Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 38: Death Note



Even though the original manga ended over a decade ago, Death Note has never really died. It has remained ingrained in the zeitgeist, transcending the status of merely being a popular anime series to being a story even those outside the community would recognize. Hence why it’s getting a Netflix live-action film adaptation, the newest in a series of attempts to cash in on the franchise since it concluded. So Death Note is an evergreen series everyone still talks about, but does it actually hold up? Was it really as tightly written and thrilling as you remember? Do its themes of justice, good and evil hold any actual weight? That’s what the Mavericks intend to find out as they re-read the series for the first time in nearly a decade. VLordGTZ also joins us to give his impressions of the series as a first-time reader, to see if the story could still grab the attention of modern fans. Together they discuss the good and the bad, and why Death Note still captures the imagination of fans nearly fifteen years later.