Podcast Rodeo

The Lugnuts Podcast



Comments on The Lugnuts Podcast? 888-563-3228 Description A show about cars Website https://lugnutspodcast.com/ (https://lugnutspodcast.com/) Opinion Great audio quality and the intro had potentially a little TOO MUCH energy (very close to obnoxious DJ guy), just talk like yo normally talk with a tad bit more energy. You didn't really explain who your guest was or why you were excited to have him on the show. Your first two questions were about the guest (that nobody knows, or cares about) and you finally get to a car question later. i would open with a car question and late get into the guest's life before cars. Get A Full Review If you’d like a full review of your podcast, check out http://www.podcastreviewshow.com/ (Podcast Review Show) or if you need Podcast Consulting, http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/schedule (Book an Appointment Today) Get Your Podcast Reviewed Sign up at https://www.fiverr.com/podcastcoach/review-your-podcast-content?funnel=70d0aee2-2f12-4ddc-b523-d0ef612ef1a2 (Fiverr. com) Get a