengi race who very aptly represents the greed of mankind through their obsession with profit and ownership. The ugly traits of mankind: greed, power hunger, status seeking, lying, jealousy, betrayal, suppression, control - the things we want to think we are not, keep us from fully supporting our Univer
Courage of Choice
22/12/2013 Duração: 01h14minOur special guest, Melody Barnhart, a recently discharged Active Duty Veteran and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) sufferer takes the courage to come forward and enlightens our listeners. When it comes to the military and the struggles of our service members with PTSD that talking about it and seeking help can be more challenging, even frightful than being at war itself. War isn’t the only traumatizing event for these service members. They are suffering from traumatic events brought on by their “leadership” even on the home fronts, sometimes making their diagnoses worse. Melody has been an active volunteer with our PTSD project over the past weeks and has brought a passion to the project. She believes that the power of heeling and seeking help doesn’t have to be in a pill form and with our research service members and sufferers can not just go through the motions of their life but, actually live a life enjoyable and actually worth living. As you will find out it doesn’t take a full military to do som
Benghazi Betrayal
17/12/2013 Duração: 01h02minYou wanted to know the TRUTH about Benghazi because you can’t quite believe that our government officials would lie to the public. We are scouring the internet for people who have been discussing Benghazi in hopes of bringing you credible information. We will be sharing what we find through Vocal Profiling of those who were in charge. Please join us… Thank you for turning to The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology for answers. We believe You have a right to Know.
Dead On Arrival
15/12/2013 Duração: 01h13minObamacare: Dead On Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster. Mark Davis unearths the deception, treachery and incompetence of the Affordable Care Act. From its fundamental economic flaws and profound inconsistencies to its only goal of diminishing the quality of the country's medical services Medical doctor Mark Davis has a bold message for Americans - Obabmacare is designed from the ground up to fail. A firm believer that the Affordable Care Act should never have became law, Davis exposes the legislation's fatal inconsistencies and outright lies in a his bold new book. Join us as Mark Davis tells what the media has avoided discussing: the actual medical services that Obamacare will deliver.
Creating an Absence of Disease
08/12/2013 Duração: 01h09minJoin us as we talk with Christina K. Major, The Health Recovery Expert. Learn how to turn type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure sufferers into survivors. Eliminate medication, up your energy, look years younger and learn that health is an experience not just the absence of disease. Christina is the creator of the Grocery Store Shopping Trip that takes her clients through a virtual grocery store and teaches them the tips and tricks on choosing healthy foods. She is a Holistic Nutritionist, Herbalist, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, professional health and nutrition speaker and owner of Crystal Holistic Health Consulting. Christina's Major
Former White House Bodyguard Resigns in Disgust over Political Tyranny
03/12/2013 Duração: 01h20minDan Bongino is the top-ranked, senior secret service agent who walked away from his White House position of protecting the President rather than continue to be a part of an opportunistic political system that continues to use and abuse the PEOPLE for personal capital gains. We will be examining Bongino’s new book, “Life Inside the Bubble” as he exposes the thinking behind the murders in Bengazi, the long range implications of the spying being illegally done by the National Security Association (NSA) and what is really going on behind the banking debacle and the IRS scandal. What is behind the decisions/scandals that threaten our nation? Hear the thinking behind the decisions from someone who was there, someone who could not stomach the manipulation, political selfishness and disregard for the public. His revelations are chilling but is he being truthful? We have his Vocal Profiles ready to share with you. They will reveal his intentions? Is Gongino risking his life to bring out this informa
Bruce Lipton - 'Changing Your Mind'
01/12/2013 Duração: 01h00sWorld renown author, cell biologist, humanitarian, authentic person, philosopher and all around good guy, Dr. Bruce Lipton joins us for a practical look at how we control our planet, our cells and our destiny. Dr. Bruce takes us through the journey of his book 'Spontaneous Evolution' to show us how we have dominion over our Universe. Dr. Bruce was very complimentary of the work being done here at the Sound Health Research Center and showed how his work, and ours, provides practical guidelines for transformation. As always when Dr. Lipton is a guest it turns into a very informative and entertaining hour. Dr. Bruce Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin's School of Medicine in 1973. Lipton is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit. He has been a guest speaker on dozens of TV and radio shows, as well a representa
Killing For Profit
24/11/2013 Duração: 01h10minKilling for Profit Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. has risked her academic career to expose the truth about statin drugs that are being pushed on the public; including children. She argues, and provides convincing evidence that Stain drugs accelerate aging, causes alzheimers, accelerates heart disease, produces pregnancy complications/defects, decreases sexual function and permanently weaken muscles. Join us as we explore the work of Dr. Seneff, PhD who has spent her life at MIT studying Biophysics. Her research intersects biology and computer models. Her latest project concerning the side-effects of statins and what the literature proves about Stain drugs will startle you. Dr. Seneff blatantly reveals why statins are being forced on an unsuspecting public and who is behind the scheme.
UFO's - We Have Some Proof!
19/11/2013 Duração: 01h09minAre they real, mass hallucinations, or visitors from other spaces and dimensions? UFO's, foolishness or solid science? Join us as we explore the opinions and vocal profiles of a few astronauts who have seen UFO's, plus some from those who claim they have been abducted or in communications with extraterrestrials. We attempt to explore the truth as we evaluate the voice of astronauts Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, Buzz Aldrin plus Canada's former Prime Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer as they talk about their experiences. We even have someone who claims to have been abducted! Haven't found anyone yet who thinks its all poppycock but I will
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight...
17/11/2013 Duração: 01h12minWilliam Davis, MD, a cardiologist, calls modern-day wheat a "chronic, perfect poison" in his new book, 'Wheat Belly'; which is all about the world's most popular grain and how it is killing us. Davis explains, "This new GMO wheat has many new features nobody told you about, such as there's a new protein in this thing called gliadin. It's not gluten. The gliadin protein is an opiate that binds with Opiate receptors which in turn stimulate appetite. When people went off modern wheat they lost 30, 80, 150 pounds. Diabetes was cured, arthritis was relieved. Edema, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, depression…the lists seems endless, just vanished and best of all people lost their “Wheat Belly”. Davis is speaking at the up and coming Gluten Summit ! Join Richard and Sharry to learn how Smart Diets, without wheat, will help trim the belly. William Davis site Wheat Belly - book Gluten Summit
Bringing Down Big Pharma
10/11/2013 Duração: 01h05minJeff Hays is a serial entrepreneur and filmmaker with a long colorful history of visionary projects. Following his passion for sharing truth, and exposing the controversy that all too often surrounds it, Jeff produced "Doctored" in 2012. Doctored, reveals the unseen tactics of the medical establishment and exposes deception and criminality at the highest levels of the American Medical Association (AMA) and finally shares the stories of victims left in it's wake. Jeff is currently producing a follow up film "Bought", taking a deep dive into the business of Big Pharma, the controversies with vaccines and the truth about GMOs in America's food supply. The film has already developed the support of some of the world's most acclaimed experts in research, medicine, and natural health. Based upon the film's trailer, it has been dubbed controversial by media outlets even though it focuses on educating the public and arming people globally with the truth and facts about Big Pharma, vaccines and the food supply. Jef
Who Is The BIGGEST Liar?
05/11/2013 Duração: 01h15minWho’s the BIGGEST liar? Why are lies a part of our humanity? Are lies about Power, Reputation, Fear, $$$, Freedom, Safety… What do humans lie about; how much we spend or don’t, moon landings, political agendas, healthcare, our weight or size, who done it, bank balances, the fish we caught or the one that got away, war, death count, our health, to get our way, to have the most, for monetary gain, UFO encounters, to sell a product, your past, present or future…. Join us we have the idea of using voice frequencies to reveal a lot of liars and who we think might be the BIGGEST contemporary fabricator of all.
How Statin Drugs REALLY Lower Cholesterol:
03/11/2013 Duração: 01h28minShould you be taking those anti-Cholesterol drugs? Who is trying to kill us off cell by cell? Join us as we attempt to unveil the myths and deceptions of the Cholesterol controversy. This show may help you save the life of someone you love. We will be hearing from several experts in the field of Cholesterol management; especially Dr. Hannah and James Yoseph, co-authors of 'How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol and kill you on cell at a time'. 'How Statin Drugs Lower Cholesterol' on amazon
How Lobbying Degrades America
27/10/2013 Duração: 56minHow Lobbyists Have Taken Over and Stolen Your Government A CBS News video interview with crooked lobbyist Jack Abramoff explains how he influenced Congress for years, and how this kind of corruption still continues. He explains how to he “bought” your Senators and Representatives; how he had Congressional staffers reporting to him instead of to their own bosses! Drug companies, of course, are the BIGGEST political lobby, and political lobbying is one of the primary reasons why the drug companies are controlling nearly the entire health industry. Lobbyists, by definition, "conduct activities aimed at influencing public officials and especially members of a legislative body on legislation." This is Big Business doing what it does best: using its power and money to manipulate and manage your health in a way that will increase their bottom line. It has been reported that the pharmaceutical industry spent $1.5 BILLION lobbying Congress in the last decade. We will be sharing information that will demonstrate th