All ruby related podcasts from, including: - Ruby Rogues - My Ruby Story - Ruby Rants
208 RR Erlang with Francesco Cesarini
20/05/2015 Duração: 01h02minCheck out and sign up for!02:45 - Francesco Cesarini Introduction- - - Books: - - - - Multicore - History - - - Francesco and Erlang- - - Building a Company Around a Language ( Products: - - - - Events: - - http://www.erlang-fac
207 RR Rebuilding Rails with Noah Gibbs
13/05/2015 Duração: 54min02:30 - Noah Gibbs IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogRuby Rogues Episode #199: Deployments with Noah GibbsRebuilding Rails by Noah Gibbs Rails Deploy In An Hour Class03:03 - Structure03:44 - Guiding People Through the MagicSpecial-Purpose Tools: The Good and the Bad06:55 - The Origins of Rebuilding Rails by Noah Gibbs 07:55 - The Practice of Code Reading09:19 - Getting Started Rebuilding RailsFrameworksSinatra CubaLotusThe Core Functionality of RackCGI = Common Gateway Interface15:09 - Use Case for Rebuilding RailsTradeoffsdecent_exposureThe Rails Way by Obie Fernandez19:49 - View Model Objects (Presenter Objects?)24:25 - What Do Rails Devs Take For Granted?RackSecurity27:59 - Rails = “Weird” ??32:48 - Rails ExpectationsWhen It’s Time for Separation Rails Programmers37:56 - Constraints: Making Framework DecisionsVolt Meteor44:19 - Big DataDesigning Data-Intensive Applications The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems By Martin Kleppmann Aphyr (Jepsen)Picks simplehuman Garbage Cans (A
206 RR Trailblazer with Nick Sutterer
06/05/2015 Duração: 52min02:53 - Nick Sutterer IntroductionTwitterGitHubBlogTrailblazer: A New Architecture For Rails by Nick Sutterer03:31 - Trailblazer[GitHub] trailblazer04:56 - Form Object“Operation”07:28 - ValidationsActiveModel::Validationslotus/validationsIntroducing Lotus::Validations08:47 - Decoupling09:45 - Namespace ReuseConcepts/Concerns11:50 - Process Method => Procedural Code12:54 - Inheritance13:57 - Contracts14:57 - How is Using Trailblazer Different?18:17 - What Would DHH Think?19:32 - Trailblazer as an Extra LayerSingle Responsibility PrincipleMonolithsRailsConf 2015: David Heinemeier Hansson Keynote27:20 - Testing28:35 - When Should You NOT Use Trailblazer?29:53 - Moving to Trailblazer36:03 - Rails 5 and Trailblazer37:22 - MaintainersAbdelkader BoudihCelso Fernandes38:44 - APIsDeserialization41:04 - Parts of Trailblazerreformroarcells44:16 - GeneratorsPicks A Gentleman’s Guide To Street Harassment (Saron) Tor and HTTPS (Saron) How it feels to watch a user test your product for the first time (Saron) Humane Devel
205 RR Eight Years of Ruby and Rails with Piotr Solnica
29/04/2015 Duração: 01h22min02:25 - Piotr Solnica IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogRuby Object Mapper (ROM) virtus 03:04 - Piotr Solnica: 8 Things I Learned During 8 Years of Ruby and Rails 03:45 - Test-Driven Development 06:17 - Building a StackRoda [YouTube] Jeremy Evans: Better Routing Through Trees (MountainWest RubyConf 2015)09:56 - (TDD) Test-Driven Development Cont’d15:36 - Immutability (Immutable Objects)Command-Query SeparationChanging ObjectsFreezing ObjectsadamantiumZippersPersistent Data Structureshamster28:49 - No Rules, Just GuidelinesLaw of DemeterWriting Better TestsFizz Buzz TestJeff Atwood: Why Can't Programmers.. Program? FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition David’s Collection of Batpoop Crazy Fizzbuzz Solutions (Including the rand() one) Data, Context, Interaction (DCI)38:39 - Class Interfaces: “Class interfaces are a smell”Using ClassesSOLID Principle49:30 - “Convenience has a big price”Convenience vs Explicitness55:06 - Mutation Testing 01:00:51 - “Ideas behind ORM are a fallacy”ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)Ruby Object Mappe
204 RR Limerence with Dave Thomas
22/04/2015 Duração: 01h14min02:37 - Dave Thomas IntroductionTwitter BlogThe Pragmatic Bookshelf04:17 - How Dave Got Started in Programming06:34 - Tools and Constraints“An Enthusiast’s Problem”?Is the focus on tools a form of cargo culting?Leadism Over Chosen Technologies and Its’ Effect on Innovation Switching Tools and Making Excuses19:29 - LimerenceLove and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love by Dorothy Tennov Irrational Interest and Defensiveness28:54 - Ruby = Happiness: Does it Hurt?31:00 - Tools and Falling in Love with ToolsFear of Falling Behind; Fear of Irrelevancy Different Tools for Different Contexts35:08 - When Do You Learn? When Do You Train? (Not Falling Behind)38:01 - Choosing Similar Tools and Technologies vs Choosing Different Tools and TechnologiesGulp => Grunt => Browserify ExamplePragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt 43:36 - Relationships and Identities46:08 - Looking Forward vs Looking Back (Knowing Your History)Resources, Curriculum:Structure and Interpretation of Computer
203 RR Design and Sketching with CSS with Sean Fioritto
15/04/2015 Duração: 08min02:29 - Sean Fioritto Introduction@sfioritto planning for aliens02:52 - Design and Sketching with CSS Background & OverviewCascading Style Sheets (CSS) Sketching with CSS by Sean FiorittoSkip Using Photoshop; Move Straight to Code => Get Pixels to Screen Faster06:34 - Developer <> Designer CommunicationTooling and Muscle Memory12:23 - Using CSS Over Photoshop, Alternative Programs, and FrameworksSketchInVisionMacaw15:29 - Grid Systems and Resets (Frontend Tools)i.e. Grid SystemsThe Grid SystemResponsive Grid SystemCSS ResetsWhat Is A CSS Reset? CSS Tools: Reset CSS17:27 - Prototyping (Workflow)Git23:14 - Documentation26:14 - Adopting New Practices (Progressive Enhancement)(Killer) Interactive Demo Presentations“Style Tiles”Fluency"Pixel Pushers"45:33 - The Modern Web Moving Forward47:30 - Keep Up with ScottSketching with CSS by Sean Fiorittoplanning for aliensThe ginormous, unstoppable list of Angular resourcesPicks NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence by
202 RR The Struggles New Ruby Users Have with Jake Day Williams
08/04/2015 Duração: 58minSupport our Teespring campaign! Get your Ruby Rogues unisex t-shirts, hoodies, ladies’-sized, and long-sleeve tees! 03:19 - Jake Day Williams IntroductionTwitterWild Academy[YouTube] Wild AcademyLearn Ruby: The Beginner Guide: An Introduction to Ruby Programming by Jake Day WilliamsLearn PHP: The Beginner Guide: An Introduction to PHP Programming by Jake Day Williams03:48 - What Do New People Struggle With?04:59 - Teaching While Learning and Video Tutorials vs In-Person TrainingResources:LyndaThe Ultimate Guide to Coding Bootcamps: The Exhaustive ListBeing a “Self-Starter” The EntreProgrammers Episode 51: Ship 'em Pears with Jake Day Williams“Work the system that does exist, not the system we wish exists.”Impostor SyndromeRailsClipsRailsClips Kickstarter CampaignTuring's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe by George DysonInstitute for Advanced Study (IAS)Blender Guru: Andrew Price16:59 - ResponsibilityAs TeachersPlanet Money Podcast: The App Economy with Marco Arment of InstapaperGauging Your Own
201 RR Game Development with Andrea Magnorsky
01/04/2015 Duração: 57minThank you RailsClips Kickstarter Backers! 02:27 - Andrea Magnorsky IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog[YouTube] Andrea Magnorsky: The Tools that Shape UsBatCat Games@batcatgamesBlog @roundcrisis (Andrea’s Game-Related Twitter Account)02:56 - “What Game Developers Know That Business Devs Can Benefit From”Going From Enterprise => Professional Game DevAndrew O’Connor, co-founder of BatCat GamesXSplit (Xbox Comparison)08:28 - Curiosity and Motivation09:10 - Is game development more approachable than in the past?Unity Game EngineThe Unreal EngineMonoGameTotality Engine10:12 - Learning New Skills and Coding Practices to Write GamesUnlearning to Be CleanGame LoopLevels of Code:Low-Level CodeIntermediate LayerScripts and Game Play15:45 - Performance and Iterations[YouTube] Andrea Magnorsky: The Tools that Shape Us TestingIteration Speed“Benevolent Dictator + You”20:45 - Making Games InvitingFUN23:11 - Techniques to Cope with State24:16 - Releasing and Deadlines (Business Issues Between Developers and Management)28:30
200 RR 200th Episode Free-For-All!
25/03/2015 Duração: 01h22min03:08 - What’s Up with Aaron Patterson?Twitter GitHub BlogRed Hat <= They’re Hiring!!Mechanical ArduinoThe Norman Layout vs DvorakDucky KeyboardsAtreus Keyboard Kit16:45 - What’s Up with James Edward Gray?Game ProgrammingGameSaladGusuDart Unreal EngineUnityGame Programming Patterns by Bob NystromJames Edward Gray’s Book Review on Game Programming PatternsBlenderTeaching Kids to ProgramLEGO MindstormsMiP RobotCode.orgJoseph Wilk: Programming as Performance (from RubyConf Australia) Raspberry PiSonic Pi30:16 - What’s Up with Katrina Owen?Splice Bath Ruby Conference@BathRuby[Confreaks] Katrina: Here Be Dragons at Bath Ruby Conference 2015 The Go Programming LanguageRuby Rogues Episode #198: Expanding the Ruby Community Values to Other Languages with Scott Feinberg and Mark BatesRuby Hero Awards99 Bottles Of OOP (Practical Programming Book) by Sandi Metz and Katrina Owen[YouTube] Katrina Owen: Overkill (Bob Exercism Problem)41:55 - What’s Up with Saron Yitbarek?CodeNewbie@CodeNewbies#Cod
199 RR Deployments with Noah Gibbs
18/03/2015 Duração: 04min02:08 - Noah Gibbs IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog02:38 - Rebuilding Rails: Understand Rails by Building a Ruby Web Framework by Noah Gibbs[YouTube] Noah Gibbs: GoGaRuCo 2013 - The Littlest ORM03:06 - Sinatra 03:47 - RackIntroduction to Rack middlewarerackamole07:32 - Deploying AppsHostingHerokuRedisVagrantServer ProvisioningChefPuppet AnsibleCapistrano12:22 - Support, Operations, and MonitoringDevOpsDatabase Administrator (DBA)[Confreaks] Paul Hinze: Smoke & Mirrors: The Primitives of High AvailabilityReliabilityEnterprise ToolsHashiCorpRuby Rogues Episode #192: Vagrant with Mitchell HashimotoLearning Curve and Lack of Documentation (“Wild West”)20:36 - Social Differences Between Communities: Ruby vs PythonRuby Rogues Episode #198: Expanding the Ruby Community Values to Other Languages with Scott Feinberg and Mark BatesCOBOL, Java, CThe SaltStackRyan D. Lane: Moving away from Puppet: SaltStack or Ansible? 27:18 - Deployment Tools Targeting Polyglot Architectures28:39 - Ease of DeploymentGo32:26 - The Suc
198 RR Expanding the Ruby Community Values to Other Languages with Scott Feinberg and Mark Bates
11/03/2015 Duração: 37min02:32 - Mark Bates IntroductionTwitterGitHubBlogBoston Ruby Users Group@bostonrb MetaCasts: HD Screencasts for GO Enthusiasts@metacasts 03:14 - Scott Feinberg IntroductionTwitterGitHub BlogWePay@WePay@wepaystatus03:46 - Community Values2014 Videos - WindyCityRails Lightning Talks (Scott’s is first)Scott Feinberg: Where does Ruby go from here? (The Happiness Manifesto)[GitHub] the-happiness-manifesto 05:32 - Ruby Community Standards and ValuesTestingProgramming Should Be Fun and EnjoyablePairingLarge Regional Conferences and Meetups 07:33 - User GroupsLambda Lounge@LambdaLounge Netflix Open Source Group10:18 - Polyglot 2014 - MythBashers: Adventures in Overlooked Technologies - Avdi Grimm[GitHub] A web server written in BashGreat Wide Open@AllThingsOpen CodeMash@codemash 13:07 - Including and Getting Newbies Involved in Conference and Community CultureGenerationsBoot CampsLaunch Academy@LaunchAcademy_ Hugs20:41 - Diversity and Codes of ConductPyLadiesPyLadies Chapters (Twitter) Rails
197 RR The Social Coding Contract with Justin Searls
04/03/2015 Duração: 01h11minCheck out RailsClips on Kickstarter!! 02:23 - Justin Searls IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogTest Double@testdouble03:02 - Justin Searls: The Social Coding Contract Open SourceGitHub04:58 - Transitive Dependences and Understanding Technical DebtRailsConf 2014 - Keynote: 10 Years! by Yehuda Katz The CAP Theorem15:21 - Learning Outside Work HoursTracking TimeMicromanagement21:21 - Understanding Transitive Dependencies (Cont’d)Gary Bernhardt23:00 - Use Someone Else’s Framework or Write Your Own?“It Depends.”“A dirty code base is the sign of a well-monetized application.” - Matt Scantland31:25 - When Does it Hurt to Use Tools You Don’t Completely Understand?Elasticsearch34:14 - Leaving Code Behind36:26 - Be a Responsible Open Source UserPull Request Sample Amount of InvestmentCommunity ManagementCommunicationcancan => cancancanGitXGraphical User Interface (GUI)rowanj GitX47:22 - Reacting to ChangeProcess and CeremonyDeming’s Common Cause and Special CausePair Programming[YouTube] Justin Searls and Aaron Patterso
196 RR Testing Clojure in Ruby with Ashton Kemerling
25/02/2015 Duração: 01h15minCheck out RailsClips on Kickstarter!! 02:45 - Ashton Kemerling IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog03:00 - Ruby and ClojurePivotal LabsPivotal TrackerClojurescriptGenerative TestingPhantomJSInvariance14:50 - Difficultygenerative rantly23:13 - Generative Testing and Documentation“Shrinking”26:38 - Are Generative Tests Disposable?Capybara29:09 - When Do You Start Generative Testing?31:43 - Setup & Barriers to Entry40:38 - Why Does Generative Testing Have a Bad Reputation?42:49 - Getting Past ^^44:17 - Verifying Things Are Fixed46:57 - Maintaining These TestsMultimethods51:12 - Human Actions, Generative Testing, and ArchitectureFunctional Programming01:02:10 - Resources[YouTube] Integrating Test.Check and Javascript Jessica Kerr: TDD with generative testing: an example in Ruby Ashton Kemerling: Integrating Test.Check and JavascriptPicks Joseph Wilk: Programming as Performance (Coraline) Linda Liukas: Principles of Play (Coraline) Hello Ruby (Coraline) QuickCheck CI (Jessica) CodeMesh 2014 - John Hughes - QuickC
195 RR Building Your Technology Radar with Neal Ford
18/02/2015 Duração: 58min02:25 - Neal Ford IntroductionTwitterGitHubBlogThoughtWorksiPhreaks Show Episode #084: Building Your Technology Radar with Neal FordFreelancers' Show Episode 145: Life as a Traveling Consultant with Neal FordRailsConf 2010: Neal Ford "Creativity & Constraint" 02:20 - The Thoughtworks Technology RadarRebecca Parsons06:28 - QuadrantsTechniquesToolsLanguages & FrameworksPlatforms07:01 - Categories (Rings)HoldAssessTrialAdopt09:23 - Adopting New TechnologiesWilliam Gibson: “The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.” Cycle TimeNeal Ford: Build Your Own Technology Radar[YouTube] Neal Ford: Build Your Own Technology Radar14:42 - Providing Familiarity Resources15:24 - Radars as Resources and Lifecycle Assessment ToolsIntentional SoftwareRadar A-Z18:36 - Themes22:17 - Making DecisionsDiversifyTestability27:40 - Jamming Radars31:53 - Hireability?Paying Developers to Learn36:54 - Financial Portfolios and Planning Your CareerSpecialization vs Generalization42:03 - Software Architecture &
194 RR Real Life JRuby with Sudhindra R. Rao
11/02/2015 Duração: 50minThe Rogues talk to ThoughtWorks' Sudhindra R. Rao about JRuby.Special Guest: Sudhindra R. Rao. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
193 RR The Volt Framework with Ryan Stout
04/02/2015 Duração: 01h13minThe Rogues talk to Ryan Stout about the Volt framework.Special Guest: Ryan Stout. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
192 RR Vagrant with Mitchell Hashimoto
28/01/2015 Duração: 56minThe Rogues interview Mitchell Hashimoto, the creator of Vagrant.Special Guest: Mitchell Hashimoto. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
191 RR The Developer Happiness Team with Kerri Miller
21/01/2015 Duração: 30minKerri Miller and Coraline head the conversation with the rest of the Rogues about The Developer Happiness Team.Special Guest: Kerri Miller. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
190 RR Apprenticeship with Joseph Mastey and Jill Lynch of Enova
14/01/2015 Duração: 01h12min2:55 - Introducing Joseph Mastey and Jill LynchEnova3:20 - The origins of Enova’s apprenticeship program6:20 - Creating and teaching the curriculumRails Guide to Active SupportCode School11:05 - Realities of implementing an apprenticeship program15:30 - Jill’s experience21:10 - Feedback processes22:50 - Advice for setting up an apprenticeship program24:20 - Ideal candidates and mentorsWomen Who CodeCode2040Girl Develop It28:05 - Apprenticeship and new hire diversity28:45 - Experimenting with bias, communication, and engagement33:20 - Do trainees take too much time away from regular employees?37:05 - Teaching the codebase39:50 - Firing apprentices42:05 - Advantages of working at a lucrative company45:45 - Learning outside the programEdxCoursera47:40 - Breaking into the industryEmail [email protected] with your experiences58:10 - Who decides the circle?Picks: Ruby Tapas (Avdi) Nozbe (Avdi) (Avdi) Neo4j (Caroline) Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows (Caroline) DeskTime (Charles) “Codes of Con
189 RR Choosing a JavaScript MVC Framework with Craig McKeachie
07/01/2015 Duração: 48minThe Rogues talk to Craig McKeachie about choosing a JavaScript MVC framework.Special Guest: Craig McKeachie. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast: