Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #6: Netflix's Death Note



It’s been almost six months since we last released an episode of this podcast, but that doesn’t mean we stopped recording it! On the contrary, we’ve got a dozen episode backlog that I need to work through. It might be a while yet before some of those episodes come out, but we’re getting back on track by releasing the most recent episodes we recorded and working backwards. Which means starting with the episode we recorded last week. On this episode VLordGTZ and I are joined by Colton to follow-up on our Death Note discussion on Manga Mavericks by talking about Netflix’s recently released live-action film adaptation. We discuss why the movie fails to work as an adaptation and as a standalone story, what didn’t work about the characters, and just how stupid the whole mess was. At the end we answer some questions about the manga itself, including our favorite moments and the dumbest things Light and L ever did. Manga Mavericks @ Movies is back and better than ever! Oh yeah, in case you didn’t notice we’re cal