All ruby related podcasts from, including: - Ruby Rogues - My Ruby Story - Ruby Rants
RR 309 Ramping Up on Existing Projects
02/05/2017 Duração: 01h06minOn today's episode, Charles, David, Brian, and Jason discuss Ramping Up on Existing Projects. Are you engaged in new projects but challenged on how to handle people, processes, and problems you just encountered? Tune in to learn different strategies that will get you out of the maze! Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 308 Confident Software with Mikel Lindsaar
25/04/2017 Duração: 56minOn today's episode, Charles and Dave discuss Confident Software with Mikel Lindsaar. Mikel wrote the Mail Gem, which is what he is known for in the Ruby community and rewrote TMail back in 2010. In the same year, he founded Reinteractive, a development company which is focused Ruby on Rails around the world. Tune in to learn more about what he's up to and find out what the episode has in store for you!Special Guest: Mikel Lindsaar. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 306 TinyTDS, Databases, and SQL Server with Ken Collins
18/04/2017 Duração: 59minOn today's episode, Charles, David, Jason, and Brian discuss TinyTDS, Databases, and SQL Server with Ken Collins. Ken has been in the industry for more than eight years. He is particularly known for the SQL Server Adapter for Active Records and TinyTDS. He currently works for CustomInk, and runs the Ruby user group in Hampton. Tune in!Special Guest: Ken Collins. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 305 Rails 5.1.0
11/04/2017 Duração: 52minOn today's episode, Charles and David discuss about Rails 5.1.0. The new release is moving the community towards front-end JavaScript. Starting a Vanilla application has even become more convenient with Yarn and Webpack support. Tune in to this exciting talk to learn more! Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 304 The Rails 5 Way with Obie Fernandez
04/04/2017 Duração: 01h11minObie Fernandez is the author of The Rails Way series. He has been in the programming industry for almost 25 years. He helped cultivate software development with Jason Swett at Africa. Tune in to today's fascinating talk about The Rails 5 Way with Obie Fernandez! Special Guest: Obie Fernandez. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 303 SQL Server for Rubyists with Carlos Chacon
28/03/2017 Duração: 59minOn today's episode, Brian Hogan, David Kimura, and Charles Max Wood discuss SQL Server for Rubyists with Carlos Chacon. Carlos is an SQL server enthusiast, managing partner of SQL Data Partners, and co-host of The SQL Data Partners Podcast. Tune in to know more what he is currently up to and how his SQL knowledge would help Rubyists!Special Guest: Carlos Chacon. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 302 Web Security
21/03/2017 Duração: 50minOn today's episode, Brian Hogan, David Kimura, and Charles Max Wood discuss web security. Security demands attention. Developers can't risk having their projects exploited by hackers and other such attackers. Tune in to learn about the different types and issues in security. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 301 Writing for Developers
14/03/2017 Duração: 58minBrian Hogan has been writing and teaching about technology. He found that many of the great teachers taught from experience. Similarly, developers can help one another by writing a post or a book about a particular issue they've encountered and solved. Tune in to today's episode about writing for developers. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 300 Extravaganza
07/03/2017 Duração: 57minOn today’s episode, Charles Max Wood, David Kimura, and Brian Hogan discuss Extravaganza, sharing their history in Ruby Rogues. Brian and David have their own unique and exciting stories to tell. Tune in as they look back to their personal experiences and how far the show has gone since 2011. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 299 Software Intellectual Property and Forensics with Bob Zeidman
28/02/2017 Duração: 01h05minOn today’s episode, Charles Max Wood, David Kimura, Jason Swett, and Brian Hogan discuss Software Intellectual Property and Forensics with Bob Zeidman. Bob is the President of Zeidman Consulting, a company dedicated in assisting clients and lawyers during litigation. He is an expert on patents, trade secrets, and copyrights of hardware and software. Tune in and be informed about the legal issues in programming!Special Guest: Bob Zeidman. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 298 Scope Wars and Being New with Malinna Leach
21/02/2017 Duração: 02minOn today’s episode, Charles Max Wood, Jason Swett, Brian Hogan, and David Kimura discuss Scope Wars and Being New with Malinna Leach. Malinna is a Junior Full-Stack Web Developer who just graduated from Makers Academy. Tune in and learn more about Scope Wars and what inspired her to write the blog post.Special Guest: Malinna Leach. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 297 Scaling Web Applications
14/02/2017 Duração: 49minOn today’s episode, Charles Max Wood, Jason Swett, Brian Hogan, and David Kimura discuss Scaling Web Applications. Tune in and learn more as each of them share their own experiences in scaling Ruby applications! Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 296 The Future of Work in Web Development with Erik Dietrich
07/02/2017 Duração: 57minOn today’s episode, Jason Swett and David Kimura discuss The Future of Work in Web Development with Erik Dietrich. Erik is the founder of DaedTech LLC, programmer, architect, IT management consultant, blogger, and technologist. Tune in and listen as he talks about where he sees things are headed in web development.Special Guest: Erik Dietrich. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 295 The European Ruby Community with Devon C Estes
31/01/2017 Duração: 59minOn today’s episode, Charles Max Wood, Brian Hogan, and Jason Swett discuss The European Ruby Community with Devon C Estes. Devon is a Ruby and RAILS developer for Education Superhighway, a nonprofit in San Francisco which helps every public school classroom in America to upgrade their Internet access. He also does a lot of Elixir and open source stuff. Tune in as he shares more about the Ruby communities outside the US.Special Guest: Devon Estes. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 294 JSON Web Tokens, Authentication, and Authorization with David Kimura
24/01/2017 Duração: 49minOn today's episode, Charles Max Wood and Jerome Hardaway discuss JSON Web Tokens, Authentication, and Authorization with David Kimura. David has worked on Rubies as well as for Sage Software for about 7 years.Special Guest: Dave Kimura. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 293 Packaging Ruby with Nell Shamrell-Harrington
19/01/2017 Duração: 53minOn today’s episode, Charles Max Wood and Jerome Hardaway discuss Packaging Ruby with Nell Shamrell-Harrington. Nell is an expert Software Development Engineer at Chef Software. Tune in to learn how you can provide viable packaging solutions!Special Guest: Nell Shamrell-Harrington. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
292 RR Bootcamps
28/12/2016 Duração: 01h07min1:25 - Is a bootcamp the best way for someone to enter programming?7:25 - Learning social skills for working with development teamsHow To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale CarnegieThe 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen R. CoveyCorporate Confidential by Cynthia Shapiro9:25 - Getting a well-rounded education20:00 - Learning how to find a job and have a career27:20 - The responsibility of code schools on helping you find a job30:55 - Job searches for the programmer32:30 - Picking the right bootcamp35:50 - Placement as a junior dev - Finding the timeThe Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod52:40 - Deciding if bootcamp is right for youFree Code CampPicks: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Jason) How To Win Friends and Influence People (Jason) Corporate Confidential (Brian) Land the Tech Job You Love by Andy Lester (Brian) The Way of the Fight by George St. Pierre (Jerome) (Jerome) 10 Ways to Get Noticed by Potential Employers free email course (Charles) Devops Remote C
291 RR Building Ruby Gems with Brandon Hilkert
21/12/2016 Duração: 50min00:30 - Introducing Brandon Hilkert Build a Ruby Gem 25% off for Ruby Rogues’ listeners!TwitterGithubBlog/Website 3:55 - Building gems and the community 8:30 - Brandon’s process for creating gems (for beginners) 14:45 - Testing gems 17:00 - Writing the whole system into a gem vs breaking it up 26:15 - Why build Suckerpunch? Blog post 33:50 - What does it take to publish a gem? Ruby Gems 35:45 - “Gotchas” to publishing a gem 40:00 - Releasing gems that the community doesn’t need Picks: ThinkGeek (Jerome) Facebook Lookalike Audiences (Charles) Mastermind groups (Charles) Think and Grow Rich by Dr. Napoleon Hill (Charles) Bark app (Brandon) People socks (Brandon) The Food Lab by J. Kenji Lopez-Alt (Brandon)Special Guest: Brandon Hilkert. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
290 RR Deployment
14/12/2016 Duração: 46min00:45 - What deployments have we used?3:22 - Heroku 5:10 - Dev/prod parity10:30 - Deployment stories11:50 - Continuous deploymentCircleCISnapCI15:55 - Working with clients that are anti-testing and writing tests28:50 - Server setupDockerChef34:05 - Nginx and Passenger 39:35 - Handling caching issues and increasing server space44:25 - Methods for deploying46:30 - Team size and deploymentCapistrano49:40 - Monitoring toolsCode ClimateHoney BadgerZabbixNewRelicTrackJSJSJ 138 with Todd GardnerPicks: Dinosaur Odyssey by Scott Sampson (Jason) Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Carl Sagan (Jason) Rails Solutions: Ruby on Rails Made Easy by Justin Williams (Jerome) Take My Money: Accepting Payments on the Web by Noel Rappin (Brian) Deploying with JRuby by Joe Kutner (Brian)RR Episode 281 with Noel RappinRR 150 with Joe KutnerEcho Dot (Charles) The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (Brian) Getting Things Done by David Allen (Charles) Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-O
289 RR Head First Ruby and Treehouse with JayMcGavren
07/12/2016 Duração: 58min00:25 - Introducing Jay McGavrenHead First RubyGithub1:20 - Teaching style and joining Treehouse 4:35 - Head First Ruby’s ideal audience8:00 - Challenges with teaching11:30 - Writing Head First Ruby 12:50 - Doing researchEfficiency in Learning: Evidence-Based Guidelines to Manage Cognitive Load by Ruth Clark15:20 - Reader feedback16:05 - Hangups when learning Ruby20:45 - Searching for error messages23:20 - Early days of programming24:20 - Jay’s switch from Pearl to Ruby30:50 - Building a thorough education with Ruby39:05 - The rate of Ruby change48:30 - Different languages and coding standardsPicks: Effective Ruby: 48 Specific Ways to Write Better Ruby by Peter J. Jones (Jerome) The Ace Editor github (Jerome) Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr by Ron Chernow (Jason) Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury (Jason) Evans Mill (Charles) Selfie Sticks (Charles) Shiren the Wanderer video game (Jay) The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin (Jay)Special Guest: JayMcGavren. Advertising Inquiries: https://