USING THE IDEA THAT FREQUENCIES CONTAINED IN THE VOICE ARE HOLOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS OF YOUR STATE OF HEALTH, THE FIELD OF HUMAN BIOACOUSTICS WAS PIONEERED. Each person possesses unique harmonics of frequency that can be expressed through the voice. However, when these complex frequencies of the body become unbalanced, the voice primarily reflects this altered state, and the body manifests it as dis-stress or dis-ease at the structural and biochemical levels. In reality, there are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it. Frequency, as vibrational medicine, is at the heart of the world of wellness as we know it. Nearly thirty years of development by Sharry Edwards has shown that every muscle, compound, process, and structure of the body has a Frequency Equivalent that can be mathematically calculated. The body is a predictable math matrix. This provides the foundation for the concept that the body's ability to heal itself can originate as frequency interactions between the molecular signals of the entire body. When these patterns become discordant, dis-ease is the result. Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling can be used to determine which nutrient frequencies are required by the body.Meet our co-host, Richard 'TalkToMeGuy' Olson. With over 30 years experience Richard Olson is a determined researcher and experienced alternative practitioner.He is a Master Herbalist and expert in a variety of other nutritional systems. Richard has extensive training in many body-energy modalities, including cranial sacral, Bowen Method, Swedish Esalen, and Imagicreation.Many energy healers have benefited from his background in Radio and sound technology; working with Richard in the development of effective use The Voice. His interesting mix of right brain intuition and left brain education guarantees a transformational and entertaining experience.
How can Cooperation Make Your Business Grow and Change Your Life ?
24/04/2016 Duração: 01h05minDriven by unrelenting optimism, Berny Dohrmann's reputation as an industry thought-leader and internally acclaimed capital innovator is the result of a life dedicated to promoting a more socially-conscious future. Undergoing the profoundly transformative experience of incarceration, Berny Dohrmann turned the consequences of his experience into opportunities for countless others. Founding CEO Space International more than 20 years ago, Berny has embraced his vision for entrepreneurial collaboration by giving prospective business leaders the tools and education they need to succeed in the future. Mr. Dohrmann joins us to talk about his recent book: 'Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution' CEO Space International Sound Health Options
HH • Do you have CHRONIC FATIGUE syndrome?
19/04/2016 Duração: 01h06minAre you tired when you wake up, dragging yourself through the day? Do you dread company, going to the grocery, cooking...because you just don't have the energy to get everything done? Do you need caffeine or some "boost" to make to the 5 O'clock quitting time; when you go home a collapse? Do you go on using sheer willpower to keep up with your life commitments? Do you have chronic fatigue syndrome? Allergies? High blood sugar? Do you feel like a slug by the end of the day? Join us as we publically demonstrate our fatigue software that can help you BioAcoustically identify what is going on with your metabolism - Be a volunteer Sound Health Options
17/04/2016 Duração: 01h06minNarcotic Overdose Deaths caused by prescribed Narcotics are more than twice the Deaths caused from Heroin. The war on Drugs overlooks the obvious; Deadly Drug Trials Produce Deadly Drugs Dr. Jennifer Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr. Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration. She practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods. She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985. Dr. Daniels joins us to have a part 2 conversation on her book: 'The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescri
D4T • How are YOU going to GET there?
12/04/2016 Duração: 01h05minHOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET THERE? Are you moving toward your life's dreams, hopes and aspirations? Are you who you want to be; doing what you want to do? Let's explore the possibilities concerning who you really want to be, what you really want to accomplish. Our LEADING THE WAY BioAcoustic software can tell you about what you really want, reveal what kind of leader you will be plus reveal how might get there. Easy-to-create, Computer print-outs help you reveal your communication style with friends, family and co-workers.
Are YOU Ready to CHANGE Your Life?
10/04/2016 Duração: 01h10minIF YOU HAVE A VOICE ~ IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE! On the Show this week, we will be interviewing Debra Oakland founder of Living in Courage. Her Amazon Best seller: 'Change Your Movie, Change Your Life: 7 Reel Concepts for Courageous Change'! Debra has a incredible story and faced difficult challenges throughout her life and Sunday she will not only share some of the challenges she faced on her journey, she will also talk about how she has created bliss in her life. She will share how YOU can start living in courage. 'Change your Movie, Change Your Life' Living in Courage on Facebook Sound Health Options
HH • Are YOU being assassinated from the INSIDE OUT?
05/04/2016 Duração: 01h06minCan the Bible provide guidance on how we can heal ourselves with thought and food? Incorporate the environment into your daily life and take advantage of the powerful healing properties nature has to offer. How many DIETS have you tried? What the four principle cellular regeneration that correspond to health and longevity. Our guest will share information from The Essene Gospel of Peace secrets of vitality by Lou Carona who is a living example of overcoming cellular aging. Sound Health Options
How Many DIETS have YOU Tried?
03/04/2016 Duração: 01h08minSteven Heuer, B.S. Nutripath and Founder of Synergistic Nutrition began his journey into the world of holistic living at the age of sixteen after being damaged by mercury fillings. With the help of nutritional supplements and dietary changes Steven found the key to helping himself, and developed the drive to help others along their own wellness journeys. Steven will be joining us this Sunday, April 3rd, 2016, on Blog Talk Radio @ 12:00 pm EST with Sharry Edwards to discuss the Most Regenerative and Longevity Supportive Diet Yet Devised! Synergistic Nutrition Sound Health Options
HH • Is There a DOCUMENTED LINK Between Vaccines and Autism?
29/03/2016 Duração: 01h07minWith this conspiracy to silence 'VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe' documentary and deprive the public access to the other side of this intense debate, the vaccine industry is now engaged in the documentary equivalent of book burning in order to ensure that none of the truth about vaccine dangers and vaccine-autism links ever see the light of day. The truth is dangerous to an industry built on LIES, and the truth is coming out everywhere. Much like the GMO industry, the vaccine industry only exists because of intense, well funded and ongoing censorship, oppression, intimidation and defamation campaigns. Any celebrity who dares ask commonsense questions about vaccines -- Jim Carrey, Rob Schneider, etc. -- gets immediately "vaccine shamed" and often blackballed from many potential roles in future films. Vaxxed Sound Health Options
The Man Who Bought Congress (Repeatedly)
27/03/2016 Duração: 55minJack Abramoff was the most powerful lobbyist in America before heading to prison on several felony convictions. He was found guilty of not just defrauding his lobbying clients of millions of dollars, but also bribing members of Congress with lavish gifts in exchange for political favors. Now reformed and seeking public atonement, Abramoff is sharing secrets about how the corrupt system works and what Americans can do to fix it. I mean money is a tool ~Jack Abramoff Sound Health Options
Are Politicians GENUINELY Concerned?
22/03/2016 Duração: 01h09minSTOP! Politicians and their campaigns are becoming so boring and redundant. But now there is a fight 'abrewing Who is continuing the "dump trump" attitude crusade? Are they being paid, genuinely concerned or just protecting their position and purse? Let's reveal their REAL motives! We have also been asked to find out where Hillary is coming from. Harpy Hilliary, as she is being called, is borrowing attitude and ideas from the most successful candidates, but what is she really thinking? And what about Benghazi, is that going to bring her down?
Find Your Perfect Partner on Air !
20/03/2016 Duração: 01h06minIt's simply that many people just don't know where to look or how to begin to find the perfect ideal partner in life. As an adult many people just choose to settle in life with someone. If you're keen to get out of singledom, boredom or don't want to just 'settle" with someone and would love to get into a loving relationship with that perfect partner join us this Sunday March 20th at 12:00 pm EST on Blog Talk Radio as we talk about love and finding the ideal mate bioacousticly as we demonstate our PERFECT MATE software What Are You Looking For in a Perfect Partner? Sound Health Options
15/03/2016 Duração: 01h05minAllergies to our environment and food are quickly taking its toll on our health. Learn how you can find and indentify what may be causing your health issues with our quick and easy software. Join us in Happy Hour as Sharry Edwards demonstrates how to find the root cause of allergies with audience participation using our software
Maintaining Women's Health in a TOXIC World!
13/03/2016 Duração: 01h16minDr. Felice L. Gersh is a board-certified OB/GYN and medical director of the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine, California. Dr. Gersh is an award-winning physician and renowned national speaker on ovarian health, environmental toxins, and other important issues affecting women of all ages. Dr. Gersh is one of small handful of Board Certified OB/GYN's who have graduated from the prestigious Fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona School of Medicine. She recognized the underlying fallacy of conventional medicine, which is that we humans have the capability to micromanage the incredible complexity of a human being. Although pharmaceuticals can be lifesaving, they have serious side effect potential. Dr. Gersh's goal is to use pharmaceuticals when truly needed, while working in collaboration with the patient to address the root causes of the problem. Dr Felice L Gersh's office Sound Health Options
D4T • MisInformation: John Apsley, Environmental Pollution and Fukushima
08/03/2016 Duração: 01h08minMisinformation from the medical community; from BigPharma, Vacinne manufacturers and the CDC who withhold information, to bought and paid for researchers who "spin" the information according to the sponsors wishes, to dangerous byproducts of food and environmental processes; how they all work collectively to get in your pocket and control your health freedom. The Insitute of BioAcoustic Biology provides tools and solutions in support of SELF HEALTH. Who should you believe? Download the FREE software, Radiation Exposure, under DOWNLOADS that we have reserved for the public; includes a video, charts and a textbook - web site How does BioAcoustics fit in? Buckminister warned, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Dr. John Apsley
Recover Children suffering from SPD, Autism and ADHD with Diet and Lifestyle Change
06/03/2016 Duração: 01h11minMaria Rickert Hong is a former Wall Street sell-side equity research analyst who is now a Certified Holistic Health Counselor. She is the author of the bestselling book, “Almost Autism: Recovering Children from Sensory Processing Disorder, A Reference for Parents and Practitioners.” As a health coach, she helps parents make diet and lifestyle changes to recover their children from symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder, almost autism, autism, PDD-NOS and ADHD. She has recovered her two boys from SPD, asthma, acid reflux and eczema and can be reached at Maria is a board member, Media Director and blogger for Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)3 non-profit that lets parents know that recovery is possible, and is the sponsoring non-profit of The Documenting Hope Project. Maria is also a contributing writer to The Autism File Magazine. 'Almost Autism: Recovering Children from Sensory Processing Disorder' Maria Rickert Hong on Facebook Sound Health Options
HH • Parkinson's Disease, is it becoming an Epidemic?
01/03/2016 Duração: 01h07minParkinson's disease is degenerative neurological disorder resulting from nerve cells in the brain not producing enough of the chemical dopamine, which regulates movement. Parkinson’s disease develops gradually, often starting on one side of the body as a slight tremor in one hand, for example. As the disorder progresses, the trembling may spread to both sides of the body and be accompanied by other symptoms such as muscle stiffness, slowing of movement, and deterioration in balance and coordination. A minority of those with Parkinson's will eventually experience dementia as their disease progresses, including loss of memory and other cognitive functions. Join us as we use a BioAcoustic software, Parkinson's Commons to evaluate the reasons you may be headed for Parkinson's. Parkinson's Software
Lisa Lewtan author, joins us to talk, developing a better relationship with food
28/02/2016 Duração: 01h04minLearning to have a healthier relationship with food is learning to better understand yourself and find the right balance that works for you. The problem with an all-or-nothing approach to healthy eating is that it’s not sustainable. The goal is to feel good and to appropriately deal with stress. Rather than labeling foods as good or bad, think about them as “more often” and “less often.” Putting a negative connotation on our food choices only fuels the fire of self-judgment and keeps us in that awful stress mode. Tell yourself: Success is not about perfection; it’s about how many times I get back on track after falling off. Lisa Lewtan is a Healthy Living Strategist and founder of, which provides one-on-one coaching, workshops, retreats, and support groups for clients. Her newbook, Busy, Stressed, and Food Obsessed (2015) provides tools to help highly successful Superwomen to slow down, chill out, develop a better relationship with food, and feel great. Her articles have been featured
D4T • Learn About your SECRET SELF
23/02/2016 Duração: 01h05minIs there any value in learning about your Secret Self? We will be exploring your body energy - what it is - why it is important and what you can do about keeping it together for optimal health and achievement. Sound Health Options
Are You Suffering? There Really Is, Hope Available !
21/02/2016 Duração: 01h05minAs an infant, Lynne Cockrum-Murphy survived a tragic house fire that claimed her father and two sisters and left her with severe burns over much of her body. She lived most of her life with a severely depressed and alcoholic mother, who shared with Lynne at five years old her thoughts of suicide. She lived through her stepfather being crushed to death in a logging accident and her mother being murdered in a bar-room robbery. After all she has been through Lynne is radiantly happy and living a life of pure service to the world, don’t you think she can teach us a thing or two? She is here today with her new book 'Living Hope: Steps to Leaving Suffering Behind' an Amazon #1 best seller, talking about how she went from hopelessness to hope. This is the woman you want at your side when you are in such deep pain and chronic misery that you don’t see the way out. And can’t understand why bad things keep happening to you or other “good” people you love. Today, Lynne is an intuitive consultant specializing in br
Are You Feeling those Joints?
16/02/2016 Duração: 01h13minIs the weather getting to your joints causing pain and stiffnesss? Making mobility diffcult? Let our BioAcoustic Arthritis software* give you a few clues as to why you may have an arthritic metabolic disorder. Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The most common form, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and related autoimmune disease. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infections. The major complaint by individuals who have arthritis is joint pain. Pain is often a constant and may be localized to the joint affected. The pain from arthritis occurs due to inflammation that occurs around the joint, damage to the joint from disease, daily wear and tear of joint, muscle strains caused by forceful movements