The oldest and premiere Spider-Man podcast. The show began in 2006 and covers everything Spider-Man.
Episode 289:Spider-Satellites and Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Reviews
16/03/2014 Duração: 01h37minIn this episode we review seven Spider-Satellite titles.It breaks down like this: *Superior Foes # 8- GB *MK Spider-Man #5-BD *Superior Team up # 10-GB *Superior Carnage Annual # 1- BD *New Warriors # 1 and 2-GB *Ultimate Cataclysm #5-BD Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Reviews - Season One, Episode Eight - 'Back in Black' Season Two, Episodes Twenty-One and Twenty-Two - 'Blade and the Howling Commandos'
Episode 288:Friday Night Fight Web of Spidey
07/03/2014 Duração: 38minIn this Spidey Friday Night Fight we take you back to 1990 and look at Web of Spider-Man # 64 and 65. It's a little known classic fight that shows off Spidey's fighting abilities. He takes on Gravitron, Titania, Brothers Grimm, Trapster and Goliath. This is a crazy fight where Spidey has to avoid the sewer, cement and flying baked goods?
Episode 287:Spider-Satellites Reviews and Two Ultimate Spider-Man Reviews
25/02/2014 Duração: 44minGeorge and Brad tackle five Spider-Satellite reviews. We tackle the following books in the show. *Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3 *Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #4 *Inhumanity: Superior Spider-Man #1 *Mighty Avengers #5 *Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9 George also reviews two episodes of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon. *Season 1 - Episode 07 'Exclusive' (Spidey, MJ, Hulk) *Season 2 - Episode 20 'Game Over' (Cap, Wolverine Arcade)
Episode 286:Feb 2001 Spider-History
24/02/2014 Duração: 51minTake a trip back in time with JR as we go back to February 2001. JR reviews the following comics *Spider-Man V2 #26 Daredevil/ Spider-Man #2 Mysterio Manifesto #2 Spider-Man/ Marrow #1 Sentry/ Spider-Man #1
Episode 285:Message Board Q andA , Uncle Ben Lives, Jenkins Story, Spidey 100, Osborn as a Father
16/02/2014 Duração: 52minWe answer your dozens of message board questions on this episode. Hightlights include: *What if Uncle Ben had lived and Spidey stopped the burglar? *Hilarious Paul Jenkins story about him getting hit on by a Playboy Playmate at a convention. *Will Marvel ever produce another issue 100 when books keep getting rebooted? *High hopes for a title that eventually fell flat.
Episode 284:Superior 25 and 26 Reviews
14/02/2014 Duração: 51minHighlights include: *Review of Superior Spider-Man # 24 *Review of Superior Spider-Man # 25 *Discussion on who is Spider-Man's biggest foe,Norman or Otto *Theories on who is behind the Green Goblin mask.
Episode 283:Amazing Returns, Digital Series, Naked Spidey, Lost Story
09/02/2014 Duração: 01h08minHighlights of the episode: *Michael Bailey and George Berryman return to the show *New review staff announcements *Itune Reviews *New Amazing Spider-Man digital series *Amazing Spider-Man comic returns with a new number one issue. *Naked Spider-Man rock climber *Spider-Man in the Avengers movie? *Movie news roundup *Lost Spider-Man story by Peter David, Ron Frenz and John Romita *Ditko redrawn by Kirby?
Episode 282:Firelord Friday Night Fight
07/02/2014 Duração: 19minWe travel to back to October 1985 for this Friday Night Fight. Spider-Man takes on Firelord. Spidey has the proportionate strength of a spider. Firelord has the power cosmic and a glow stick. How can our hero possibly come out on top?
Episode 281: Friday Night Hulk Smash Fight
31/01/2014 Duração: 23minGeorge takes us back to 1966 where he spotlights the third Amazing Spider-Man annual. *The Avengers tell Spidey he can join if he can take down the Hulk *Does Spidey get in some good shots? *Does Hulk smash the Spider?
Episode 280:Spider-History ASM200, Bio of Billy Connors, Message Board Q and A
27/01/2014 Duração: 01h31minHighlights of the show include: *Jr's Spider-History takes us back to January 1980 and the release of Amazing Spider-Man 200 *Bertone's Bio of Billy Connors *We answer your dozens of Message board Questions
Episode 279:Secret Wars Friday Night Fight
24/01/2014 Duração: 17minThis is one of my favorite fights of the 1980s. George takes us back to the summer of 1984 and this fight took place in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars # 3. Spider-Man takes on the whole team of X-Men and wipes the floor with them in essentially under a minute. *Listen to Spider-Man bitch slap Wolverine *Do the X-Men get in any blows? *Surely Rogue, Storm, Colossus and Nightcrawler could help Wolverine take on Spider-Man.
Episode 278:2013 Crawlie Awards
20/01/2014 Duração: 01h01minThe gang recognizes the best of the best of 2013. The Spider-Panel lists their favorites and we also tally the votes from the listeners. Here are the 10 categories we spotlighted. *BEST LEAD CHARACTER *BEST SUPPORTING CHARACTER *BEST VILLAIN *BEST NEW CHARACTER *BEST WRITER *BEST ARTIST *BEST COVER *BEST SINGLE ISSUE, EPISODE, ETC. *BEST STORY *BEST SERIES
Episode 277: Sinister Syndicate Friday Night Fight
17/01/2014 Duração: 24minIn this fight we take travel back to September and October 1986 for this Friday Night Fight. Spider-Man and Silver Sable take on the Sinister Syndicate. George takes us to this vicious fight. Will Spidey come out on top? It's interesting to note that several members on the team are now in the Superior Foes of Spider-Man comic.
Episode 276:10 Spider-Satellite Reviews, Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Reviews
14/01/2014 Duração: 01h58minKevin and George do a team up to review a lot of Spider-Man's world in print and television. This month Kevin and I review. *Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #2 *Mighty Avengers #4 *Scarlet Spider #25 *Superior Foes #6 *Superior Foes #7 *Superior Team-Up #8 *Amazing Spider-Man 700.2 *Amazing Spider-Man 700.3 *Amazing Spider-Man 700.4 *Amazing Spider-Man 700.5 George reviews the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon and discusses *Season One Episode Six - 'Why I Hate The Gym' (Taskmaster, Batroc) *Season Two Episode Eighteen - 'The Parent Trap' (Zodiac)
Episode 275:Superior #24 Review, ASM2 Trailer Talk, Peter David on Superior, Wacker Exits
12/01/2014 Duração: 01h09minHighlights include: *Review of Superior Spider-Man # 24 *Will Peter David or Matt Fraction take over Superior Spider-Man? *Thought on new Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailers and posters *JR Recognized on *Steve Wacker leaving the Spider-Office
Episode 274:Friday Night Fight on Saturday with Stegron
11/01/2014 Duração: 28minIn case you didnt know its Stegron Saturday. This edition of Friday Night Fights on Saturday spotlights Stegron fighting Spider-Man. George takes us March and April of 1973 in Marvel Team Up # 19 and #20. Spidey can dodge bullets but cant dodge the might of Stegrons tail. Also Spidey is at a disadvantage by being in the Savage Land. Spidey doesnt have tall buildings to swing from in this one. Also a side battle involves Kevin and George fighting over the coolness of Stegron.
Episode 273:MB Questions, Web Pits, Best Modern Villain, Next Spider-Satellite
08/01/2014 Duração: 01h40sWe answer your dozens of message board questions in this episode. Highlights include: *Do we like Spidey with web arm pits? *Who is the best modern Spider-Villain? *What is the next character to support a Spider-Satellite title? *What were our reactions in the 1980's to the reveal of who is the Hobgoblin?
Episode 272:Spider-History of Dec 2003 and Bertone Bio of Stunner
05/01/2014 Duração: 53minJR takes us back to a milestone month for Spidey. We take a look at December 2003 where Amazing Spider-Man #4 500 was released. Hear JR's thoughts on the epic issue. Bertone also tackles a biography of Doc Ock's ex, Stunner.
Episode 271:Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Reviews with 100% More Rocket Racoon
04/01/2014 Duração: 39minGeorge reviews two episode of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon. We look at: *Season 1 episode "Flight of the Iron Spider." *Season 2 episode "Guardians of the Galaxy."
Episode 270: Kingpin Friday Night Fight
03/01/2014 Duração: 19minIn this podcast we tackle one of the most brutal fights Spidey has ever faced. We travel back to October 1979 where a one-armed Spidey takes on the Kingpin in Amazing Spider-Man # 197. Wilson Fisk takes Spidey on in his own home gym and you will laugh at what he keeps stocked there to work out. Listen as George Berryman takes us through this incredible fight.