Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 10: Gotta Read 'Em All!



We wanna be the very best Like no podcast ever was To read manga is our real test To review them is our cause We will broadcast across the internet Downloaded far and wide Help people to understand The story that's inside Manga! (Gotta read 'em all), it's Colton and me I know it's our hobby (Manga!) Ooh, you're my co-host In a podcast we do bi-weekly Manga! (Gotta read 'em all), a backlog so huge Our library cards will pull us through You loan me, and I'll loan you M-an-ga! (Gotta read 'em all) Gotta read 'em all Manga! You know, I was also going to do a parody of the Pokerap, but somehow, I don't think Tezuka would approve of a rap number if he were alive to see this. Episode 10! We're finally in the double digits. If this podcast were a person, and episodes represented it's age, why, it'd be old enough to go on it's own Pokemon journey! Thank you guys for all your support and comments so far! It really means a lot to us! We've got plans for some fun topics to cover in the future and a few projects rela