Manga Mavericks

The Story of Pokémon Adventures | PokéSpe Retrospective #02



I want to be the best there ever was. To beat all the rest, yeah, that’s my cause. Unfortunately, just like Ash, I keep getting stuck in set back after set back, taking far too long to make any real progress. Until now! After spending three months in editing hell, the long-awaited second half of the Pokémon Adventures retrospective is finally here! In this special podcast I’m joined by Annaliese Christman, the official letterer of Pokémon Adventures for Viz Media, as well as fellow Pokémon fanatic Johnathan Lewis to discuss the entirety of the Pokémon Adventures manga from the beginning. That’s right, we talk about all fourteen arcs – you can see why this podcast ended up so long, right? Topics of discussion include the manga’s fidelity to the games, the missed opportunities of the FireRed & LeafGreen arc, difficulties in translating the manzai jokes in Diamond & Pearl, why Ruby is so fabulous, and tangents about all sorts of random things! All in all, we had a great conversation about what makes this