The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald
TSE 1237: 10 High Performance Habits That Lead To Success
13/01/2020 Duração: 39min10 High-Performance Habits That Lead To Success An article entitled 10 High-Performance Habits that Lead to Success by Justin Su’a is noteworthy. This isn’t a normal article. It talks about 10 specific principles that, if practiced carefully, will help increase one’s performance and mental toughness. Justin Su’a is a former competitive baseball player and despite not having the physical prowess and physical ability like some other players, he was still able to gain success. His family trained him to face any adversity with a positive mindset. Their team also had a sports psychologist who spoke to the players about tools and strategies that were taught to Olympians. The principles taught by the sports psychologist resonated with Justin and ignited a desire for him to follow the same career path. These principles not only work for sports but can be applied by people of all walks to every aspect of life. Here are the 10 high-performance habits that lead to success: Win the morning Do hard things Embra
TSE 1236: The Next Wave: Customer-Facing Solutions
10/01/2020 Duração: 27minThe Next Wave: Customer-Facing Solutions With the new year, we are all looking towards the next wave in customer-facing solutions available for us. This is important as it helps improve our business and sales strategies. Nicolas Venderberghe is a CEO and entrepreneur. Nicolas is originally from France but has now lived in the U.S. for a good part of his career. He’s been working for tech companies, working at Chilli Piper since 2016. The company’s biggest vision is to improve sales and completely transform the industry by using digital tools. Big companies like SalesForce specialize in back end algorithms and can miss the opportunities on the front end. This is where Nicolas’ company helps its clients thrive. Salespeople used to be technophobes and hated the idea of using technology in their sales process. As new technologies have become available, salespeople now adapt to a variety of tools and have become savvier. Next wave in customer-facing solutions The sales industry tends to move in waves. First,
TSE 1235: Best Sellers In History Series 3 -"Mother Teresa"
08/01/2020 Duração: 38minDisclaimer: This episode is in no way trying to influence listeners on their religious beliefs. Best Sellers In History Series 3 -"Mother Teresa" The Best Sellers in History series is focused on people who were influential in helping others recognize what was best for their future and motivated them to take action.The first episode focused on the impact of Jesus Christ and the second episode was about the persuasiveness of Abraham Lincoln. In this episode, the spotlight is on Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa wasn’t viewed as a sales rep but she shared a vision and a cause with everyone she spoke to. Her ability to influence and lead others gained such momentum that her impact reaches well beyond her lifetime and the borders of India where she served. The Missionaries of Charity, established by Mother Teresa in 1950 began as a small order of 12 nuns and has now grown to more than 4,500 nuns who are actively working in over 600 missions across 133 countries. Through her efforts, Mother Teresa went on to rece
TSE 1234: How To Grow Sales With Local Networking Events
06/01/2020 Duração: 41minHow To Grow Sales With Local Networking Events All salespeople have tried to grow sales with local networking events. Many organizations utilize these events to bring awareness and drive sales. It’s a strategy that truly works. Sam Edwards is Chief Marketing Officer of It’s a content marketing and link building agency based in Seattle. He’s been in the digital and marketing space for the past 10 years and now he’s focused on hosting marketing events to get more clients on the sales side. Sam has experience working with TEDx talk and has written for Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, and other large publications. Through this work he’s developed his teaching side and helps local communities build their own stories and plans. Sam has a meet-up group with approximately 400 members. Another he’s affiliated with has over 300 and a third has close to a thousand members. Sam’s group has an average attendance of about 50 - 100. They have an upcoming event this February 5th that’s slated for over 120 people. Typic
TSE 1233: How To Plan And Set Goals You Can Achieve In 2020
03/01/2020 Duração: 35minHow To Plan And Set Goals You Can Achieve In 2020 With the new year comes new goals and resolutions. This episode’s guest offers new ways and suggestions to help you plan and set goals you can achieve in 2020. Many salespeople don’t realize that sales is easy if you follow a basic formula. Typically, however, sales reps have a habit of following the bouncing ball their prospects are throwing despite the many times it can lead to a dead end. Dave Mattson started out as a client at (David) Sandler Training and he’s been with the company for 30 years. He worked his way up the organization and became a partner in 1994. He had an opportunity to work with Dave for six years before David passed away in 1995. Dave purchased the company in 2012 and is currently the Brand Manager and CEO. They have 265 training centers globally and just last year, they trained 31,000 people and streamed their training to 19,000 people. This streamed training is becoming the way of the world, especially with the technology that is cur
TSE 1232: Best Sellers In History Series 2 - "Abraham Lincoln"
01/01/2020 Duração: 27minBest Sellers In History Series 2 - "Abraham Lincoln" This is the second episode from the Best Sellers in History series. This series talks about some of the most successful people and sellers in history. We’ll talk about who they are and what made them so successful. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of America and led the nation during some of the most turbulent times in American history, such as the Civil War. It was the bloodiest war and the greatest constitutional and political crisis faced by the U.S. at that time. President Lincoln persevered and was able to abolish slavery, strengthen the federal government and modernized the U.S. economy. Despite humble beginnings, Abraham Lincoln became one of the greatest statesmen leaders in our nation’s history. Sales Spotlight - Abraham Lincoln A half-hour long episode isn’t enough time to discuss what made Abraham Lincoln persuasive and successful in his career. However, we can highlight The Gettysburg Address to illustrate how Presi
TSE 1231: How To Generate More Initial Appointments By Utilizing A Co-Content Building Strategy
30/12/2019 Duração: 32minHow To Generate More Initial Appointments By Utilizing A Co-Content Building Strategy Salespeople are always looking for new ways to generate more initial appointments. How do you do that? There are many strategies. In this episode, Donald and Carman Pirie talk about utilizing strategies that include co-creating and content-building. Carman Pirie is the co-owner of Kula Partners. It’s a manufacturing marketing agency that helps manufacturers transform their marketing and sales apparatus by making it more digital in nature. He is also a co-host of the podcast called The Kula Ring, a podcast that focuses on manufacturing marketers and telling their stories. The challenge in sales prospecting Prospecting is a huge part of the sales process. Carman personally does prospecting every single day and he coaches many salespeople on how to do it right. It can be difficult to pick up the phone and start a conversation with people. Many sales leaders and managers have not explored other options outside of traditional
TSE 1230: How To Ensure Your Sales Teams Actually Have Time To Sell
27/12/2019 Duração: 30minHow To Ensure Your Sales Teams Actually Have Time To Sell All organizations, no matter what size, need to know how to ensure your sales teams actually have time to sell. Resa Gooding is a partner in an Hubspot certified agency and they mostly help companies, especially startups, in Israel. As one of the top three agencies in Israel, they primarily work with startups and other traditional companies such as agriculture and manufacturing. They are helping them understand the value of CRM and how to effectively apply it to their companies. Challenges salespeople face The most common problem in the sales force is the lack of training given to the sales team. This lack of experience causes inefficiency as the companies throw their sales reps in deep waters and expect them to swim. Many companies are so focused on the technology or the product they’re producing, they don’t spend adequate time sharing the value and benefits of their product with the sales force. An untrained team ends up spending more time on
TSE 1229: Best Sellers In History Series 1 - "Jesus Christ"
25/12/2019 Duração: 40minBest Sellers In History Series 1 - "Jesus Christ" Disclaimer: This episode isn’t a podcast to convince listeners to become Christians. This episode simply highlights how Jesus Christ persuaded people, an important trait in sales. There are so many individuals who have been great persuaders throughout history. This new series, The Best Sellers in History, will be a game-changer for salespeople of today. The best persuaders in history were people who could prompt others to take action and move toward a better way of life. Great salespeople who know they are guides for prospects and clients make great B2B sales reps. With the exception of social media, the way communication works in sales today is historically similar. This eight-episode series will begin with Jesus Christ, whose existence has been proven by history. In the sales spotlight - Jesus Christ It’s the perfect time of year to put Jesus Christ in the spotlight. Today is Christmas, a day where people celebrate Jesus’ birth. In his time, he was ref
TSE 1228: Why Your Contracts Are Not Working and How To Fix Them!
23/12/2019 Duração: 29minWhy Your Contracts Are Not Working and How To Fix Them! Ever ask yourself why your contracts are not working and wondered how to fix them? Jason Kren is the man with the answer to that frequently asked question. Sales people want nothing more than to see their contracts and deals turn into a close. Unfortunately, there are times when the inefficiency of getting contracts signed can delay income or prevent a closing all together. How can you make this process more streamlined so this doesn’t occur? Jason Kren’s company PactSafe could be the solution you’re looking for. PactSafe is a company that was built from the ground up. They manage clickwrap contract acceptance at scale. This means they have the ability to manage millions of clickwrap contracts at a super high velocity. An example of this type of contract is illustrated by Disney+. The company recently launched its video streaming service and opened with 10 million subscribers in the first 24 hours of launch. At the end of the sign-up process is a
TSE 1227: Things To Look For When Hiring Successful Sellers
20/12/2019 Duração: 34minThings To Look For When Hiring Successful Sellers Hiring is part of the sales process but businesses know there are things to look for when hiring successful sellers. Getting the right people to join your sales team is one of the most effective ways to boost your sales revenue. Brian Keels is a businessman living the life of a busy entrepreneur. In addition to being a happy husband and father, he is also working for a very large enterprise software company. There, he takes on different sales and leadership roles from regional to global levels. He’s done businesses in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Recently, he’s been doing enterprise sales in Barcelona, Spain by day as well as building his own investing business in the U.S. Things to look for when hiring successful sellers Sales leaders are always looking to hire successful sellers to help increase their revenue. The model in which a business is working is an important consideration when hiring new people. Business models vary. While some are con
TSE 1226: The Accidental Seller Recap - "Three Things I Learned"
18/12/2019 Duração: 14minThe Accidental Seller Recap - "Three Things I Learned" For the past 8 weeks, we have been interviewing several successful “accidental sellers” and sharing their stories. We have come to know how they started in sales when it wasn’t their intention to ever be in sales, and what they did to become successful. The last episode aired last week when Donald interviewed a very special person in his life, his own mother, who Donald credits in shaping him to be the man he is today. As he wraps up the series, Donald wanted to share his three main takeaways. The Accidental Seller Series Recap This series has been well-received by listeners because they’re hearing their own stories in these interviews. Each story has been relatable and speaks to the struggles and successes that many experiences in the sales industry. The guests were very open about their challenges and feeling like a failure as being part of their journey. These are stories everyone relates to. From these struggles, a success story was born, an
TSE 1225: Stop Hiring From Your "Gut" - Putting a Formal Hiring Process In Place That Works
16/12/2019 Duração: 36minStop Hiring From Your "Gut" - Putting a Formal Hiring Process In Place That Works The hiring process can be a challenge for many. There’s the temptation of hiring people from the gut when in fact, there needs to be a formal hiring process in place that works for every company regardless of its size. Kristie Jones works with early-stage startups and helps these companies do three things - process, strategies, and people. She has been in the staff leadership industry for 20 years and as part of her consulting services, she offers companies the strategies for hiring the right people. Kristie now manages her own company, the Sales Acceleration Group, and has helped funded and non-funded startups in the Midwest for the last four years. Her services are focused on the strategies that companies can use to hire the right people. Hiring from the gut Hiring from the gut is basically hiring based on first impressions. In the sales world, it’s very much like sending a contract to your prospect without doing a discove
TSE 1224: How To Craft A Rock Solid Sales Pitch To Potential Investors
13/12/2019 Duração: 32minHow To Craft A Rock Solid Sales Pitch To Potential Investors A sales pitch is part of the selling process but not all salespeople know how to craft a rock-solid sales pitch to potential investors. First, everyone is a salesperson. Regardless of what you do, everyone sells to someone. Brian Harrington started in the infomercial business. He worked for his father who was one of the principal pioneers of the infomercial industry. His experience taught him the craft of selling products on TV. In those early years, Brian saw how easy it was to sell through television advertising but he eventually saw how investments could be lost as fast as money was made. They made some changes and instead of sticking exclusively with Infomercials, they followed customers to where they were making their purchases. That decision led them to the digital world and social media. Brian and his team started to sell products through Google and other online opportunities such as Facebook. Since then, they’ve branched out to severa
TSE 1223: The Accidental Seller Series 8 - "Norma Bell"
11/12/2019 Duração: 31minThe Accidental Seller Series 8 - "Norma Bell" This is the last episode for the Accidental Seller Series. Because it’s the last, it needed a very special guest, Norma Davis Bell, Donald, The Sales Evangelist’s mom. Norma Bell wanted to become a policewoman growing up because of the idea of protecting and helping people. As she grew older, however, her path took her in another direction. After Norma decided she wasn’t going to train to be a policewoman, she discovered she had the skill to make dresses. Norma’s older sister, Ivy, wanted to support her and connected her with a friend with the idea that Norma could be her apprentice. As it turned out, however, the friend wanted an assistant more than she wanted to teach so the opportunity was short-lived. Ivy, who owned a small store and bar at the time, new Norma was great with people and invited her to work with her. Ivy had a great head for business, was able to network well, could make things happen and managed the administrative details of their work. Wh
TSE 1222: How Can My Personal Brand Set Me Apart From My Competition 2020?
09/12/2019 Duração: 33minHow Can My Personal Brand Set Me Apart From My Competition 2020? The year is almost over. As a salesperson, how can you set your personal brand apart from your competition in 2020? Veronica Romney is solely focused on educating and facilitating individuals in their marketing and branding efforts. Veronica and her team are helping clients to stand out from their competition. They make it their goal to ensure you position yourself correctly so you can jump into the narrative and story that your prospective customer has as opposed to trying to force the customer into yours. You Don’t have to Be the Best of the Best Many businesses and sales reps are under the assumption that in order to distinguish their personal brand, they have to be the best of the best. The prevailing thought is that the only way to be seen as special is to look bigger and be better than everyone else in the same industry. This mindset can be exhausting for both business owners and sales professionals and can lead to burnout as they fi
TSE 1221: How To Create A LinkedIn Profiles That Consistent Bring New Business In Your Pipeline
06/12/2019 Duração: 32minHow To Create A LinkedIn Profile That Consistently Brings New Business To Your Pipeline Many salespeople create a LinkedIn profile to bring in new business but are they creating a profile that is attractive to a potential buyer? Felipe Lodi is a returning guest and he’s back to teach salespeople how they can create a LinkedIn profile to bring in new business. Felipe is based in Ireland and he is helping other expatriates like himself to establish themselves in Europe. By teaching them the social skills needed and building their LinkedIn accounts, he’s helping them market their abilities and attract opportunities. He launched his book, Advanced LinkedIn, last year based on hundreds of workshops he’s done within the public and private sectors throughout Ireland. Common Mistakes Salespeople Make on LinkedIn There are many common mistakes made on LinkedIn. Once you know what they are, they can be avoided. The most common mistake is the failure to use headlines creatively. The headline is 120 characters long
TSE 1220: The Accidental Seller Series 7 - "Debby Montgomery Johnson"
04/12/2019 Duração: 28minThe Accidental Seller Series 7 - "Debby Montgomery Johnson" Here’s another episode from the Accidental Seller Series where we interview successful salespeople who didn’t start their careers with the intention of going into sales. Debby Montgomery Johnson is the president of Most of Debby’s family members are in the medical field and growing up, she wanted to be an anesthesiologist. It was during middle school when she worked at a hospital, she thought being an anesthesiologist was cool. When she got into high school, she discovered medicine wasn’t for her. Her interest was in languages so she studied French, Spanish, and a little bit of German. Once in college, she majored in Political Science and got her bachelor’s degree. Debby had planned to go on to law school but after she got out of college, she enrolled in paralegal school and worked for a firm specializing in corporate and family law after graduation. Unfortunately, she was let go from that job. Getting into sales Being releas
TSE 1219: 5 Counter intuitive Mistakes Preventing You From Closing Revenue
02/12/2019 Duração: 38min5 Counterintuitive Mistakes Preventing You From Closing Revenue There are times salespeople don’t make the best decisions that lead to closing deals. These mistakes can cause a loss in revenue. Let’s take a look at the 5 counter intuitive mistakes preventing you from closing revenue. Devin Reed is a content strategy manager at Gong. He handles all the content marketing strategy courses and is responsible for presentations. He also goes to roadshows, such as Sales Live Miami. At this roadshow, Devin talked about 5 Counterintuitive Mistakes Preventing You From Closing Revenue. It’s about the five things salespeople think are good practices, and are trained to believe are good habits when in fact, they’re the opposite. These five mistakes hurt their deals and sales conversations. What Devin is sharing is backed up by data. Devin works for a company that has millions of sales conversations. They’ve analyzed these conversations to see patterns that help them get an idea of the things salespeople talk about
TSE 1218: How To Write A Cold Email Your Prospect Will Open And Reply To
29/11/2019 Duração: 35minHow To Write A Cold Email Your Prospect Will Open And Reply To The cold email has been part of the sales process for a very long time but how do you actually write a cold email that your prospect will open and reply to? Anton van Rhyn is the CEO and founder of the company Wavo, a cold email platform that helps salespeople automate email outreach and follow-up. He also built Huron, a company for outbound prospecting and service. Anton has used both his software development experience and sales development experience to fine-tune the email automation platform. A cold email automation platform Anton built a cold email automation platform in order to assist sales representatives to relieve them of these more mundane tasks. The platform creates a sequence for the machine to follow. It can reach out to prospects and follow up in a way that looks like human effort. The tool is very efficient in that it focuses on making initial contacts while it frees up sales reps to focus on their demos and talking to peopl