A weekly conversation with a non-fiction writer about how they got their start and how they tell stories. Co-produced by Longform and The Atavist.
Episode 241: David Grann
19/04/2017 Duração: 01h15minDavid Grann is a staff writer at The New Yorker. His new book is Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI. “The more stories I reported over time, the more I just realized there are parts of the story I can’t always get to. You know, unless this is a reality show and there’s 18 cameras in every room, and people [talk] before they sleep, and maybe you have some mind-bug in their brain for their unconscious, there are just parts you’re just not gonna know. You get as close as you can. And so the struggle to me is to get as close as I can, to peel it back as close as I can, but understanding that there will be elements, there will be pieces, that will remain lingering doubts.” Thanks to, Squarespace, and MailChimp for sponsoring this week's episode. @DavidGrann Grann on Longform [00:45] David Grann on the Longform Podcast [01:45] Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI (Doubleday • 2017) [14:15] Stoner [22:15] Scrivener [37
Episode 240: Alex Kotlowitz
12/04/2017 Duração: 53minAlex Kotlowitz is a journalist whose work has appeared in print, radio, and film. He’s the author of three books, including There Are No Children Here: The Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America. “The truth of the matter is, given what we do, we’re always outsiders. If it’s not by race or class, it’s by gender, religion, politics. It’s just the nature of being a nonfiction writer—going into communities that, at some level, feel unfamiliar. If you’re writing about stuff you already know about, where’s the joy in that? Where’s the sense of discovery? Why bother?” Thanks to MailChimp and MeUndies for sponsoring this week's episode. Kotlowitz on Longform [00:00] "Episode 03: Nick Denton, founder of Gawker Media" (Stoner • Apr 2017) [01:30] There Are No Children Here: The Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America (First Anchor Books • 1992) [01:45] The Other Side of the River: A Story of Two Towns, a Death, and America’s Dilemma (First Anchor Books • 1999) [01:45] The Interr
Episode 239: Brian Reed
05/04/2017 Duração: 01h14minBrian Reed, a senior producer at This American Life, is the host of S-Town. “It’s a story about the remarkableness of what could be called an unremarkable life.” Thanks to MailChimp, Casper, and Squarespace for sponsoring this week's episode. @brihreed Reed's This American Life archive [30:00] "Cops See It Differently" (This American Life • Feb 2015) [30:00] "Wake Up Now" (This American Life • Dec 2014) [45:45] Stoner (John Wiliams • Viking • 1965) [49:30] Photo of the S-Town planning room [47:15] The Known World: A Novel (Edward P. Jones • HarperCollins • 2003) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 238: Hrishikesh Hirway
29/03/2017 Duração: 47minHrishikesh Hirway is the host of Song Exploder. “I love the idea that somebody would listen to an episode [of Song Exploder] and then the feeling that they would have afterwards is, ‘Now I want to make something.’ That’s the best possible reaction. Whether it’s music or not, just that idea: ‘I want to make something.’ Because that is the thing that I love most, getting that feeling.” Thanks to MailChimp and MeUndies for sponsoring this week's episode. @HrishiHirway [00:00] Stoner [01:45] BBC’s Classic Albums [02:30] "Episode 80: Bojack Horseman" (Song Exploder • Aug 2016) [02:30] "Episode 95: Moonlight" (Song Exploder • Jan 2017) [09:15] Genius [09:30] Who Sampled [18:00] 99% Invisible [19:15] "Episode 42: U2" (Song Exploder • Jun 2015) [22:30] The One AM Radio [23:00] Moors [26:30] City Soundtracks [28:15] The West Wing Weekly [33:30] "Episode 111: Louis CK Part 1" (WTF with Marc Maron • Oct 2010) [38:45] "Episode 84: Peter Bjorn and John" (Song Exploder • Sep 2016) [44:45] Francis and the Lights Learn mo
Episode 237: Sheelah Kolhatkar
22/03/2017 Duração: 01h04minSheelah Kolhatkar is a staff writer at The New Yorker and the author of Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street. “Suddenly the financial crisis happened and all this stuff that had been hidden from view came out into the open. It was like, ‘Oh, this was actually all kind of a big façade.’ And there was all this fraud and stealing and manipulation and corruption, and all these other things going on underneath the whole shiny rock star surface. And that really also demonstrated to people how connected business stories, or anything to do with money, are to everything else going on. I mean, really almost everything that happens in our world, if you trace it back to its source, it’s money at the root of it.” Thanks to MailChimp, Blue Apron, and for sponsoring this week's episode. @sheelahk Kolhatkar on Longform [00:15] SAIC Application [00:30] Pregnant Pause [01:15] Missing Richard Simmons [04:00] Black Edge: Ins
Episode 236: Al Baker
15/03/2017 Duração: 01h02minAl Baker is a crime reporter at The New York Times, where he writes the series “Murder in the 4-0.” “When there’s a murder in a public housing high rise, there’s a body on the floor. Jessica White in a playground, on a hot summer night. Her children saw it. Her body fell by a bench by a slide. You look up and there’s hundreds of windows, representing potentially thousands of eyes, looking down on that like a fishbowl. …They’re seeing it through the window and they can see that there’s a scarcity of response. And then they measure that against the police shooting that happened in February when there were three helicopters in the air and spotlights shining down on them all night and hundreds of officers with heavy armor going door to door to door to find out who shot a police officer. They can see the difference between a civilian death and an officer death.” Thanks to MailChimp and Squarespace for sponsoring this week's episode. @bakeal [02:15] Murder in the 4-0 [04:15] Baker’s Archive at New York Daily New
Episode 235: Caity Weaver
08/03/2017 Duração: 47minCaity Weaver is a staff writer at GQ. “I always try to remember: you don’t have to tell people what you’re not good at. You don’t have to remind them of what you’re not doing well or what your weak points are. Don’t apologize for things immediately. Always give a little less information than they need. Don’t overshare.” Thanks to MailChimp for sponsoring this week's episode. @caityweaver Weaver on Longform [02:30] "Kim Kardashian West Has a Few Things to Get Off Her Chest" (GQ • Jun 2016) [11:45] Weaver's Hairpin archive [13:00] Weaver's Gawker archive [13:00] A.J. Daulerio on the Longform Podcast [15:30] "New Jersey Children Forced to Shun Sad, Friendless Bear" (Gawker• Jun 2013) [16:30] "Justin Bieber Would Like to Reintroduce Himself" (GQ • Feb 2016) [18:00] "Larry David and Julia Louis-Dreyfus Are Furious" (GQ • Nov 2015) [25:15] "Gawker Slammed for Story Outing Condé Nast Exec" (Jessica Roy • New York • Jul 2015) [25:45] "Caity Weaver Takes the Gawker Buyout" (Benjamin Mullin • Poynter • Ju
Episode 234: Matthew Cole
01/03/2017 Duração: 01h01minMatthew Cole is an investigative reporter at The Intercept, where he recently published “The Crimes of Seal Team 6.” “I’ve gotten very polite and very impolite versions of ‘go fuck yourself.’ I used to have a little sheet of paper where I wrote down those responses just as the vernacular that was given to me: ‘You’re a shitty reporter, and I don’t talk to shitty reporters.’ You know, I’ve had some very polite ones, [but] I’ve had people threaten me with their dogs. Some of it is absolutely cold.” Thanks to Squarespace, Blue Apron, and MailChimp for sponsoring this week's episode. @matthewacole Cole on Longform [02:45] "The Crimes of Seal Team 6" (The Intercept • Jan 2017) [18:45] "SEAL Team 6: A Secret History of Quiet Killings and Blurred Lines" (Mark Mazzetti, Nicholas Kulish, Christopher Drew, Serge F. Kovaleski, Sean D. Naylor, and John Ismay • New York Times • Jun 2015) [21:00] "NBC Suspends Brian Williams for Six Months Over Iraq Helicopter Story" (Rory Carroll • Guardian • Feb 2015)
Episode 233: Alexis C. Madrigal
22/02/2017 Duração: 59minAlexis C. Madrigal is an editor-at-large for Fusion, where he’s producing the upcoming podcast, Containers. “Sometimes you think like, 'Man the media business is the worst. This is so hard.' When you spend time with all these other business people, you probably are going to say, ‘Capitalism is the worst. This is hard.’ Competition that’s linked to global things is so hard because global companies are locked in this incredible efficiency battle that just drives all of the slack out of the system. Like media, there’s no slack left, and I don’t know where things go after that.” Thanks to MailChimp,, and Casper for sponsoring this week's episode. @alexismadrigal Madrigal on Longform [00:00] Longform Podcast Survey [03:00] Madrigal’s Archive at The Atlantic [03:45] Consumer Conspicuous [05:00] Ross Andersen on the Longform Podcast [05:30] "First-Gen T. Rex Was No Bigger Than You" (Wired • Sep 2009) [06:45] Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology (Da Capo Pre
Episode 232: Ana Marie Cox
15/02/2017 Duração: 52minAna Marie Cox is the senior political correspondent for MTV News, conducts the “Talk” interviews in The New York Times Magazine, and founded Wonkette. “When people are sending me hate mail or threats, one defense I have against that is ‘you don’t know me.’ You know? That wasn’t something I always was able to say. As I’ve become a stronger person, it’s been easier for me to be like, ‘The person they’re attacking, it’s not me.’” Thanks to MailChimp, Squarespace, and Blue Apron for sponsoring this week's episode. @anamariecox [00:30] Missing Richard Simmons [04:15] Cox’s Archive at [10:00] "The Uses of Enchantment" (Suck • Jul 1997) [11:00] Cox’s Archive at Mother Jones [12:15] The Chicago Maroon [12:45] "Waterworld" (Suck • Sep 1996) [21:45] "Joe Buck Knows Why You Hate Him" (New York Times Magazine • Feb 2017) [25:30] Cox’s Archive at New York Times Magazine [25:30] Cox’s Archive at GQ [29:15] "What Bush Wants You to Do" (Wonkette • Apr 2004) [30:45] "The Lost Washingtonienne" (Wonk
Episode 231: Brooke Gladstone
08/02/2017 Duração: 47minBrooke Gladstone is the host of On the Media. “I’ve learned so much about how easy it is to redefine reality in this era of billions of filter bubbles. How easy it is to cast doubt on what is undeniably true. And I think that that’s what frightens me the most. I actually think that’s what frightens most people the most. How do we make sure that we all live in the same world? Or do we?” Thanks to MailChimp, Texture, and School of the Art Institute of Chicago for sponsoring this week's episode. @OTMBrooke On the Media [01:00] Love and Ruin (W.W. Norton & Company • 2016) [01:15] Gladstone on the Longform Podcast [05:15] Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History [07:45] "Will the Supreme Court Stand Up to Trump?" (Linda Greenhouse • New York Times • Feb 2017) [13:00] "January Surprise" (On the Media • Jan 2017) [20:00] "Objectivity: What Is It Good For?" (On the Media • Feb 2017) [29:00] "How Trump Might Save the Media He So Despises" (On the Media • Jan 2017) [29:15] "Winter Is Coming: Prospects for the American Press Un
Episode 230: Ezra Edelman
01/02/2017 Duração: 01h04minEzra Edelman is the director of O.J.: Made in America. “When I say what I learned is that America is even more fucked up than I had previously thought, it’s that—the superficiality of it. How we are willingly seduced by these shiny people and these shiny things. And, again, when I looked at O.J.’s trajectory, that was an operating principle.” Thanks to MailChimp, Squarespace, Casper, and Secrets, Crimes, & Audiotape for sponsoring this week's episode. @ezraedelman [00:45] "Vanish" (Evan Ratliff • Wired • Nov 2009) [00:45] O.J.: Made in America [02:30] Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals [10:30] The Straight Story [20:30] Tamara Rosenburg on IMDB [38:15] Caroline Waterlow on IMDB [39:15] Nina Krstic on IMDB [46:30] "What Football Does to the Brain" (Mike Orcutt • MIT Technology Review • Jan 2016) [52:15] "Most Black People Now Think O.J. Was Guilty" (Carl Bialik • FiveThirtyEight • Jun 2016) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 229: Alexey Kovalev
25/01/2017 Duração: 31minAlexey Kovalev is a Moscow-based journalist and the author of the recent article, “A Message to My Doomed Colleagues in the American Media." “It’s really disheartening to see how little it takes for people to start believing in something that directly contradicts the empirical facts that they are directly confronting. The Russian TV channel tells you that the pill is red, but the pill in front of you is blue. It completely alters the perception of reality. You don’t know what’s real anymore.” Thanks to MailChimp and Penn State World Campus. @Alexey_Kovalev [00:15] "A message to my doomed colleagues in the American media" (Medium • Jan 2017) [02:45] RIA Novosti [06:00] RT [07:30] Kovalev’s Archive at The Guardian [11:45] "RT, Information War, and Billions of Views: Where do the numbers come from?" (Translated by Aric Toler • Stop Fake • Jan 2017) [12:00] Adrian Chen on the Longform Podcast [12:00] "The Troll Hunters" (Adrian Chen • MIT Technology Review • Dec 2014) [16:30] The Intelligenc
Episode 228: Jeff Sharlet
18/01/2017 Duração: 56minJeff Sharlet writes about politics and religion for Esquire, GQ, New York Times Magazine, and more. “I like the stories with difficult people. I like the stories about people who are dismissed as monsters. I hate the term ‘monster.’ ‘Monster’ is a safe term for us, right? Trump’s a monster. Great, we don’t need to wrestle with, ‘Uh oh, he’s not a monster. He’s in this human family with us.’ I’m not normalizing him. I’m acknowledging the fact. Now, what’s wrong with us? If Trump is human, what’s wrong with you?” Thanks to MailChimp, Squarespace, and Blue Apron for sponsoring this week's episode. @JeffSharlet Sharlet on Longform [00:15] "David Fahrenthold: Investigating Trump" (Katie Couric • Katie Couric Show • Dec 2016) [00:30] "Edward Snowden: The Whistleblower" (Katie Couric • Katie Couric Show • Dec 2016) [07:00] Decât o Revistă [08:00] "Bullies in the Schoolyard" (Tablet • Dec 2016) [08:30] Killing the Buddha [08:45] Go Tell It on the Mountain (James Baldwin • Vintage • 2013) [
Episode 227: Jace Clayton
11/01/2017 Duração: 48minJace Clayton is a music writer and musician who records as DJ /rupture. His book is Uproot: Travels in 21st-Century Music and Digital Culture. “What does it mean to be young and have some sound inside your head? Or to be in a scene that you want to broadcast to the world? That notion of the world is changing, who you’re broadcasting to is changing, all these different things—the tool sets. But there’s this very fundamental joy of music making. I was like, ‘Ok. Let’s find flashpoints where interesting things are happening and can be unpacked that shed different little spotlights on it, but do fall into this wider view of how we articulate what’s thrilling to be alive right now.’” Thanks to MailChimp for sponsoring this week's episode. @djrupture [04:15] Uproot: Travels in 21st-Century Music and Digital Culture (Farrar, Straus and Giroux • 2016) [05:00] Wax Poetic [05:30] "Slow Burn" (The Fader • Jul 2008) [06:00] "Past Masters" (The National • Mar 2009) [15:30] "Pitch Perfect" (Frieze • May
Episode 226: Terry Gross
04/01/2017 Duração: 01h23minTerry Gross is the host and co-executive producer of Fresh Air. “Part of my philosophy of life is that you have to live with a certain amount of delusion. And part of the delusion I live with is that maybe, from experience, I’m getting a little bit better. But then the other part of me, the more overpowering part of me, is the pessimistic part that says, ‘It’s going to be downhill from here.’ I try not to judge myself too much because I’m so self-judgmental that I don’t want to over-judge and get into too much of ‘Am I better than I was yesterday, or not?’” Thanks to MailChimp, Squarespace, and Blue Apron for sponsoring this week's episode. Gross on Longform Fresh Air [26:30] "Hillary Clinton: The Fresh Air Interview" (Fresh Air • Jun 2014) [29:30] "Among the Hillary Haters" (Hanna Rosin • The Atlantic • Mar 2015) [43:53] "Our Mission and Vision" (NPR • 1971) [52:45] "Fresh Air 2: 2 Fresh 2 Furious" (YouTube) [56:16] All I Did Was Ask: Conversations with Writers, Actors, Musicians, and Artists (Hachette Bo
Episode 225: Ta-Nehisi Coates
21/12/2016 Duração: 01h02minTa-Nehisi Coates is the author of Between the World and Me and a national correspondent for The Atlantic. His latest cover story is “My President Was Black." “[People] have come to see me as somebody with answers, but I don’t actually have answers. I’ve never had answers. The questions are the enthralling thing for me. Not necessarily at the end of the thing getting somewhere that’s complete—it’s the asking and repeated asking. I don’t know how that happened, but I felt like after a while it got to the point where I was seen as having unique answers, and I just didn’t. I really, really didn’t.” Thanks to MailChimp, Casper, and Audible for sponsoring this week's episode. @tanehisicoates Coates on Longform [00:15] The 100th Episode of the Longform Podcast [00:45] "My President Was Black" (Atlantic • Dec 2016) [01:15] Longform’s Best of 2016 List [01:45] Shane Bauer on the Longform Podcast [02:00] "Prince of the Forty Thieves" (David Gauvey Herbert • Atavist • Dec 2016) [03:15] Coates’s First Appearance on th
Episode 224: Hua Hsu
14/12/2016 Duração: 39minHua Hsu writes for The New Yorker and is the author of A Floating Chinaman: Fantasy and Failure Across the Pacific. “I remember, as a kid, my dad telling me that when he moved to the United States he subscribed to The New Yorker, and then he canceled it after a month because he had no idea what any of it was about. You know, at the time, it certainly wasn’t a magazine for a Chinese immigrant fresh off the boat—or off the plane, rather—in the early 70s. And I always think about that. I always think, ‘I want my dad to understand even though he’s not that interested in Dr.Dre.’ I still think, ‘I want him to be able to glean something from this.’” Thanks to MailChimp, Texture, and Squarespace for sponsoring this week's episode. @huahsu Hsu on Longform [03:45] A Floating Chinaman: Fantasy and Failure Across the Pacific (Harvard University Press • 2016) [04:00] The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck • Washington Square Press • 1931) [06:00] "Where’s the Beef?" (Slate • Jul 2007) [07:15] And China Has Hands (
Episode 223: Carl Zimmer
07/12/2016 Duração: 55minCarl Zimmer, a columnist for the New York Times and a national correspondent at STAT, writes about science. “[Criticism] doesn’t change the truth. You know? Global warming is still happening. Vaccines still work. Evolution is still true. No matter what someone on Twitter or someone in an administration is going to say, it’s still true. So, we science writers have to still be letting people know about what science has discovered, what we with our minds have discovered about the world—to the best of our abilities. That’s our duty as science writers, and we can’t let these things scare us off.” Thanks to MailChimp, Audible, and Squarespace for sponsoring this week's episode. @carlzimmer Zimmer on Longform [01:00] Ross Andersen on the Longform Podcast [02:45] Zimmer’s column at the New York Times [02:45] Zimmer’s books [04:00] "The Rise of the Tick" (Outside • Apr 2013) [6:40] "Sleepless in South Sudan" (Radiolab • Oct 2011) [08:15] Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature’s Most Dang
Episode 222: Wesley Lowery
30/11/2016 Duração: 48minWesley Lowery is a national reporter at the Washington Post, where he worked on the Pulitzer-winning project, "Fatal Force." His new book is They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice Movement. “I think that we decided at some point that either you are a journalist or you are an activist. And I identify as a journalist, to be clear, but one of the reasons I often don’t engage in that conversation—when someone throws that back at me I kind of deflect a little bit—is that I think there’s some real fallacy in there. I think that every journalist should be an activist for transparency, for accountability—certainly amongst our government, for first amendment rights. There are things that by our nature of what we do we should be extremely activist.” Thanks to MailChimp, Harry’s, Casper, and School of the Arts Institute of Chicago for sponsoring this week's episode. @WesleyLowery [03:15] Detroit Free Press [03:15] The Plain Dealer [03:15] North Jersey [03:15] Diversity