Another great podcast hosted by
ZenWorlds #31 - Divorce Meditation
27/07/2009 Duração: 32minZenWorlds ZenCast #31 is a meditation designed to help you cope with overwhelming feelings that surround you when going through divorce. This can also apply to those going through a separation or loss of a close relationship. It's unfortunate that the divorce rate is so high, but if it happens to you, it's vitally important for you to take care of yourself. Sometimes it can feel earth crushing and like your world is going to end followed by intense feelings of gratitude that everything in fact happens for a reason. Whatever your experience may be, this meditation will help you through the stages of grief by balancing you energetically with chakra tuning forks and using the script derived from Karol K. Truman's book "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die"Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #30 - Soul Purpose Walking Meditation
14/07/2009 Duração: 15minZenWorlds zencast #30, is a meditation designed to help you reach a deeper level of awareness while walking outside. Sometimes we cannot stop the internal mind chatter going on when life gets busy. Physical exercise should always be a part of your routine and when time doesn't allow you to exercise and meditate it at the same time with this meditation. Then once your active and in awareness, we'll balance your eighth chakra or soul purpose chakra to connect you to the energy of your purpose or being. Ready? Take your water bottle with you, tie up your shoes and let's hit the road.Before beginning any meditation when doing something action oriented, be sure you know where you're walking and aren't walking on any uneven surfaces to avoid injury. If walking outside, it's a good idea to wear only one ear phone so you can still be aware of vehicle traffic. I should also advise that you consult your physician before beginning any exercise regimen and always seek medical attention for any injury. I w
ZenWorlds #29 - Pain Management Meditation
28/06/2009 Duração: 19minZenWorlds ZenCast #29 is a meditation designed to help you manage pain using the most powerful tool...your mind. Pain does have purpose; however, by focusing on the pain, we attract more pain. I'm sure you've noticed this when you have an injury, if you focus on the pain, look at it, feel it, you can actually increase the amount of pain you're feeling. If you have a real injury or pain, the mind is a powerful thing to help alleviate the pain. It's been proven time and time again to decrease the amount of pain medication requested and consumed.You can try this meditation along with your current pain management plan. When managing pain, a focal point is particularly helpful. You can watch a candle, focus on a fixed pleasing to the eye object in the room, or whatever pleases you. Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #27 - Worthiness Meditation
31/05/2009 Duração: 16minZenWorlds ZenCast #27, is a meditation designed to help you realize your worth and value. There is an unlimited supply of goodness out there. We can still have plenty for ourselves when sharing with others. Sometimes, those with more nurturing tendencies allow other people to go first all of the time, eventually they may internalize that their own needs and desires should always come second and that is where this meditation will come in handy. To feel worthy, truly loving yourself and giving to yourself is a skill learned over time. You can do it starting breath at a time. It's just you. Brilliant you. Capable you. Deserving you. Worthy you.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #26 - Intuition Meditation
18/05/2009 Duração: 21minZenWorlds ZenCast #26 is a meditation designed to help you recognize and trust your intuition. For many, the word intuition has somewhat of a mystical connotative meaning and it really shouldn't. It's the same thing as your gut instinct, hunch, feeling, awareness or perception. We've all had feelings or hunches that something wasn't right or that we should do one thing versus another. When we go against that feeling, we always say afterwards "if i only had gone with my gut, I wouldn't be in this mess." When are you going to start listening to yourself when you have these feelings instead of second guessing yourself or going along with what someone else does or says? Starting right now.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #25 - Forgiveness Meditation
21/04/2009 Duração: 16minZenWorlds zencast #25 is a meditation designed to help you forgive. Let go of a grudges. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Holding resentments for others and internalizing resentments you may have about your own actions or thoughts eats at you from the inside. You may not even realize you're internalizing anger as we've all been conditioned to 'control' our reactions and many take it to the extreme other end of the spectrum and pretend nothing is wrong. Internalizing anger manifests itself in many physical and mental ways. It increases the body's stress response overtaxing adrenals zapping your energy. It can lead to digestive disorders, depression and many other ailments the result when the body exhibits the fight or flight response.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #24 - Self Love Meditation
11/03/2009 Duração: 16minZenWorlds ZenCast #24 is a meditation designed to help you discover how incredibly wonderful you are in every way. So many people, young and old, are walking this earth like zombies comparing and contrasting themselves with other people and never really take a hard look at themselves to truly accept themselves for who they are. Perfection in human form. I'm not talking about conceit. I'm talking about a healthy respect and love for yourself. We all have things about ourselves that we would like to improve upon, but self love needs to come first before improvement is even possible. To have enough love and energy to give and project at other people, you must first fill yourself up with love and energy. Let's accomplish that one breath at a time.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #23 - Post Childbirth Meditation
01/02/2009 Duração: 19minZenWorlds ZenCast #23 is a meditation designed to balance your body through the changes following having a baby and adjusting to motherhood. Having a baby is a very special time and at the same time, can be confusing, stressful and bring up many emotions. The May clinic reports that an estimated 10 percent of new moms experience a more severe form of emotional distress known as postpartum depression. Rarely, an extreme form of postpartum depression known as postpartum psychosis develops after childbirth. Any level of baby blues isn't a weakness or flaw, it's a combination of physiological and emotional factors. Let's help bring you back to optimal balance energetically so you can move forward and be the best mom you're destined to be.If you are a new mom and are experiencing symptoms of baby blues or post pardum depression like moodiness/anxiety/irrational thoughts, please consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Call the nurse line of your doctor office or health insurance provider. If you're in crisis
ZenWorlds #21 - Dealing With Loss Or Change Meditation
29/12/2008 Duração: 20minZenWorlds #21, is a meditation designed to help you through times of change, life adjustment that many times is a result of a loss in one way, shape or form and Change comes in many forms. Loss of a friend or loved one to death, losing a connection to a friend or loved one to circumstance or situation, loss of a job, loss really of any kind. Regardless of what form of loss, we all go through similar stages. We all deal with them on different levels and in our own way depending on your past experiences. No matter what, life goes on, the earth keeps spinning and we can choose to be victims of circumstance or embrace change and move painful or difficult as it may be at times. When one chapter closes, another opens.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #20 - Attitude Adjustment Meditation
03/12/2008 Duração: 10minZenWorlds #20 is a mini meditation designed to help you change your attitude quickly especially while at work. We can all get caught up in the fire drills and work drama that in all reality, no one remembers or cares about for very long. It may seem very important at the time, but the internal stress caused by these fire drills can cause any number of stress related disorders like insomnia, irritability, not to mention put a wrench in relationships. Lets change the way you feel fast so you can go back to your day in a different mindset.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
ZenWorlds #19 - Immunity Meditation For Health
10/11/2008 Duração: 20minZenWorlds ZenCast #19 is a meditation designed to assist your mind to increase immune function. This meditation uses visualizations pertaining to immune functions with the purpose to stimulate the immune system. Cold and flu season is upon us and I thought we all could use a little immune help. This is an integrative approach to your health to be combined with other health practices you may have . This is not to replace the advice of your doctor and is not intended to cure, treat or prevent disease. Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #18 - Inspire Creativity Meditation
16/10/2008 Duração: 16minZenWorlds ZenCast #18 is a meditation designed to help you inspire, harvest and manifest Creativity. Sometimes you feel inspired by everything, followed by a funk. Sound like you? Life is full of peaks and valleys and the whole point of it is to enjoy the journey with all of it's roller coaster movements without judgement. Creativity cannot be needs to flow. So how, then when you're in funk and feel a little stuck, can you get back in the game and create something spectacular? Easy. Go there in the mind and the rest will follow.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #17 - Chakra Gland Meditation
27/09/2008 Duração: 48minZenWorlds ZenCast #17 is a chakra-gland meditation with special ZenWorlds guest Jacintha (aka Jaz) designed to bring awareness to your body's energy centers while balancing each chakra and each gland associated with that particular chakra. This meditation can inspire a connection of your mind-body-spirit and give you a sense of overall well being.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #16 - Let Go Of Control Mini Meditation
14/09/2008 Duração: 08minZenWorlds zencast #16 is a mini meditation designed to help you let go of control. Go there in the mind and you’ll go there in the body. It’s your life, it’s up to you and only up to you to create your happiness. Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #15 - Let Go Of Regret Mini Meditation
14/09/2008 Duração: 06minZenWorlds zencast #15 is a mini meditation designed to help you let go of regret. Go there in the mind and you’ll go there in the body. It’s your life, it’s up to you and only up to you to create your happiness. Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
Zenworlds #14 - Let Go Of Guilt Mini Meditation
14/09/2008 Duração: 06minZenWorlds zencast #14 is a mini meditation designed to help you let go of guilt. Go there in the mind and you’ll go there in the body. It’s your life, it’s up to you and only up to you to create your happiness. Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #13 - Let Go Meditation
09/09/2008 Duração: 15minZenWorlds zencast #13 is a meditation designed to help you let go. Let go of guilt, let go of regret and let go of control. Lets get real. Lets get honest. Using visualizations and meditations can help you let go of feelings of guilt, regret and feeling the need to control everything. Go there in the mind and you’ll go there in the body. It’s your life, it’s up to you and only up to you to create your happiness. Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #12 - Mindful Eating Meditation
19/08/2008 Duração: 23minThis is a mindful eating meditation designed bring a greater sense of awareness about what foods you eat, your beliefs and attitudes about food and help you be aware of patterns that you may choose to change. Lets get real. Lets get honest. It's your own health and you are the only one who can love yourself enough to nourish your body/mind with wholesome foods.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #11 - What In The World Do You Want Meditation
12/07/2008 Duração: 22minThis is a meditation designed to help you define your goals and what you want out of life. We all have dreams and we all have belief patterns may actually be preventing those dreams from being actualized. Beliefs develop from early childhood and can stick with us throughout our lives unless belief patterns holding you back are addressed and replaced with new beliefs. Not an easy task. Achieving your goals can only happen when you believe that you can achieve it.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. In fact, have your children do it with you to teach them the tools necessary to live a healthy, happy life.
ZenWorlds #10 - Vital Energy Meditation
23/06/2008 Duração: 14minEach time our body experiences a stress response, our ability to have natural energy decreases. We need help getting energy so we rely on caffeine or sugar for a band aid solution which perpetuates the cycle. We all need energy to go about our days but it is possible to generate natural energy from within by meditation.Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.