Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 42: Getting to Know Marlene First!



My long-awaited review of Astra Lost in Space volume one was really well-received! I want to thank everyone who commented on it, and especially Viz Media for retweeting it and following both the podcast and myself on Twitter! It’s a huge honor and it made me really happy as a longtime fan of theirs. I really put in a lot of time and love writing the Astra review to make sure I highlighted everything that makes it one of my all-time favorite series. You can bet that I’m not done talking about it yet. In fact, you’ll be able to hear me talking about it for a good two hours very soon! Speaking of Astra and Viz, we have a very special guest this week! Marlene First, editor of Astra Lost in Space alongside numerous other series, joins us for an incredibly informative interview about her career, what being a manga editor entails, her amazing life experiences, and of course, why she loves the works of Kenta Shinohara. We also recorded a lengthy retrospective about Astra Lost in Space itself, which was originally in