All ruby related podcasts from, including: - Ruby Rogues - My Ruby Story - Ruby Rants
248 RR The Crystal Programming Language with Erik Michaels-Ober
24/02/2016 Duração: 01h18min01:49 - Erik Michaels-Ober IntroductionTwitter GitHubRuby Rogues Episode #127: Erik Michaels-Ober 02:07 - The Crystal Programming Language and Statically Typed Programming LanguagesErik Michaels-Ober: An Introduction to Crystal @ PolyConf 15 06:54 - Type Inference Union TypesDuck TypingMonkey PatchingSandi Metz Blog Post on the Wrong Abstraction15:06 - Crystal vs Rust or Go 20:10 - LintingRubocop20:44 - Type Annotations and PerimetersKeyword Arguments22:53 - The History of Crystal and its Development as a LanguageCrystal DocsCrystal GitHub RepoThe Future of Crystal (Christmastime Blog Post)24:41 - Annotation and Return Value25:35 - Type Inferencing (Cont’d)28:24 - Crystal REPL (ICR) 32:15 - Getting Involved with Crystal and the Development of the LanguageCrystal to_proc40:08 - Threading and Concurrency44:28 - CrystalshardsCrystal Weekly49:30 - Use Cases and BenchmarksCrystal Standard Librarywc.cr01:03:15 - Compile Errors More on CrystalErik Michaels-Ober: Crystal Programming Language @ RubyC 2015 Interview
247 RR Parallella with Ray Hightower
17/02/2016 Duração: 01h02min02:02 - Ray Hightower IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogWisdomGroupChicagoRubyWindyCityRailsWindyCityThings03:22 - ParallellaRaspberry Pi05:39 - Web Developers and The Hardware World12:38 - Does a hardware background inform software?18:42 - Learning and PlayingVerilog 22:22 - Concurrency and Parallelism The Most Energy Efficient Supercomputer on the Planet by Ray Hightower at Madison+ Ruby 2015 32:48 - Getting Started with ParallellaParallella Quick Start Guide (with gotchas)COIK = Clear Only If - Use Cases42:38 - IoT (Internet of Things)HealthKitHomeKitWatchKitPicks Refactoring Ruby with Monads (Coraline) Ruby Rogues Episode #120: Book Club: Understanding Computation with Tom Stuart (Chuck) Learning to play the piano (Jessica) Mogo Portable Seat (Chuck) Rob Pike: Concurrency Is Not Parallelism (Ray) Designing and Building Parallel Programs by Ian Foster (Ray)Special Guest: Ray Hightower. Advertising Inquiries:
246 RR Clearwater with Jamie Gaskins
10/02/2016 Duração: 37min02:00 - IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogOrderUpreadthesource: Clearwater with Jamie Gaskins 02:23 - ClearwaterClearwater Gitter ChannelOpalroda03:51 - How an App is Typically StructuredReactTodoMVC CodeTodoMVC Demo05:39 - Persistence and Wiring Up to the Backendgrand_central 06:49 - Why Clearwater Was Created08:26 - How does it compare to prevalent JavaScript frameworks?Clearwater — Ruby on the front end outperforms React.jsVirtual DOM ImplementationsRoadmap to 1.011:23 - What problem is Clearwater aiming to solve?14:30 - Debugging16:39 - Use Cases20:33 - The Future of Clearwater21:59 - Maintaining Clearwater24:39 - What is success?25:23 - Using Clearwater with a System Like Volt Picks Contributor Covenant (Coraline) Kaleidoscope (Coraline) LEGO Ideas - Lovelace & Babbage (Coraline) Freelance Remote Conf (Chuck) Ruby Remote Conf (Chuck) RushMyPassport (Chuck) Primula Cold Brew Glass Carafe Iced Coffee Maker (Jamie) JRuby (Jamie)Special Guest: Jamie Gaskins. Advertising Inquiries:
245 RR The Charles Max Wood Interview with Thom Parkin
03/02/2016 Duração: 37minThis week, we’re bringing to you a behind the scenes look at the man behind the mic and the guy who puts out over 5 hours worth of free audio content per week to support the development community: Charles Max Wood.Long-time listener, Thom Parkin, asked Chuck if he would sit down and do an interview with him to describe all the interesting things he’s been up to and his goals for the future. In this interview, Chuck gives listeners a behind-the-scenes look at all of his podcasts, the platform, RailsClips, his remote conferences and his upcoming book that will focus on tips for getting hired as a developer. Special Guest: Thom Parkin. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
244 RR Program Like You Give a Damn with Ara T. Howard at Rails Remote Conf 2015
27/01/2016 Duração: 47minThis episode is from Ara T. Howard’s talk at Rails Remote Conf 2015. You can watch the full, unedited presentation, Program Like You Give a Damn, on YouTube at your convenience. Check out All Remote Confs for next year’s remote conference lineup!Freelance Remote Conf will run from February 24th-26th. The speaker lineup is all but complete!Ruby Remote Conf will run from March 23rd-25th. Get your tickets or submit a CFP!Special Guest: Ara T. Howard. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
243 RR Books That Aren't POODR
20/01/2016 Duração: 57min02:36 - - 07:55 - 13:14 - 14:32 - 16:09 - Paper Reading Group - 19:58 -
242 RR Migrating a Monolith to Microservices Via an Evolutionary Path with Mike Gehard
13/01/2016 Duração: 01h25min02:34 - Mike Gehard IntroductionTwitter GitHubPivotal03:23 - Monoliths 04:18 - Microservices 09:47 - Migrating a Monolith to Microservices Via an Evolutionary PathOrganizationThe Application Continuum: Evolving toward distributed systems15:21 - The Steps Along the ContinuumWhere do engines fit in?Service Boundary Definitions19:25 - Bounded ContextThe Ruby Rogues Episode #228: The Lotus Framework with Luca Guidi 21:52 - EvolutionConway’s LawUnbuilt Gems30:40 - Dependency on the Database35:15 - Testingpact Jepsen TestingPostmanMashery I/O Docs 51:16 - DeploymentPivotal Cloud Foundry52:47 - SecurityUAA55:15 - Advice for those getting startedSOA (Service-oriented Architecture)Component-Based Rails Applications Resources01:04:09 - Fault TolerancePicks LOWA Boots (Avdi) Pearl’s Peril (David) He Never Died (David) httplog (Coraline) Toxic Workers by Michael Housman and Dylan Minor (Coraline) The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1 by Ryan North (Jessica) Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording) (Jessica) MyFitnessPal
241 RR What Makes a Great Developer with Phil Spitler
06/01/2016 Duração: 17minCheck out Ruby Remote Conf: coming to you live in March! Buy a ticket or submit a CFP! 02:17 - Phil Spitler IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog03:20 - Panel opinions: What makes a good developer?07:26 - “Successful” vs “Great” DevelopersGrowth Mindset12:45 - Mentors: What to they epitomize?Maintainability14:37 - How do newbies find/identify mentors?17:45 - When Becoming Great Starts to Matter27:51 - How People “Arrive”; Necessary SkillsetsCode Archaeology30:51 - 36:44 - As a mentor, where do you draw the line?Ruby Rogues Episode #240: What Makes a Good Manager with Marcus Blankenship 40:57 - As an educator: How important is it to do hands-on work of your own?The Freelancers’ Show Episode #184: Goals and Productivity (unreleased at time of publication)Picks Rat-a-Tat Cat (Jessica) Sorry Not Sorry IPA (Jessica) Amazon Fire Kids Edition (Avdi) The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free by Neil Fiore (Avdi) Intercom Central® 246 - Four Channels HOME Power-line In
240 RR What Makes a Good Manager with Marcus Blankenship
30/12/2015 Duração: 01h02min02:05 - Marcus Blankenship IntroductionTwitter Blog02:52 - Pain and Difficulties of Moving From Programming to ManagementIdentityCredibility10:50 - Image and Identity (Cont’d)ExpectationsRole Models19:16 - Management; Making the Move to ManagementAikido“Everybody deserves a good manager.”23:37 - How do you know if you have a bad manager?27:13 - Feedback; Tone of Communication33:54 - What should you do when you get promoted to a management position?Nix Production Code TasksMeet with Your People (Give Feedback) One-on-one Meetings with Team MembersZero Surprises Evaluation PolicyEvaluation FormsGoals and IncentivesReviews for Self-ReflectionGet Your Own Feedback48:25 - How do you know you are doing a good job?Skip-Level ReviewsGrowth of your team and membersSigns of Loyalty51:06 - What if you don’t want to move into a management role?Picks The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz (Jessica) The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan (Jessi
239 RR Swiss Army Rubyknife with Peter Cooper at Ruby Remote Conf 2015
23/12/2015 Duração: 46minThis episode is from Peter Cooper’s talk at Ruby Remote Conf 2015. You can watch the full, unedited presentation, Swiss Army Rubyknife, on YouTube at your convenience. Check out All Remote Confs for next year’s remote conference lineup!Ruby Remote Conf will run from March 23rd-25th 2016. Buy a ticket or submit a CFP!JS Remote Conf is running from January 14th-16th 2016. Check out the speaker lineup!Freelance Remote Conf will run from February 24th-26th. We’ve already got a great list of confirmed speakers. Stay tuned for more details!We, the Ruby Rogues panelists (And, Mandy!), wish you a very happy holiday season.Special Guest: Peter Cooper. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
238 RR Refactoring
16/12/2015 Duração: 01h01minCheck out JS Remote Conf and submit a Ruby Remote Conf CFP! 02:26 - Refactoring (Definition) and Where People Fail03:55 - Tests and RefactoringHow do you decide when your codebase is untestable?10:59 - Managing Scope11:42 - Why We Refactor; The Value of RefactoringCoraline's Data-Driven Refactoring Talk17:13 - Refactoring Tools 20:40 - When Refactoring Gets Put Off; Establishing a Code Culture26:23 - Refactoring StrategiesExtract MethodExtract ClassIntroduce Explaining Variable37:38 - Performance Tradeoffs41:42 - Generative Testingapprovals 50:33 - Measurement53:08 - Examples and ResourcesMartin Fowler: Catalog of Refactorings Refactoring: Ruby Edition by Jay Fields Katrina Owen: Therapeutic Refactoring @ Cascadia Ruby Conf 2012Sam Livingston-Gray: Fluent Refactoring @ LoneStarRuby 2013Picks Longmire (Avdi) Clash of Clans (Chuck) Star Wars Commander (Chuck) Cleaning your office (Chuck) Hsing-Hui Hsu: Time flies like an arrow; Fruit flies like a banana: Parsers for Great Good @ RubyConf 2015 (Coraline) Betsy H
237 RR Rails + JavaScript + Functional Programming with Brad Urani
09/12/2015 Duração: 57minCheck out JS Remote Conf and All Remote Confs! 02:32 - Brad Urani IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogProcore04:01 - Immutable/Persistent Data Structures; AdvantagesChanging the Unchangeable: The Hows and Whys of Immutable Data Structures @ RubyConf 2015 hamster07:30 - Tools for Debugging08:23 - Why do Rubyists care about things like Elm?09:39 - Persistent Data Structure Use Cases; Functional Programming12:07 - Testability13:51 - Where does “functional play a role in a typical CRUD app? Active Record, The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)CallbacksObject-oriented Programming (OOP)“Nouns are objects; verbs are methods” - Corey Haines22:49 - Coworker Receptiveness of Ruby + JavaScript Style of ProgrammingCodebase Inconsistency?“Merit”26:41 - Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) vs Monolithic ApplicationsRemote Procedure Calls (RPC)Representational State Transfer (REST)30:21 - Monoliths as a Necessary Stage in the Development of a Mature ApplicationElixirThe Phoenix Frameworkecto33:23 - The Repository Pattern; Term
236 RR Neo4j with Brian Underwood
02/12/2015 Duração: 52min02:10 - Brian Underwood IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogNeo Technology02:55 - Neo4jNeo4j [GitHub]04:31 - Graph Databases vs Traditional Databases06:02 - Relations Have Directions06:58 - Modeling a Domain as a Graph; How it Workscypher13:25 - Built-in Query Processor15:04 - Neo4j.rb => ORM; OGMMongoid Influence18:06 - Declarative Schema 21:09 - The Ruby Client vs The Java Client25:48 - Use Cases35:53 - Who is using Neo4j?Ashley Sun Lending Club: Managing Microservices with Neo4j @ GraphConnect SF 2015 38:42 - Challenges as an Open Source Maintainer39:44 - Funding Neo4j41:00 - Working Abroad42:16 - Getting Started with Neo4jGetting Started with Neo4j and RubyNeo4j Neo4j [GitHub]Picks Elle Luna: The Crossroads of Should and Must (Jessica) Lynda Tutorials (Avdi) How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie (Avdi) Marked 2 (Coraline) Fund Club (Coraline) RubyTapas #334: Rspec Compound Matchers (Brian) Pyrosomes (Brian) Americapox: The Missing Plague (Brian)Special G
235 RR Processing Textual Data with Ruby with Rob Miller
25/11/2015 Duração: 53minCheck out JS Remote Conf! 02:07 - Rob Miller IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogBig Fish MarketingText Processing with Ruby: Extracting Value from the Data That Surrounds You with Rob Miller 03:11 - Why does text processing matter?07:32 - One-off Data Processing, Core CompetencyThe Perl Programming Language10:36 - Processing Less-structured, Unstructured Data12:45 - The Command Line Ruby's -e, -n and -p switchesAntipatternsClass: IO 29:15 - Abstractions and Refactoring35:12 - Munging: Tools and Practicestransproc 40:57 - Text Processing for Textual Visual ThingsConway's Game of Life42:57 - Parallelization 45:45 - Fanning DatajoinPicks Text Processing with Ruby: Extracting Value from the Data That Surrounds You with Rob Miller (Avdi) Data Is Plural by Jeremy Singer-Vine (Avdi) RubyConf 2015 Videos (Avdi) Papers We Love (Jessica) transproc (David) Does your data fit in RAM? (David) advisor (David) Swarm Simulator (Chuck) 15 Minute Podcast Listener chat with Charles Wood (Chuck) Toastmasters (Chuck) All Remote Confe
234 RR Beyond Code with Jerod Santo and Adam Stacoviak
18/11/2015 Duração: 54min02:28 - Jerod Santo IntroductionTwitterGitHub BlogObject Lateral, Inc. 02:44 - Adam Stacoviak IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog02:55 - The Changelog and Beyond Code (Background)5by5 Wynn NetherlandThe Changelog #172: GitUp, Git UX, and More with Pierre-Olivier LatourThe Changelog #145: 10+ Years of Rails with DHHThe Changelog #139: The Rise of io.js with Mikeal Rogers The Changelog #155: The Future of Node.js with Scott HammondJavaScript Jabber #147: io.js with Isaac Schlueter and Mikeal Rogers 13:50 - The Corporatization of Open Source16:00 - Sharing Stories of Fascinating People and Choosing ConferencesGophercon21:21 - Differences Between CommunitiesRon EvansRuby Rogues Episode #141: Teaching Kids with Ron Evans24:54 - Where are The Changelog and Beyond Code’s future plans?OSCONStrange Loop Questions:Who is your programming hero?If you had to relearn how to code all over again, what would you tell yourself?What’s the most exciting thing in software right now?31:57 - Interview Wishlist20 Years of Ruby with M
233 RR Onboarding New Employees
11/11/2015 Duração: 56min02:36 - Responsibility and CommunicationSlack“Ask Anything”12:10 - Onboarding Experience for Remote Employees15:55 - Measuring New Employee Metrics 17:41 - Onboarding Onto a Team vs Onboarding Onto a Project20:51 - What it Means to be a Senior Developer29:20 - First Impressions and Team Member Categories33:26 - How do you decide what you spend time learning?40:57 - Code ReadingThe Web Platform Podcast Picks Private Internet Access (Avdi) Darkest Dungeon (Avdi) imprint (Coraline) The surprising truth about which personality traits do and don't correlate with computer programming skills (Coraline) TALON Bluetooth Wireless Headphones (Jessica) The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall (Jessica) Reading to your kids (Chuck) LinkedIn (Chuck) RubyTapas (Chuck) Elixir Sips (Chuck) Avdi's Newsletter (Avdi) Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast: https:/
232 RR Teaching and How We Can All Do More to Teach Technical Topics to Others with Eric Normand
04/11/2015 Duração: 01h13min02:20 - Eric Normand IntroductionTwitter GitHubDemocracy WorksLispCastClojure GazettePurelyFunctional.tv03:31 - Old vs Young ProgrammersRobert C. Martin: My Lawn“Uncle Bob” Martin Speaks at Yale SOM 05:38 - Teaching FundamentalsKathy Sierra11:02 - Teaching Backgrounds12:13 - Why is so hard to be a good teacher?15:54 - Teacher Feedback19:46 - Asking Questions25:56 - Community Education28:20 - Order of Operation29:36 - Recognizing Students Understanding of FundamentalsNPR Planet Money: When Women Stopped Coding31:25 - Should there be prerequisites?34:30 - How to Assess Where People Are 35:43 - Teaching the Teacher39:10 - Bootcamps 45:52 - After BootcampsMentoring52:11 - Skill vs KnowledgeO'Reilly's Head First Series More From EricHow to avoid "Makes sense if you already understand it."Making True/False Questions EasyTap Into Your Social BrainUse Task Analysis to Break a Skill Into StepsPicks Inoreader (Avdi) Windows 10 (Avdi) Sandi Metz's Courses (Avdi) Avdi Grimm: I have a newsletter. You could subscribe,
231 RR GraphQL with Lee Byron
28/10/2015 Duração: 01h13minGo check out Rails Remote Conf! 02:30 - Lee Byron IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogFacebook02:46 - GraphQL[GitHub] graphql Relay 04:16 - GraphQL vs REST09:43 - EndpointsSecurity13:33 - How the Stack Worksgraphql-ruby 19:35 - GraphQL on the Front and Back EndsType CheckingContractsVersions36:14 - Calculating Tradeoffs43:38 - Structuring46:17 - Building the Ecosystem48:16 - Use with Other FrameworksJavaScript Jabber Episode #152: GraphQL and Relay with Nick Schrock and Joe Savona49:50 - GraphQL vs Falcor 52:20 - How would you have made GraphQL differently?54:06 - React Native 56:29 - REST => GraphQLElixirConf 57:36 - TypesPicks San Francisco (Jessica) Dolores Park (Jessica) Greg Heo: Outlining Your Conference Talk Pixar-style (Coraline) Walnut (Coraline) Tandy Leather (David) Ian Atkinson on YouTube (David) Bruce Cheaney on YouTube (David) Springfield Leather (David) Tandy Leather Outlet (David) The Ionic Framework (Chuck) (Chuck) Rails Remote Conf (Chuck) All Remote Confs (Chuck) JS Remote
230 RR Hiring Diversely with Sarah Mei
21/10/2015 Duração: 01h09minCheck out and get your ticket for Rails Remote Conf! 02:00 - Sarah Mei IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogDevmyndRailsBridge06:11 - Why It’s Hard to be “The First Person”BiasesMind the Gap - On the unconscious bias we all carry, and how it applies to hiringAvdi Grimm: What it’s like to come back to a Ruby project after 6 months 13:27 - Transmitting Cultural Values16:01 - What Companies Can DoDev Team Diversity #Realtalk - On the unprecedented opportunity we have right now to diversify our small teamsEveryone has something to learn; Everyone has something to teach (Mentoring)22:35 - What do you look for in a person as a hiring company?Rubberducking24:46 - Setting Expectations Around Pairing SessionsPairing with Junior Developers - On making sure newer devs can be successful once they're hired27:45 - Whisper NetworksTomas Chamorro-Premuzic: Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? 34:08 - Performance Review“How can we make you successful?”42:15 - “I will help you find a better fit.”Investment and Risk44:40 -
229 RR Adopting New Technology
14/10/2015 Duração: 01h44sWhen is it worthwhile to introduce a new language, tool, or database? And when will it likely bite you in the rearend?02:43 - Episode Idea BackgroundPolyConf@polyconfhq04:28 - Implementing Standards and ComparisonsMinimize Entry Level / Maximizing Payoff08:23 - “Dumb Code” and Developer Expectations10:48 - Code Coverage and Regular ExpressionsOnigurumaFizz BuzzRuby Rogues Episode #120: RR Book Club: Understanding Computation with Tom Stuart12:49 - Risk Impact/Probability Chart, Risk - Reward Matrix 24:01 - Collaboration, Communication => ConstraintResponsibility30:36 - Bringing It In: ProcessDatabasesDemille Quote38:48 - Why would you want to switch databases and when is it worth it?Eliminating a TechnologyPeter Seibel: Let a 1,000 flowers bloom. Then rip 999 of them out by the roots.Internal vs External MotivationRedis vs Memcache46:06 - Success CasesAbstractionPicks OS4W: Open Source for Women (Coraline) Contributor Covenant (Coraline) Camille Fournier: Hopelessness and Confidence in Distributed Systems