Manga Mavericks

The History of Pokémon Adventures | PokéSpe Retrospective #01



Pokémon Adventures is perhaps the most famous and by far the best Pokémon manga ever made. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, LumRanmaYasha is once again joined by Annaliese (Ace) Christman, the official english letterer for the series for Viz Media, as well as the self-proclaimed Pokémon fanatic Jonathan (Vix) to discuss the series and its legacy. In the first part of our two-part retrospective, we reminisce about how we discovered the manga, and naturally, how we got into Pokémon in the first place. What results is the realization that Pokémon is more than just a franchise designed to make kids waste their money trying to collect everything associated to it, but rather a lifestyle, one that an entire generation has collectively grown up with. We’ve made friends, learned to read, and even gotten jobs thanks to Pokémon; it’s become an irreplaceable part of our lives. Thanks to Pokémon, every day along the way, we have been prepared. With every challenge, we have gained knowledge to be shared. And in our hea