The People and Projects Podcast, where we bring interviews and insights to help you deliver projects and lead teams.
PPP 146 | How to Tell Someone They Have Body Odor (and Other Tricky Culture Situations), with Dr. Tom Verghese
02/04/2016 Duração: 42minHow Culturally Intelligent Are You? In this episode, I welcome Dr. Tom Verghese from Cultural Synergies to talk about the importance of raising our cultural intelligence (what he calls CQ). Check out his website for videos and other resources to improve your ability to interact productively with people from other cultures. Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! VADODARA CHILL MIX by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License. ZANZIBAR by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License. The comedy bit at the end was not Tom! See A SAUDI, AN INDIAN, AND AN IRANIAN WALK INTO A QATARI BAR by Maz Jobrani (TED Talk) available on YouTube
PPP 145 | Career Success Hacks for Project Managers, with Bruce Harpham
23/03/2016 Duração: 27minIntroducing Bruce Harpham In this episode, I welcome Bruce Harpham from Bruce is a regular blogger on topics related to career advancement for project managers. Check out his website and sign-up for a free copy of his Career Advancement Workbook. Give the Gift of Learning to Your Administrative Assistant! On April 27, 2016, administrative assistants around the world will be celebrated as part of Administrative Professionals' Day. Here's a bit of advice: take your assistant out to lunch! Treat them extra special! And how about this--give them the gift of learning! Our Effective Administrative Assistant Webinar Series starts up on April 14. I'll be leading a series of two-hour webinars designed especially to help your admin improve their ability to get things done. Learn more at Use a coupon code of admin-gift-16 to save $59 USD off the price. Thanks for spreading the word about this! Tha
PPP 144 | 4 Rules to Help Project Managers Focus in a Distracted World, with Cal Newport
14/02/2016 Duração: 32minOut of the Shallows Project managers are constantly tasked with juggling priorities and managing interruptions. We live in the shallows, so to speak, not the deep. Getting time for focused work seems increasingly difficult. In his new book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, Cal Newport offers 4 rules to help us out of the distraction: Work Deeply. There are strategies to get more concentrated work time. Embrace Boredom. Don't try to cram in something to every spare moment. Quit Social Media. Give Cal a chance to make his case before writing this one off! Drain the Shallows. There's some low-hanging fruit we can get rid of to gain more focused time. To learn more about Cal and his book, please visit his website at: Make sure to check out his popular blog. Celebration Special Discount We're celebrating the launch of our e-learning on a new platform! You can now find our courses at The first 25 people who purcha
PPP 143 | How to Deal With the Irrational and Impossible People on Your Projects, with Mark Goulston
31/01/2016 Duração: 52minTalking To Crazy Spend enough time in the workplace and eventually, you have to deal with the stakeholder who drives you crazy. Whether full-time or just under certain circumstances, their irrational behavior becomes a thorn in your side. How do you deal with these people? Though there are no simple answers, Mark Goulston shares his insights in his new book entitled Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life. To learn more about Mark, please visit his website at: Let's Learn Together We have just launched our project management e-learning on a new platform, and to celebrate, we're making the first 25% of the learning free! Learn more at Thank you for joining me for this video episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! {vimeo}153641039{/vimeo} DOUBLE DRIFT by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License. CAREFREE by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons:
PPP 142 | How to Confidently Rise to the Most Daunting Challenges, with Amy Cuddy
17/01/2016 Duração: 38minSuper Hero Poise Project managers regularly face daunting situations. In Amy Cuddy's new book Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, you'll find evidence-based strategies to help you rise to your challenging situations. To learn more about Amy, please visit her website at: You can also watch her TED Talk (and a parody of it) below. Let's Learn Together Join us in this year's Leadership Fast Track Program! There's an early bird discount available for listeners to the podcast. To learn more, go to Contact me at show [AT] PeopleAndProjectsPodcast [DOT] com to save $100 USD on our Essentials of Project Management e-learning program. 15 PDU's for a great price! Contact me for details! Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! {youtube}Ks-_Mh1QhMc{/youtube} For a funny parody of power posing, check out Vooza's video here. ALL THE BEST FAKERS by Nick Jaina is licensed under A
PPP 141 | How Project Managers Can Make Better Decisions: Year-End Episode
22/12/2015 Duração: 01h06sLooking Back In this video episode, I share a recent Google Hangout on Air that was held with listeners of The People and Projects Podcast. I review a challenge from Tom Peters about trying new stuff. Then I share some content from a new workshop on the topic of decision-making. Have a Great Start to the New Year! Thank you for being a regular listener to The People and Projects Podcast! I look forward to learning with you in the year ahead! If you celebrate the holiday, I wish you a very Merry Christmas! Have a great start to the New Year! HAPPY ALLEY by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License. SILVER by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
PPP 140 | Tom Rath Goes to the Movies (and Why You Should Too!)
21/11/2015 Duração: 27minTotal Duration 27:31 Download episode 140 Business Book at the Movies You may recall our previous discussions with Tom Rath about his book Eat Move Sleep (episode 106) and Are You Fully Charged (episode 132). In this episode, we talk with Tom about the new movie he's produced that takes Are You Fully Charged and turns it into a documentary. You can find the movie at: Vimeo (streaming): VHX (streaming): Amazon (DVD) Or, you can watch the trailer here (and even rent it): {vimeo}141288644{/vimeo} One idea: rent a copy of the movie and stream it during a staff meeting! To learn more about Tom and the movie, visit Join Our Year-End Podcast Listener Hangout! Join other listeners for a Google Hangout session on Thursday, 17 December at 11:30am Central Standard Time (GMT-6). You'll earn a free PDU while we talk about issues related to leading and delivering. Go to
PPP 139 | The Real Reason Why Project Managers and Their Teams Win, with author Fred Kiel
14/11/2015 Duração: 34minDo The Good Guys Win? There’s something inside us that wants to believe that the good guys win in the end, right? We want to believe that if you treat people well, keep your promises, and work hard, that it all pays off with increased opportunity and reward. Fred Kiel has data to support that you don't have to be Gordon Gecko from the movie Wall Street to win. In this episode, we talk with Fred about his new book Return on Character: The Real Reason Leaders and Their Companies Win. To learn more about Fred and take the Character Predictor Quiz, visit Join Our Year-End Podcast Listener Hangout! Join other listeners for a Google Hangout session on Thursday, 17 December at 11:30am Central Standard Time (GMT-6). You'll earn a free PDU while we talk about issues related to leading and delivering. Go to to learn more! Leadership Fast Track Program In this episode, I mention our Leadership Fast Track Program. I encourage you to
PPP 138 | Eating Frogs and Throwing Skunks on the Table: The People Side of Project Management
30/10/2015 Duração: 56min{youtube}b-9y2TQ8x7o{/youtube} Total Duration 56:19 Download episode 138 The People Side of Project Management In this video episode, I share a discussion with three colleagues who are experts in the people side of project management. To learn more about my guests, please visit their websites at: Susanne Madsen: Kevin Ciccotti: Kim Wasson: What Do You Think? Please leave a message to let me know what you think about this video episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Here's how you can contact us: Leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line at 847-550-3747 Call me directly at 847-579-9174 Contact me by email at show [AT] PeopleAndProjectsPodcast [DOT] com Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! SKIPPY by Podington Bear is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License. NOTANICO MERENGUE by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution
PPP 137 | How Project Managers Can Invest Their Time Like Money, with Elizabeth Grace Saunders
17/10/2015 Duração: 42minAspire to be Time Wealthy Can you relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed, with more commitments at work and home than you have time to handle? Many project managers tell me that's a rather normal existence for them. Elizabeth Grace Saunders calls that being time impoverished. We are spending more than we've earned. It's part of her analogy in her new book How to Invest Your Time Like Money To learn more about Elizabeth and the work of her organization, visit Join My Periscopes This Month! Join me for our series of Project Management Periscopes during the month of October 2015. Each Friday I'm broadcasting a periscope from 12:15pm Central in the US (GMT-5). Just download the mobile app at Then go to my Periscope home page at Join me for these 15-minute Periscopes this month! Let Me Hear From You! I love hearing from listeners! Please leave a message to let me know what you think about The People and Projects Podcast
PPP 136 | What Science Says About the Happy Project Manager, with Michelle Gielen
01/10/2015 Duração: 41minThe Happy Project Manager Most people who know me would say I'm generally a happy guy--rather optimistic by nature. I've always been a bit skeptical about books on the subject of happiness. My concern is that they would be filled with shallow platitudes, assuming that the ultimate goal for ourselves is self-focused pleasure. Thankfully, that bias didn't keep me from agreeing to read Michelle Gielan's new book Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change. To learn more about Michelle and the work of her organization, visit Join My Periscopes This Month! As part of our ongoing experimentation here at the People and Projects Podcast, we're going to be conducting some Periscopes during the month of October 2015. Each Friday, starting October 9, 2015, for 4 Friday's, I'll be broadcasting a periscope from 12:15pm Central in the US (GMT-5). If you haven't downloaded the app, please do so and then join me for these brief, 15-minute discussions. Yo
PPP 135 | Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives, with Gretchen Rubin
27/08/2015 Duração: 41minHabits for Project Managers Could it be that the habits you develop today determine the life you live tomorrow? As project managers, we make endless choices throughout the day--how to use our time, how to interact with stakeholders, how to solve a problem. Our guest for this episode is Gretchen Rubin, who suggests that developing effective habits is a key responsibility for those who want to build a successful tomorrow. Gretchen is the author of a new book entitled Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives. To learn more about Gretchen and her book, visit Let Me Hear From You! I love hearing from listeners! Please leave me a message to let me know what you think about The People and Projects Podcast! Here's how you can contact us: Leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line at 847-550-3747 Call me directly at 847-579-9174 Contact me by email at show [AT] PeopleAndProjectsPodcast [DOT] com Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Proje
PPP 134 | How Project Managers Can Motivate by Creating Meaning, with author Scott Mautz
13/07/2015 Duração: 39minMake it Matter In this episode, we welcome Scott Mautz to discuss his new book Make It Matter: How Managers Can Motivate by Creating Meaning. To learn more about Scott and the book, visit his website at Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! UNWRITTEN RETURN and GUTS and BOURBON by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 GOOD MORNING (Feat. Toby Mac) by Mandissa I LOVE MY JOB by Mean Gene Kelton & the Die Hards
PPP 133 | The Most Important Four Seconds for Project Managers, with author Peter Bregman
27/05/2015 Duração: 29minA Deep Breath In this episode, we welcome back Peter Bregman to discuss his new book Four Seconds: All the Time You Need to Stop Counter-Productive Habits and Get the Results You Want. Peter is one of my favorite voices in leadership and productivity. I look forward to your feedback after listening to this episode. To learn more about Peter and the book, visit his website at You can catch my earlier discussion with Peter by visiting Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! LAGOA v2 and SHOW YOUR MOVES by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
PPP 132 | Energizing the Burned Out Project Manager, with author Tom Rath
04/05/2015 Duração: 35minTotal Duration 35:56 Download episode 132 Far From Fully Charged Would you say you typically roll out of bed, refreshed, well rested, ready to attack the challenges of the day? Or are your first waking moments more likely, "Seriously? It's time to get up already?" In this episode, we welcome back Tom Rath to discuss his new book Are You Fully Charged?: The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life. If you enjoy books with practical, evidence-based insights, you're in for a treat, and it will start making a difference on the day you crack the book open. To learn more about Tom and the book, visit his website at You can catch my earlier discussion with Tom by visiting Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! GYPSY SHOEGAZER WITHOUT VOICES, VADODORA CHILL MIX, and BEACHFRONT CELEBRATION by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
PPP 131 | Honoring a Project Management Legacy, with Max Wideman
16/04/2015 Duração: 36minA Lifetime of Commitment to Project Management In this episode, we speak with Max Wideman, one of the original authors of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (in fact, he coined the term "PMBOK Guide"). Today Max continues to share his insights on project management on his information-packed website Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! DESPAIR AND TRIUMPH by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 BLANKS and NETHERLAND by Podington Bear Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
PPP 130 | Why Leadership Training Isn't Preparing You to Lead (and What To Do About It), with author Herminia Ibarra
24/03/2015 Duração: 28minAct First, Not Think First In this episode we speak with Herminia Ibarra, author of Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader. Herminia chairs a department at the world-renowned INSEAD business school and is recognized by Thinkers 50 as one of the top business thinkers around the globe. In this episode, Herminia shares why standard leadership training just doesn't work. Learn more about Herminia and her book (and download the first chapter) at Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! Talent Triangle: Leadership STRAY DOGS by Eric Jensen NOTANICO MERENGUE by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
PPP 129 | Less Panic and More Productivity for Project Managers, with author Kory Kogon
04/03/2015 Duração: 48minThe Urgent and the Important In this episode, we speak with Kory Kogon from the FranklinCovey organization. Kory recently published The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity. It's a very, very helpful resource for helping us sort out the urgent and the important. Learn more about Kory and her book at Tell Your Friends! If you enjoy The People and Projects Podcast, tell your friends and colleagues! Our college intern Zach is responsible for getting the word out but needs your help! Help make Zach look like he's really, really good at his job. :) Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week! UNDAUNTED and EARLY RISER by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
PPP 128 | How Project Managers Become Project Leaders, with author Susanne Madsen
07/02/2015 Duração: 37minNot Just Managing But Leading I'm happy to welcome Susanne Madsen to the podcast. Susanne recently published The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader. Learn more about Susanne and her book at Grow Your Leadership Skills If you're interested in developing your leadership skills, I have an idea for you. Our Leadership Fast Track Program fires up again in June. You are cordially invited to join me and others from around the world in this program that combines assessments, learning sessions, and one-on-one coaching. I facilitate each of the learning sessions live, over the web, which means you can participate regardless of where you live. In our one-on-one coaching sessions, I'll work directly with you to help you take the next step in your ability to lead and deliver. Plus, the program earns you 20 PDU's if you're a PMP. To learn more and take advantage of the early-bird discount, visit LeadershipFastTrackPro
PPP 127 | How to Stop Talking About Vision and Actually Create One, with author Rob-Jan de Jong
18/01/2015 Duração: 47minNeed Vision? Got Vision? I'm excited to introduce you to Rob-Jan de Jong, author of Anticipate: The Art of Leading by Looking Ahead. Too often we only talk about vision--Rob shows us how to actually create one. Learn more about Rob and his book at Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! I'm back to my vacation. Have a great week! LAID BACK GUITARS by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Gladiator, by Warner Brothers.