Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #13: Oscars 2018 Thoughts



LumRanmaYasha and VLordGTZ convene to give their predictions on this year's Oscars!... ...Say what? You're telling me that the awards are already over? We already found out what won everything? Darn it! Yeah, we meant to get this podcast out before the Oscars, but some mishaps prevented us from getting it edited in time. Even so, we think it'll still be fun to hear what we wanted to win and thought would win, and see if any of our predictions actually happened. We also devoted a lot of time to some often overlooked awards, particularly the short film categories. So join us to celebrate some of the best movies of 2017 as we discuss the nominations for the 90th Academy Awards! Enjoy the show, and follow us on twitter at @manga_mavericks, on tumblr at, and subscribe to us on Youtube. You can follow the hosts on twitter at @LumRanmaYasha and @VLordGTZ. If there’s something you want to ask that’s too big to tweet, drop us a line in the comments below, or e-mail us at mangamavericks@g