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RR 328: Rails Security Beyond the Defaults with Matias Korhonen
19/09/2017 Duração: 53minTweet this EpisodeMatias Korhonen has been writing Rails apps professionally at Kisko Labs, a Rails-focused software consultancy in Finland, for almost a decade. In his spare time he works on too many side projects (including, a book price comparison site, and (an SSL certificate monitoring service). He also somehow manages to find time to homebrew beer.The Rogues talk to Matias about securing your Rails applications. Rails comes with a lot of security features built in, but you can still leave yourself open to exploitation if you're not careful. Most of these problems occur in the portion of the app your write as opposed to the parts of the app that Rails handles for you. We go over several tools and techniques for making sure your application, access, and data are all secure.In particular, we dive pretty deep on:Tools that you can use to scan for vulnerabilities or add more security checks to your applicationsAuthentication and authorization mistakesSecurely managing dataand much, much
RR 327: Hack Your Workday to Maximize Learning with Allison McMillan
12/09/2017 Duração: 58minTweet this EpisodeAllison is a developer in the Washington DC area. She is a non-profit executive turned developer. She helps organize the RubyConf and RailsConf Scholar Program. She organizes a local meetup call Silver Spring Ruby. She works at Collective Idea.The Rogues talk to Allison about being a mom in coding and work-life balance. They also talk about transitioning from non-profits to coding. This episode goes into depth on:Prioritizing your family and still having a great careerGoal setting, focus, and growthTeam collaborationContributing to open sourceand much, much more...Links:Delayed JobAllison's BlogBaby Driven Development talkRails GirlsRuby Dev SummitRSpecMinitestRailsCastsInteractor GemLeah Silber from Tilde tweetTilde article on Baby at WorkMother CodersRailsBridgeAllison on TwitterPicks:Eric:Gallup Strengths TestMetabaseAllison:Sticky Note Game by TableXIWriteSpeakCodeRuby JewelCrystal DISC AssessmentDaveRails GuidesSpecial Guest: Allison McMillan. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle
RR 326: Chatbots with Jamie Wright
05/09/2017 Duração: 43minIn this episode of the Ruby Rogues podcast Dave Kimura, Eric Berry, and Charles Max Wood discuss chatbots with Jamie Wright. Jamie will be speaking at Ruby Dev Summit in October.[01:25] Jamie Wright introductionJamie is a professional nerd and independent contractor. He's been coding for 20 years mostly in Ruby. He's starting to get into Elixir.One of his first projects was a text adventure game, which got him started with conversational UI's. He saw Hubot on Campfire. He started tweaking that.He made a timetracking bot that used Freshbooks and Harvest.Then Slack came out and he created Tatsu.[05:00] Tatsu featuresYou can schedule it and it'll ask automated questions.He's working on having it integrate with github, Harvest, Google Calendar, etc.If there's a blocker, you should be able to create private conversations with the people who are blocked and add that to the standup.When you sign up it adds a video link into your slack. Eric thinks this is pretty clever.In Slack, the default action people should take
RR 325: Date Night with Ruby with Ruberto Paulo
29/08/2017 Duração: 01h20minTweet this EpisodeRR 325 Date Night with Ruby with Ruberto PauloIn this episode, panelists Dave Kimura, Eric Berry, and Charles Max Wood discuss ongoing learning and keeping your passion for programming alive with Ruberto Paulo.[01:16] Ruberto Paulo introduction and discussion on the South African and worldwide Ruby sceneRubyist from Cape Town, South Africa. Works for a fintech company in Cape Town. He's an organizer of RubyFuza and Ruby DCamp in South Africa.The Ruby scene in South Africa is growing as is fintech. His company's platform was build by Platform45 and is now maintained by his employer.Developers are also finding work in the wider world from the Cape Town area.Is Cape Town a big Rails area? or is there a big focus on other frameworks? It's a mix, but mostly Rails.Most of the people who live in Kenya spend 1/3 of their income charging their phones. M-pesa is their alternative to banks because they can't afford to have bank accounts. Every business in Africa has to have some kind of technology tie-
RR 324: Developer Horror Stories
22/08/2017 Duração: 51minRR 324: Developer Horror StoriesThe panel for this episode of Ruby Rogues is Dave Kimura, Eric Berry, and Charles Max Well. They are telling developer horror stories this week. Tune in to listen to their stories![00:01:40] Eric’s Story Eric tells a story that happened today. He was working on a report on live data at work. While doing this, he sent texts to hundreds of people that shouldn’t be getting them. The moral of the story is that everyone makes mistakes, even seasoned developers.[00:02:58] How could that have been avoided? Eric has a fail-safe that has to override with an environment variable so that it won’t truncate the tables. Once that happens, no messages will be sent. He works at a company, which is a B to C texting platform that allows customer retention through mass, etc. He commented out stuff, not realizing that it would start sending messages. He needed live data to generate reports so he did not truncate the data. His advice is not to comment out code until you know why you are doing so.Da
RR 323: Queuing and Amazon SQS with Kinsey Ann Durham
15/08/2017 Duração: 11minRR 323: Queuing and Amazon SQS with Kinsey Ann DurhamThis episode of Ruby Rogues features panelists Charles Max Wood, Dave Kimura, and Eric Berry. Special guest Kinsey Ann Durham joins to talk about queuing and Amazon SQS. Tune in to learn more![00:01:19] Kinsey Ann DurhamKinsey writes code for a company called Go Spot Check. She is always a lead mentor in a San Francisco based company called Bloc.[00:02:50] Background on Amazon SQSGo Spot Check is using Amazon SQS on a smaller scale. Kinsey thinks it is sasy to use. She recommends using something like Amazon SQS or even RabbitMQ. It has provided the company with the ability to explore different architecture patterns and tools.[00:04:50] Can you talk a little about your company and what led to using Amazon SQS?Go Spot Check is a start up in Denver. They focus on recording and data collection for big companies that need to know what is happening in retail, grocery stores, and bars. The focus is on alcohol and retail brands. The company analyzes the data collec
RR 322 Finding a Great Job
08/08/2017 Duração: 01h10minRR 322: Finding a Great JobThis episode of Ruby Rogues the panel is Dave Kimura and Charles Max Wood. They discuss Finding a Good Developer Job. Tune in to learn more about this topic![00:02:08] Internal Clock With JobsDave believes that within the developer community, people have a one to two year internal clock. This clock tells them it is “time to find another job.” It confuses him that people go through jobs in a short amount of time. He explains that this is largely due to the on boarding time: it takes a while for developers to go through this process.Charles has switched jobs more frequently than Dave. He explains that his internal clock has been set of either by necessity or simply it being time to move. His reasons for switching jobs have been due to him not being happy and there being a substantial pay raise that he could not afford to turn down. He believes employers need to do more to keep people engaged because it is a loss to get somebody up to speed then have them leave.[00:08:30] Developers Wa
RR 321: Visual Studio Code Ruby Plugin with Penn Lv
01/08/2017 Duração: 57minRR 321: Visual Studio Code Ruby Plugin with Penn LvThis episode of Ruby Rogues features panelists Dave Kimura, Brian Hogan, and Charles Max Wood. Two special guests join the panel today: Eric Barry and Penn Lv. Tune in and learn more about Visual Studio Code’s Ruby Plug-in! [00:01:55] Introduction to Eric Barry Eric turned over Teach Me To Code to Charles, which helped build relationships for Charles that built the Ruby Rogues podcast. Eric is a software engineer who has been working in programming since 1998. He works for Skipio and has been a Ruby on Rails developer for nine years. [00:03:15] Introduction to Penn Lv Penn is a software engineer for Redim. He works on the Ruby extension for Visual Studio Code. This extension deals with enhanced Ruby language support. [4:00] What goes into building a language plug-in/language setup for VS code, what do you have to do in order to make that work in the electron set-up? Usually when you try to build an extension for VS code it is just a NodeJS application. It has
RR 320 Shrine and File Uploads with Janko Mahronic
25/07/2017 Duração: 43minRR 320: Shrine and File Uploads with Janko MahronicJerome Hardaway, Dave Kimura, and Charles Max Wood discuss Shrine with Janko Mahronic on this episode of Ruby Rogues. Janko is a Ruby developer. He is the creator of Shrine, which handles file uploads. Shrine tries to solve existing problems and gives many ways to upload files. It tries to accommodate and provide every option for whichever types of file you may be uploading. Tune in to find out more about Shrine!Questions [00:03:56] What does Shrine do that CarrierWave doesn’t do? One of the main reasons Shrine was created was to support background jobs. CarrierWave was missing support for background jobs. There is a CarrierWave extension for uploading in back-end but it doesn’t work reliably. It doesn’t delete files in the background and is missing the ability to have stable basic grounding capability. Shrine was created because of this reason. [00:06:06] Does Shrine have good support for Rails? Yes, you can hook up any backgrounding library. It has a design
RR 319 Machine Learning with Tyler Renelle
18/07/2017 Duração: 49minRR 319 Machine Learning with Tyler RenelleThis episode of the Ruby Rogues Panel features panelists Charles Max Wood and Dave Kimura. Tyler Renelle, who stops by to talk about machine learning, joins them as a guest. Tyler is the first guest to talk on Adventures in Angular, JavaScript Jabber, and Ruby Rogues. Tune in to find out more about Tyler and machine learning!What is machine learning?Machine learning is a different concept than programmers are used to.There are three phases in computing technology.First phase – building computers in the first place but it was hard coded onto the physical computing machinerySecond phase – programmable computers. Where you can reprogram your computer to do anything. This is the phase where programmers fall.Third phase – machine learning falls under this phase.Machine learning is where the computer programs itself to do something. You give the computer a measurement of how it’s doing based on data and it trains itself and learns how to do the task. It is beginning to get
RR 318 Metaprogramming with Jordan Hudgens
11/07/2017 Duração: 45minRR 318 Metaprogramming with Jordan HudgensToday's Ruby Rogues podcast features Metaprogramming with Jordan Hudgens. We have panelists Jerome Hardaway, Brian Hogan, Dave Kimura and Charles Max Wood. Tune in and learn more about metaprogramming![00:02:00] – Introduction to Jordan HudgensJordan is the Lead Instructor at Bottega. Bottega has locations in Salt Lake City, Utah and in Phoenix, Arizona. They’re a full-stack development code school.[00:02:55] – MetaprogrammingMetaprogramming was one of those scary concepts. At the code school, when the students learn about metaprogramming and how it works, you can tell that it’s definitely a pretty exciting thing. Its formal definition is it’s a code that writes code. It can dynamically, at run-time, render other methods available to the program.[00:04:10] – Use cases for metaprogrammingThe best use case that Jordan has ever seen is implemented in Rails and that’s code that can run database queries such as User.find_by_email. By passing the email, it will go and find
RR 317: Computer Science at University and the Future of Programming with Dave Thomas
04/07/2017 Duração: 54minRR 317: Computer Science at University and the Future of Programming with Dave ThomasCharles Max Wood interviews Dave Thomas about the Computer Science course he's teaching at Southern Methodist University, Elixir, and the future of programming. Dave is the author and co-author of several well known programming books including Programming Ruby (also known as the PickAxe Book), Programming Elixir, and the Pragmatic Programmer. This episode starts out discussing Dave's course and Computer Science education, then veers into Elixir and the future of programming. Tune in to hear where Dave thinks the programming industry is heading next. [00:02:30] Dave's Computer Science Course at SMU Dave's advanced computer science course covers topics like source control and testing. He's been wanting to get into formal Computer Science for a while, so when he pulled back on his work at the Pragmatic Bookshelf, he approached SMU about teaching a course. He selected Advanced Application Development since he could teach pretty
RR 316 Learning Rails 5 with Mark Locklear
27/06/2017 Duração: 01h11minRR 316 Learning Rails 5 with Mark LocklearOn today’s episode, we have Learning Rails 5 with Mark Locklear. Mark works for The discussion ranges from the introduction of Learning Rails 5 to the strategies that most successful students have for learning Rails. Stay tuned![00:01:30] – Introduction to Mark LocklearMark Locklear works for, a USDA-funded or government-funded organization. He serves the Cooperative Extension Service but a lot of people know about 4-H Youth Group. They got a handful of websites that they maintain that are mostly Ruby on Rails-based.He has been with for about 3 years. He is also a staff at a community college mostly doing Rails and IT things. He is also an adjunct instructor at the same community college. He was mostly doing quality assurance and testing work but moved into development work in the last 7-8 years.Questions for Mark Locklear[00:03:00] – You authored Learning Rails 5? It was an actually an update on an existing book – Learning R
RR 315 Offshoring and Latin American Developers with David Hemmat
20/06/2017 Duração: 49minOffshoring and Latin American Developers - David HemmatFor this episode of Ruby Rogues we have Jason Swett and Brian Hogan for our panel along with Charles Max Wood and a special guest, David Hemmat from David and the Blue Coding team work to connect developer talent to businesses in need through a thorough process of vetting as well as a database collection of potential developers. Check out this episode to learn more!How did you get started?1:34David talks about going to school in the Dominican Republic worked locally, but later found work with US companies. He also set up a friend with a US job and they realized that there may be a demand as someone to bridge the gap. Developers did not have the access or a way to reach opportunities aboard so he started Blue has clients in the US and Canada. They focus on Latin America due to having close timezones in relation to the majority of companies that would be looking for developers. Also, Blue Coding
RR 314 DynamoDB on Rails with Chandan Jhunjhunwal
13/06/2017 Duração: 46minRR 314 DynamoDB on Rails with Chandan JhunjhunwalToday's Ruby Rogues podcast features DynamoDB on Rails with Chandan Jhunjhunwal. DynamoDB is a NoSQL database that helps your team solve managing infrastructure issues like setup, costing and maintenance. Take some time to listen and know more about DynamoDB![00:02:18] – Introduction to Chandan JhunjhunwalChanchan Jhunjhunwal is an owner of Faodail Technology, which is currently helping many startups for their web and mobile applications. They started from IBM, designing and building scalable mobile and web applications. He mainly worked on C++ and DB2 and later on, worked primarily on Ruby on Rails.Questions for Chandan[00:04:05] – Introduction to DynamoDB on RailsI would say that majority of developers work in PostgreSQL, MySQL or other relational database. On the other hand, Ruby on Rails is picked up by many startup or founder for actually implementing their ideas and bringing them to scalable products. I would say that more than 80% of developers are mostl
RR 313 Do I need a Front - End Framework?
07/06/2017 Duração: 01h09minHow to Handle WTF'sToday's Ruby Rogues podcast features How to Handle WTF's. David, Brian, Jerome and Charles discuss front end frameworks. Tune in to learn more about when to use rails, and other frameworks!How do you choose your Framework?How do you want the app to behave, would be a good question to ask before you choose your framework. When you're mocking something up, it's paramount to think of the end product.Who are you doing choosing your Framework for? Are you using it for you, for your peers, for your business? Tune in to hear what our panelists think!Hey, this is cool. I want to share it.A great way to communicate with folks in the community, is to not force newer technology on each other, but share it. Encouraging stretching of skills is great, but trying to force yourself or someone else to use a Framework may not be the way to go. The panelists discuss their experiences in the community, and how different attitudes have affected members using different technologies.CollaborateAsk around! Need he
RR 312 How to Handle WTF's
30/05/2017 Duração: 08minHow to Handle WTFsOn today’s episode of Ruby Rogues we are chatting about WTFs. On our panel we’ve got Dave Carmona, Brian Hogan and I’m Charles Max Wood. We talk a bit about some of the recent WTFs we’ve encountered and some of our tricks for handling it, including talking to a Rubber Duck. It’s a fun episode so check it out!WTF’s in Two FlavorsCharles starts out the episode inquiring to the panel about two different kinds of WTFs. The whats and the whys. WTFs that happen and developers don’t understand what the WTF is, and then on the other hand WTFs that happen and the developer doesn’t know why it’s happening.Unreadable Perl and the Rubber DuckDavid talks a bit about how hard it is sometimes to read and understand what is happening with Perl code, even if you wrote it yourself. Sometimes debugging Perl codes many years later, running into syntax errors end up being a ‘Why’ WTF. He introduces a method to use for ‘Why’ WTFs that he calls the ‘Rubber Ducky Debugging’ method. The ‘Rubber Ducky Debugging Metho
RR 311 Data Corruption in Rails with Peter Bhat Harkins
23/05/2017 Duração: 57minToday's Ruby Rogues podcast features Data Corruption in Rails with Peter Bhat Harkins. Peter started in rails since the time version 1.0 was released. He spent 5 years consulting full time, and now runs a consultancy for SAAS companies at months ago, he spoke at the Rails Remote Conf about Data Corruption in Rails. The issue comes up when a .valid call returns false. It happened twice on his end. Tune in to learn about it, and understand how you can provide an effective solution!Special Guest: Peter Bhat Harkins. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 307 MOOCs with Sam Joseph
16/05/2017 Duração: 54minToday's Ruby Rogues podcast features MOOCs with Sam Joseph. Sam is the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the CoFounder of AgileVentures. They gather people from around the world to form small agile development teams for nonprofits and charities. He has been programming for a couple of years already. Tune in and learn about the massive open online course they're having!Special Guest: Sam Joseph. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:
RR 310 Phusion Passenger with Hongli Lai
09/05/2017 Duração: 51minToday's Ruby Rogues podcast features Phusion Passenger with Hongli Lai. Phusion Passenger is an intuitive web app server that a lot of developers enjoy. Hongli co-founded the company in 2008. Take some time to listen and learn more about it!Special Guest: Hongli Lai . Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast: