The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald
Sales Objections 101 | Donald Kelly - 1422
19/03/2021 Duração: 12minSales isn’t sales without objections. As a sales rep, how will you overcome objections? In this episode, Donald Kelly talks about the basics of sales objections. The basics in sales objections An objection is defined as an expression or feeling of disapproval, an opposition or reason of disagreeing. From the buyer's perspective, objections are when the buyer has disapproval or maybe they don’t agree with something. Common disapproval in sales training is when the potential clients say that they don’t believe that the training can help their team. There’s truth in that objection but sometimes, the reason may just be because you have interjected yourself into the buyer’s situation or they may be uncomfortable with the situation moving forward. One of the things that most people don’t like about salespeople is that they can come off as being pushy sometimes. When we’re being pushy, the buyers or prospects won’t be in a state where they’d be ready to listen and be interested in the products or services off
If 2020 Left You Feeling Defeated, Do the Work to Overcome It | Chris Williams - 1421
17/03/2021 Duração: 20minFor many, 2020 has not been a good year. If 2020 left you feeling defeated then do the work to overcome it. In this episode, Chris Williams talks about how you can do that. Moving forward in 2021 2020 was hard for everybody regardless of social status. It was a hard heart and mind-bending process. For Chris, there are three things that matter: You need to be yourself. In this time when money and the market are getting pushed, it’s difficult for people to figure out who you are. Eventually, you start to become someone else. You start to see other people on social media and you aim to become more like that person. You need to stop that and anchor down to who you are and what your core values are. Whatever your metrics are, whatever your numbers are, it’s not about the money. It’s about what you know that you’re good at and being able to anchor to that. A good handle on that will give you assurance and confidence. Have an actionable plan. You need to put up an actionable plan that leans on your strength
The Best Sellers In History Series – “Oprah Winfrey”| Donald Kelly - 1420
15/03/2021 Duração: 40minWhat does being one of the best sellers in history entail? In today’s episode, Donald Kelly focuses on Oprah Winfrey as one of the world’s best sellers in history. Getting to Know Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29th, 1954 and her parents are Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey. She had her first speaking gig in front of the congregation at church, where she spoke about Jesus and how he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. It was the beginning of her knowledge that this was something she could do. Oprah began writing and selling her speeches when she was 12. At one point, she earned $500 from selling her speeches. Structure and Expectation Oprah’s father gave her structure and expectation that allowed her to excel. She got a scholarship to Tennessee State University and was invited to the White House as well. Oprah’s success stems from five elements: She is relatable and she knows how to build relationships Her creativity and willingness helped her act even in difficult circumstances She’
Leveling the Playing Field for Women in Sales | Lorraine Ferguson - 1419
12/03/2021 Duração: 36minSome people perceive that there is a power struggle between the men and women in the sales industry. In this episode, Lorraine Ferguson talks about leveling the playing field for women in sales. Getting to know Lorraine Ferguson Lorraine Ferguson started her career in sales back in the 80s with a startup technology company. She never thought that she’d see herself in sales. Back then, there were still no women in sales. She was young and inexperienced then. So, she followed what the other salesmen did. As a woman in a male-dominated career, she often felt intimidated by the men she met. She felt like she wasn’t taken seriously and there were times when she was only asked to take notes or to go and bring the boss. As a young girl, she was taught that being good meant accommodating others and knowing her place. She didn’t realize that the principle stayed with her. She found herself buying into the buyer system. Women not Glamorizing Sales There is a negative stigma in sales. Many women don’t see sales
How Women Can Thrive in the Male-Dominated Sales Industry| Cherilynn Castleman - 1418
10/03/2021 Duração: 30minWomen are strong willed individuals who can thrive in the male-dominated sales industry. Today’s guest will help us understand how women can thrive in the male-dominated sales industry. Thriving in the male-dominated industry Cherilynn Castleman released a book entitled, What’s in the C.A.R.D.S: Five Post-Pandemic Sales Strategies. She’s been in sales for over 25 years and was able to experience the global financial crisis in 2008 first-hand. When she first started selling, salespeople used to spend 20% of their time building relationships and 80% on sales. This book talks about doing the opposite. 80% of the time should be spent building relationships while the other 20% should be focused on sales. The book is about how to connect and build relationships with other people. It’s about collaborating with clients and becoming more emphatic. The Perfect Time to be a Woman Harvard Business Review released a study in May 2020 that women outsell men after a crisis. Women, by nature, are emphatic, collabora
Why Are Women Sellers Paid Less Than Their Male Counterparts?| Jaunai Walker - 1417
08/03/2021 Duração: 19minIt’s a common problem among workers in many industries. The question remains, why are women sellers paid less than their male counterparts? Let’s talk about this subject in today’s episode. Being in a woman in sales Jaunai Walker has been in the sales field for almost 20 years. It was her first job after she finished grad school. By 2007, an opportunity opened up and she landed a role in medical sales. Women being paid less isn’t only because of other factors but also because of ourselves. Jaunai suggests that it’s critical to learn to look at ourselves as women and see what we put out there. For most women, the stigma about what salespeople are remains in the back of their heads. Another factor is that at the interview part, women sell and promote themselves less than men do. Women don’t want to be seen as boastful, so they present themselves as heart-centered as they often do themselves a disservice. Women are seen as less confident compared to their male counterparts and because of that, they are o
How Imposter Syndrome Affects Women in Sales | Melissa Oakes - 1416
05/03/2021 Duração: 20minImposter syndrome is common among salespeople, and it chooses no gender. In this episode, however, let’s learn how imposter syndrome affects women in sales. Melissa Oakes truly believes that she changes people’s lives. Although many don’t share the same thought, being able to bring people back to a time in their lives where they were happiest is a huge accomplishment. In the Hair Club, her team gets to help people feel good about themselves every day. It’s not just about the hair; it’s about what people can do for themselves to make their lives better. From having a better hair day to having a better life. Starting Hair Club It started out as a Hair Club for Men where almost all the salespeople were men. Melissa was one of the first female consultants. She also shared the negative stigma of salespeople then. Personally, she didn’t want to become a salesperson due to that stigma. When she did get into sales, into a male-oriented industry, she felt like she always had to overcompensate. She felt like she ne
Why We Need More Women in Sales | Tiffani Bova - 1415
03/03/2021 Duração: 22minSales is a huge industry and it’s big enough for both men and women. However, the number shows that there are few women in this career. In this episode, we will talk about the reasons why we need more women in sales. Women in Sales Women are the best in sales. There are very few women in sales then and the number hasn’t improved much over the years. As a woman or a salesperson in general, you need to think of what you’re selling and how your buyers are. There are many categories where women are the primary decision-maker and buyers. Companies should see the need to have a salesforce to represent who the buyers are and 50% of the buyers are women. This is especially true for categories where products are more female-oriented. Having more women in sales also promotes diversity of thoughts, thinking styles, and perspectives. For the last 25 years, there have been more women in sales. There are also industries where women are the dominant sellers. In most times, it’s up to the manager if they give women
How Women Leaders Have Impacted My Sales Career | Donald Kelly - 1414
01/03/2021 Duração: 14minWorking in the sales space, Donald Kelly has met a lot of people who impacted his journey one way or another. In this episode, he talks about how women leaders have impacted his sales career. Women in Donald’s life who made an impact Throughout Donald’s career, he has met several women sales leaders who guided him and helped him persevere. While he was doing the Accidental Seller Series in 2019, one of his first guests was his mom. While she didn’t have experience in a traditional sales role, she ran her own shop in Jamaica and that taught her valuable sales skills. Donald’s mom was a dedicated person and today, she still has that passion and drive. This mental attitude taught Donald to work hard and take advantage of the tough times. It also taught him not to give up too easily. Donald’s Aunt Ivy also helped him. She raised him for a while when his Mom came to the United States. He saw how hardworking and creative she was. She bought things in America and sold them back in Jamaica with a margin. She was
Discovery: How to Effectively Handle Objections During Discovery | Brandon Bornancin - 1413
26/02/2021 Duração: 22minSalespeople know that objections are a big part of sales. In this episode, Brandon Bornancin talks about how to effectively handle objections during discovery. Objections in the discovery phase There are two things you need to become a millionaire: one, a massive list of everyone you need to sell to, and two: the ability to master and anticipate sales objections. Brandon became obsessed with sales objections and sales objection scripts. People don’t talk much about it because they’re somehow showing their weakness. Some salespeople believe that they shouldn’t overcome objections. Salespeople shouldn’t battle it out with prospects. The truth is if you have a product that would help the clients’ lives for the better, you need to learn to overcome their objections. Overcoming objections is very much like playing a Super Bowl championship game: you need to be prepared. You need to have all the plays, the strategies to address their objections, and you need to learn most of the possible situations. Overcom
Discovery: How Important are Leave-Behinds After Remote Discovery Meetings? | David Keesee - 1412
24/02/2021 Duração: 24minWe are still in the discovery stage and in this episode, let’s talk about the importance of leave-behinds after remote discovery meetings. Join Donald and David Keesee as they discuss more about leave-behinds. The beliefs in Sales Salespeople don’t come from a place of selling. Rather, we come from a place of serving. The leave-behind frames the clients so that they would feel like they are being served, they have a good understanding, and that there is clarity and simplicity to your offer. The frame is a context. It’s a way of looking at something. In whatever conversation you’re having, it’s always important to set a frame. In sales, you need to set a frame in a way that clients see a positive context on things so that it becomes easier for them to say yes. The use of questions is critical in sales. The way you ask questions builds up authority and credibility. Before the leave-behinds You can visit It’s a site where you can create amazing pamphlets and slides to give to people before
Discovery: Best Ways to Structure Your Discovery Calls and Improve the Outcomes | Mike Weinberg - 1411
22/02/2021 Duração: 29minWe already know that the discovery meeting is an important part of the sales process. In this episode, we’ll talk about the best ways to structure your discovery calls and improve outcomes. Structuring your Discovery Calls Salespeople accomplish more selling by how they structure and conduct the discovery meetings. You accomplish more by how you ask and how you pitch. Discovery precedes presentation. We first need to understand why we’re doing this. You need to get the customers comfortable with you. You have to build credibility so that the customers and potential clients are willing to talk to us. Salespeople are not “Yes-man” people. We need to level the playing field. We can’t go thinking that we’re winning the deals by scoring obedience points. It’s critical to understand the purpose of discovery. Salespeople have two missions: To produce the most value and the best outcome for the customers To give ourselves the best chance of winning the deal There’s this obedient salesperson in us th
Discovery: Powerful Questions to Ask During Your Discovery Meeting | Jeff Bounds - 1410
19/02/2021 Duração: 29minThis episode is sponsored by: Skipio - Get one month free on an Individual plan with code TSE, or, 2 free seats/licenses on Teams. Try Skipio at NetHunt - NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan. We’ve talked about the importance of the discovery meeting in the previous episode. This time, Jeff Bounds talks about the powerful questions to ask during your discovery meeting. The discovery meeting conversation The drama Glengarry Glen Ross and all the other movies impressed on many the importance of closing. People are buying closing books and closing materials because that’s how we have been preconditioned. People see the close because it's part of the exchange. It’s the part that you see below the tip of the iceberg. Without discovery meetings, salespeople are just seeing the clip and not the story. Jeff talked to hundreds, if not thousands, of salespeople and he
Discovery Meeting: Why Your Discovery Meeting is the Most Critical of All | Donald Kelly - 1409
17/02/2021 Duração: 14minIn today’s episode, Donald Kelly talks about the reasons why your discovery meeting is the most critical of all when it comes to sales. The challenging part of the sales process Many people make the mistake of taking discovery meetings for granted during the sales process. There are typically two sides of the sales process: the prospecting side and the closing side. The prospecting side is the hustle part that many salespeople don’t care for as much. The closing side is when the transaction is completed. Another critical part of the sales journey is the discovery meeting. Sometimes, salespeople assume things about their clients and prospects without checking in with them. They go to the presentation right away and do it beautifully, too. They are taken aback when the prospect doesn't close the deal with them. For Donald, the discovery part of your sales process is more important than the close. Without discovery, you won’t be able to close. You have prospects that do not fit your product and service
Diversity: How Can I Offer a Hand Up to Underrepresented Sellers?| Marchello Arcelay - 1408
15/02/2021 Duração: 29minThis episode is sponsored by: Skipio - Get one month free on an Individual plan with code TSE, or, 2 free seats/licenses on Teams. Try Skipio at NetHunt - NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan. Try NetHunt CRM today → Diversity is a result of numerous kinds of efforts, and we’re focusing today on underrepresented sellers. As a sales leader, how can you offer a hand up to underrepresented sellers? Marchello Arcelay is a waste stream analyst in Metro Atlanta and he works with small to medium sized companies to provide them with sustainable waste solutions. He helps small to medium sized restaurants or Fortune 500 companies who want to reduce their carbon footprint. He also has a show called Cocktails with Chello and he streams it live on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Helping new and underrepresented people You have to exercise caution whe
Diversity: [Round Table] Why You Should Consider Building a Diverse Sales Team | Anita Nielsen, Larry Long Jr, Dre Smith - 1407
12/02/2021 Duração: 35minThe conversation about building a diverse sales team is an important one, and in this episode, Donald Kelly hosts a roundtable discussion about why a diverse team should be built. The importance of a diverse team Without a diverse team, you are missing out on the insight that you need to work with the diverse buyers out there. There’s not just one type of buyer; there are diverse types of buyers especially in the technology space. A company with just one type of person misses out on the connection with so many different people. Driving for maximum outcomes means capturing the perspective of diverse buyers and relating to them. Without diversity in your organization, you are limiting the creativity, flexibility, and performance of the team. The same is true for sports managers who aren’t open to diverse talents, backgrounds, ethnicities, and more. Diversity allows everyone to learn from each other. Women, for example, are socialized differently. It’s necessary to have an open mindset and to believe tha
Diversity: Challenges Affecting Black Women in Sales | Cynthia Barnes - 1406
10/02/2021 Duração: 27minThere are many black women in sales and despite the challenges, they keep on moving forward to have success. Tune in as today’s guest, Cynthia Barnes, speaks of the challenges affecting black women in sales. Cynthia Barnes is the founder and CEO of the National Association of Women Sales Professionals. It’s a member-based organization of women who sell B2B services in a male-dominated industry such as SAAS (Software as a Service), tech, cloud, and others. The organization provides two things to its members: access to laser-focused companies on achieving parity for women in sales and training created by women for women to reach the top 1%. Women’s’ participation in sales Anytime there’s an underrepresented population, there will always be challenges that are specific to them and vice-versa. When women are working from home, they aren’t only employees. They are also mothers and wives. They juggle three or more different roles all at the same time. These women are doing a good job of making sure that they’r
Diversity: What Do Diversity and Inclusion Mean In Sales? | Stephen Hart, Sharon Manker - 1405
08/02/2021 Duração: 25minDiversity and inclusion are important in sales but what do these things mean exactly? In today’s episode, Stephen Hart and Sharon Manker are joining Donald in talking about what diversity and inclusion mean in sales. Diversity and inclusion in sales Diversity is being invited to the table and inclusion means having a seat at the table to participate in whatever opportunity there is. It’s not just about getting the seat at the table but it’s also about having the equity component. We need to break down the unconscious biases that we have. We need to employ true diversity, equity, and inclusion not only in the sales team but also in an organization as a whole. For the black men and women, what the media portrays of us doesn’t really represent who we are. Growing up, you may have developed a certain mindset towards people of color and that translates into the workplace. Naturally, you gravitate towards the things that you know and what you’ve been taught. There are biases that we were brought up with that
Diversity: Do Americans Have Racial Bias With Who They Buy From? | Kwame Christian - 1404
05/02/2021 Duração: 17minIn matters of diversity, salespeople can’t help but sometimes ask,’Do Americans have racial bias with who they buy from?’ Kwame Christian has both a law and business background. He understands the issue of whether Americans have a bias from who they buy from, and he is doing bias training to help companies understand the importance of knowing humans on a deep fundamental level. The existence of bias In truth, everybody has biases. It is a by-product of a naturally functioning brain. Bias doesn’t make you bad. It only becomes a problem if you are aware of your biases and you don’t do something about it. It’s important to raise awareness to help people make better decisions. Americans have biases with the way they buy. Salespeople need to determine what those biases are and create strategies to try to work around them. Biases cut both ways - there are positive biases and negative biases. You are more likely to know, like, and trust people who are like you and people who are represented frequently in th
Diversity: How Do We Remove the Barriers to Sales for People of Color? | DeJuan Brown - 1403
03/02/2021 Duração: 28minThe sales space is a huge industry but it needs more diversity. In this episode, DeJuan Brown talks about how we remove the barriers to sales for people of color. Studies show that 78.9% of salespeople in all industries are white, 11.2% are tan, and the remaining percentage is divided into various ethnicities. There is so much success in sales but there are barriers - both visible and not so visible to many. The barriers in sales Job descriptions can become a barrier, especially for black people. These are individuals who do not have much experience in a specific space. Some jobs need 7-10 years of experience before one can even get a nod for an interview. There’s also the perception that sellers don’t make money and that a career in sales is just a plan B, C, or D. In some communities, there’s still a stigma on salespeople. They’re the ones you shut your door to, they are the car dealers, the door-to-door insurance man, and other undesirable roles. Changing the mindset Sales leaders and professionals