Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 43: Astra Lost in Space



Our Kenta Shinohara Month ended up ballooning to a quarter-year! Sorry about the delay on this episode folks. Life stuff happened, which is pretty usual. Also, my (LumRanmaYasha)'s audio got messed up and had to be completely re-recorded, which was very unusual. But all these setbacks couldn't stop this podcast from coming out! We kept the mantra of Astra's world - Per Aspera Ad Aspera: "Through hardships through the stars" - in our minds and hearts. And like the Astra crew, we overcame all the hurdles in our way and became better and stronger people for it! Continuing off from last month's interview, we're joined once again by Marlene First, editor of Astra Lost in Space for Viz Media! We discuss all the reasons why Astra captured our hearts, from its lovably nuanced characters to its intriguing sci-fi concepts. We also answer some Q&As from Reddit listeners, addressing changes made to the Viz editions of the graphic novels and clearing some misconceptions about why it ended. So join us as we journey t