Podcast Rodeo

Don't Fear the Feedback



Today I break the format and give a little behind the scenes of the Podcast Rodeo Show. Here is what we cover: The origins of the show Who is Dave Jackson? He's been helping people understand technology for decades 2018 Inductee into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame Tech Support Rep at Libsyn.com Author of the Book Profit From Your Podcast. What If Your Podcast Was A Restaurant? Don't you need feedback on your food before you start marketing your business? Your Mom Lied (also Mom may not listen to podcasts) I've been thanked for saying "constructive feedback." Please talk about my show like I'm not in the room We ALL Need Feedback The Podcast Rodeo Show Formula Introduce your show Introduce the episode Introduce whoever gets to speak Things We See That We Should Avoid Reading a Guests Bio "Tell me a little bit about yourself" Multiple people sharing one microphone Bad Audio Quality in General There Are More People Than Dave Listening Just because Dave isn't your target audience doesn't mean his audi